Business Report 2002 Final

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business report for mobile app for mall concierge

Transcript of Business Report 2002 Final

Business Report: For Chadstone Shopping Centres Mobile Concierge Application chaDirect

Executive Summary:Powerful mobile devices are now in the hands of everyday users and different organisations are seeking ways in order to utilize these applications to increase their productivity. The value of mobile applications (apps) targeted at consumers is well recognized in market especially within the retail industry. The strong positive trend identified in e-commerce with online shopping has definitely shown the significance of the value added by mobile applications. On the other hand, large shopping centres with physical retail stores are experiencing a drop in customer traffic, increase in customer frustration in regards to losing their way around malls, lack of staff assistance, drop in revenue generated and more and more retailers moving from physical stores to online shopping stores. Chadstone shopping centre after studying customer feedback and identifying trends in data with regards to time spent by customers in the shopping centre and revenue generated have joint ventured with ConciTech to develop a mobile concierge application. As part of the redevelopment going on at Chadstone shopping centre, ConciTech was contracted to improve customer experience and manage the centres mapping requirements by developing an omnichannel platform for customers to provide them with a virtual shopping assistant including wayfinding, comparing products and requesting for support. Chadstone shopping centre have also requested to include a dashboard system within the app for retailers to study consumer behaviour and segment and target their market easily by studying useful analytics such as dwell time and average spend per customer. The purpose of this report is to provides the foundations for understanding and defining the project requirements to design chaDirect that provide real value from a strategic and business perspective by optimising around the user experience. The report equips all the stakeholders and readers with the necessary tools to not only understand mobile application in an organisational context, but also identify the real value of chaDirect from organisations strategic and business perspectives. Section 1 provides the contextual overview for the business and the current problem, identifying the key drivers which support the demand for the use of a virtual concierge application in the business environment. Section 2 focuses on the strategic context and building chaDirect using an agile approach. This section justifies the approach for choosing agile lifecycle for the implementation of the project along with detailed phases during the lifecycle of the development of the project. It provides an overview of the resources that will be outsourced, the different phases of testing including a visual representation of the roadmap of chaDirect's development. Section 3 examines the scope of the project in detail. The scope analysis includes understanding the design and deployment of mobile apps by understanding functional and non-functional requirements and applying a user- experience centred design approach. Furthermore, this section also shines light on how scope will be validated by identifying the scope acceptance criteria for chaDirect including identifying any risk associated with the project. Finally, section 4 gives an in-depth stakeholder analysis for chaDirect project including identifying ways to engage key stakeholders

of the project in order to increase productivity in the develeopment stages and combining the best talented resources in order to develop a fully functional app. This report provides essential information to help with decision making that will set Chadstone and ConciTech on the road with the right approach and methods for designing chaDirect.

Contents Page:

Introduction Page 1Executive Summary 2Contents Page 3Description of business problem and proposed I.T solution 4Expected Benefits 5Proposed product lifecycle and justification .6Description of product scope .7Identification of key stakeholders .8Meeting Minutes .9Individual Timesheets .10References .11

Section 1: Business Problem OverviewSection 1.1: Business Overview

Chadstones Board of Directors approached our company in hopes to assist them in increasing their sales, and improve customer experience within their shopping mall as ecommerce has decreased consumer interest from coming into the center as much as they used to. It was evident that in the United States consumers stated they would like to access services via their mobile phones while shopping in-store (Goldstein & Hatter, 2015). Hence they have come to us in order to discuss various application ideas that can be implemented, so that they can improve their operational capabilities in order to deliver a seamless retail experience to customers. (Goldstein & Hatter, 2015). They want to take action now, before consumers in the Australian market start complaining about the same problem.Section 1.2: Information Technology Solution

We would like to make a mobile application that can be downloaded on to smartphones for both the AppStore and Android. This applications aim is to make the shopping experience unique and interactive as it combines both aspects of e-commerce and physical retail stores in order to deliver an efficient yet informative shopping experience.

The mobile application will be able to achieve the following:

1. A concierge feature that will operate through GPS to assist customers to navigate throughout Chadstone shopping center. It will have a map and directions to find particular stores, nearest rest rooms, car parks etc.

2. Each stores stock databases will be accessed through the mobile application. Along side with the features of the product, ratings and reviews, any technical specifications (if feasible), stock levels will be available for the customer to view.

3. The concierge mobile application will also enhance customers shopping experience by allowing them to compare different products within their categories at once with respect to price, quality or any other appropriate filters.

