Bulletin -- April 11-12, 2020...WEEKLY BIBLE READING GUIDES April 6-12, 2020 April 13 Monday Acts...

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Transcript of Bulletin -- April 11-12, 2020...WEEKLY BIBLE READING GUIDES April 6-12, 2020 April 13 Monday Acts...

1021 McCarthy Blvd. N., Regina, SK S4X 3P9 Phone: 306-949-7678 Website: www.holyfamilyregina.com Email: office@holyfamilyregina.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/holyfamilyregina/

Contact the office at 306-949-7678

for Sacrament of Baptism,

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and Parish items.

Bulletin -- April 11-12, 2020

Parish Staff Team: Fr. Wilfred Calinawan, Administrator

pastor@holyfamilyregina.com Fr. Ricardo Escalante,

Assisting Priest Sr. Amelia B. Gorospe, SIHM

Pastoral Assistant pastoral@holyfamilyregina.com

Georgina Carter, Office Administrator office@holyfamilyregina.com

Andrea Resler, Administrative Assistant

Zach Hansen, Building and Grounds Ban Pham, Custodian

Verna Angielski, Sacristan

Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm All Masses are suspended until further notice, as are events, activities and meetings. Our parish will be open during office hours, Saturday 4-6pm and Sunday 9am-12pm for parishioners who wish to come and pray. Archbishop Donald J. Bolen writes “Further, in keeping with the Code of Canon Law no. 87, I grant to all the Catholic faithful dispensation from their Sunday obligation until further notice.” Daily Masses will be celebrated from Resurrection Parish and can be viewed here at any time: https://livestream.com/accounts/17094656

We come to Easter Sunday’s celebration filled with the memory of the liturgies of the greatest week of the Church’s year - liturgies which have spoken for themselves, as they invited us to relive in faith the great things God has done for us, coming to a great climax in the Easter Vigil - captured in the words of St. Paul read during the Vigil, ‘As Christ was raised from the dead by the Father’s glory, we too’ are called ‘to live a new life’. The days after Easter have a remarkable atmosphere. The Church’s mood is not one of exuberant triumph, but one of wonder and calm. Faith must come to terms with the new creation brought into existence by the Paschal Mystery. And it is impossible to forget the price that has been paid: the one who ‘went about doing good’ has died ‘hanging on a tree’. Though they proclaim realities which are incomparable in their greatness and importance, the Church’s liturgies do not strive to impress by creating effect. Only faith can fully appreciate the motivation that brought them into existence; they are a reflection of the Church’s living response to what God has done for us. A group of people who have come through a great ordeal or an extraordinary experience will often find themselves in a mood of calm, reflection and gratitude. The liturgies of Easter Week have such a mood. With Peter, in the first reading, we look back upon the gospel story that has led up to the great event in

which we have been given to share. Peter recalls the ministry of Jesus ‘anointed with the Holy Spirit and with power’ and his tragic death; and as a privileged witness he announces the Lord’s resurrection, to be ‘the judge of the living and the dead’, the one witnessed to by ‘all the prophets’.

With Paul, in the second reading, we look forward with a hope that has no bounds. The destiny which is ours through the power of the Saviour’s resurrection invites us to ‘look for the things that are in heaven’, because the life we now have ‘is hidden with Christ in God’. In the gospel reading - the story of Peter and the beloved disciple running to the empty tomb - the Church of the Apostles acknowledges that faith does not come easily: only a generous openness to

God will find faith in the Risen Lord. This openness is linked especially with a knowledge of God’s ways to be found in ‘the teaching of scripture’. The renewal of baptismal promises, which is customary at the Easter Day Mass, invites us to reflect upon the immense implications of our sharing in the Saviour’s risen life, for the sake of the whole world. John Thornhill, sm As you reflect on the vision of discipleship presented in this gospel, do you feel that you, like Peter, have been following Jesus at a safe distance?

