Bush sr.

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Bush sr.

The Last 35 YearsOutcomes: Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, & George

Bush Sr.

George Bush Sr.

8. 1988 Election

a. Reagan’s VP George H.W. Bush (R) ran against Michael Dukakis (D)

b. Bush became first serving VP to be elected Pres. Since Martin Van Buren in 1836

c. Bush would only last one term

1. Setting the Stage: Persian Gulf War

a. Saddam Hussein claimed Kuwait belonged to Iraq

b. Iraq invaded Kuwait on Aug 2, 1990

c. President Bush launched Operation Desert Storm to liberate Kuwait

d. Cease-fire announced on Feb 28, 1991. Kuwait was liberated.

e. Saddam Hussein was still in control of Iraq