Burma Update - DASSK to Visit Bagan, DASSK Met Austrilian FM - 2 July 2011

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Transcript of Burma Update - DASSK to Visit Bagan, DASSK Met Austrilian FM - 2 July 2011

  • 8/6/2019 Burma Update - DASSK to Visit Bagan, DASSK Met Austrilian FM - 2 July 2011



    In spite of warnings issued by state-run newspapers that should Daw Aung San SuuKyi decide to go outside Rangoon, there could be chaos and riots as evident by previ-ous incidents, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi (66) will be leaving Rangon by air coming Mon-day morning for Bagan, the city of holy and ancient pagodas, for paying homage tothese pagodas.As for her younger son Kim Arundel Aris (33) aka Htein Lin, he will be leaving for Ba-gan tomorrow morning by car with the aim of arriving there Monday morning to joinhis mother on a pilgrimage.According to the spokesman of the NLD, after paying worship to pagodas at Bagan,Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and her son are due to visit Magway, the capital of MagwayDivision in central Burma and later from there to a small town called Natmauk thebirth place of her late father, General Aung San.

    Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and her son are expected to come back to Rangoon on about 8July.The NLD spokesman insisted that her tour outside Rangoon this time is more

    aimed at making family pilgrimage together with her son, who also is a Buddhist, thanaimed at organizing for the cause of NLD and democracy.###


    The visiting Australian Foreign Minis-

    ter Kevin Rudd held talks with thedemocracy leader Daw Aung San SuuKyi at the Australian ambassadorsresidence for three hours beginningfrom 11 am to 2 pm this afternoon.Lunch was served to Daw Aung SanSuu Kyi by Australian ambassadorMs. Bronte Moules while holding thetalks with Australian Foreign Minister.

    No details of the talks were releasedto the press by either side.Australian Foreign Minister, who is thefirst Australian FM to visit here innine years time after Australian For-eign Minister Alexander Downersvisit in 2002, yesterday afternoonmet President U Thein Sein in Nay PyiTaw and held talks with the latter.Before holding talks with President U

    Thein Sein yesterday, the AustralianFM separately held talks with FM U

    B U R M A U P D A T E

    2 July 2011

    P o l i t i c a l D e f i a n c e C o m m i t t e e ( P D C ) e m a i l : p e o p l e @ g r a c e i n p e a c e . c o m

  • 8/6/2019 Burma Update - DASSK to Visit Bagan, DASSK Met Austrilian FM - 2 July 2011


    Wunna Maung Lwin at the Foreign Ministry in Nay Pyi Taw at 12 noon.The talks between the two foreign ministers were given by state-run newspapers asdiscussion on promotion of bilateral relations and cooperation.Kevin Rudd, who arrived here on June 30, will be flying back home this evening.###

    B U R M A U P D A T E

    2 July 2011

    !P o l i t i c a l D e f i a n c e C o m m i t t e e ( P D C ) e m a i l : p e o p l e @ g r a c e i n p e a c e . c o m

