Business Small Talk | 1 LESSON 1 Small Talk Basics

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Transcript of Business Small Talk | 1 LESSON 1 Small Talk Basics


Small Talk Basics

Learning Objectives



After this lesson, you will be able to…

understand what small talk is. understand the basic rules in small talk.

1 Warm Up Activity Discuss the following questions with your instructor.

2 Starting a Conversation A good way to start a conversation is to make a comment on an observation. The following are some comments you can start small talk with. Add some of your own conversation starters to the list!

Business Small Talk |

1. How would you start a conversation with a person you met for the first time?

2. Why do people make small talk? 3. What are some interesting topics for small


① Nice weather today, right?

② Sorry about the delay. Have you been

waiting long?

③ There’s quite a lot of traffic. What kind of

transportation did you take?

④ Are you looking forward to the weekend?





3 Responding to a conversation starter is very important in keeping the conversation going. Practice the conversation with your instructor.

Mr. Reeve

Ms. Hull

It’s Friday. Are you going to join the party later?

Mr. Che It seems like it’s going to rain, doesn’t it?

Key Conversation

Mr. Bae I agree. Her voice was loud and clear. I wish I had her confidence.

That was an impressive presentation by Janice, don’t you think?

Ms. Le

I am. I heard we are going to the new restaurant down the block.

Mr. Son Yeah, it does. Did you bring an umbrella?

4 Useful Expressions In order to keep the conversation going, sometimes you need to change the topic. Below are expressions you can use to change the topic more smoothly. Use them to complete the sentences.

① ________, I’ve been invited to your team’s dinner.

② ________. I had the same experience during my business trip to England.

③ ________museums, have you been to the Louvre?

④ ________, have you met Mr. Smith?

· That reminds me · Speaking of · Funny you should mention that · By the way


Ending a Conversation Below are some examples that can be used when you want to politely end the conversation.

It’s been great talking to you, but it’s time for me to go. I think it’s time to head back into the meeting. Let’s continue this conversation next time. Why don’t we talk about this some more after the meeting? I’m glad we had a chance to talk. Let’s catch up next time!

Wrapping Up

Share two things you learned from this lesson and review.


5 Share Your Thoughts

① Keep the conversation positive. Avoid talking about negative topics. ② Try to remember names and address the person by calling his/her name. ③ Don’t talk about random topics that may not be common knowledge. ④ Don’t shower the other person with a string of questions. Let small talk happen naturally. ⑤ Listen to what the other person is saying. Always listen after you have asked a question.

Share your thoughts on the following basic rules for small talk.

2. __________________________________________

1. __________________________________________


Small Talk Timing

Learning Objectives



After this lesson, you will be able to…

understand when to small talk. make appropriate conversations in different


1 Warm Up Activity Discuss the following questions with your instructor.

2 Making Introductions Small talk may be needed when you are surrounded by strangers, and you want to approach somebody and introduce yourself. Look at some ways you can do this. How would you introduce yourself?

Business Small Talk |

1. When was the last time you made small talk?

2. What do you do while you are waiting for someone/something? 3. What are some important small talk


① Hi, I’m Mark. What brings you here today?

② Hello, I’m Jane from South Korea. Where are

you from?

③ I haven’t seen you around here before. What’s

your name?

④ Is this your first time attending this event?




3 Small talk is useful when you want to avoid awkward silences and kill time during waiting time. Practice the conversation with your instructor.

Mr. Ray Mr. Jones is still on the phone with a client. How was your flight?

Mr. Murray Ms. Park is running a little late. Traffic is so bad at this time of day, isn’t it?

Key Conversation

Mr. Finch No, I haven’t. I ate a big breakfast. I’ll probably grab a bite after this.

The meeting has been delayed a little. Have you eaten lunch yet?

Ms. Lay

Ms. Hughes It was great . There weren’t any problems, and I enjoyed the food.

Ms. Lee You bet. I use public transportation to save time.

4 Useful Expressions Match the comments with the appropriate questions below that can be used to continue a conversation . Then make your own questions.

① I just came back from France last week.

② I’m a mechanical engineer.

③ I have one daughter.

④ I’m not feeling well today.

· Where are you going? · Speaking of · What’s it about? · By the way

a. Oh no. What’s wrong? b. Did you enjoy the trip? c. How old is she? d. How did you get into that line of work?




Situational Small Talk

The following are situations that may need small talk.

You are waiting for the elevator with a new client. You are at a conference with no one you know. You see somebody standing alone by the coffee bar.

You visit an overseas branch of the company and you want to be friendly with the local employees. You are waiting for the meeting to start and you want to make a conversation with the person sitting next to you.

Wrapping Up

Share two things you learned from this lesson and review.


5 Share Your Thoughts

① How much do you make in that job?

② That is an interesting line of work, how did you get into it?

③ Do you have any brothers or sisters? ④ Did you gain weight? ⑤ Who are you voting for in the election?

Which of the following are appropriate and inappropriate questions to ask? Why?

2. __________________________________________

1. __________________________________________



Learning Objectives



After this lesson, you will be able to…

ask and answer questions about the weather. talk about different weather conditions in other


1 Warm Up Activity Discuss the following questions with your instructor.

2 Key Patterns Look at the key patterns and make your own sentences using them.

Business Small Talk |

1. How would you describe the climate in your country?

2. What’s your favorite kind of weather? 3. Why is it important to know future weather conditions in advance?

① What do you think about the ______? weather temperature city _________________________________________

② The forecast is calling for _______.

rain today high temperature this week strong winds tonight _________________________________________

③ It’s quite cold for ____________.

an outdoor event most Vietnamese people a walk _________________________________________


3 Read the conversation and answer some questions from your instructor.

Mr. Park Hello, Mr. Le. I am David Park. Nice to meet you. Have you been waiting long?

Mr. Le

Mr. Park

“What’s the forecast?”

Mr. Le

I forgot to bring an umbrella. I am glad this place is near my hotel. I should take it to the other meeting.

Mr. Le You bet! Our iced coffee is really popular. However, we might need to drink something hot for this weather.

Key Conversation

I agree. The clouds look ominous. The forecast is calling for rain today.

That’s a good idea. Better safe than sorry. For now, why don’t we order some hot coffee and proceed with our discussion?

4 Useful Expressions Complete the sentences with the appropriate words and expressions.

① Spring and autumn are becoming shorter due to _______________.

② The late-September ___________ was called for by experts in the United States.

③ What are your main concerns as a person living in a country with a ___________?

④ We do not experience ________ in July and August because those months are usually the typhoon season.

