BUKAS- LOOB SA DIYOS - BLD TORONTO · "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?"—which means, "My God, my...

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Transcript of BUKAS- LOOB SA DIYOS - BLD TORONTO · "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?"—which means, "My God, my...


    Living the Word

    And at the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?"—which means, "My God, my

    God, why have you forsaken me?"Mark 15:34

  • March 3, 2008 Living the Word Vol. 1 V

    “Come let us worship Christ, the Lord, who for our sake endured temptation and suffering.” This antiphon from the book of Christian Prayer or the Breviary reminds us that it is Lent. Lent is the time of grace, mercy, reconciliation and compassion that our loving God gives to anybody who asks for it. Hence, it is seen as spring-time in one’s spiritual life. A life that is centered on Jesus Christ who tells His follower to love God and love the neighbor wherein He is “in the flesh” or incarnated. The Church, our means of salvation, gathers and teaches all her members

    FR. Manuel L. Seranilla, Jr. St. Catharines BLD Spiritual Director and do almsgiving as means to accompany and be with Christ in His redemptive mission that leads to His glo-rious Resurrection. Prayer draws us closer to God, God speaks to us. We listen and open our entire being to Him. We begin to see that prayer is so essential to our spiritual life as air is so vital for breathing. The Church exhorts us to do private and public prayers. Private prayers such as the rosary, stations of the cross (Via Crucis), devotion to Most Blessed Sacrament and novenas are suited for this Lenten season. Public prayers strengthen our faith and our relationship with our faith-community. The Eucharist (Mass) and the sacrament of Penance (Confession) are highly recommended as ineffable sources of grace. These have tremendous value for one’s spiritual life. “One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” (Mt. 4:11) Fasting makes one experience an emptying of oneself for the glory of God. It makes us share in the suffering of Christ by acts of self-denial and mortification of the senses. The more we do fasting, the stronger we be-come in resisting temptations and sins. Our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XV1 encourages us to fast from words and images. Almsgiving makes us other-oriented and less self-centered. It makes us realize that there are so many poor in the world who are deprived of the bare necessities in life like food, shelter and clothing. The amount that we set aside in almsgiving will benefit the development and peace programs of the Church, share life projects and will ensure the maintenance of the Holy Land which depends very much on the financial support that is col-lected on Good Friday. These three practices of the Church during Lent make us, in a way, carry our cross as disciples of Jesus Christ, in words and in deeds. Taken positively with a Christian perspective, they are means for the good of one’s soul.

    “If today you hear God’s voice, harden not your hearts.” Fr. Manuel L. Serranilla, Jr.

  • porting ligament , with the proper functioning of each part, brings about the body’s growth and builds itself up in love.” We have to remember that Paul urges Christian community to continued growth in Christ; we are to change from our former way of life and put what he calls the new self and to be united in love in the one body of Christ. The season of Lent invites us to take to heart God’s call to ongoing conversion and growth in Christian life. During Lent, each of us needs to be courageous, sincere, and honest with ourselves. We need to take a close look at where we are now and where we want to go. For many Christians, the season of Lent typically includes some kind of fasting. These fasts usually take the form of abstaining from all food throughout a given 24 hour period or certain kinds of food for the duration of the forty-day season. In place of food fast, some Christians choose to give up some-thing or rededicate themselves to helping those in need as a way to proclaim the salvation of Christ has won for all by His suffering and death, then such activities are sacrifices that glorify God. Lent is not about our giving up something to please God. Lent is about what Jesus Christ gave up to pay the penalty for the sins of the world, His holy and innocent life. May God bless all our effort and may the name of Jesus be praised in all things we think and do. In the love and service to our Lord, St. Catharines District Council of Stewards (DCS) Roy & Carmen Mitra -Formation Romy & Minda Panday – Evangelization Poch & Avic Robles - Management Cip & Emmy Tabios - Pastoral