STEWARDSHIP BULLETIN BITS: April 12, 2020 - Easter Sunday “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” (Colossians 3:2) Do you put God first in all things? Possessions, money, power, ego can easily become gods to many of us. Do a quick check of what is important to you. Is God at the very top of the list? If not, your priorities need to be re-adjusted. Don’t let earthly things become a god before God. This is also the first commandment – I am the Lord your God, you shall not have any strange gods before me.

First Reading: Acts 10:34-43. The setting is the house of Cornelius, a centurion of the Italian Regiment, part of the military occupation force in Palestine. Cornelius, already a believer in God, has had a vision. As a result, he has invited Peter to visit. It is against Jewish law for a Jew to associate with or visit a Gentile, but Peter comes anyway, with “some believers from Joppa”. Peter tells the assembled company that God does not favour Jews over others: anyone, whatever his nationality, who reveres God and lives in unison with him “is acceptable to him”. He summarizes Jesus’ earthly ministry; he applies prophecies found in Isaiah 52:7 and 61:1 to Christ. (Psalm 107:20 says “... he sent out his word ...”) Christ is Kyrios, “Lord of all”. Responsorial Psalm: 118:1-2,14-24. The psalmist (possibly the king) was in distress and he “called on the Lord”, who heard him. With God on his side, there is nothing to fear; trusting in God is better than trusting in humans. Surrounded by his enemies, “in the name of the Lord I cut them off, with God’s help. It recalls Exodus 15:2a, Israel’s classic victory song sung by Moses and the Israelites after crossing the Reed Sea. Second Reading: Colossians 3:1-4. The author has described baptism as being “raised with Christ” and becoming sharers in his suffering and death. In the early Church, those to be baptized removed their clothes before the rite and donned new ones after it, symbolizing the casting aside of their old ways and their new “life” in Christ. Our reading summarizes this teaching. We already have close fellowship with Christ, but this is not yet fully revealed; our lives are still “hidden with Christ in God”, unseen by worldly people. When Christ’s glory is “revealed” at the end of time, our complete union with him will also be seen.

May God’s grace and blessings comfort and console those who

we love and are in need!

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Tran Thi Kiem Ava Ayong

Lenore Geisbauer Roseann Melnyk

Tim Van Duyvendyk

O�� B������ D������� Paul Olynick Ken Chesko

Mario DiAntonio Francis Sentes

Mildred Kovatch Romulo Gosospe

Victor Florek Lillian Lewans

He is risen! He is truly risen! This is what the celebration of Easter is all about — the truth that Jesus was crucified for our sins and three days later rose from the dead, conquering death once and for all. We proclaim this truth every Sunday in the Nicene Creed: “For our sake He was crucified under Pontius Pilate, He suffered death and was buried and rose again on the third day, in accordance with the Scriptures.” Amazing. We know it’s true, but this Easter Sunday, let’s ask ourselves if we live as if it’s true. Do we simply recite this portion of our Creed week after week or do we live as witnesses to this glorious reality? A witness, of course, is one with first-hand knowledge. Our readings today focus not only on the Resurrection itself, but also on those who were witnesses to it and to the life and work of

Jesus throughout His public ministry. In the first reading from the Acts of the Apostles, St. Peter proclaims, “We are witnesses of all that He did both in the country of the Jews and in Jerusalem.” In the Gospel, St. John describes the first three witnesses to the empty tomb, Mary Magdalene, John (“the disciple whom Jesus loved,”) and Peter. Mary Magdalene arrived first at the tomb where our Lord’s Body had been laid. She saw that the stone once covering it had been removed. She ran to Peter and John to tell them what she had seen and they ran to the tomb to see for themselves. Each of these three had an individual “experience” of the empty tomb. Each went up close to it to try take it all in, to marvel at what Jesus’ love and had accomplished. As a result, each one became a witness to the truth of the Resurrection. And they spent the rest of their lives bearing witness to its saving power. In fact, the truth of the Resurrection has been passed on for 2,000+ years now by those willing to serve as witnesses to its power in their lives. Now it is our turn, privilege, and responsibility to serve as Christ’s witnesses. How are we, as Christian stewards, to do so all these years later if a witness is one with first hand knowledge? We may have to look a little more closely to see for ourselves than those first three witnesses, but we can have just as real an experience of the empty tomb and the redeeming power of the Resurrection. We “see for ourselves” when we prayerfully read the Scriptures knowing they are a living love letter from God with a message to each one of us. We “see for ourselves” each time we receive the precious Body and Blood of our Lord in the Eucharist. We “see for ourselves” when we experience His personal and healing power in our hearts during Reconciliation. We “see for ourselves” when we pour out our lives in loving service to those around us and experience the deep satisfaction that only comes when we are imitating our Savior. This Easter, don’t just recite the Creed. Resolve to live as if it’s true. Experience Jesus for yourself every day from now on. You will be a powerful witness to the truth that He is risen! He is truly risen!