· heat wave · tropical climate · dog days · global warming

Mr. Le Nice to meet you, too, Mr. Park. Not at all. I just arrived a few minutes ago.

Glad to hear that. It looks like it is going to rain cats and dogs. What’s the forecast?

Mr. Park

Sure. What do you recommend? I heard that Vietnamese coffee is delicious.

Mr. Park

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Situational Expressions

Below are some examples that can be used in the following situations.

Explaining your country’s climate In Seoul, we have a very humid climate in summer. Blizzards are most common in the upper Midwest and the Great Plains. In general, we have warm summers and cool winters. There is a significant amount of rainfall in our country throughout the year.

Asking about seasonal activities How do people cope with such a hot day? What do you do when it’s cold like today? Isn’t this weather perfect for golfing? Would it be too cold to walk around the area in winter?

Wrapping Up

2. __________________________________________

1. __________________________________________

Share two things you learned from this lesson and review.

5 Share Your Thoughts

Where do you get your weather information?

What things do you bring when going to a country with a different climate than yours?

Have you ever been caught in bad weather while on an overseas business trip?

Where is the hottest/coldest place you have ever

been to?

Discuss the following questions.



The Day

Learning Objectives



After this lesson, you will be able to…

ask and answer questions about somebody’s day. talk about different activities done in a day.

1 Warm Up Activity Discuss the following questions with your instructor.

2 Key Patterns Look at the key patterns and make your own sentences using them.

Business Small Talk |

1. How would you describe your typical day?

2. What’s your favorite weekend activity? 3. Which is the busiest day of the week for you?

① How was your ______? day meeting presentation _________________________________________

② I understand _______.

that you have a very busy schedule your frustration where you are coming from _________________________________________

③ I would love to ____________.

visit the museum watch a football game with you go to a concert _________________________________________


3 Read the conversation and answer some questions from your instructor.

Mr. Park Hello, Mr. Smith. Thank you for waiting. My last meeting was extended for a few minutes due to some questions.

Mr. Smith

“How was your day?”

Mr. Park

Key Conversation

It was great. I attended two meetings, and I’m glad I finished my presentation for next Friday. Were you able to answer all the questions they asked during the meeting?

4 Useful Expressions Complete the sentences with the appropriate words and expressions.

① I always __________ early on nights before important presentations.

② It would be better to _________ with friends or co-workers on Friday nights.

③ I won’t join you for lunch. I am _________ in writing my report and I don’t want to lose momentum.

④ My co-worker invited me to play screen golf. I ___________, and I enjoyed it.

· on a roll · hit the sack · hang out · give it a whirl

Mr. Smith No problem. I understand that you only have a few days here to attend all your meetings.

I really appreciate it. I know that you have a tight schedule as well. How was your day?

Mr. Park

I would love to drink some beer. Do you know any place that serves European beer?

Mr. Park

Yes, I was. They just had to double-check something since that was our last meeting for this business trip.

That’s good to know. It’s better to clarify some things while you’re here. Would you like to grab some drinks after our dinner meeting?

Mr. Smith

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Situational Expressions

Below are some examples that can be used in the following situations.

Talking about how your day went I woke up early because I needed to prepare for my business trip. My friends and I were caught in a traffic jam downtown. The seminar I attended today was packed with useful information. We had a blast climbing the mountain.

Asking about daily activities What time are you going to hit the books? What do you do on your day off? Would you like to go to an art gallery tonight? Where do you get the best coffee in this area?

Wrapping Up

2. __________________________________________

1. __________________________________________

Share two things you learned from this lesson and review.

5 Share Your Thoughts

What are some other daily activities that you do?

Why is it important to change your routine from time to time?

How do you deal with sudden changes in your

daily schedule? How do you spend your “me” time?

Discuss the following questions.




Learning Objectives



After this lesson, you will be able to…

ask and answer questions about traveling. talk about travel essentials, itinerary, and transport.

1 Warm Up Activity Discuss the following questions with your instructor.

2 Key Patterns Look at the key patterns and make your own sentences using them.

Business Small Talk |

1. How often do you travel?

2. What was the purpose of your last travel? 3. Where is your dream destination?

① How long does it take to ______? get to the airport reach the last station finish the tour _________________________________________

② I spent all day __________.

mountain climbing kayaking sitting on the tour bus _________________________________________

③ Tell me more about ____________.

Jeju Island the Louvre Museum the Egyptian pyramids _________________________________________


3 Read the conversation and answer some questions from your instructor.

Mr. Jones Hello, Mr. Davis. How was your trip to Prague? Did you have a good time?

Mr. Davis

Mr. Jones

“It gave me an itchy feet.”

It was successful. I was able to close the deal with the new client. Moreover, the management also gave a free day to look around the city.

Mr. Davis Congratulations! I bet we are going to be busy soon. Talking about our trips gave me an itchy feet.

Key Conversation

No, I didn’t. I joined a private walking tour. It was a bit tiring, but I was glad to meet new people. How about you? How was your business trip to Thailand?

4 Useful Expressions Complete the sentences with the appropriate words and expressions.

① Before they book the flight, I asked them to get the _______________.

② Everyone in the office are excited to know who was chosen for the ____________ this year.

③ There are several ___________ hotels in England that you can choose from.

④ The _____________ bus terminal was in front of our hotel.

· point-to-point · incentive tour · B & B · window seat

Mr. Davis Nice to see you, Mr. Jones! I really enjoyed my trip. The view of the city was an eyeful. I loved their architecture.

I must agree. Every building is unique. You can see castles and old bridges around the city. Did you make your own itinerary?

Mr. Jones

Certainly. However, you may want to postpone your travel plans since this new project will last for six months.

Mr. Jones

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Situational Expressions

Below are some examples that can be used in the following situations.

Talking about essentials and itinerary Packing cubes can help you be more organized. Do not forget to put your passport holder in your carry-on bag. I booked a city bus tour in New York. I will visit a museum after my meeting with the new investors.

Asking about modes of transport How much would it cost to go there by taxi? When will the next train arrive? What time should I go to the boarding gate? Would it be better to ride the bus or the train?

Wrapping Up

2. __________________________________________

1. __________________________________________

Share two things you learned from this lesson and review.

5 Share Your Thoughts

How do you prepare for a trip?

What things do you consider when choosing a country to visit?

How much luggage do you carry? Which do you find more difficult: preparing for a

business trip or a vacation?

Discuss the following questions.



Culture 1: Movies

Learning Objectives



After this lesson, you will be able to…

ask and answer questions about movies. talk about the movie plot and different genres.