    March 3, 2008 Living the Word Vol. 1 V

    Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

    We, the new District Council of Stewards of BLD St. Catharines are proud to be of service to you and the com-munity. We pray to God to guide us in our challenges in the coming years. Our community have grown sizeably and spiritually from its inception in 1994 and the new DCS are all committed to help further this growth. We will be endeavouring new BLD encounters ,and new ministries to serve our Christian brothers and sisters in the local community. From the Letter of Paul to the Ephesians (Ephesians 4:15-16) said: “Living the truth in love, we should grow every way into him who is the head, Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every sup-

    The New DCS: left to right: Cip/Emmy Tabios,

    Poch/Avic Robles, Roy/Carmen Mitra, and

    Romy/Minda Panday

  • New Ministries: • Singles Ministry was created to give a “home” to the Community’s rapidly growing number of single

    members. These members will sponsor St. Catharines’ first Singles Encounter on September 19-21/08, with the assistance of BLD Toronto Singles Ministry.

    • One of the projects undertaken by the Singles early this year was to organize a separate program for the

    children during Friday’s corporate worship. The program is proving to be very successful; and the children now have a Ministry of their own – Mark 10. ("Let the little children come to me. . ." (Mk 10:13)

    • A visitation program at a nursing and retirement home started last year gave birth to the Mission Ministry.

    Some members are also involved in the Out-of-the Cold program. • Avic Robles has been designated as St. Catharines’ Web Page Coordinator for Toronto’s newly established

    BLD website. Cip/Emmy Tabios will concurrently act as Youth Coordinators, primarily to oversee St. Catharines’ participation at the Youth Inter-District Conference, to be held in Toronto this Summer.


  • An example of Mission Ministry. We received this letter from Community Care, a humanitarian organization of St. Catharines & Thorold since 1919. January 9, 2008 To: BLD Community St. Catharines ON Thank you for your wonderful donation of 20 pounds of food which enabled us to ensure a Merry Christmas for all. 2007 was a very difficult year for many our clients and Christmas became an extra burden, job loss, unex-pected medical emergencies, escalating utility bills and personal tragedy were but a few of the reasons people found themselves on that slippery slope between dependency and self sufficiency. Asking for help was a new and humbling experience. However, as we closed the doors on Christmas Eve, we were confident that we had done our very best to en-sure the Magic of Christmas would happen for the 2800 families (approx. 7000 people) that registered with us. It was a great feeling. As well, during the month of December 1500 families (approx. 3750 people) received emergency food and clothing, while numerous others received assistance with special emergencies and 1200 families received help with shelter. It was a very busy place! We did not do this alone. A very caring community who gave generously of their time, talent and treasure en-abled us to make a difference in the lives of those who needed us most. Thank you for the role that you played in helping us to make a difference in the lives of those who needed us most. Thank you for the role that you played in helping us achieve our success. Perhaps the greatest gift to those of us on the “front lines” is the fact that you recognize the importance of and value the work we do. During the hustle and bustle of the holiday season it goes a long way in bolstering our sometimes weary spirits and we are very grateful. The best of wishes to you and yours for the coming year! May it be filled with health, happiness and prosperity for all. Together we are making a difference to those in need. Sincerely, Betty-Lou Souter Chief Executive Officer

  • From the BLD Toronto Leadership. . . .


    Brothers and sisters in Christ, Christmas and Easter are like dawn and dusk. These will come in our earthly time, like winter and spring. It appears that these come and go. That is the nature of feasts, they come and they go. But apparently people celebrate more deliberately one than the other, though these feasts are not the same. The greatest feast in Christianity is Easter, the day we celebrate the Resurrection. Yet, as children, parents and disciples in community we celebrate Christmas with much more fanfare and material cost. We have a Christmas Mass and party but rarely, if ever, a community Easter Mass and party! Is it time to change for the right reasons? Easter like Christmas in Filipino, is a pasko, pasko ng pagkabuhay. We are reminded that we are made alive again like our Lord. In Christmas, we are reminded that God was incarnated, became flesh like us. In Easter we, in turn, are made divine. Made like God. We are continually made divine when we receive our Lord in the Eucharist, body, soul and divinity. But that is temporary. In our resurrection, we are made divine as God. We will not be God. In manner of speaking we will be like parallel lines or in cyberspace, we will be in parallel universe. From then on, eternally divine in all re-spects, but not the same. We do know that when it is revealed we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. Everyone who has this hope based on Him makes himself pure, as He is pure.”-1 John 3:2-3 Rejoice, that is, believe with the wonderful assurance that we will be resurrected like Jesus if we remain faithful! Jimmy and Nora Valera, Ed and Lu Dumlao, Frank and Rose Cuaresma Manny and Bessie Gorospe, Robert and Cely Kitane, Pat and Rose Canlas