April 13 Monday

Acts 2.14, 22-33 Ps 16.1-2a+5, 7-8, 9-10,

11 Matthew 28.8-15

April 14 Tuesday

Acts 2.36-41 Ps 33.4-5, 18-19, 20+22

John 20.11-18

April 15 Wednesday Acts 3.1-10

Ps 105.1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8-9 Luke 24.13-35

April 16

Thursday Acts 3.11-26

Ps 8.2a+5, 6-7, 8-9 Luke 24.35-48

April 17 Friday

Acts 4.1-12 Ps 118.1-2,+4, 22-24,

25-27a John 21.1-14

April 18

Saturday Acts 4.13-21

Ps 118.1+14-15, 16ab-18, 19-21

Mark 16.9-15

April 19 Sunday

Acts 2.42-47 Ps 118.2-4, 13-15, 22-24

1 Peter 1.3-9 John 20.19-31

Cat Chat Kids Club: Open to PreK-Grade 4. Meetings are postponed for the foreseeable future. For information, email holyfamilykidsprogram@gmail.com The EDGE: Open to Grades 5–8, at no cost. Gatherings are postponed for the foreseeable future. For information, email holyfamilyedgeyouthgroup@outlook.com The SOURCE: Open to Grades 9-university, at no cost. Gatherings are postponed for the foreseeable future. For information, go to https://www.facebook.com/SourceRegina/

ALL ABOARD!! Rocky Railway Vacation Bible School is pulling into Holy Family Parish July 13-17! Online registration is open. Scan the QR code for the website to register.

Pastoral Care Ministry: serves the sick, elderly and hospitalized members of our parish. Prayer shawls are available to these parishioners and/or family members who would benefit from the comfort of a prayer shawl. Also, looking for anyone who would be interested in knitting/crocheting a prayer shawl. Yarn donations would be gratefully accepted. For information, please contact Patty at 306-535-8251.

Easter Streaming Services (can be viewed at or after the specified time): Holy Thursday - 7pm - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQI8vptnz1M Good Friday - 3pm - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4NCNMCFXfo Easter Vigil - 8:30pm - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GoeILGlS9Q Easter Sunday - 9am - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wl0bUThad3s

Some Films of Christ's Passion: King of Kings (1961), The Greatest Story Ever Told (1965), Godspell (1973), Jesus of Nazareth (1977), Gospel of John (2003), The Passion of the Christ (2004).

All pews have been disinfected. Disinfectant wipes are available for parishioners to use before and after using a pew.

Donations: We realize we are in uncertain times for an undetermined timeframe. For those parishioners who wish to donate, options always include: —envelope Drop it off at any time in the mail slot at the front doors of our parish. —pre-authorized debit https://www.holyfamilyregina.com/donate/preauthorized-deposits/ —etransfer finance@holyfamilyregina.com —online donations, through Canada Helps https://www.canadahelps.org/en/dn/24871 —mail Holy Family Parish, 1021 McCarthy Blvd. N., Regina, SK, S4X 3P9

Parishioners can expect the parish to be contacting them and, as always, are encouraged to contact Father Wilfred or the office at any time.