1 Warm Up Activity Discuss the following questions with your instructor.

2 Key Patterns Look at the key patterns and make your own sentences using them.

Business Small Talk |

1. What is your favorite movie?

2. How often do you watch movies? 3. How much does it cost to watch a movie in your country?

① I have to say – ________________. I was disappointed with the ending We didn’t expect it to be a hit The people were surprised with the cameo appearance _________________________________________

② I can’t wait for _______________.

the sequel the release date the block screening _________________________________________

③ How do you feel about __________?

his acting the rumors of a possible reboot the conflict between the two actors _________________________________________


3 Read the conversation and answer some questions from your instructor.

Mr. Miller Hello, Mr. Price! Are you on your coffee break?

Mr. Price

Mr. Miller

“Did it live up to the hype?”

Mr. Price

Did it live up to the hype? The promotion was really intense for this one since it was based from a book.

Mr. Price No problem! I have to go now. See you in the meeting with the trading department later.

Key Conversation

Yes, I did. I watched the new superhero movie during the last full show because the earlier schedules were full.

It was awesome. I was glad to watch it during the first week. People tend to spoil them, so don’t read the reviews yet.

4 Useful Expressions Complete the sentences with the appropriate words and expressions.

① There has been a lot of ________ about the new sci-fi movie since the trailer got out.

② Most people are looking forward to the sequels of ____________ movies.

③ Some artists get tired of the __________, so they choose to quit the entertainment industry.

④ I found __________movies emotional but interesting.

· limelight · blockbuster · hype · true-to-life

Mr. Price Good afternoon, Mr. Miller! I just need something to wake me up. I have to work overtime.

You’re usually energetic. Did you sleep late last night?

Mr. Miller

I agree. I would probably watch it this weekend. Thank you for the heads-up.

Mr. Miller

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Situational Expressions

Below are some examples that can be used in the following situations.

Asking about the movie plot When is the movie set? Where is the movie’s location? Who played the main characters? How did the movie end?

Talking about different movie genres Some horror movies lack jump scares. In my opinion, some of the best science fiction movies are the ones adapted from books. I am interested in watching documentaries about wildlife. Superhero movies are popular among different age groups.

Wrapping Up

2. __________________________________________

1. __________________________________________

Share two things you learned from this lesson and review.

5 Share Your Thoughts

What movie genre do you enjoy watching?

What is your opinion about movies based on books? Have you ever been invited to a block screening? Do you prefer watching movies at home or in

movie theaters? Why?

Discuss the following questions.



Culture 2: Music

Learning Objectives



After this lesson, you will be able to…

ask and answer questions about music. talk about music across cultures and different


1 Warm Up Activity Discuss the following questions with your instructor.

2 Key Patterns Look at the key patterns and make your own sentences using them.

Business Small Talk |

1. What kind of music do you listen to?

2. When was the last time you attended a concert? 3. Do you enjoy Karaoke?

① Have you listened to ______? K-pop a mariachi band Chopin’s waltzes _________________________________________

② Are you still into _______ these days?

country music playing the piano J-rock _________________________________________

③ I’ve never ___________ before.

heard of that band tried watching their music video been to a classical concert _________________________________________


3 Read the conversation and answer some questions from your instructor.

Mr. Kim Hello, Mr. Smith! Good afternoon! How are you today?

Mr. Smith

Mr. Kim

“Let’s rock and roll!”

Mr. Smith

I used to listen to classical music as a kid. My mom said that it would help with my concentration.

Mr. Jones

I am expecting that. It is quite popular even outside South Korea.

Key Conversation

Yes, I do. I used to play the guitar in high school. I enjoy listening to pop and rock music. How about you?

I heard about that. Many experts are still trying to test the relationship between classical music and studying.

4 Useful Expressions Complete the sentences with the appropriate words and expressions.

① The manager keeps on scolding the newbie. She sounds ______________.

② Hearing that I passed the certification exam is ____________.

③ I wish they would play other songs in their shop besides this ______________.

④ Instead of preparing for the meeting, he decided to ____________.

· play it by ear · like a broken record · elevator music · music to my ears

Mr. Smith Hello, Mr. Kim! I feel great. I am excited for the party later. I heard we are going to Karaoke.

That’s right. We call them “noraebang” here. Do you enjoy singing? What kind of music do you listen to?

Mr. Kim

I enjoyed it though. Have you listened to K-pop? You’re going to hear it a lot later.

Mr. Kim

The meeting is about to start. Is everyone here?

Mr. Smith

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Situational Expressions

Below are some examples that can be used in the following situations.

Talking about music across cultures Many people believe that K-pop is taking over the world. In Mexico, you can hear mariachi music almost everywhere. Samba originated in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Country and rock music are the most popular music genres in the United States.

Questions mentioning different genres Who is your favorite British rock band? What music genre is popular in your country? Why is K-pop popular around the world? Would you like to go to a jazz concert?

Wrapping Up

2. __________________________________________

1. __________________________________________

Share two things you learned from this lesson and review.

5 Share Your Thoughts

Can you play any musical instruments?

Are you familiar with the Mozart effect? What are the other benefits of listening to music?

Do you listen to classical music? Who is your favorite composer?

Who is the most popular musician in your

country? …of your generation?

Discuss the following questions.




Learning Objectives



After this lesson, you will be able to…

ask and answer questions about food. talk about different restaurants, cuisines and

special dietary restrictions.

1 Warm Up Activity Discuss the following questions with your instructor.

2 Key Patterns Look at the key patterns and make your own sentences using them.

Business Small Talk |

1. How many meals do you eat in a day?

2. What’s your favorite traditional food? 3. How would you describe your country’s cuisine?

① Have you tried _____________? Mediterranean food tacos and burritos cooking international cuisine _________________________________________

② Its main ingredients are __________.

rice and seafood chicken and potatoes vegetables and meat _________________________________________

③ I’m sorry but I don’t eat_________.

lamb mushroom spicy food _________________________________________


3 Read the conversation and answer some questions from your instructor.

Mr. Lee That’s all for today’s presentation. Please send me all your feedback by e-mail. Thank you!

Mr. Clark

Mr. Lee

“What do you recommend?”

Mr. Clark

Maybe we can go to an all-you-can-eat buffet two blocks from here. They serve international cuisines.

Mr. Clark Wow! That would be helpful. I don’t want to get sick on this business trip. I still need to attend several meetings.

Key Conversation

I am also starving. I want to try a variety of dishes. What do you recommend?

That sounds great. We also don’t need to wait for a long time. Do they give allergy information on their menu?

4 Useful Expressions Complete the sentences with the appropriate words and expressions.

① Eating a snack a few minutes before a main meal will ________________.

② It is difficult to be a ____________ when traveling abroad.

