Burrumbuttock Lutheran Parish... sermon-series.html Chapel Sermons: Want to hear any of the sermons...

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Burrumbuttock Lutheran Parish Jindera, Burrumbuttock, Bethel & Gerogery


This Sunday’s Readings

Growing Where We Are Planted Bulletin for Sunday 16th October 2016

Genesis 32:22-31 (Bethel Genesis 28:1-22); 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5; Luke 18:1-8

Merciful Lord of heaven and earth, teach us to come to you with confidence in all our needs, and rely on your help and protection. We ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Welcome to Church

Whether you are a visitor or have been with us a long time we are so glad you are here to worship with us.

Friday 14 Oct Pulse Youth movie night. ‘Paper planes’ at the St John’s Hall. Theme for the night: Persistence. SO… hone in your paper plane making skills for a night of aeronautical proportions...(planes MUST BE MADE ON THE NIGHT) …. Prizes for

1) the furthest 2) the trickiest, and 3) the highest

(without getting stuck in the rafters forever). 6.00-8.30pm. Cost: $5.00 to cover catering. RSVP essential by Thursday night.

Sunday 16 Oct Bethel/Burrum/Gerogery Family Service. Bethel Church is commemorating the 90th Anniversary of the opening and dedication of the present church building. Service is at 11am with lunch to follow.

Wednesday 19 Oct Jindera Women’s Fellowship: 10am at Bethlehem Church hall. Topic- Best bloom. Burrum Women’s Fellowship: 10am at St Ives (on the Lincoln Causeway), followed by lunch, and then visiting the Riversdale Iris Farm in Wodonga.

Sunday 30 Oct LUTHERAN LONGEST LUNCH AND PARISH SERVICE AT GEROGERY: ALL PARISH MEMBERS ARE INVITED, COME ALONG AND ENJOY GOOD COMPANY AND FELLOWSHIP!! Gerogery will supply and cook the meat, Burrum and Bethel to bring salads to share and Jindera and Chapel to bring sweets. Please let Kirsty Wilksch or Ruth Friedrich know if you are coming. Kirsty 02-6029 8630. Ruth 02-6026 0525.

UPA Jindera Services every 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month @ 2pm. Everyone welcome to attend and mix with the residents.

Pastor Christian is working as a GP on Mondays. He may be contacted on his mobile for urgent pastoral matters.

Bev Harding’s hours in the Parish Office 17-21 October are: Monday and Thursday 9.00-12.00,

Tuesday 3.30-6.00 Friday 2.00-6.00,

These may change, I apologise in advance. I will be checking the office emails regularly if you need to contact me outside of these times.

Please pray for students undertaking their Year 12 exams. May God quieten

nerves and give clear minds to remember what they have studied. Please keep Phyllis Quinlivan in your prayers as she is in hospital undergoing treatment. Lord, we pray that the treatment is successful and that she is well again soon. Please pray for the members of Trinity Lutheran Church in Blyth South Australia.

On the 28 September 2016 their church building was seriously damaged. Pray also for the Blyth community, and all of South Australia, that they are support-ed through this serious weather event. Our thoughts and prayers are also with those in the eastern states of Australia as the weather impacted areas in

Victoria, Tasmania, New South Wales and Queensland. Pray for Hanna Schulz and Carevan Albury who we are supporting this year

with our Parish offerings. In our NSW LCA District please keep in your prayers this week, the Walla Walla

Parish, where there is currently a pastoral vacancy. We pray for a pastor for them soon and that the Lord blesses each member of the parish richly.

Upcoming Safe Church Training: Saturday October 22 9.30am-4pm Bethlehem Lutheran Church Jindera 109 Adams St Jindera Trainer: Carolyn Kiss Local contact person: Beverley Harding burrumbuttockparish@gmail.com BYO lunch Register by Monday 17 October Training sessions are for all pastors, lay workers and staff, congregation leaders, and adults who work in children’s ministry. Training should be attended every three years. Registration of $35 per person will be invoiced to participants’ home congregation. Wagga Wagga Installation of Pastor Stuart Kleinig: Our parish members are invited to the installation of Pastor Stuart Kleinig at

the Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Athol Street, Wagga Wagga on Sunday November 13 at 2pm. An afternoon tea will be served in the hall after the service. The LCA NSW District Gathering: is on 21 – 23 October 2016 at Warrambui Retreat and Conference Centre. The theme this year is “The local Church is the hope of the world”. LCA Missions Dean Eaton is a gifted speaker and communicator and will be teaching us over the weekend on how we can share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Thanks to sponsorship from the LCA NSW District the cost for the weekend will be $50 per person, which includes all meals and accommodation. A children’s program will be available. LCA Bishop John Henderson will be our guest preacher on Sunday 23

rd October. Register online at www.lcansw.org.au/gathering.

Hanna Schulz newsletter: We are supporting Hanna this year with our Parish offerings. Her latest newsletter is available at each congregation as well as on our website for your perusal.

