BUILDING SAAS - A Walk In The Park?

Post on 19-Jun-2015

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Presentation @ Startup Camp, Berlin 2013, 15.03.2013 and 16.03.2013 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15.3, 11:00 - 11:30 AM | Alexander Bruehl: Building SaaS - A Walk In The Park? In this 30 minute presentation I am highlighting some key topics to consider when building a Software as a Service (SaaS) company: - define target group for your SaaS offering (consumer, SMB/SME, large enterprises - develop your product on an multi-tenant architecture, supporting thousands of simultaneous users on one single instance of your software - start with a simple product, easy to understand, easy to use - build incremental add-ons and features, consider up-selling - offer unlimited functionality during your trail period (dont show a SMART when you want to sell a PORSCHE) - Get your website right. Address the 5 key steps/hurdles a visitor has to overcome on his/her way to a trail customer .. 1 Am I the only one who discovered this service? Do others use it? (show # of users on your 1st page) 2 Does this service really address the needs of this industry? (--> show testimonials or ROI quotes) 3 Ok, got it. So how does all this appear on my screen and how do most people use it? (--> offer videos) 4 Looks good. But I would like to better understand the product and all functionality, prior to investing more time! (--> offer a online demo, guided or fully automated) 5 Ok, so far so good, but will this service really be able to cope with our very specific requirements and needs? (--> offer trail) - Learn which KPIs impact your key business goals, profitability, cash, growth - Only then start analyzing your KPIs in the context of your business goals - Think about partnering, "white label" to .. .. Web Service Providers like 1&1, Go Daddy .. Cloud Service Providers (IaaS) like Amazon, T-Systems .. IT Service Providers like Telekom, T-Systems, Orange

Transcript of BUILDING SAAS - A Walk In The Park?

# unique - # trials[%]

# trails - # subscr.[%]


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