③ Don’t _____________. You might suffer from indigestion later. ④ I will _____________ for dinner today since you paid for lunch last time.

· bolt your food · foot the bill · spoil your appetite · fussy eater

Mr. Clark That was great Mr. Lee! I will surely relay everything you’ve mentioned to the headquarters when I get back.

Glad to hear that. I put a lot of effort in this report. Now, we can celebrate.

Mr. Lee

Sure. I’ve seen information regarding the use of dairy, nuts, seafood and others beside the names of the dishes.

Mr. Lee

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Situational Expressions

Below are some examples that can be used in the following situations.

Asking about different restaurants and cuisines What exotic food have you tried? What is the most popular restaurant in your town? Which cuisine interests you the most? Can you recommend a family restaurant near our hotel?

Talking about special dietary restrictions It’s good that they included allergy information on their menu. I am counting calories, so I cannot eat this much. Do you serve halal food? I asked them to change the cow’s milk to soy milk since I am lactose intolerant.

Wrapping Up

2. __________________________________________

1. __________________________________________

Share two things you learned from this lesson and review.

5 Share Your Thoughts

What international food do you enjoy?

Do you have any allergies? What is your opinion on becoming vegetarian or

going vegan? Which fast food restaurant do you often visit?

Discuss the following questions.




Learning Objectives



After this lesson, you will be able to…

ask and answer questions about family. talk about family lifestyles and activities done


1 Warm Up Activity Discuss the following questions with your instructor.

2 Key Patterns Look at the key patterns and make your own sentences using them.

Business Small Talk |

1. How many people are there in your family?

2. Do you live in a nuclear family or an extended family? 3. How would you describe a typical family in your country?

① Most days, I _______ with my _______. watch TV ... wife ride a bicycle ... children play the piano … son _________________________________________

② People are saying that ___________.

I resemble my mother we have a unique family I am lucky with my children _________________________________________

③ The last I heard; you were _________.

in the U.S. with your family on a cruise with your wife in Australia to visit your son _________________________________________


3 Read the conversation and answer some questions from your instructor.

Mr. He Are you excited to visit Vietnam? It will be your first time there, right?

Mr. Park

Mr. He

“How many children do you have?”

Mr. Park

They’re pretty young. I am sure you will miss them even if it is only for one week.

Mr. Park

Yes, I will. Let’s drop by the duty-free shop to see what I can get them.

Key Conversation

I have two sons. My eldest is 7 years old and my youngest is 3.

That’s true! My youngest son just learned a lot of new words. On the other hand, my eldest son asked me to teach him how to ride a bike.

4 Useful Expressions Complete the sentences with the appropriate words and expressions.

① My sister and I play badminton like my father, so I think passion for sports _______________.

② I found old photographs at home , and people were right when they say that I am the __________ of my mother.

③ My co-worker is __________ , so she needs to go on maternity leave soon.

④ I wish I ______________ my father when it comes to musical talent.

· took after · spitting image · heavily pregnant · runs in the family

Mr. Park You bet! I really want to see the tourist spots after our meetings. However, I am a bit sad to be away from my family.

I understand what you mean. How many children do you have?

Mr. He

I am sure they will miss you as well. You can buy them some souvenirs from Vietnam.

Mr. He

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Situational Expressions

Below are some examples that can be used in the following situations.

Talking about your family members My grandparents were not as strict as my parents. My father grew up in the countryside, but moved to the city when he was a college student. My sister and her family live in Canada. My mother was an only child.

Asking about family activities How do you spend your weekend with your family? Do you go on family vacations during summer or winter? How often do you visit your grandparents? What do you usually do together with your siblings when you were young?

Wrapping Up

2. __________________________________________

1. __________________________________________

Share two things you learned from this lesson and review.

5 Share Your Thoughts

What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a small family? …a big family?

What values do you teach your children?

Who should take care of old people? What are the differences between western and

eastern families?

Discuss the following questions.




Learning Objectives



After this lesson, you will be able to…

ask and answer questions about work. talk about work etiquette in different cultures and

team building.

1 Warm Up Activity Discuss the following questions with your instructor.

2 Key Patterns Look at the key patterns and make your own sentences using them.

Business Small Talk |

1. What is your ideal work environment?

2. How important is it to get along with your coworkers? 3. What topics do you usually talk about at work?

① Have you had a chance to _________? go on a business trip abroad lead a team project present in front of a lot people _________________________________________

② I dropped by to see ___________.

the progress of your report if you’ve set up the board room what all the fuss was about _________________________________________

③ What’s your opinion on ___________?

the ‘Right to Disconnect Law’ in France the new HR policies working overtime and on weekends



3 Read the conversation and answer some questions from your instructor.

Mr. Park So, what can you say about your first meeting here in Seoul?

Mr. Hill

Mr. Park

“Intercultural communication is necessary.”

Mr. Hill

That’s right. Did you notice how they are a bit indirect unlike Americans?

Mr. Hill Intercultural communication is necessary to achieve success in business and relationships.

Key Conversation

The U.S. has a low-context culture while South Korea has a high-context culture. Is that right?

I noticed that. We tend to be direct and confrontational, but you guys are not. Gestures, voice tone, and facial expressions are also significant.

4 Useful Expressions Complete the sentences with the appropriate words and expressions.

① We are starting this year on a positive note since our business is _______________.

② If we want to stay ____________, we must continue to boost are marketing strategy.

③ Ms. Clarence is a ____________, and that’s her edge over the other candidates for the position.

④ The competition is ____________ since all the players plan to go on sale next month.

· ahead of the pack · cut-throat · people person · in the black

Mr. Hill I was a little nervous. Glad you are on this business trip with me. It makes things a lot smoother.

That’s good to hear. I am glad to help you out in understanding the South Korean business culture.

Mr. Park

Absolutely! It took me some time to adjust as well when I moved to the U.S. headquarters a few years ago.

Mr. Park

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Situational Expressions

Below are some examples that can be used in the following situations.

Explaining your country’s work etiquette In the U.S., you are expected to get straight to the point because time is money. You should present your business card with both hands in Singapore. Your small talk know-how will come in handy in India since it is common before a meeting. Japan and some other countries located in Asia are members of high-context cultures.

Asking about team building How often do you have team meetings? What kind of trainings does your company provide? Would you like to suggest some team building activities? Does your manager involve employees in decision making?

Wrapping Up

2. __________________________________________

1. __________________________________________

Share two things you learned from this lesson and review.

5 Share Your Thoughts

Do you have foreign co-workers? How do you deal with them?

What changes or additions would you like to see in your company manual/policies?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of your current position? How are you going to deal with a conflict at work?

Discuss the following questions.




Learning Objectives



After this lesson, you will be able to…

ask and answer questions about hobbies. talk about popular hobbies and their benefits.

1 Warm Up Activity Discuss the following questions with your instructor.

2 Key Patterns Look at the key patterns and make your own sentences using them.

Business Small Talk |

1. Which hobbies are the most popular in your country?

2. How long have you had your hobby for? 3. Do you have a hobby that you enjoy with your family or friends?

① I never knew you were into _________. painting portraits playing the piano reading sports magazines _________________________________________

② I am learning how to _________.

knit sweaters and scarves bake cookies play golf for my clients _________________________________________

③ Have long have you been _________?

listening to jazz music reading classical novels fishing as a hobby _________________________________________


3 Read the conversation and answer some questions from your instructor.

“Do you have any tips?”

Mr. Park That will be fun. I really appreciate it. I really need to polish my golf swing, so I am looking forward to playing with you.

Mr. Hill That’s awesome! I hope we have more time to enjoy our hobbies.

Mr. Park You surprised me, Mr. Hill! I didn’t know you were such a good golf player. Is playing golf one of your hobbies?

Key Conversation

Mr. Hill Don’t worry. You just have to practice more and focus. Do you have any other hobbies aside from playing soccer?

4 Useful Expressions Complete the sentences with the appropriate words and expressions.

① The members of our team are looking forward to our trip to the beach. We are ready to _________.

② I was a part of the basketball club when I was 10 and used to ___________ on the weekend.

③ Mr. Smith and I _________ talking about football and baseball last night. I didn’t know we have the same interests.

④ I also enjoy watching movies. Do you want to _________ tomorrow?

Mr. Hill Practice really helps. You can join me on my games when we get back to the U.S.

· had a ball · shoot some hoops · catch a flick · catch some rays

Mr. Hill Thank you! I did not have any choice at first. I enjoyed playing baseball when I was younger, but playing golf helps in business. I play twice a month now.

Sounds great. I enjoy playing soccer, but I had to learn how to play golf a few years back. Do you have any tips?

Mr. Park

You might be surprised, but I really enjoy cooking. I am an only son, so I learned a lot from my mom. It helped me be more patient, too.

Mr. Park

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Situational Expressions

Below are some examples that can be used in the following situations.

Talking about popular hobbies Playing golf can be useful when dealing with clients with the same interest. She has an extensive vocabulary because she reads a lot. Cooking can teach people patience and creativity. I’ve met new friends since I started going to the lake for fishing.

Explaining why hobbies are important Engaging yourself in different activities increases your self-confidence. Hobbies help to relieve stress after a long week at work. I believe that hobbies challenges people. People with hobbies have specialized knowledge that they can share with others.

Wrapping Up

2. __________________________________________

1. __________________________________________

Share two things you learned from this lesson and review.

5 Share Your Thoughts

Which popular hobbies in other countries do you find interesting?

Do you like solo hobbies, or do you prefer to do group activities? Why?

What would you do if you have more free time? How does environment affect hobbies?

Discuss the following questions.




Learning Objectives



After this lesson, you will be able to…

ask and answer questions about holidays. talk about different holidays around the world and

holiday traditions.

1 Warm Up Activity Discuss the following questions with your instructor.

2 Key Patterns Look at the key patterns and make your own sentences using them.

Business Small Talk |

1. What are the most important holidays in your country?

2. How do you celebrate these holidays? 3. Are there any special food or clothing associated with these holidays?

① In_______, people _________. Norway ... hide their brooms on Christmas eve Ukraine … use spider webs to decorate their Christmas trees England … enjoy the midday feast on Christmas Day _________________________________________

② Would you like to learn ____________?

how to stuff turkey for Thanksgiving the history of Santa Claus more about Lunar New Year traditions _________________________________________

③ This is a great time to ___________.

relax and spend time with our families showcase your cooking skills learn other country’s holiday traditions _________________________________________


3 Read the conversation and answer some questions from your instructor.

Mr. Evans Thank you for your time. I am sure you are quite busy given that the holiday season is just around the corner.

Mr. Clark

Mr. Evans

“Are you going home for the holidays?”

Mr. Clark

Unfortunately, I have to spend the holidays alone. My parents will visit my sister in England. It would be their first time to see my nephew.

Mr. Clark That’s great. I heard there will be great performances. You can call your family earlier since London is five hours ahead.

Key Conversation

Yes, I will take this opportunity to take a rest and spend time with my family. How about you?

You can probably think of something after we finish fixing the problems in the factory.

4 Useful Expressions Complete the sentences with the appropriate words and expressions.

① _______________, my family and I spend Christmas in the countryside.

② Most people go to Times Square on New Year’s Eve to ______________.

③Everyone is excited to come home for Thanksgiving because they will __________.

④ New Year’s Day reminds everyone to set new goals and ______________.

· be stuffed · have a whale of a time · year in, year out · turn over a new leaf

Mr. Clark You’re welcome. We have to address everything before the holidays. It would be more difficult if the problems occur during the winter vacation.

I agree. Are you going home for the holidays? We have a week of vacation.

Mr. Evans

Sure. I’ll just go to Times Square on New Year’s Eve since some of my friends will go there, too.

Mr. Evans

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Situational Expressions

Below are some examples that can be used in the following situations.

Explaining holiday traditions In Thailand, young people throw water at each other for fun during Songkran. Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fitr at the end of Ramadan, the holy month of fasting. Many countries celebrate Labor Day to honor the contributions of workers. On Chuseok, South Korean families gather to pay respect to the spirits of their ancestors.

Asking about holiday activities What do you usually do on Christmas Eve? What food do you prepare on Thanksgiving? How do Americans celebrate the fourth of July? Which countries celebrate the Lunar New Year?

Wrapping Up

2. __________________________________________

1. __________________________________________

Share two things you learned from this lesson and review.

5 Share Your Thoughts

Have you ever celebrated a holiday in another country?

Which foreign holiday do you find fascinating? Why? Do you think your country has enough holidays? What was your favorite holiday as a child?

Discuss the following questions.




Learning Objectives



After this lesson, you will be able to…

ask and answer questions about technology. talk about technologies and recent technology

trends, such as foldable phones, AI, and hybrid cars.

1 Warm Up Activity Discuss the following questions with your instructor.

2 Key Patterns Look at the key patterns and make your own sentences using them.

Business Small Talk |

1. What is your favorite technology device (smartphone, smart TV, etc), and why?

2. What do you think of foldable phones? Robot vacuums? Electric cars? 3. Do you prefer Apple or Android phones, and why?

① If you have ____, take a look at the new

LG rollable TVs. a moment a little time to spare an interest in that product _________________________________________

② AR is the best thing since______.

sliced bread the invention of the Internet my first car ________________________________________

③ I would love to see you ___________.

this weekend so we can check out the new VR gaming shop with your family and kids to watch 4DX movies at CGV buy that new plug-in hybrid SUV _________________________________________


3 Read the conversation and answer some questions from your instructor.

Mr. Kim Hey, I am thinking of buying that latest gadget from Samsung, the Flip phone.

Mr. Chung

Mr. Kim

“Are you going to buy that foldable Samsung phone?”

Mr. Chung

Yup. I have been reading about it online for months. I wanted to get the Samsung Fold, but the screen is too big for me. The Flip’s screen is smaller.

Mr. Kim I know. But as long as you know newer and better models will always come out, you should be okay.

Key Conversation

Well, as long as you know the risks, that is okay. The phone does look really good.

Samsung makes great products. But for me, I am waiting for the second generation Samsung Flip.

4 Useful Expressions Complete the sentences with the appropriate words and expressions.

① The Fold is the ________ foldable phone made by Samsung. It is not the second generation.

② There are many ________ that are made by technology companies that never gets mass produced to the consumer.

③ The Toyota Prius is so _______. I think the Hyundai Ioniq has better modern styling.

④ I love gadgets. I need to have ________ products.

· passé ·the latest and greatest · prototypes ·first generation

Mr. Chung

Are you serious? It is so expensive and it may break very easily, like the first generation Samsung Fold phone.

I know, but I am such a gadget nut. I need to have it.

Mr. Kim

It is good to wait as well. I heard that Apple is making a foldable phone too. But if I wait, I will never buy at new gadget.

Mr. Kim

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Situational Expressions

Below are some examples that can be used in the following situations.

Explaining technology uses in the modern society There are many technology products to help us at the office, school, home, and when travelling. Some products are indispensable, such as our smartphone, and some may not be needed at all, such as our dishwashing machines Some products work very well, such as our SmartTVs, but others do not, such as new generation products or products with poor design

Asking about technology in your world What technology products do you or your family use in the kitchen? What are the devices you use at the office? When travelling, what technologies do you use? What countries do you think are technologically advanced?

Wrapping Up

2. __________________________________________

1. __________________________________________

Share two things you learned from this lesson and review.

5 Share Your Thoughts

Do you think that AI (Artificial Intelligence) is the next great technology trend? Why or why not?

Some people think technology is bad for society. What do you think?

Are you addicted to your smartphone? Why or

why not? What was your favorite technology product when

you were a child?

Discuss the following questions.



Immediate Observations

Learning Objectives



After this lesson, you will be able to…

ask and answer questions about immediate observations.

talk about what you see now, at any place.

1 Warm Up Activity Discuss the following questions or activity with your instructor.

2 Key Patterns Look at the key patterns and make your own sentences using them.

Business Small Talk |

1. What do you see right now? Give a description of the place and people.

2. You are at your office or work. Describe your work area.

3. You are at home. Describe your living


① I see the new Hyundai GV80 SUV. It is so

____ and ______. modern….elegant expensive…fancy big…roomy _________________________________________

② Looking at my office, it is so ______.

disorganized old and gloomy outdated in design ________________________________________

③ The weather today is ______.

very warm and sunny cold and damp windy and dusty _________________________________________


3 Read the conversation and answer some questions from your instructor.

James Wow, this office looks so modern and has a unique design. Can you tell me more about it?



“Looking at the office layout.”


I also noticed that all of the lighting is activated by motion detectors. Why is that?

Jane I am glad you like the design. The designers worked really hard to make it innovative, stylistic, and functional.

Key Conversation

Yes, the designers wanted the office workers to use that path for some light exercising.

We wanted to be environmentally a good citizen, and also provide convenience to the workers who work late at night.

4 Useful Expressions Complete the sentences with the appropriate words and expressions.

① Even though my best friend could not make it to the event, I decided to ______ and go anyway.

② That new corporate car is so huge, it is _______.

③ I did not get a job promotion this year. It was a huge _______ year for me.

④ When I saw that angel food cake, it was____________.

· big as an elephant · love at first sight · bummer · party on

Jane Yes, the elevators are placed in the middle of the floors where it is surrounded by a circular walking path.

Oh, I see that. I usually see that kind of design at Fitness Centers.


Yes, I think motion detector lighting is a good idea. Also, the overall colors on the walls are beautiful.


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Situational Expressions

Below are some examples that can be used in the following situations.

Describing surroundings There’s a good coffee shop next door, do you want to try it? The restaurant across the street has the best lasagna. Do you want me to make a reservation? The ambience of that wine bar is classic and refined. How about taking a look? That new office building offers modern common areas and even a fitness center. What do you think of renting an office space there?

Describing people I can see that you got a new pair of glasses. They look nice. Did you change your hairstyle? I recall that you had long hair last week. You look so refreshed today. Did you sleep well? Your skin is glowing. Did you try the face mask that I gave you last night?

Wrapping Up

2. __________________________________________

1. __________________________________________

Share two things you learned from this lesson and review.

5 Share Your Thoughts

What is your favorite type of coffee or tea, and why?

Can you describe your mother or father in physical appearance or personality type?

Do you have any problems with describing

someone you just saw? Are you good at describing your physical


Discuss the following questions.



Past/Recent Observations

Learning Objectives



After this lesson, you will be able to…

ask and answer questions about past/recent observations.

describe things in detail from the past.

1 Warm Up Activity Discuss the following questions or activity with your instructor.

2 Key Patterns Look at the key patterns and make your own sentences using them.

Business Small Talk |

1. Where were you just before this class? Can you describe the place?

2. Can you describe the place of your most recent sightseeing or vacation?

3. Can you describe the physical appearance

of your high school or college?

① _________. I am late. I must leave now. Time sure flies. Look at the time. I am so forgetful. _________________________________________

② To _________ is human. To forgive,


err make a mistake fail ________________________________________

③ Can you describe your most recent


vacation date business meeting _________________________________________


3 Read the conversation and answer some questions from your instructor.

“There’s a protest.”

Key Conversation

4 Useful Expressions Complete the sentences with the appropriate words and expressions.

① Sometimes riding on the subway when it is crowed is __________.

② There are too many cars in Seoul. Frequently, it is impossible to avoid a _________.

③ I was sick the whole day and didn’t get the job promotion. It was _________.

④ I got to the office thirty minutes late. Oh well, ____________.

· traffic jam · better late than never · just a pain in the neck · not a good day

Joe Hi Jill, sorry I am late. The subway and buses were all late today. What is going on?




