Building Faster and Better Sites – Form, Function, Class Conference, Manila, Nov 8, 2014

Post on 04-Jul-2015

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These are the slides from my talk at Form, Function, Class in Manila, Philippines on November 8th, 2014. Building better and faster websites is about why we need to better understand who for and how we are building sites and what approaches can help us to create faster and better overall experiences that will eventually result in happier users.

Transcript of Building Faster and Better Sites – Form, Function, Class Conference, Manila, Nov 8, 2014

Building Faster (& Be!er) Sites

Holger Bartel | @foobartel | FFCPH 8/11/2014

Performance is a thing.

Nobody likes to wait. Also not for your site to load.

Slow is Bad!

Users expect sites to load in ~2-3 seconds…


Users expect sites to load in ~2-3 seconds…

That’s the definition of ‘fast’

We’re even aiming to deliver something in even less


50% of people say they'll abandon a page that takes longer than 4 seconds to load


Depending on location and what the user is used to this might be slightly longer

More than 6 seconds for sure is pushing it and people will leave


Faster is Be!er!

Faster is Be!er! Why?

The Real World (and why you should care)

40% of surveyed online shoppers will abandon a page that takes more than 3

seconds to load.— Akamai (2009)

Speeding up a fundraising site by 60% increased donations by 14%.

— Kyle Rush, Obama Campaign (2012)

Adding half a second to a search results page can decrease traffic and ad

revenues by 20 percent — Google

Every additional 100 milliseconds of load time decreased sales by 1 percent.

— Amazon

Global Network Speed

Global Broadband Download: 21.3Mbps

Global Mobile: Download: 10.9Mbps

Top 20 Countries Broadband Download 2012 - 2014

PhilippinesDownload: 3.49Mbps (Mobile roughly the same)

IndonesiaDownload: 5.27Mbps (Mobile 2.67Mbps)

USADownload: 31.3Mbps (Mobile 13.33Mbps)

November 2014

Too good to be true…?

3G, Edge, GPRS

3G, Edge, GPRS, offline…

Faster is Be!er!

Progressive Enhancement

Because before thinking about making your site fast, we want to make sure it loads in the

first place.

The idea of one web for everyone is one of our main goals.

We just have to figure out how to best do it, so eventually it will work well for everybody.

(Responsive) Web Design

2012 - 2014

Working with the unknowns

(Try to) Make the best assumptions

RWD Lessons

We tried media queries & viewport sizes

But: You could be mobile on Wifi or with a laptop tethering EDGE in the jungle

How do we find out what our users want in their current environment?


Faster is Be!er!

Just like we did with pixel-perfect design, we have to let go of the idea of the same experience for all

browsers and all users.

Le!ing go…

Progressive Enhancement rather is about making core functionality available to everyone.

Everything on top of that is the ‘enhancement’ part.

…to progress

Every website is responsive from the start.

Everything else on top of it, is how we brake the base feature.

It’s easy!

It’s all here already.

Start simple and look at the bigger picture.

Give users a great experience in its simplest form.

Then progressively enhance to deliver be"er experiences.

Performance is Design

Performance is Design

Design is Performance

Performance is Design

Design is Performance

Design directs Performance

— Ian Feather

“Performance is a compromise between design and performance.

You can only be as fast as the design allows.”

Collaboration & communication between designers and developers nowadays is essential and more

important than ever before.

Breaking Silos

Get designs into the browser as soon as possible, so you, your team and your client can

get a be"er feel for what it will be like in the real world.

Ask yourself:

What's the gain?

What do you want to achieve?

A carousel with 7 images - is it really worth the load time or just pre"y to look


Whereas it's questionable if images 3-7 will be seen

in the first place.

— Jake Archibald

“If images would be render blocking we'd probably think

twice about them.”

Performance Budgets

Building for Performance

Rendering Pages

Waiting for DOM and CSSOM to build the render tree.

Render tree contains nodes to render the page.

Layout computes the exact position and size.

Paint turns the render tree into pixels on screen.

Render-Tree Construction, Layout & Paint

Waiting for CSS

Avoids “Flash of Unstyled Content” (FOUC)

Render Blocking CSS

The parser has to stop for scripts before continuing to parse HTML.

JavaScript can query and modify DOM and CSSOM.

JavaScript blocks DOM construction unless explicitly declared as async.

Render Blocking JavaScript

Every request fetched inside of HEAD, will postpone the rendering of the page

Loading JavaScript

Every request takes roughly ~200ms

Avoid unnecessary redirects

Limit HTTP Requests

Critical Resource

Critical Path Length

Critical Bytes

Critical Rendering Path

Optimizing the dependency graph between HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Optimising the Critical Rendering


Optimising the Critical Rendering


=Ge!ing stuff on the

screen fast

domLoading: this is the starting timestamp of the entire process - start parsing the first received bytes of the HTML


domContentLoaded: marks the point when both the DOM is ready and there are no stylesheets that are blocking

JavaScript execution

loadEvent: as a final step in every page load the browser fires an “onload” event

Navigation Timing API

Without CSS & JS

With CSS & JS

To get stuff on the screen fast…

Minimize the number of critical resources.

Minimize the number of critical bytes.

Minimize the critical path length.

A critical resource is a resource that can block initial rendering of a page.

Analyze and characterize: number of resources, bytes, length.

Minimize number of critical resources.

Optimize order of remaining critical resources being loaded: download critical assets as

early as possible.

Optimize the number of critical bytes to reduce the download time (number of


Put your JavaScript files at the bo"om Optimize your images

Concatenate files Minimize files

Far future expires headers for caching

Google Page Speed YSlow

The low hanging fruit


Polyfill to remove click delays on browsers with touch UIs

Perceived Performance

Taming Framework Overhead



It’s so easy to choose a framework like Bootstrap & plug in a li"le jQuery…

Kill The Lazy Developer In You

Do you really need all that stuff?


Do something about it then!

Don’t trade Performance for a Framework


Just Like With Other Stuff

Too Much Overhead: 15.689 CSS rules

Built with Foundation 5 as an MVP Uses jQuery, jQuery UI, Vanilla JS

& various Grunt tasks

CSS File Size: 88Kb JS File Size: 213Kb


CSS File Size: 3.8Kb JS File Size: 54.3Kb



Standards for developing flexible, durable, and sustainable HTML and CSS.

Code Guide


Sauce Labs

Cross-Browser Testing

Adobe Edge Inspect



Device Testing

6 Weeks

428 Different Devices


Testing on Real Devices

Photo: @viljamis

Performance Testing

Performance Testing

Chrome Dev Tools

Perf-Tooling Today

With achieving fast page load time, people can quickly use your site and

accomplish what they want.

People will appreciate it and end up being happier users.

Happier users mean be!er conversion rates.

Be!er conversion rates can be increased revenue, more signups,

returning visits, or downloads.

Faster is Be!er!So…


Holger Bartel | @foobartel | FFCPH 8/11/2014