Building the Future

Post on 08-Mar-2016

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The pathway to innovation can be difficult to travel. Partner with Adelaide Research & Innovation and we'll provide you with a map.

Transcript of Building the Future

building the future

Adelaide Research & Innovation

making a difference

partnering for success



2 Adelaide Research & Innovation

OUR PURPOSEARI exists to support the University’s goals around the generation and dissemination of knowledge. We believe the best way to do

this is through open engagement and being proactive around the co-creation of new ideas and applied research and knowledge.

We need to listen to, and work with, the needs of the community.

Connect: We are a focal point for linking the world renowned research resources at the University of Adelaide to the community. Our

strengths lie in the facilitation of collaborative opportunities between the University and partners in the private and public sector,

Connecting with others and collaborating to

create a better world.


as well as promoting and matching capability to need, and

encouraging networking and engagement.

Collaborate: We help foster and facilitate connections between research

and industrial partners, conscious of the need to work together

with, and listen closely to, our partners in order to get the

best result. As wholly owned subsidiary of the University, we

are integrated into the fabric of University community and

so have a deep understanding of its culture and operations.

Structured as a company, we are well placed to interact with

our counterparts in the private and public sector, and provide

a clear path for engagement the skills and expertise of our


Create:We actively assess, protect and commercialise research

outcomes to enable implementation to have real world impact.

We invest in innovative projects that have market potential to

make a difference to people’s lives.

OUR PEOPLEThe ARI team has a wide base of skills and experience across

a variety of research, commercial and public activities. So

we are well equipped to bridge the different cultures that

can sometimes frustrate interactions. We also draw on

external advisors to ensure market factors are given proper

consideration (and the independent members of our Board

also provide a guiding hand).

OUR MANTRAAt ARI we “live our name” - Adelaide Research & Innovation.

Adelaide: we are focussed solely on advancing the cause of

the University (in its mission to generate and disseminate

knowledge). The University is our owner and beneficiary

(all funds ARI receives are passed back to the University, its

researchers and collaborators).

Research & Innovation: we not only facilitate applied

knowledge exchange, but also research and innovate in our

own business to ensure we are constantly improving our

services to our clients.

“Our strengths lies in the

facilitation of collaborative

opportunities between the

University and its partners


e are advocates of the open innovation school of thought.

This promotes the idea that firms should use external (as well

as internal) ideas and internal and external paths to market.

“Universities are a source of highly educated people and a

major source of new ideas. Along with their teaching and research activities,

they attract knowledge and resources from external soruces and adapt

existing knowledge to local conditions” – Professor Goran Roos

So Universities have a clear role to play as part of a broader ecosystem.

Working with partners in the private and public sectors enables Universities

to learn more about the true nature of key problems, which in turn leads to

better research and development to the benefit of our society. We learn and

benefit from this also.

Imagination: the power to bring to mind things that aren’t here in the

present; to envisage various possibilities for the future.

Creativity: applied imagination; the process of having original ideas which

have value.

Innovation: putting good ideas into practice.

Organisations that want to be successful can only be so through intensive

cooperation – with their clients and other partners. Creativity and innovation

come about from people working in interdisciplinary teams: challenges and

opportunities are best tackled in collaboration and partnership.

ARI is embracing this change. We want to ease and speed access to University

capabilities and resources (tangible and intangible). We’ve adopted new

technology to make the knowledge exchange process more fluid, and have

added extra resources to improve customer service management.

Adopting this approach has seen ARI demonstrate strong growth. We are

moving beyond contract research and commercialisation, into strategic

partnering and relationship development. We see ourselves as being able

to drive productivity by acting as a trusted hub of knowledge exchange.

We are also involved in the broader conversation around improving

engagement between the University sector and the broader community.

We have engaged in this agenda locally, nationally and internationally. If

you are interested in this debate then we are interested in hearing from you.


Connect...collaborate...Create...with the University of Adelaide.



Census of algae in the name of conservationThey may be the bottom of the food chain but the

presence of algae can tell you a lot about the health

of an ecosystem. If there is something wrong with the

organisms at the bottom of the food chain then everything that

relies on those micro-organisms will be affected, including the

fish we eat. The School of Earth & Environmental Science at

the University of Adelaide is leading a project to monitor Algae

Response (Algae IDS count) in the northern Coorong for the

Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Algae form

the base of the food chain providing the energy source for the

higher tropic levels (e.g. zooplankton, fish, birds). The Coorong,

Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth region is the only point of entry

and exit for fish that move between freshwater and marine

habitats and is the only pathway to export salt from the Murray-

Darling Basin. As such, monitoring the algal community is

important for managing the water flows required for primary

production and to maintain a healthy and biologically diverse

river system.