4. As soon as the customer reaches Chadstone Shopping centre the application will automatically connect to the network, once the application is open and customers walk into a store, the details for that store will automatically appear so they can view items quickly if they please.

5. The app will also have a support system where customers with any queries or concerns in terms of parking, emergencies or lost property will be able to receive support quickly by requesting staff members to come to them by a click of a button which will automatically notify the staff of relevance.

6. The app will provide a dashboard system for each retailer to provide important usage statistics showing what Chadstones customers are searching for. Stores, categories, products, brands, facilities and more in order for retailers to segment and approach target market more easily.

Section 1.3: Expected Benefits

According to board executives and ConciTechs study of the market feedback, customers spend a lot of time navigating from one store to other to compare products and make right decisions especially in a large shopping complex. It can be a very frustrating experience for a customer to get lost in a mall, not being able to find their car and wasting significant time in order to make a right decision to purchase a product (, 2015). ChaDirects app will benefit the customer and Chadstone Shopping Centre in the ways outlined below:a. ChaDirect tracks users' position horizontally and vertically working over multiple levels throughout the users journey thereby reducing customer frustration.

b. Sales and offers relevant to the user's search are revealed along the path, triggered by their proximity to stores which is a subtle marketing strategy for Chadstone Shopping centre and can potentially increase sales.

c. Eradicates the need for having

d. More than one physical concierge centre in the shopping centre thereby increasing space and decreasing operational costs of the shopping centre.

e. Help users get used to the new facilities being constructed and added to Chadstone Shopping centre on their fingertips. (, 2015)

Additionally, chaDirect provides useful I formation to retailers through its analytical data that will help retailers and Chadstone shopping centre in the following ways (, 2015):a) Having access to customer profiles, spending behaviour, average spend value and time in store, popular products, retailers can employ chaDirect easy-to use platform to allow them to manage their marketing campaigns with greater ease. They can compare the success of all of their channels, allowing them to optimise their marketing strategies by segmenting and targeting certain groups of customers based on their buying.

b) ChaDirect helps to prove the true value of Chadstone shopping centre, improve centre positioning, generate sales uplift and increase profits. Potentially provide better understanding about their customers behaviour and life cycle.

c) Chadstone shopping center can attract more tenants and retailers by providing them useful analytics and proving marketing ROI to their tenants after studying the data obtained from chaDirect.

d) Chadstone shopping centres can use chaDirect to Benchmark against other centres by measuring customer satisfaction, dwell times, lift in sales and improve the centre in future accordingly.

Section 2: Product LifecycleSection 2.1: Lifecycle Choice And Justification

Our company suggests that we use an agile approach when completing this project. We believe the core benefits of using this model includes:1. Quality:A key principle of agile development is that testing is integrated throughout the lifecycle, enabling regular inspection of the working product as it develops. This allows the product owner to make adjustments if necessary and gives the product team early sight of any quality issues (, 2015). Hench this allows the product owner to make adjustments if necessary and gives the product team early sight of any quality issues. We believe it is super important to have testing occur throughout the whole application development. As this is Chadstones first application to be released, we would want to be testing every component as much as possible so that when it is released there is the likeliness of having no error.

2. Increase interaction with the customer:Agile development principles encourage active user involvement throughout the products development and a very cooperative collaborative approach. This provides excellent visibility for key stakeholders, both of the projects progress and of the product itself, which in turn helps to ensure that expectations are effectively managed (, 2015). Hence when developers are making the applications interface for example, the owners will be able to say what colour scheme they would like, what font they prefer etc. Where as if we were to use a waterfall model instead the end result would be whatever we had decided at the initial requirements gathering phase, and there wouldnt be much flexibility available to go back and make changes.

3. Speed-to-market:Research suggests about 80% of all market leaders were first to market. As well as the higher revenue from incremental delivery, agile development philosophy also supports the notion of early and regular releases, and perpetual beta. Having the ability to get chaDirect up and running by the expected time is a luxury for the board of Chadstone Shopping Centre. Having a delayed project outcome not only ties up ConciTechs resources in ChaDirects projects but also doesnt give ConciTech the opportunity to embark on other projects. Furthermore, it causes confusion and the end users including Chadstone shopping centre to lose faith in the app as they have been mislead in regards to the expected timeframe for developing chaDirect.

