Burma : The Golden Land

Post on 24-Jan-2016

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Burma : The Golden Land. Reza Roovers. Ethnic Groups. There are over 1,135 ethnic groups Groups include: Bamars Karens Rakhines Rohingyas Chinese Indian. Ethnic Groups. LANGAUGE Burmese is the official language of Burma, mostly spoken by the ruling Bamars - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Burma : The Golden Land


Burma: The Golden LandReza Roovers

+Ethnic Groups

There are over 1,135 ethnic groups

Groups include: Bamars Karens Rakhines Rohingyas Chinese Indian

+Ethnic Groups

LANGAUGE Burmese is the official language of Burma, mostly

spoken by the ruling Bamars The language unites the Burmese

THE KARENS They are rebellious, and want to create their own state Years of fighting took place The Karen State was given autonomy by the

government Such problems have yet to be resolved


Buddhism is the predominant and state religion

The People have strong beliefs in Buddhism, as well as Islam Christianity Hinduism

Buddhism also played a big role in unifying Burma


In 2007, monks and students demonstrated

It was a anti-government protest

Buddhism was incorporated in the struggle

Casualties Protesters either shot or arrested

+Politics in Burma

Burma was ruled by generals (military government)

General Ne Win served as head of state for most of the time

People were against the government

Groups were oppressed

+Politics in Burma

Aung San Suu Kyi

Head of the National League of Democracy

She fought against the rulers

Detained for her campaigns

Elected Member of Parliament in 2011

New president elected in the same year

+To Recap…

Differences in ethnicity, politics and religion contribute in shaping Burma’s history and culture

The people are more committed in building their country

Burma is a diverse country

The people of Burma unite the country

+Picture Citation

Ethnic Minorities

“Burma’s Ethnic Minorities”. Photograph. CFOB. 3 September 2013. <http://www.cfob.org/burmaissue/ethnicGroups/ethnicGroups.shtml>

Shwedagon Pagoda

“Shwedagon Pagoda Festival”. Photograph. Ayuda Myanmar Travel. 3 September 2013. <http://ayudamyanmartravel.com/festivals/>

2007 Protests

“The Saffron Revolution in Burma”. Photograph. Rant and Reason. 3 September 2013. <http://blog.thehumanist.org/2007/09/the-saffron-revolution-in-burma/>

+Picture Citation

General Ne Win

“The Whole World Watches Myanmar”. Photograph. NeptuneCafe. 3 September 2013. <http://www.neptunecafe.com/burma.html>

Aung San Suu Kyi

Htoo Tay Zar. “Aung San Suu Kyi gives speech”. Photograph. Wikimedia Commons. <http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Aung_San_Suu_Kyi_gives_speech.jpg>