Petition: Cathay Wagantall, Member of Parliament for Yorkton-Melville, introduced her Private Member’s Bill, the Sex Selective Abortion Act (Bill C-233) in the House of Commons. The legislation will create a penalty for medical practitioners who knowingly perform an abortion when the sole reason is the genetic sex of the pre-born child. Support this bill to make the point that sex selective abortion is not permissible. For more information and a printable copy of the petition, go to: http://www.cathaywagantall.ca/c233 and scroll to: Petition (English | Français). Complete only as many lines as there are members in your household and mail postage free.


As of:

April 6, 2020



Bldg. Fund

$78,274 $94,893 $8,916



Date Time Activities

Monday, Apr. 13 No Mass

Tuesday, Apr. 14 No Mass

Wednesday, Apr. 15 No Mass

Thursday, Apr. 16 No Mass

Friday, Apr. 17 No Mass

Saturday, Apr. 18 No Mass

Sunday, Apr. 19 No Mass


Father will say a private Mass for each inten�on.

Monday, April 13

Tuesday, April 14 +Dylan Smith, r/b Zachary Hanson

Wednesday, April 15 +Lillian Lewans, r/b Irma Syrenne

Thursday, April 16 +Irene Wickenhauser, r/b Lana and Doug Ramsay

Friday, April 17 +Lillian Lewans, r/b Alphonse Lewans

Saturday, April 18 +Maximo and Ponciano Ocampa, r/b Dori

Sunday, April 19 +Lillian Lewans, r/b Lana and Doug Ramsay

Sunday, April 19 +Sara Froese, r/b Kaz and Mary Herod

Prayers and Devotions Visit the Prayers and Devotions page to find information on daily mass, daily readings and reflections, prayers, stations of the cross and other resources that may be valuable during this time of social distancing. https://archregina.sk.ca/prayers-devotions Archdiocese of Regina on Social Media We invite you to like us on Facebook. We will have regular Facebook Live prayers and we would love to have you join us! https://www.facebook.com/ArchdioceseofRegina/ You can also find us on Twitter @archioceseofreg and on Instagram archdioceseofregina Archdiocese of Regina Weekly Report Sign up for our Archdiocese of Regina Weekly Report and stay up to date on COVID-19 updates and other news, delivered to your inbox every Friday morning. Sign up now: https://bit.ly/2QIMB0o

Messages from the Archdiocese of Regina: As you have heard so many times, the world we are living in is new for everyone. It is definitely not anything that any of us have experienced. This year’s Holy Week celebrations will be experienced in a way we have not experienced them before. But the celebrations will occur with as much reverence, love, hope and prayer as the world can muster. Online Catechetical Resources: Our Catechist, Robert Barr, has put together online resources for children, teens, adult and families. They can be accessed here: https://archregina.sk.ca/catechetical-support-parishes Good Samaritan Project: The Archdiocese of Regina has volunteers in place. If you need groceries or essential items but are ill, immobile or quarantined and so not able to leave the house (noting that no one should be leaving more than absolutely necessary), please contact us and we will set you up with a volunteer. Please also contact us if you live alone and are feeling lonely and isolated, and we can arrange for someone to check in on you by phone. We are committed to operating so that the Health Canada Guidelines and provincial Public Health Orders from our Chief Medical Officer and provincial government are strictly adhered to. If you need assistance, please email outreach@archregina.sk.ca, or call 306-541-3086 between 9am-5pm Tuesday-Saturday. Easter Basket Blessing: Lord Jesus Christ, after you were raised from the dead you prepared food on a charcoal fire, and invited your disciples to come and have breakfast. As we celebrate your resurrection, come to our table. Open our eyes to your glorious presence, our minds to the holy Scriptures, and bless our food so that we may joyfully partake in the sharing of the victory of your love over hatred and life over death, forever and ever. Amen.


Holy Family Parish has PAD (pre-authorized debit). Please pick up a form on the table in the foyer. Holy Family Parish is also set up for online giving. Please go to our website at www.holyfamilyregina.com.

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