White knights protecting pedestriansThe impact of vehicle design on pedestrian injury in

a collision is no laughing matter. Automobiles are

much more dangerous to pedestrians than they are

to drivers and passengers, with pedestrians deaths accounting

for the majority of our vehicle related road fatalities. As such,

car safety has shifted focus in recent years to protecting other

road users, and the influence of vehicle design on pedestrian

injury in a collision has come under scrutiny by safety regulatory


Assessing the safety performance of new models before they

enter the market is the primary function of the Australian New

Car Assessment Program (ANCAP). To test the pedestrian safety

of new vehicles, they contract the Centre for Automotive Safety

Research (CASR) at the University of Adelaide. CASR is the

official testing facility for the pedestrian component of ANCAP’s

assessment, and is the only facility of its kind in Australia. They

are contracted on a regular basis to measure the pedestrian

safety of a variety of new vehicles, using sub-system tests that

rate the safety performance of a new vehicle in a collision with

a pedestrian.

CASR is internationally recognised for its high quality

independent research, and in addition to their work with CASR,

they undertake additional independent safety tests on behalf of

vehicle’s manufacturers.

Making their biggest dream come true A collaborative partnership between the University

of Adelaide, Adelaide Research & Innovation, and

ORIGIO a/s, a world leader in Assisted Reproductive

Technology (ART) solutions, has resulted in the development of

EmbryoGen®, a novel treatment option for women undergoing

IVF who have had one or more previous miscarriages.

A fertility culture medium containing Granulocyte-Macrophage

Colony-Stimulating Factor (GM-CSF), a natural growth factor,

was found by University of Adelaide researcher Professor Sarah

Robertson, to prompt more natural development in test-tube

embryos and improve the success of in-vitro fertilisation (IVF)

treatment. The GM-CSF technology, licensed to ORIGIO a/s,

was subjected to the world’s largest clinical trial on IVF media,

and was shown to increase the implantation rate of +40% for

women with previous miscarriage.

Now available in over 40 countries, EmbryoGen® is making a

real difference to the lives of real people.




8 Adelaide Research & Innovation

She’s a real beauty mate!With climate change and water consumption a

growing concern, there has been renewed interest

in native trees and plants, especially for street and

urban landscape plantings. Ornamental Eucalypts offer key

advantages such as low water usage, striking beauty, and

reduced size. Collaboration on the clonal propagation of

Mallee eucalypts between the University of Adelaide, Adelaide

Research & Innovation and Humphris Nursery (based in

Mooroolbark Victoria) has resulted in the introduction of two

new varieties being introduced into the Australian plant market.

By marrying the best elements of premium plants, they have

created two new exclusive standard varieties of Ornamental

Eucalypt (the ‘Nullarbor Rose’ and the ‘Nullarbor Lime’ ) which

possess a combination of desirable characteristics for the home

plant market.

New wound dressing for sinus surgeryResearchers at the University of Adelaide have

developed a new wound dressing gel which improves

healing, controls bleeding and prevents adhesions

post sinus surgery. This involved collaboration with the

University of Otago and Wellington-based Robinson Squidgel.

The world’s largest medical technology company Medtronic has

acquired commercial rights to certain applications of the gel.

The translation of this research from laboratory to the clinic is

potentially of great benefit to many sinus sufferers around the

world, reducing the number of post-operative complications

which occur in almost one third of all people following sinus

surgery. The medical gel, derived from a polymer extracted

from crab shell and squid, coats the wound and slowly dissolves

over two weeks. This allows the wound to heal properly, and

prevents scar tissue from forming in the nose.

Helping those beyond our bordersThe School of Population Health & Clinical Practice

at the University of Adelaide has been contracted by

Tarakan City Health Department in Indonesia to up

skill their midwives.

12 midwives, in addition to other health care staff from Tarakan

City Health Department in Indonesia, will travel to Adelaide to

be trained in practices which will teach them how to improve

integrated care, referrals, working with private sector midwives,

and the provision of quality care to pregnant women and

children. The program will see the midwives attend class

room based training and see these skills in practice in a local

hospital. They will also learn about health promotion within the

community, and be provided with a training handbook to teach

others back home.

Up skilling these midwives through training will lead to

improved service provision and better quality of care for

patients in Tarakan City community.

Working with mining to restore the Aussie outbackArid Recovery is an ecosystem restoration initiative

based in the South Australian outback and dedicated

to the restoration of Australia’s arid lands. It is a joint project run

by BHP Billiton, the SA Department for Environment & Natural

Resources, the University of Adelaide and the local community.

