Business Information Systems IDU0320 IDY0275 -...

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Transcript of Business Information Systems IDU0320 IDY0275 -...



Systems IDU0320


Enn Õunapuu


•Enterprise information


•Business model

•Business process modeling

•Database systems

Todays IT

Computer networks

Sensor networks

Data warehouse, ERP and CRM systems

New business model

The next decade technological changes

The Internet Of Things. Evans predicts the number of Internetconnected “things” will reach 50 billion—more than six devices for every person on Earth—by 2020.

The Zettaflood Is Coming. This year the world is creating 1.2 zettabytes of unique data, mainly as a result of high-definition video. Evans expects 91% of Internet data will be video by 2015.

Next decade...

Wisdom Of The Cloud. by 2020, one-third of all data will live in the cloud. “Already, the cloud is powerful enough to help us communicate through real-time language translation,”

The Next Net. The speed of network improvements. Today we have 38 always-on connections and more than 50Mbps of bandwidth. By 2021, we expects the speed to his home will increase by 3 million times.

Next decade ...

The World Is Flat And So Is Your Technology. With always-on connectivity, social networking has the power to change cultures, as with the Egyptian revolution. A smaller world also means faster information dissemination. “The dissemination and consumption of events are going from ‘near time’ to ‘real time,’ ”

Next decade...

The Power Of Power. Evans believes that solar alone can meet the world’s energy needs. To address today’s global demand for energy, 25 solar super sites—each consisting of 36 square miles—could be erected in just three years.

Next decade...

It’s All About You. More items will move from physical to virtual. Today, we download e-books and movies rather than buy books and DVDs. A technology called 3D printing will allow us to instantly manufacture many physical items.

Next decade...

The Next Dimension. Virtual humans will be added to the work force. By 2025, says Evans, the robot population will surpass the number of humans in the developed world. By 2035, robots could completely replace humans in the workforce.

Next decade...

Another Family Tree. In the next 10 years, Evans believes medical technologies will grow vastly more sophisticated as computing power becomes available in smaller forms. Devices such as nanobots and the ability to grow replacement organs from our own tissues will be the norm.

Next decade...

You…Only Better. Taking the medical technology idea to the next level, healthy humans will be given the tools to augment themselves. While their early use will be to repair unhealthy tissue or fix the consequences of brain injury, eventually designer enhancements will be available.

Evolutionary approach to systems

Evolution is a fact of life. Environments and the species that operate within them – living, artificial, or virtual – evolve.

Evolution has been credited with the most advanced biological species that has lived on earth. The ability to evolve has also come to be treated as a prerequisite for the survival of a species.

Software evolution

In particular, there has been considerable research on software evolution, focusing on code reengineering and migration, architectural evolution, software refactoring, datamigration and integration.

Adaptive systems Stuart Kauffman is a biologist who has been closely associated with

the Santa Fe Institute. Kauffman was fascinated with the origin of life and the interesting question of how it was that living things appeared out of the molecular stew bubbling on a young planet. Based upon a combination of computer modeling and laboratory research. Kauffman came to the startling conclusion that everything seemed to happen pretty much by itself. Or, as he says with mantra - like regularity in his book,"At Home in the Universe" - "Order for free!" More specifically, Kauffman found that given certain very simple preconditions, order happens. And not just any order, but highly complex order characteristic of living systems, which he calls Complex Adaptive Systems. They are complex in that they consist of multiple parts aggregated in myriad ways, addaptive in that they are constantly changing to meet the requirements of a shifting environment and a system in that these parts not only fit together but do so in a purposeful fashion. In short they do something.

The essential preconditions

The essential preconditions according to Kauffman are as follows:

(1) A relatively safe, nutrient environment,

(2) Diversity of elements,

(3) Complexity of connection,

(4) Search for fitness,

(5) Sparse prior connections,

(6)Being at the edge of chaos.

Technical progress and innovation

05/25/06 © USC-CSE 21

The Future of Systems and Software

Eight surprise-free trends

1. Increasing integration of SysE and SwE

2. User/Value focus

3. Software Criticality and Dependability

4. Rapid, Accelerating Change

5. Distribution, Mobility, Interoperability, Globalization

6. Complex Systems of Systems

7. COTS, Open Source, Reuse, Legacy Integration

8. Computational Plenty

Two wild-card trends

9. Autonomy Software

10. Combinations of Biology and Computing

05/25/06 © USC-CSE 22

Computational Plenty: Process Implications

New platforms: smart dust, human prosthetics (physical, mental)

New applications: sensor networks, nanotechnology

Enable powerful self-monitoring software

Assertion checking, trend analysis, intrusion detection, proof-carrying code, perpetual testing

Enable higher levels of abstraction

Pattern programming, programming by example with dialogue

Simpler brute-force solutions: exhaustive case analysis

Enable more powerful software tools

Based on domain, programming, management knowledge

Show-and-tell documentation

Game-oriented software engineering education

Market requirements and competitors

Answer: Adaptivity

1) Goal modeling and domain modeling

2) MDA

Process models and tuning



2) Rule engines - Drools

General conditions:laws, environment

Computational models of law

What is law: 1) notation

What is law: 2) rules

Development process

Some prominent dates from this analysis

We achieve one Human Brain capability (2 * 10^16 cps) for $1,000 around the year 2023.

We achieve one Human Brain capability (2 * 10^16 cps) for one cent around the year 2037.

We achieve one Human Race capability (2 * 10^26 cps) for $1,000 around the year 2049.

We achieve one Human Race capability (2 * 10^26 cps) for one cent around the year 2059.

Vertical dimension

Business model

Integration model

Application architecture

Implementation architecture

Lifecycle of information system

Waterwall method

Spiral method

Iterative (RUP)

The Rational Unified Process captures many of

modern software development's best practices in a

form suitable for a wide range of projects and


• Develop software iteratively.

• Manage requirements.

• Use component-based architectures.

• Visually model software.

• Continuously verify software quality.

• Control changes to software.

The core process workflows are divided into six core

“engineering” workflows:

1. Business modeling workflow

2. Requirements workflow

3. Analysis & Design workflow

4. Implementation workflow

5. Test workflow

6. Deployment workflow

And three core “supporting” workflows:

1. Project Management workflow

2. Configuration and Change Management workflow

3. Environment workflow

Business model

Business model components

• [Product innovation] What business the company is in, the product innovation and the value proposition offered on the market.

• [Customer relationship] Who the company's target customers are, how it delivers them the products, and how it builds a strong relationships with them.

• [Infrastructure management] How the company efficiently performs infrastructure or logistics issues, with whom, and as which kind of virtual enterprise.

• [Financials] What is the revenue model (transaction, subscription/membership, advertising, commission, licensing) and the cost model (cost of goods sold, operating expenses for R&D, sales and marketing, general and


Business model ontology

Business model components

Product innovation

Customer relationship

Customer relationship

INFORMATION STRATEGY. The objective of the information

strategy is related to information gathering in order to excel in

customer relationship (e.g. through personalization and


The information strategy aims at discovering new and profitable

business opportunities and to ameliorate customer satisfaction.

Data warehousing, data mining and business intelligence are

important technologies that allow managers to gain insight on

their customers buying behavior.

These insights can be used to create what Hamel (Hamel, 2000)

calls the positive feedback effect.

FEEL & SERVE (channels). This element refers to the way a

firm “goes to market” and how it actually “reaches” its customers

(Hamel, 2000). This means a company must define its channel

strategy : either indirect or direct channels, operated by the firm

or provided by a third party (e.g. agent, intermediary). ICT, and

particularly the Internet, has a great potential to complement

rather than to cannibalize a business’s channels (Porter, 2001).

Direct selling over the Web could improve margins, whereas

selling through new Internet mediation services (cybermediaries)

(Sarkar et al., 1995) could mean new market opportunities. Of

course the expansion of the range of channels also increases the

potential of conflicts between channels (Anderson et al., 1998)

and demands strong management.

Customer relationship components

Customer relationship components

TRUST & LOYALTY. It is essential to establish trust between

business partners when the business environment becomes

increasingly virtual and the implicated parties do not necessarily

know each other anymore before conducting business. There

exists mechanisms to build trust in ebusiness environments, such

as virtual communities (Hagel et al., 1997), performance history,

mediation services or insurance, third party verification and

authorization, and, clear privacy policies (Friedman, 2000;

Dimitrakos, 2001). Customer loyalty can be understood as the

outcome of the customer’s trust and satisfaction.

Infrastructure management

Infrastructure management components

ACTIVITY CONFIGURATION. The main purpose of a

company is the creation of value that customers are willing to

pay for. This value is the outcome of a configuration of

inside and outside activities and processes. To define the

value creation process in a business model we use the value

chain framework (Porter et al., 1985) and its extension, as

defined by (Stabell et al., 1998), who add the concept of the

value shop and the value network.

Infrastructure management components

PARTNER NETWORK. The partner network outlines, which elements

of the activity configuration are distributed among the partners of the

firm. Shrinking transaction costs make it easier for firms to vertically

disintegrate and to reorganize in partner networks.

RESOURCES. In order to create value, a firm needs resources

(Wernefelt, 1984). Grant (Grant, 1995) distinguishes tangible, intangible,

and human assets. Tangible resources include plants, equipment and cash

reserves. Intangible resources include patents, copyrights, reputation,

brandsand trade secrets. Human resources are the people a firm needs in

order to create value with tangible and intangible resources.


Financials components

REVENUE MODEL. This element measures the ability of a firm to

translate the value it offers its customers into money and therefore

generate incoming revenue streams. A firm’s revenue model can be

composed of different revenue streams that can all have different

pricing models. The new pricing mechanisms enabled by ICT

should be used in order to maximize revenues. Particularly the

Internet has had an important impact on pricing and has created a

whole new range of pricing mechanisms (Klein et al., 2000).

COST STRUCTURE. This element measures all the costs the firm

incurs in order to create, market and deliver value to its customers.

It sets a price tag on all the resources, assets, activities and partner

network relationships and exchanges that cost the company money.

PROFIT MODEL. This element is simply the outcome of the

difference between the REVENUE MODEL and the COST

STRUCTURE. Therefore it can be seen as the culminating point

and as an expression of the entire e-business model ontology.


RELATIONSHIP shall maximize revenue, an effective

INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT shall minimize costs and

therefore optimize the profit model.

The REVENUE MODEL increases the company's PROFIT (or

diminishes its LOSS) whereas the COST STRUCTURE decreases

PROFIT (or increases LOSS).

Financials components

Business process modelling

ebXML compliant


Business Profiles

Business Scenarios




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1) Business model

2) Database in Access

3) Business processes description Using Bizagi modeler

4) Balanced scorecard