    Pat & Rose Canlas

    Manny & Bessie Gorospe

    Frank & Rose Cuaresma Robert & Cely Kitane Jimmy & Nora Valera Ed & Lu Dumlao

  • The Palm Sunday Procession is the commemoration of our Lord’s entry into His own City—Jerusalem. What a wonderful feeling it must have been to be in that crowd cheering and cele-brating the Messiah. Yet this joyful event was brief, as it will be followed by our Saviour’s suffering and death on the cross. The Gospel reading during the Blessing of the Palms is from St. Matthew’s account of that first Palm Sunday. The reading of the Passion of our Lord during the Passion Sunday Mass directs us to be united with our Lord’s suffering on the cross as well as the promise of His resurrection and new life. The Blessed Palm—A Sacramental Why do we take it home? First, it reminds us of our Lord’s triumphal entry into His city only to find Him in agony in the garden of Gethsemani. We are reminded to keep united in Jesus. We keep this tradition and keep the blessed palm in our homes to bring remembrance and meditation on how the Passion, Death and Resurrection of our Lord touch our lives. It reminds us that our eternal life is all that matters. By : Mabel Perlas


    Sunday And the Blessed Palm


    Several years ago I followed a fast through the forty days of Lent and found that it changed my view of Easter, and that it changed me. Fasting and meditating on my weaknesses helped me grasp the intense significance of the crucifixion, and gave me a deep and powerful longing for the resurrection, which then became joy on Easter Sunday. I was helped on this journey by materials from churches, teaching of BLD, Praise and Worship of the Community and more my own prayers and meditation of the Holy Rosary. These, serves me a purpose: to direct me and my family in preparation for Easter, through observance of Lent. While Easter is a popular holiday and may be the most important Christian holiday, many of us have a pretty weak understanding of what it is all about. For example, Easter often sneaks up on us - we may not even think of it until the annual church brunch is announced. We are more comfortable with the joy and celebration of Easter than with the darkness that preceded it. Lent is the antidote to this oversight. Lent is a chance to remember the dark before the dawn, the sin that sent Jesus to the cross. In my reflection, Lent is called the season of Bright Sadness, because it is a time of both celebration and mourning. But, the inevitable question is: why dwell on the darkness at all? After all, Jesus' work is done. Death has been conquered, Christ is victorious! Why should we be sad? If Easter is the Answer, What is the Question? Before Christ, the world called out to God (in the words of David, King of Israel), "How long, O Lord? Will you be angry forever? Will your jealous wrath burn like fire? " (Psalm 79.5) Easter is the once-for-all-time answer to this question. Jesus took our place on the cross to appease God's righteous anger. He went alone to be punished: separated from God and deserted by his friends. Before the Resurrection comes crucifixion; before crucifixion comes prosecution; before prosecution comes betrayal, doubt, fear, rebellion, and sin. Lent helps us experience our part in the Passion (suffering) of Jesus. We face our humanity during Lent: we learn that sin still dwells in us, that we still carry darkness. We learn that we would likely have fallen asleep as Jesus prayed for deliverance in the garden, and we would likely have denied knowing him as he silently accepted his death sentence. May our loving Lord continue to shine upon us His glory through the Power of His Cross and someday join with Him in heaven as we continue to embrace His mercy of forgiveness and grace of blessings. God bless all and Happy Easter. In loving service to the Lord through Mary and Joseph, Romy/Minda Panday

