Business and Society Case study solution

Post on 06-Jan-2016

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Business and Society Case study solution

Transcript of Business and Society Case study solution

Q2> Every company needs to play the role of a good corporate citizen in the society. Companies need to understand that their actions have ramifications beyond their immediate customers and business partners. The society provides an ecosystem for the business to exist. The business has an obligation to give back to the society. Safeguarding the private data of the citizens is a prominent duty of a business. In todays digital age, privacy is a rare luxury. Businesses need to take the privacy concerns of the citizens more seriously. Its not uncommon for businesses to register themselves in tax havens to save taxes. Such practices rob the society of tax money where these businesses operate. They need to act in good faith and pay taxes so that they contribute positively to the society.Although businesses need to comply with the law of the land, they need to ensure that their practices do not violate the Freedom of Speech and Expression of the citizens. Sometimes, businesses need to take a stand for the greater good of the society.