Section 2.2: Visual Representation of ChaDirects Agile Model

Section 2.3: Detailed Iteration Analysis

ITERATION 1:Planning: We would firstly start off by determining exactly what it is we require our mapping system to achieve. E.g. clear navigation through Chadstone SC, Allowing the customer to save and relocate where they parked their car, names of stores appear correctly, easy to operate etc. Once these deliverables have been clearly identified the team will then have a clear understanding in regards to exactly what the outcome of the maps function will have to be, once the iteration comes to an end.Required Analysis:With our analysis we would consider ideas such as building vs buying out the specific functions, are the functions we require feasible (do we have access to the right technology and the right people), what are the wants vs the actual needs for the initial application, as the wants can be added later on to the system.Once we have determined the feasibility of the maps application and its required functionality, we go ahead and design it.Designing: In the designing phase we will determine what data inputs and outputs are going return, how the mapping system will look, and any blue prints required to build/modify the application.Building: This part of the application we believe should be bought and modified rather than built from scratch. As we believe many mapping systems are already found within the market, and it will be much quicker to buy a current system and modify it. This will also save a lot of time as each sprint only runs for a few months. Testing: There will be many methods of testing once the system has been developed to make sure it has not only met the requirements needs, however it is user-friendly, and runs smoothly with no glitches. The different methods of testing will include: Usability testing, load testing, unit testing etc.

ITERATION 2:Planning: Within this iteration the focus will be accessing all the stores databases, this will be a massive project as over 500 (, 2015) stores databases will have to be accessible to customers through the one application which will have multiple other functions too. In this phase we will determine how we are going to sort out the information within the databases so that there is consistency throughout, with electronic companies they will have technical specifications where as a fashion store wouldnt, so there will have to be discussion on how to spilt up the descriptions of each stores products so that no matter what field they are in, they all remain consistent.We will also have to figure out how to update the system after stock takes have been conducted to make sure the correct figures are showing, as well as for sales and sale prices. Some companies may want to give customers a special deal if they have the application on their phone, as an incentive so we will have to determine how we will factor in this additional information.Required Analysis: The required analysis for this task would be to verify if combining all databases into one would be a major problem, or if the databases should be spilt up in to different categories. A crucial analysis of designing ChaDirect and integrating it with retailers databases would be the software compatibility. ConciTech developers need to analyse the different databases retailers use and ensure that appropriate communication protocols are put in place in order for different retailers databases to communicate effectively with ChaDirect. Risk analysis should also be conducted in order to determine the best strategies to to keep all data secure, and how to restore the data if any by chance any goes missing. This step is critical as customers would want to use this application as a resource for instant information regarding the item they are after, as well as retailers will be depending on this as its their way to reach out to customers in a much faster and efficient format. In regards to build vs. buy, we will have to build this system, as it is unique to the business.Designing:Designing this feature will require a team of highly qualified professionals, who will be outsourced during the project. This time will have to discuss what the best database design will be for such large information storage.

Building: Building the database should be straightforward provided that a lot of time and analysis has gone into the design.Testing: Testing will be the most crucial part of this iteration as this is the core development for the application. Multiple testing methods will have to be done to make sure all components of the database are working. Different testing methods would include black box testing, white box testing and also clear box testing.

ITERATION 3:Planning: This iteration will combine the database created previously and now add user functionality to it. Thus creating all the forms and search bars, on how users will be able to find the store they are after, as well as browse through all their stock, the quantities of stock, the stock specifications, prices as well as any special deals etc. In this iteration other features such as putting the stock on hold for 15 minute, provided they are within the required range and sharing information straight to their social media will be added. Required Analysis: In regards to build vs. buy, we believe there are many templates in the market that can be purchased then re formatted with the design we are looking for. This once again will save time, and will save money in comparison to building the layout from scratch.Other factors to be considered would be how easy the layout is for customers to navigate, and to accommodate the layout so it appears perfectly on both apple and android phones, also being user friendly to those with disabilities.Designing:Designing the application layout will be made easy as we will be buying already made templates, however a consistent colour scheme will have to be determined that represents the colours of Chadstone, as well as fonts and other small details.Building: Building will include moulding the template into our own preferred layout, and combining the databases to work well with the API (Application Integration Technology).

Testing: Testing will be crucial, as it will determine whether or not users will be able to use the application when searching for specific things whether it is a new outfit, clothing, or electronical device. Testing should also determine if there are any bugs within the system, if we add or remove something from the database how quickly it will update and how sales/specials will appear on the application.

ITERATION 4:Planning: This part of the project is the most critical as it is combining all the functionalities together within the one application. Developers will have to plan how the maps functionality as well as the shopping functionality with link together.Required Analysis: It is important to analyse for this step if someone is using the map and click on a store, then all the information for that store should appear seamlessly. Alternatively, if the store is manually searched for then once again all the information should appear seamlessly. If there is any barrier not allowing both functions to work consecutively then that should be looked into as well.We will be building this ourselves rather than outsourcing.Designing:The developers designing the user interface would have already made a start within the previous iteration; it is just a matter of using the same layout for the rest of the application and making it look consistent.Building: We will be getting the developers to merge the systems together once the analysis has been conducted in regards to having both functions working consecutively.Testing: Testing the final application will test that it: Meets the requirements that guided its design and development,

Responds correctly to all kinds of inputs, Performs its functions within an acceptable time, Is sufficiently usable, Can be installed and run in its intendedenvironments, and Achieves the general result its stakeholders desire.(Wikipedia, 2015)

ITERATION 5:Planning: This part of the project will ensure that the board of directors as well as each stores owner will receive meaningful information on how they can improve their business.The type of information they would get would be: Learn about shoppers demographic, psychographic and in-centre behaviours Analyse shopper engagement by centre, store and store location Observe the causal impact that traffic, weather, holidays, external events, macro-economic factors and seasonality has on the centre and tenants Optimise store layouts to command higher rent Maximise casual leasing opportunities and measure success Measure key goals and targets and report on conversion rates of shoppers to store entrants Understand shopper path of travel across the centre Measure ROI on promotional campaigns and capital expenditure Drive staffing efficiencies to service high traffic areas ('Invigor Insights', 2015)

Required Analysis: It is extremely important to ensure that which ever developer is creating this system does not leak the information collected. As well as ensuring that the system has a secure login and password so only authorized users will be able to access the information.We will buy this software, as many of these already exist within the market.

Designing:There will be no designing required, as we are purchasing an already made software.Building: In the building phase we will be modifying the software so that it collects the data from Chadstone shopping center.Testing: When we are testing this function we want to ensure that the data is encrypted and cannot be easily hacked into, we also need to ensure that the data is reliable, timely and presented within a consistent format.

ITERATION 6:Planning: For this iteration we will have the training manager to create all documentation for staff and users, with step-by-step instructions on how to use the application.An overview of software will also be provided which Includes relations to an environment and construction principles to be used in design of software components.There will also be documents made for maintenance of the system, training end users, troubleshooting, installation and configuration, documents of codes, algorithms and interfaces.Required Analysis: The required analysis will be conducted through out the project to make all manuals precise and up-to-date with less error involved. Designing:Designing the documentation should be in an easy to read format, having large enough font and clear instructions that dont use many technical terms where not required. This will ensure that anyone who is in need and does not have a technical background will not find it difficult to understand steps to take.Building: Building the documentation should be typed up and not hand written, it should preferably be printed on high quality paper so that if by chance it is to get liquid or some sort of damage it is easily cleanable.

Testing: In regards to testing, someone else should go through all the user documents and make sure there is no error in regards to punctuation and most importantly the information provided. A test should be conducted straight after each document is made to reduce redundant data, or error as soon as possible.

Section 3: Scope Management ApproachSection 3.1: Scope Statement Development

The mobile concierge application being developed for Chadstone Shopping Centre acts as the bridge between the customers online and in-store activity. The scope statement for this project will be developed collaboratively with our client Chadstone Shopping Centre and the end users, customers of Chadstone. The client requirements in order to generate the scope for the project will take place through meetings along with prototyping and simulation of app in different stages of the shopping experience. The end user (customer) requirements will be gathered through customer surveys in order to develop a functional scope statement. Section 3.2: Scope Control

The scope of the project will be controlled by iterative feedback in each phase of the project from the client Chadstone Shopping Centre and end user acceptance. The scope will also be monitored through the use of project scheduling tools such as Gantt Charts in order to estimate critical paths, lag times, lead times and project delays. Any major project expenditure, which is not budgeted for, will need to be approved by the client by observing the way it will affect the tripe constraint. Finally, there will be a pilot version of the app after each major project phase that delivers a subset of functions to review the feasibility of the project and recalibrate our requirements and estimating methods if necessary. Section 3.3: Project Scope Description

ConciTech has teamed up with Chadstone Shopping centre to create aunique one stop shopping solution using the latest technology to give customers of Chadstone Shopping center the ability to have a virtual concierge assistant in order to provide a salient customer experience. ConciTech will develop a mobile app to act as a personal shopping assistant for customers by helping customers navigate, compare, shop and pick up items at Chadstone Shopping Centre. ConciTech will also implement data-

driven tiered loyalty scheme in the app in conjunction with retailers allowing them to keep track of customer-spending behaviour on an ongoing basis. Modules of the project will include the mobile application, Wi-Fi location repeaters, two additional databases, training sessions for retailers and any additional hardware required in order to function the app. The project will be completed by September 2016 including all beta releases. Section 3.4: Functional Requirements

1. ConciTech tracks users' position horizontally and vertically working over multiple levels throughout the users journey including loading dynamic map of the centre on the customers device.