The program is presently centred around a 123km² fenced

reserve at Roxby Downs. The BHP owned reserve is being used

as a testing ground to develop and implement methods for

broad scale restoration of arid lands via the use of exclusion

fencing. Feral species management and ecosystem recovery





regeneration is a long term goal for beyond the fence. Feral

cats, rabbits and foxes have been eradicated from a total of

60km² and this has provided an area of complete protection

into which four species of locally extinct mammals have so far

been reintroduced. The University has been primarily involved

in this aspect of the project, carrying out numerous research

programs on the site, particularly regarding the reintroduction

and ecology of bilbies.

Arid Recovery is a unique example of a highly successful

partnership between industry, government, education and

community via the four way partnership that supports Arid


Shaping the Future Workforce of NursingNursing has evolved over the past century from its

more traditional role in patient care, into a highly

trained and specialised occupation within the wider

medical profession. Playing a key element in the development

of this workforce in South Australia is The University of Adelaide’s

School of Nursing. Professor Alison Kitson in the School of

Nursing has embarked on a study funded by the Federal

Government’s Department of Health and Aging: “The Future

Shape of the Nursing Workforce: A Synthesis of the Evidence

of Factors that Impact on Quality Nursing Care.” This review

will pull together the most up to date international evidence

and will map the range of contextual, educational, direct care

delivery and relationship factors that are known to enhance or

detract from quality patient care delivered by nurses.

Barley Breeding ProgramThe University of Adelaide Waite Campus is a centre

of excellence for plant breeding and genetics. The

Barley Breeding Program in particular has attracted

major industry partners worldwide, including brewers such as

Heineken, Carlsberg and Sapporo. For the last five years our

barley varieties have been marketed through a commercial

partnership with Viterra (formerly ABB Grain).

University of Adelaide barley varieties currently comprise over

90% of the South Australian crop and 50-55% of the national

barley crop. Brewing companies and maltsters have worked

with our researchers to breed new varieties of barley to better

suit their production processes.

This involvement of commercial partners representing the

entire value-chain in the development of our barley varieties

has played a major role in its success.

Significant malting varieties developed by the Program include

Clipper, Schooner, Sloop, SloopSAA and DhowA, feed varieties

include Galleon, Barque, Keel, CapstanA and MaritimeA, and the

hulless variety TorrensA. The University of Adelaide is currently

commercialising the malting varieties FlagshipTM (WI3408A)

and GairdnerPlusTM (WI3586A), and the feed variety FleetTM


For more information about any of these projects, or to learn

how you too can get involved, contact ARI now:

Adelaide Research & Innovation

Level 14,115 Grenfell St,

Adelaide SA 5000

T: +61 8 8313 5020

F: +61 8 8313 4355




10 Adelaide Research & Innovation


RI is the key vehicle for government and industry to

access the unique skills and expertise at the University of

Adelaide. To date, hundreds of companies and agencies

across a wide variety of sectors have gained significant

economic and social advantages by working with the

University of Adelaide to cultivate new ideas and innovations.

As we move forward, we seek to create a deeper and richer portfolio

of engagement with our counterparts. Our focus will be on cultivating

quality long-lasting partnerships in order to provide long-term significant

value to our partners and the broader community. Our ambition is to

engage beyond the simple project level: we seek to be less transactional,

and more integrated into the fabric of your organisation to help address a

range of issues and add greater, more intrinsic value to you.

Co-creation of innovation is where we see the future. We will integrate

ourselves into the communities of engagement within the private and

public sector to better understand their needs. This will enable us to

create better pathways and improve connections to, and benefits from,

the University’s unique resources.

Partnering for success: connecting with others and collaborating to create

a better world.

If these ideas resonate with you, please contact Adelaide Research &

Innovation to learn how the University of Adelaide may be able to assist

you – and let us learn from you.

Adelaide Research & Innovation

Level 14, 115 Grenfell St,

Adelaide SA 5000

T: +61 8 8313 5020

F: +61 8 8313 4355





PARTNERING FOR SUCCESSWe are a focal point for collaboration between the world renowned research resources at the University of Adelaide and its

partners in the wider community. Our strengths lie in the facilitation of collaborative opportunities between the University and

partners in the private and public sector, as well as promoting and matching capability to need, and encouraging networking

and engagement. If you are interested in joining us on our journey to make a difference, please contact Adelaide Research &

Innovation to learn how the University of Adelaide may be able to assist you.