So far, the workers are wearing headbands or armbands, and are chanting in groups in front of the government offices.

Jill Sounds like a big problem. Hopefully they can sort it out, and not raise the fare too much when it is over.

Yea, it is a tough situation. For them to give the workers higher wages, they probably need to raise the fares.

I feel for the workers, but then it is inconvenient for people like me who need public transit.

Jill The public transit union is protesting today for more wages and benefits. So, there are limited drivers today.

Wow, didn’t know that. I guess I need to be prepared.


Yup. We may see the thousands protesting for days or weeks. It can be a little troubling.


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Situational Expressions

Below are some examples that can be used in the following situations.

Describing a recent event. Thank you for inviting me to your birthday party last night. It was festive and enjoyable. Last week we had our team meeting. We had seven members attend, with one absent. I remember the dinner party last night ended really late. I hope you got enough sleep. The day before yesterday’s conference call lasted two hours. I hope our call today doesn’t last as long.

Describing a person you met recently. Do you remember Alice from yesterday’s meeting? She is the blonde from New Zealand. I remembered you from last week. You are the accountant from the Finance Department. How was meeting the boss last week? I remembered he was nice and professional. Did you meet my new golf partner from last weekend? He is a great golfer and a nice guy too.

Wrapping Up

2. __________________________________________

1. __________________________________________

Share two things you learned from this lesson and review.

5 Share Your Thoughts

Can you describe your most recent movie that you saw?

What do you do on your most recent birthday? Did you have a party?

How good is your memory? Can you describe

what you did and saw last Tuesday? Can you describe your favorite car that you

always wanted?

Discuss the following questions.



Tourist Attractions

Learning Objectives



After this lesson, you will be able to…

ask and answer questions about tourist attractions, such as amusement parks and museums.

talk about your favorite tourist attractions.

1 Warm Up Activity Discuss the following questions or activity with your instructor.

2 Key Patterns Look at the key patterns and make your own sentences using them.

Business Small Talk |

1. What is your favorite tourist attraction in your native country? Overseas?

2. When did you recently visit a tourist attraction?

3. What do you do for fun? Are tourist attractions a fun place to go?

① I love to travel. I want to see ______. the famous beaches Disney amusement parks Grand Canyon or the Eiffel Tower _________________________________________

② I want to go, but I_______.

don’t have the time am too busy am all booked for the evening ________________________________________

③ ______ is one of the most famous tourist

attractions in _______.

The DMZ..South Korea The Eiffel Tower…France The Taj Majal…India _________________________________________


3 Read the conversation and answer some questions from your instructor.

Jack OMG, I am final here at the Louvre. I thought I never get to visit France, nor visit this museum.



“At the Louvre Museum, Paris, France.”


Me too. And if they have any special exhibits, that would be nice.

Janet Don’t be so pessimistic. I am sure you will get a second chance. But for now, let’s just enjoy the visit!

Key Conversation

Louvre is a big place. I want to see the Mona Lisa, for sure though.

And don’t forget to get some souvenirs. I have friends and co-workers that I want to buy some items for.

4 Useful Expressions Complete the sentences with the appropriate words and expressions.

① Finally making it to my dream vacation was an __________.

② Waiting 3 hours to ride that roller coaster was __________; I could have spent that time at a nice museum instead.

③ I got 4 tickets for the price of 1; it was the ___________!

④ When I went to a 5 star hotel, it was totally __________. Everything was so perfect and clean!

· awesome feeling · totally not worth it · immaculate · best deal in town

Janet I know, I am so excited to be here with you. It was a very long flight here from Seoul though. What do you want to see first?

I don’t really know. Any suggestions? Jack

That is a good idea. I don’t know when I can return here. I guess it is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for me.


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Situational Expressions

Below are some examples that can be used in the following situations.

Describing your favorite tourist attractions My favorite places to visit are amusement parks because I love to ride rollercoasters. When I go on vacation, I like it to be peaceful. So, I usually go to resorts in a very secluded area. When I have friends visit me, I usually take them to very famous restaurants that serve spicy foods. I like museums the most. I am always fascinated by history and culture.

Asking about your favorite tourist attractions Where did you visit in your last vacation? Do you have a “bucket list” of places to visit? Do you consider restaurants as tourist attractions? What was your most exciting tourist attraction you ever visited?

Wrapping Up

2. __________________________________________

1. __________________________________________

Share two things you learned from this lesson and review.

5 Share Your Thoughts

Do you like amusement parks? Do you like riding on the Ferris wheel or rollercoasters?

Have you visited the Vatican or Venice, Italy? Why or why not?

The Seoul Tower in Korea is a popular tourist

attraction? Have you visited there? What are your favorite tourist attractions in your


Discuss the following questions.



Small Talk and Non-Verbal Communication

Learning Objectives



After this lesson, you will be able to…

ask and answer questions about small talk and non-verbal communication.

talk about small-talk and communication skills.

1 Warm Up Activity Discuss the following questions or activity with your instructor.

2 Key Patterns Look at the key patterns and make your own sentences using them.

Business Small Talk |

1. When having a small talk conversation, do you think about body language as well?

2. Are you aware of the verbal nods, such as hmm, ah, uh-huh, or you know?

3. Some say that up to 50% of the communication can be non-verbal, such as body language. Do you agree?

① When you talk too much, you can be

considered_______. rude inattentive impatient _________________________________________

② When you are considered a good talker,

you can be described as_______.

articulate a good communicator eloquent ________________________________________

③ ___ is a verbal nod that people use to

show that they are paying attention.

Really Right I see _________________________________________


3 Read the conversation and answer some questions from your instructor.

Rick Hey, can you listen to my speech and give me some feedback? I will be making a public speech at the Exhibit Hall.



“Public speaking at an Exhibit Hall.”


Yea, I am so afraid of public speaking. I am sweating right now, and my heart is pumping like crazy.

Rick Yeah, that’s pretty common. Also, don’t look at your watch. You give the impression that you are very uneasy.

Key Conversation

All you need is more practice. It’s important to sound confident. Talk in a clear yet calm voice.

4 Useful Expressions Complete the sentences with the appropriate words and expressions.

① Making __________ shows that you are paying attention to what the other person is saying.

② That speech was a total ______. Many people were yawning in their seats.

③ It’s important to respect ________ between people. Getting too close to someone might make the person uncomfortable.

④ ___________ can show how a person is feeling, whether s/he is defensive, confident, comfortable, etc.

OMG. You look so nervous. And you use too many filler sounds.

· bomb · personal space · sweating bricks · eye contact

Jane Really? Ok. Go ahead.