2. ConciTech will be able to provide proximity alerts as sales and offers relevant to the user's search are revealed along the path, triggered by their proximity to stores. The user can choose to either ignore and continue on their route or investigate the offer by clicking on the icon.

3. ConciTech lets users search for their car easily with a built in Save your park facility.

4. All of existing features listed on Chadstones centre directories are available on mobile with MAPP: Brand integration, intuitive search, accessible route, ATM search, multilingual support plus much more.

5. Users will be able to share stores, special deals, and entertainment content with their friends via Twitter, Facebook, email and SMS, but these shares all link directly back to Chadstones website.

6. Vendors can list and put products on hold for customers for fifteen minutes through the app as long as the customer is present within the proximity of the store detected by the location services feature of the app. With built in reservation and inventory management at a vendor level, customers can either put their preferred items in stock on hold for fifteen minutes or choose to add out of stock items to their wish list.

7. Customers will also be able to compare items such as clothing, toys etc. in an interactive way with the app dependent upon special filters such as prices, features, colours and sizes.

8. The app will also track users across centres. The solution delivers real-time analytics on shopper profiles, behaviour, popular content, and ROI generated from the platform Chadstones Shopping tenants. The app will measure key metrics including average transaction value (ATV), spend per customer (SPC), transactions per customer (TPC), and dwell time.

Section 3.5: Non-Functional Requirements

Performance: This is essentially how fast the app will work. a. A performance requirement for our concierge app would be that it plot a requested route for a customer of Chadstone shopping in less than 20 seconds.b. Another performance requirement for our concierge app would be that the app loads up the store details for three stores including queried products by customer, stock availability, special details and comparison filters requested by customer in less than 60 seconds.


ConciTech saves all the previous routes it calculated and lets a customer reuse a saved route rather than recalculate it. ConciTech also stores customers recent searches of products, their wish list and purchased products. Furthermore, ConciTech stores data to help retailers of Chadstones shopping centres do real time analytics of customer activity including the retailers inventory levels. Security is a key element for the concierge app since customers identity theft; external tampering with retailers databases or center management control systems should be avoided at all costs. Hence the data uploaded or downloaded by the app on customers devices or suppliers databases will be encrypted and be stored in the apps private file area so that their content isnt easily accessible and deleted if the app is uninstalled.

All crucial data including customer profiles, center details, retailers data will also be backed up overnight to a secure offsite database in case of any system failures.


This requirement governs how easily our app ChaDirect may be changed. For our concierge app, the app will be easily able to incorporate changes in stores layout, addition of new stores, approved third-party plug ins from retailers such as mobile point of sale. The modifiability will be implemented through providing core app updates to add new features, address OS updates bug, fix app bugs and optimize for new backend systems.


At the center of our support & service post app launch is a goal to ensure we maintain and provide technical support to Chadstone Shopping Centre and its customers to ensure a smooth client app experience. The maintainability for app will be implemented through a technical support section on the app. The requests will be handled in a ticketing raised manner where the complaints and technical support requests from customers, retailers and centre management will be passed to ConciTech off sites technical support team with different priorities. Your system & any third party APIs ensures that the developers of the original server & client code sets are always managing their respective code set for the life of the app. Offsite technical support will then be provided to the clients, customers and the retailers at Chadstone shopping centre depending upon the urgency and the priority of the request.

Section 3.6: Scope Acceptance Criteria

a. Find and purchase additional hardware in order to enable and use location services app to navigate customers easily through the shopping mall within the budget.

b. Develop feasible secure software, which is capable of integrating with different retailers databases.

c. Success rate for the way finding app will be defined by the user being able to seek directions or compare and put items on hold wherever they are on their mobile phone in the first query. These features on ChaDirect will need to have a 95% success rate assuming customers input information correctly.

d. The app should be able to update inventory in real time avoiding any conflicts such as double booking of the item with 1% tolerance for errors.

e. The app will be fully implemented in the scheduled timeframe of one year.

f. Customer satisfaction with the app measured through both open and close ended questions with half yearly surveys. The customer satisfaction will be measured through a net promoter scale and ChaDirect will aim to have a half yearly Net Promoter Score of 85 or above. g. There should be 50% increase in average transaction value across all retailers after two years of the implementation of the app.

h. There should be a 40% increase in customers visiting Chadstone Shopping Centre using ChaDirect thereby increasing popularity and awareness of the app through different channels such as social media.