  • In Everything – We Give Thanks! By: Rob Fisher ME Class No. 7

    I'm sure we've all heard someone use the expression: "It's my cross to bear." And they usually refer to some burden that they have to cope with in their lives. I, personally, do not like to use that expression. I don't feel there is any burden in my life greater than the one our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ had to bear. And as we approach another Easter, I can't help but think of the sacrifice made on the cross for our sins. My wife Cecile and I are raising two boys, ages 12 and four, who have both been diagnosed with au-tism. They are wonderful children, and while parenting is no easy task at the best of times, children with special needs can create some unique challenges. More than once, Cecile and I have had someone say that raising such children is "our cross". Most parents who have special-needs children can't help but wonder "Why us? Did we do something wrong?" And while Cecile and I have had those moments of doubt, we believe that these children are not a "cross" but rather a blessing from the Lord. Activities on our days off often center on the needs of our children, whether it's appointments or therapy sessions. Much time and energy is devoted to looking after them. But that can, and should be, said by all parents. Every family situation is different and unique. We believe that God doesn't put anything in front of us that we can't handle. His word in 1 Corinthians 10:13 tells us: “None of the trials which have come upon you is more than a human being can stand. You can trust that God will not let you be put to the test beyond your strength, but with any trial will also provide a way out so that you may be able to bear it.” And it is our faith, trust and love for him that gives us the strength to carry on. We wake up every day giv-ing thanks for all that we have. Sure, there are times when we are reminded that our children may not be the "same" as other "normal" children, but the joy we receive from them cannot be measured. And we celebrate every little bit of pro-gress they make as they grow that might be taken for granted with other children. They will likely always live with us. And there are many "normal" things they may never be able to accomplish. But they fill our home with love and laughter and they bring us a joy that our lives would be very empty without. And we are reminded of God's love. We believe that these children were a gift from Him and that He chose us to raise them, and he provides us with the strength and the wisdom to do it. Raising our boys is no "cross to bear"; it is a blessing and an honour, and we give thanks every day.

    From our family to all of yours, we wish you a very happy Easter.

    Cecile, Mico, Matthew and Rob Fisher




    Jesus died on the Cross to redeem mankind, to save us from our sins, because he loves us. He was mocked, scorned, and tortured in the praetorium; carried his cross up the Via Dolorosa

    in Jerusalem to Calvary, nailed to the Cross, hung between two common criminals, and suf-fered an indescribable end.

    One may meditate on the Passion of Christ by contemplating his last Seven Words or through

    the Way of the Cross.

    The Seven Words are the last seven expressions of Jesus on the Cross recorded in Scripture.

  • “Date”, “ Worship Leaders”, “Format” , “Other Activities”



    Saturday/ Sunday

    Hamilton LSS #1 Weekend Proper



    Tabios Short P/W

    Teaching - Christian Discipline


    Sunday 4:00 – 6:00

    “Growth/ Transformation”



    Prayer Leaders/ Facilitator Olie/ Menchu

    7 Last Words



    Good Fri-day

    No prayer meeting





    Bishop James Wingle




    R/T Ongcangco Short P/W

    "The Framework for Your Spirituality - Sr. Haydee, Canossian Sis-ters,Daughters of Char-ity" 8:30-10:00



    Robles Full P/W

    Personal Testimony -



    Edralin Full P/W

    LWG/Reflection Art Edralin



    Toronto – Solo Parents Retreat



    Healing Mass Fr. Don Lizzotti


    Saturday 5:30-10:00

    Prayer Leaders ?

    DLC Assembly Cathedral Base-ment




    Perlas Full P/W

    No teaching (See May 3) To have fellowship fol-lowing P&W

    2 – 4

    Friday - Sunday

    Toronto’s Solo Parents Encounter #7, La Consolata

    2 – 4

    Friday - Sunday

    Youth Get-away Toronto


    Saturday 1:00 – 5:00

    Tellie Short P/W

    Teachings- Godly Speech/ Handling Conflict/ Fraternal Correction/ Repairing Wrongdoing

    Cathedral Base-ment (All are invited, all are welcome)



    Panday Full P/W

    Personal Testimony -

  • Bukas Loob Sa Diyos Covenant Community St. Catharines District in Process

    Summary of Revenue & Expenses - 2007

    Beginning Balance:

    Actual Bank Balance at January 1, 2007 $ 4,775.36

    Less: 2006 cheques cleared in January 2007 (419.62)

    Adjusted Beginning Bank Balance, January 1, 2007 4,355.74

    Add: Total Tithes & Love Offering - 2007 13,322.28

    Sub-total 17,678.02

    Less: Project Surplus / (Deficits):

    1. Spring Fund Raising $ 1,472.99

    2. Marriage Encounter #7 - July 2007 (1,394.69)

    3. Life in the Spirit Seminar #9 - Nov. 2007 (2,016.46)

    4. Youth & Solo Parent Encounters Subsidies (300.00)

    5. Tree Planting Project - Cathedral (217.88)

    Total Project Deficits (2,456.04)

    Less: Other Expenses Summary:

    6. Church Rentals $ (4,300.00)

    7. Priest Stipends (2,018.90)

    8. Ministry Expenses (see details) (2,660.16)

    9. All other expenses (see details) (1,021.65)


    Actual Bank Balance at December 31, 2007 $ 5,221.27

  • A Lenten Reflection By: Irene Gumolda

    When I think of the Lenten Season, what comes to my mind is the suffering of Jesus and my friend Jhona in Hong Kong who I fondly remember as my angel. While I was fasting during Lent of 2003, my friend invited me to eat in one of my favorite restaurant in Hong Kong. She got angry with me when I turned down her invitation. From that time on, she always teased me that I am on diet and I always answered her only with my smile. One Sunday, during our gathering, friends invited me again to have dinner. This time , I accepted their invitation. I saw my friend Jhona at last with a smile on her face. As everyone started to eat, they were wondering why I was not eating when I usually eat more than them. They were asking if I was on a diet. My friend Jhona asked me repeatedly if I am on diet. Finally, I told her in a low voice that I am FASTING . Suddenly all of them were so quiet as if the holy spirit of Jesus passed by us. I was amazed of their reaction , asking them why? I was touched with Jhona's answer..."FASTING IS TO BE SEEN ONLY BY GOD". One of them got her pocket Bible and read MATHEW 6:16 & 18- it says "Moreover, when you fast, do not be like hypocrites with a sad countenance. For they disfigure their faces that they may appear to men to be fasting, assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward.(Mat.6:16). "Do not appear to men to be fasting, but to your Father who is in the secret place and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.(Mat.6:18) After hearing that I was ashamed of what I told to them and said "SORRY”. It was the time that they smiled uttering “ we are part of your TEMPTATION in your journey to your fasting”. I was forced to tell them what I am doing which is not supposed to be but at the same time, I was so happy because they served as my angels who enlightened me to understand the gospel and to know more about my-self. If it only came to my mind at that time , that when Jesus was tempted by satan about his fasting then I could have answered them the way Jesus answered satan , "Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Mathew 4:4. God bless us all as we continue our journey with HIM


    The 1983 Code of Canon Law states: Abstinence from meat, […], is to be observed on all Fridays, unless a solemnity should fall on a Friday. Abstinence and fasting are to be observed on Ash Wednes-day and Good Friday (canon 1251).” In Canada, Catholics are asked to abstain from meat; although, they may substitute other specific acts of charity or piety (see canon 1253). (The possibility of substitution does not apply to Ash Wednes-day or Good Friday.) On Fridays, abstinence from meat binds all Catholics from the age of 14 until death. On Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, Catholics between the ages of 18-59 are bound to observed fasting and abstinence (canon 1252); others are to observe abstinence only. On the fast days of Good Friday and Ash Wednesday, only one full meatless meal is allowed. Two other meatless meals, sufficient to maintain strength for the duties of the day, may be taken according to one’s need, but together they should not equal another full meal. Eating between meals is not per-mitted; however, liquids are allowed. When health, or the ability to work, would be seriously af-fected, the law does not oblige. If in doubt, a confessor, or pastor, should be consulted. Catholics are reminded that the seasons of penance are each Friday of the year and the whole season of Lent (canon 1250). Submitted by: Avic Robles