Burrumbuttock Flower Show & Open Gardens: Sunday 23 October 9.30-4.00. Flower Show opens at 11.00am. Gardens open 9.30-4.00. $15 for entry to gardens and Flower Show or $5.00 per venue. Ten Commandments Sermon Series: Missed any of Pastor’s sermons? They are available on our website: http://www.burrumbuttocklutheranparish.org/ten-commandments- sermon-series.html Chapel Sermons: Want to hear any of the sermons from our Chapel services? They are now available for you to listen to on our website: http://www.burrumbuttocklutheranparish.org/chapel-sermons.html

Tim, can you say ‘Mum’? A compelling story of recovery

from severe brain Injury

This true story documents the miraculous recovery Tim has made since his tragic accident 9 years ago when he was catapulted off his motor-bike. It also documents the mother’s deeply personal journey as she learns to cope with the single most complex and heart-breaking experience of her life. It is a story of hope and healing. Price $19.99 (plus $2 postage) Available from Hilary Briese (60263 219) or Liz Schulz (0409 443 041) OR email joyleen.edwards@gmail.com

The LCA’s 50th birthday On Reformation Sunday, the 30

th of October AD 2016, we will celebrate 50 years of

the Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA). So leading up to then, each week we’ll have an interesting fact about the LCA in the bulletin. We are the Lutheran Church of Australia. So what is the church? We believe, teach and confess that:

It is the congregation of saints, in which the Gospel is rightly taught and the Sacraments are rightly administered. For the true unity of the Church it is enough to agree concerning the doctrine of the Gospel and the administration of the Sacraments. Nor is it necessary that human traditions, that is rites or ceremonies, instituted by men, should be everywhere alike. As Paul says: One faith, on Baptism, on God and Father of all etc. Eph 4.

(Article 6 Augsburg Confession).

In November 1965 the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Australia (ELCA) and the United Evangelical Lutheran Church of Australia (UELCA) agreed to be in “altar and pulpit fellowship”, a necessary step towards the union of the two synods a year later. On the 28

th November 1965, Honorary President of the ELCA, Rev Dr Hoopman said

at the service for altar and pulpit fellowship:

“By the grace of God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Australia and the United Evangelical Lutheran Church in Australia, have been led together in the confession and unity of the one faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and of the one doctrine of His holy gospel. We accept this unity as an unmerited gift of our God, in sincere repentance for that which lies behind us since our fathers went their divided ways, and in humble gratitude for all that God in his mercy has done through each of us in the years since 1846. He has kept us and blessed us, and for this we magnify His holy name. We believe that the union of our Churches is His holy will for us at this time. Therefore we, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Australia and The United Evangelical Lutheran Church in Australia, have declared our acceptance of a Document of Union and have given each other the solemn pledge to unite for the joint proclamation of the gospel and the common administration of the sacraments.”

The Gospel is the good news of Jesus Christ, that declares to us all that He is, has done, and continues to do for us, above all, the forgiveness of sins. The Sacraments, Holy Baptism and Holy Communion, are His gifts, which deliver to us all that He is, has done, and continues to do for us, above all the forgiveness of sins.

Pastor Christian Fandrich with thanks to Bishop Paul Smith (QLD) for the above quote.

Big Questions Bible Study Series From August to September around 15 people gathered each week to discuss the big questions of Abortion, Just War, Refugees and Euthanasia. It was a good opportunity to engage with these topical social and ethical issues, to share our experiences and stories, and above all to hear God’s Word on each matter. If you would like to know a bit more about these issues, go to our parish website for LCA resources relating to these big questions. http://www.burrumbuttocklutheranparish.org/big-question-bible-series-lca-resources.html


16th October: Genesis 32:22-31 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5 Luke 18:1-8

Bethlehem 9am Pr Christian Bethel/Burrum/Gerogery 11am With lunch following. Pr Christian Chapel 10.30am Lay reading

Bethel Church 90th Anniversary of the opening and dedication of the present church building. Family Service with lunch following.

23rd October: Jeremiah 14:7-10,19-22 2 Timothy 4:6-8,16-18 Luke 18:9-14

Bethlehem 9am Lay reading Chapel Youth Service 10.30am Pr Christian Gerogery 9am Pr Christian

Burrum Flower show on so no service at Burrum

church today

30th October: Isaiah 1:10-18 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4,11,12 Luke 19:1-10

Parish Service @ Gerogery 9am Pr Christian Chapel 10.30am

Reformation celebration and 50 years of LCA celebration. Lutheran Longest Lunch

PASTOR CHRISTIAN FANDRICH Parish Office 6026 1876 AH: 6029 4265 Mobile: 0457 841 123 christian.fandrich@lca.org.au Days off; Monday & Tuesday PARISH CONTACT DETAILS


6026 1876 Parish Administrator Bev Harding Ph: 6026 1876 PARISH YOUTH TEAM PULSE Alison Viedt 0427263398 Ian Pertzel Pastor Christian Fandrich PARISH PRAYER CHAIN CO-ORDINATORS

Ross & Sharon Severin 6029 4373 0428 294 280

Website: www.burrumbuttocklutheranparish.org Email: burrumbuttockparish@gmail.com

CONGREGATION DEACONS REP Bethel Ray Jarick 6026 0577 Bethlehem Hilary Briese 6026 3219 Burrum Vacant Chapel Rod Frohling 6029 3262 Gerogery Noel Salzke 6026 3409

PARISH EXECUTIVE CONTACT DETAILS Parish Chairperson Noel Salzke 0407 045 749 6026 3409 Vice Chairperson Noel Frohling 6029 3225 Parish Secretary Myrna Frohling 60 29 3225 Parish Treasurer Mark Briese 6026 1720 (home) Assistant Treasurer Kathy Anderson 6026 3729 (home)