I. Centre management should be able to attract new tenants with better insights Prove marketing ROI within two years of the implementation of ChaDirect.

j. At least 85% of retailers at Chadstone Shopping centre track users across platforms and centres using real time analytics on shopper profiles and behaviour generated from ChaDirect and notice more than 35% increase in customer spending per visit after two years of implantation of the app. Analytics insights from venue traffic and user behaviour data will allow retailers to segment customers and target customers with appropriate products more effectively

Section 3.7: Constraints, Risks and AssumptionsConstraints:a. Stay within the budget.

b. The physical proximity of Chadstone Shopping Centre will only allow for a certain number of additional databases and location Wi-Fi repeaters to be added and installed in limited space available.

c. Project delivery including installations must not interfere with day-to-day normal operation of the centre.

Risks:a. Maintaining end-user involvement in regards to the promotion of the app and not bring too complex.

b.Since our project is implemented using agile strategy, the project is exposed to scope creep if clients or end users are too flexible with their requirements.

c. Developing software that is not reliable in terms of easily integrating with the centre management control systems and retailers databases.

d. Faulty hardware, which will aid with indoor location services and not being able to cover the range of Chadstone Shopping Centre.

e. Operational risks associated with fraudulent activity and hackers bypassing the security to steal customers identity data and retailers databases details.

f. Exceeding the budget and the time frame for the project due to following an agile methodology to manage the project for ChaDirect.g. Imbalance in flux of customer using the app during peak times of the center (school holidays, sales, Christmas period) operation may cause the app to be unreliable and crash unexpectedly during its implementation. Assumptions:

a. All retailers will agree to integrate their databases with ChaDirect in order for the customer to be able to fully use the app.

b. The retailers databases of products will all integrated easily with the app without any compatibility issues.

c. Chadstones Staff will be supportive of the project.

d. There will be hardware present to purchase and detect location of the customer regardless of the foundation of the shopping centre, which will provide a seamless indoor navigation experience.

e. A software vendor solution can be found to meet user requirements and budget constraints in order to provide the concierge service in palms of the customer. f. Chadstone Shopping center and the tenants (retailers) will hire any additional staff required to perform some of the function of the app such as remote support, technical support and supply chain support.

Section 4: StakeholdersSection 4.1: Introduction To Stakeholders

The Stakeholder Management Strategy for ConciTechs ChaDirect Project will be used to identify and classify project stakeholders; determine stakeholder power, interest, and influence; and analyse the management approach and communication methodology for project stakeholders. This will allow us to identify key influential stakeholders to solicit input for project planning and gain support as the project progresses. This will benefit the project by minimizing the likelihood of encountering competing objectives and maximizing the resources required to complete the project.

Early identification and communication with stakeholders is imperative to ensure the success of the ChaDirect by gaining support and input for the project. Some stakeholders may have interests, which may be positively or negatively affected by the ChaDirect. By initiating early and frequent communication and stakeholder management, we can more effectively manage and balance these interests while accomplishing all project tasks.

Section 4.2: Identifying Stakeholders

The ConciTech Project Team will conduct a brainstorming session in order to identify stakeholders for the project. The brainstorming session will include the primary project team and project sponsor. The session will be broken down into two parts. The first part will focus on internal or primary stakeholders within ConciTech. These stakeholders may include functional managers, operations personnel, finance personnel, developers, handlers, and any other ConciTechs employee who will be affected by the ChaDirect project. The second part of the session will focus on external or secondary stakeholders. These may include suppliers, outsourced developers, customers, Chadstone shopping centre and its retailers, or any other individuals who reside outside of ConciTech.

Section 4.3: Key Stakeholders

A mind mapping approach was used to come up with a list of stakeholders. The key stakeholders from this list are then analysed using a tabular approach in the next section in order to develop effective strategies for communication with them. The mind map is shown below. The key stakeholders from the mind map have been analysed in a tabular format below the map. The stakeholders analysed in depth were chosen because these stakeholders provide majority of the direction to creation, installation and functioning of the app.

Section 4.4: Mind Map of Stakeholders (please zoom in to view clear image)

Section 4.5: Descriptive Table of Key Stakeholders

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