Business Coaching and Consulting For Interior Design schools, teaching...

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Business Coaching and Consulting For

Interior Design Principals

University ProfessorAuthor

Interior Design Business Expert

“Isn’t it about time you designed something for yourself—like a future?”

David P. Shepherd

About David P. ShepherdDavid Shepherd has served on the faculty of two of the na>on’s top-ranked business schools, teaching entrepreneurship, strategy, and cash flow to undergraduates and graduate students. He has been honored for his contribu>ons to the field of small business management.

As a coach and consultant to small business owners, David became enamored with the interior design field in 2002. He has oKen described it as the “most complex” industry he has ever studied.

In 2004, he founded the Business of Design Conference to provide essen>al business skills to designers and the conference quickly became the largest of its kind. Adding other events to the mix, David personally developed and produced more than 30 unique business events for interior designers over a period of eleven years.

Simultaneously, David created the Best Prac2ces Network (BPN), a na>onal coaching network of over 150 interior design firm principals. Under David’s guidance, these designers shared their best prac>ces with each other, and with David, providing him with the most extensive archives of “best prac>ces” in the field.

Today, David offers membership in The Edge, an associa>on that provides the newest and most successful strategies and tac>cs to its interior design members. He also serves as coach and consultant for aspiring designers from coast to coast.

He holds his MBA from the University of Texas at Aus>n where he also served on the business school faculty.

David P. ShepherdInterior Design Business Coach

“Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” —Albert Einstein

What Makes the Difference?Interior design is the most complex business on earth to run. In fact, it’s not really even one business but oKen as many as three! (Time billing, resale, and project management, to name a few.) Yet if you’re like most interior designers, you received precious li\le business educa>on along the way.

This is why so many designers (95%) end up crea>ng hard-working jobs for themselves, but not really the future they originally dreamed of.

And that’s a shame, because when run correctly, interior design firms can be spectacularly profitable! Those in the top 5% are rou>nely drawing $200,000 to $400,000 a year out of their firms, and inves>ng it wisely to someday make work op>onal!

What makes the difference? Well, David Shepherd has many of those in the 5% as clients, and many of them were earning nowhere near that before working with David. Because he has analyzed hundreds of design firms, from sole prac>>oners to those with 20 or more employees, he has developed the tools and methods to ensure that you reach your full poten>al.

“David shed light on every aspect of our business…where it was working and where it wasn’t. He is fun to work with, positive,

professional, and knows the keys to our industry like no one else. ” —Judy Pickett, FAISD

Design Lines, LLC

What are you waiting for? The preliminary call is free!



To self-schedule a complimentary initial call with David, visit:

Or send an email to

Generally for firms with more than $1.5 million in annual gross sales, David Shepherd has developed a comprehensive, 90-day consul>ng engagement called, Designing Your Future (DYF).

Despite the somewhat holis>c >tle, this is the most rigorous, analy>cal process available today for those who wish to uncover the leaks in their firm’s current opera>ons, and to develop a focused compe>>ve strategy and financial model for achieving their highest goals—business and personal.

A DYF is conducted in three, 30-day phases, each phase resul>ng in a detailed write-up and presenta>on designed to answer these fundamental business ques>ons:

I Where are you now? (A situa>on audit complete with on-site interviews, opera>onal review, strategic exam, and financial statement analysis with a comparison to top-performing firms.)II Where do you want to be? (The development of several alterna>ve future courses, based on the goals of the principal and the capabili>es and resources of his or her firm.)III How do you get there? (A detailed plan of ac>on using David Shepherd’s proprietary Ac>onMaps framework developed for, and in use by, a growing number of the na>on’s most successful interior designers.


Simply Call or eMail David to Learn More

A variety of programs to clarify goals, improve focus, and boost your bottom line

Whether you are a sole prac>>oner, or principal of a 20-person firm, one-on-one-coaching from David Shepherd is the best investment you can make. Imagine having as your personal source of knowledge someone who has seen and solved just about every imaginable problem designers can face.

And it’s not always about business! David will take a personal interest in finding out what mo>vates you, and ensure that any strategic shiKs are consistent with mee>ng your highest and most ambi>ous personal goals.

When you become a coaching client (individual or group) of David’s you’ll not only have a regular day and >me to talk, but also a shared online dashboard in which you’ll find goals for each week, video tutorials, and shared tasks to keep you on track.

Many clients find that a basic 12 week program is all they need, while others prefer some sort of ongoing “accountability program.” These op>ons will be explained before you have made the minimum, three-month commitment.