I’d like to thank everyone..aah…for coming today, and….you know…


I know. My voice tends to get lower whenever I’m nervous.


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Situational Body Language

Below are some examples that can be used in the following situations.

Nonverbal communication refers to gestures, facial expressions, tone of voice, eye contact, body language, posture, and other ways people can communicate without using language.. Some communication experts stated that 93% of communication is non-verbal, and 7% is verbal. Out of the non-verbal, body language made up 55 percent and tone of voice was 38 percent.

Asking about how you communicate How would you describe your communication style? Direct, indirect, aggressive, etc. Who do you admire as a great communicator?

Wrapping Up

2. __________________________________________

1. __________________________________________

Share two things you learned from this lesson and review.

5 Share Your Thoughts

Do you get nervous when you speak in public? If you never spoke in front of groups, how about speaking with strangers?

Do you consider yourself a good communicator, both verbal and non-verbal?

Do you have a good voice for speaking? Can

people hear you well? Or do people think you speak too loud?

Discuss the following questions.



Interesting Experiences

Learning Objectives



After this lesson, you will be able to…

ask and answer questions about interesting experiences.

talk about past interesting experiences .

1 Warm Up Activity Discuss the following questions or activity with your instructor.

2 Key Patterns Look at the key patterns and make your own sentences using them.

Business Small Talk |

1. What was the most interesting experience in your life? Graduation, your first job, your wedding, your first child, etc.

2. Have you had an interesting experience while on vacation or overseas? If so, please share that experience.

① That event is awesome. It is the ______. best in class crème de la crème best event ever ________________________________________

② Going to visit Paris’s the Louvre Museum


the best thing about the whole trip an item in my bucket list much better than expected ________________________________________

③ Travelling is _______.

lots of fun can be hard work as well my life’s main pleasure _________________________________________


3 Read the conversation and answer some questions from your instructor.

James Hey, I heard you just got back from vacation? How was it.



“Going to Palau Islands on vacation.”


That is amazing. I am surprised by such an experience. How many people did you go with?

Amy I don’t scuba dive, but I heard it is good there too. If you need the contact for my tour guide, I have his number, just in case.

Key Conversation

Not at all. The nurse sharks are so gentle, and the jellyfishes don’t have any stingers.

There was about 35-40 of us. I think because it was a large group, I also felt safer.

4 Useful Expressions Complete the sentences with the appropriate words and expressions.

① The dinner party was incredible. It was a _________.

② The trip to Paris was a ________. I didn’t know about the workers’ protest there.

③ After eating some bad sushi, I got ____________.

④ My guy is a ____________. He looks very plain, but he has character and talent.

· blast · diamond in the rough · sick to my stomach · nightmare

Amy It was one of the most amazing times ever. I got to feed nurse sharks in the sea and swim with jellyfish in a lake.

Really, was that dangerous? Did you get injured?


That is awesome. Now I want to go there. I might also try some scuba diving. I heard it is nice there.


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Situational Expressions

Below are some examples that can be used in the following situations.

Interesting experiences at work

For my business trip, I was able to visit Chicago and New York City, two of my favorite cities. My boss just made me team leader, and doubled my salary. That was the best work experience ever. I was recruited to be the keynote speaker for our company’s annual dinner. I spoke in front of 800 people. My boss invited me to play golf with him the entire weekend. I had such a wonderful time.

Interesting experiences with friends I just came back from the DJ Music Festival. It was the best music event ever. I went skydiving with my friends in Hawaii. I just came back from Brazil, after visiting the Amazon river. I just ate escargot for the first time. It was a little strange to eat snails at first, but it was delicious.

Wrapping Up

2. __________________________________________

1. __________________________________________

Share two things you learned from this lesson and review.

5 Share Your Thoughts

What was your worst experience ever? Best experience ever?

Have you ever experienced food-poisoning where you got sick? What happened?

How was it when you drove your first car? Was it exciting or scary?

What was the most interesting experience you

had with your family?

Discuss the following questions.



Non-Political Current Issues

Learning Objectives



After this lesson, you will be able to…

ask and answer questions about non-political current issues.

talk about those type of issues for small talk.

1 Warm Up Activity Discuss the following questions or activity with your instructor.

2 Key Patterns Look at the key patterns and make your own sentences using them.

Business Small Talk |

1. What is the top non-political issue facing your home country?

2. Do you read the news often? What sections or topics interest you most?

3. What are your top issues related to health, finances, environment or education?

① I love to read______ every chance I get. about sports books magazines _________________________________________

② Sometimes I am in the mood for______

when I am bored.

listening to music watching a good movie eating ice cream ________________________________________

③ My favorite topic to talk about in the

newspaper is ___________.

the health section. the business section. the comic section. _________________________________________


3 Read the conversation and answer some questions from your instructor.


Hey, what do you want to eat for lunch? It is my treat.



“Lunch meeting with a co-worker.”


I wish I could be vegetarian too. I lack the willpower, and it is difficult for me to lose weight myself.

Ellen Sounds good. Good to make a new vegetarian friend. It is worth a shot!

Key Conversation

For ten years now, and my health has improved. It is also good for weight control.

Keep the faith. If you make friends like me who are vegetarian, we can help you.

4 Useful Expressions Complete the sentences with the appropriate words and expressions.

① After the scientists discovered the Covid-19, lots of health ________.

② It was a ______in the financial system when the U.S. government cut the federal reserve rate to 0.

③ I don’t believe everything I read in the internet because there are so much_____ out there.

④ I don’t talk about religion with people because it is considered_________ to certain groups.

· taboo · a shocker · experts weighed in · fake news

Ellen Oh, thank you. That is nice of you. How about salad, if you don’t mind. I am a vegetarian.

Wow, that is good. How long have you been a vegetarian.


That is nice. I can try to be a vegetarian today, at least for our lunch.


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Current Issues

Below are some examples that can be used in the following situations.

Business small business talk is focused on politically-correct topics, which excludes topics that may be considered controversial or offending. Hence, it is important to be professional at all times. Proper communication means not to offend people based on their gender, race, disability, or other factors. Hence, the motto is “better safe than sorry.”

Relatively safe topics to talk about in the workplace Environment Recent accidents or disasters Recent construction of interesting structures or buildings Education

Wrapping Up

2. __________________________________________

1. __________________________________________

Share two things you learned from this lesson and review.

5 Share Your Thoughts

What is your favorite topic to talk about when you are at home? Work? Vacation?

How much of the information in the internet is considered reliable? 90%? 70%? Other?

It is generally safer to talk about the weather

when meeting strangers for the first time? What about you? What topics are good when you speak with strangers?

Discuss the following questions.