You may access David’s personal coaching calendar at h\ps://

and schedule a complimentary call

An intensive 90-day process to develop a detailed action plan for creating wealth

Facilitation An option to bring David to your site for an intensive day of prepared presentations, or

unstructured brainstormingInterior design firms have used “Days with David” to uncover and solve unique problems, to work with their teams on new strategies, or to simply have him teach prepared programs such as “Financial Intelligence,” “Selling Design Services,” and “Teaching Employees to Think Like Owners.” (And many, many more!) Depending on the format, David will do ample research in advance to ensure your day is highly produc>ve, and there is even an op>on for him to write up an ac>on plan aKer the event.



To self-schedule a complimentary initial call with David, visit:

Or send an email to

Generally for firms with more than $1.5 million in annual gross sales, David Shepherd has developed a comprehensive, 90-day consul>ng engagement called, Designing Your Future (DYF).

Despite the somewhat holis>c >tle, this is the most rigorous, analy>cal process available today for those who wish to uncover the leaks in their firm’s current opera>ons, and to develop a focused compe>>ve strategy and financial model for achieving their highest goals—business and personal.

A DYF is conducted in three, 30-day phases, each phase resul>ng in a detailed write-up and presenta>on designed to answer these fundamental business ques>ons:

I Where are you now? (A situa>on audit complete with on-site interviews, opera>onal review, strategic exam, and financial statement analysis with a comparison to top-performing firms.)II Where do you want to be? (The development of several alterna>ve future courses, based on the goals of the principal and the capabili>es and resources of his or her firm.)III How do you get there? (A detailed plan of ac>on using David Shepherd’s proprietary Ac>onMaps framework developed for, and in use by, a growing number of the na>on’s most successful interior designers.


Simply Call or eMail David to Learn More

A variety of programs to clarify goals, improve focus, and boost your bottom line

Whether you are a sole prac>>oner, or principal of a 20-person firm, one-on-one-coaching from David Shepherd is the best investment you can make. Imagine having as your personal source of knowledge someone who has seen and solved just about every imaginable problem designers can face.

And it’s not always about business! David will take a personal interest in finding out what mo>vates you, and ensure that any strategic shiKs are consistent with mee>ng your highest and most ambi>ous personal goals.

When you become a coaching client (individual or group) of David’s you’ll not only have a regular day and >me to talk, but also a shared online dashboard in which you’ll find goals for each week, video tutorials, and shared tasks to keep you on track.

Many clients find that a basic 12 week program is all they need, while others prefer some sort of ongoing “accountability program.” These op>ons will be explained before you have made the minimum, three-month commitment.

You may access David’s personal coaching calendar at h\ps://

and schedule a complimentary call

An intensive 90-day process to develop a detailed action plan for creating wealth

Facilitation An option to bring David to your site for an intensive day of prepared presentations, or

unstructured brainstormingInterior design firms have used “Days with David” to uncover and solve unique problems, to work with their teams on new strategies, or to simply have him teach prepared programs such as “Financial Intelligence,” “Selling Design Services,” and “Teaching Employees to Think Like Owners.” (And many, many more!) Depending on the format, David will do ample research in advance to ensure your day is highly produc>ve, and there is even an op>on for him to write up an ac>on plan aKer the event.

Who Needs a Business Coach?

Join Our Growing National Network90-Day Money-back Guarantee!

Membership in The Edge ensures that you’ll have exclusive access to the leading edge tools, tactics, and strategies in your industry. Each month, as David Shepherd studies the top performers in your field, you’ll receive his Edge Newsletter, join live coaching calls, and attend live events in which he’ll share those insights with you. For more information, just visit


Members of The Edge have first priority on coaching and consulting services.

Anyone who realizes that they must take responsibility and accountability for their own financial future needs an independent business coach to help them confront reality and make the hard decisions going forward. Certainly, no Fortune 500 CEO would consider life without a coach, and the most successful small business owners agree.

* Are suspicious that they could benefit from learning about the best prac>ces in the field;* Believe they could use the focus and accountability of a knowledgeable advisor;* Feel stuck and want a game plan for breaking through financially;* Feel overwhelmed by the daily ac>vi>es that seem to never end;* Confused about priori>es from adop>ng new technology to implemen>ng new marke>ng campaigns;* Concerned about changing trends like online shopping and “e-design.”

Consul6ng clients o9en express these feelings:* Have a sense of urgency that their firm is at a crossroads;* Worry about not capturing profits on the current business in house;* Feeling overwhelmed and seeking a step-by-step path toward a more focused and more profitable future;* Feeling uneasy about current overhead and sales backlog, or perhaps needing the urgency of a “turnaround;”

Coaching clients o9en express these feelings: