Building AJAX applications with Adobe Spry, ColdFusion, and ...

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Building AJAX applications with Adobe Spry, ColdFusion, and JQuery


AJAX ToolkitMania!

ColdFusion 8 Key Concepts

Adobe Spry Key Concepts

JQuery Key Concepts

AJAX ToolkitMania!

Every library has core strengths and weaknesses

ColdFusion 8 Ext-JS datagrid <cfinput> bind expressions FCK WYSIWYG editor Perform data fetch with <cfajaxproxy> Virtual windowing API with <cfwindow> Ability to act as a proxy for a data request from a remote domain via <cfhttp> or


Spry AJAX Toolkit for web designers Easy to use HTML tag markup syntax Powerful layout and effects components Easy to deploy form validation via Dreamweaver CS3/CS4 Compatible with Adobe AIR

JQuery Powerful DOM Maniupulation Robust Plug-in/Extensions library 3rd party support (even Microsoft likes it!) Compatible with Adobe AIR

ColdFusion 8 Key Concepts

Interacting with ColdFusion components via <cfajaxproxy>

Working with bind expressions


Quickly and efficiently allows you to make hidden data requests to a ColdFusion component

Once a proxy has been established, you can define a JavaScript error handler that will be triggered if the CFC method fails for any reason

You can also define a success handler that will receive a native Javascript data type returned from your component methods

<cfajaxproxy> example

<cfajaxproxy cfc="employee" jsclassname="cfcEmployee">

<script language="JavaScript">

errorHandler = function(statusCode,statusMsg) { alert(statusCode + ': ' + statusMsg)}

successHandler = function(result) {

var str = ""; for (var i=0; i<result.length; i++) {

str = str + "\t" + result[i].LASTNAME + ',' + result[i].FIRSTNAME + '\n';

}alert("Matches: \n" + str);


getName = function() { var username = prompt("Enter the user id",""); if (username != null) {

/* instantiate CFC */var employeeObj = new cfcEmployee(); /* configure responders */employeeObj.setErrorHandler(errorHandler);employeeObj.setCallbackHandler(successHandler)

/* invoke method */employeeObj.getbylastname(username);


Working with BIND expressions

Adobe Spry Key Concepts

Introduction to Spry

Installing Spry

Debugging Spry

Retrieving Data with Spry

Working with Data

Working with JSON

Spry Widgets

UI Widgets

Loading Data into Spry Fields

Posting Form Data from Spry

Introduction to Spry

JavaScript library for web designers providing functionality that allows designers and developers to build pages that provide a richer experience for their user

Designed to bring AJAX to the web design community

Spry's data handling capabilities enable designers to incorporate XML, JSON, and HTML Table data

The Spry framework is HTML-centric, and easy to implement for users with basic knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Adobe has included easy to use design-time widgets for Spry into Dreamweaver CS3

Direct support in the Eclipse-based Aptana IDE

Can be used with AIR – the Adobe Integrated Runtime

Installing Spry

Spry is packaged as a zip file, containing a number of JavaScript and CSS files that are necessary for its operation

ArticlesIn-depth articles describing how to use Spry

DataXML data used in the examples

DemosSample applications

IncludesCore Javascript files for accessing data

Includes_minifiedMinified copies of the core JavaScript files where all extraneous white space and comments have been removed, resulting in faster download times.

Includes_packedPacked copies of the JavaScript files

SamplesExamples that focus on a specific component of Spry

WidgetsJS and CSS files for the user-interface components of Spry

Best Practice: create a /SPRYAssets/ directory off of your web root and including the contents of includes_minified, as well as all of the .CSS files from the /Widgets/ folder.

Note that an older version of Spry comes bundled with ColdFusion 8

Debugging Spry

A DOM Element inspector

A line console for interactive debugging

Outputs the contents of any debug.log() invocations that you have in your code.

Implementing the debugger

SpryDebug.css SpryDebug.js

Additional JS Debuggers

FireBug plug-in for Mozilla

Microsoft Internet Explorer Web Developer toolbar

ColdFusion AJAX Debug Log Window(append ?cfdebug to your URL)

Retrieving and Displaying Data with Spry

Generate data from your application server (ColdFusion) in a Spry compatible format (XML, JSON, HTML)

Use the Spry Dataset Constructor to make an http request to your application server that outputs the structured data

Define output areas on your page and how they are to formatted

Periodically refresh data from the server without a full-page reload

Generating data from ColdFusion

All of your business logic and code that accesses "back office" resources should be encapsulated within ColdFusion Component (CFC) methods

<cfcomponent output="false"><cfset dsn = "ftajax100-lab"><cffunction name="get" access="public"

returntype="query"><cfset var q = ""><cfquery name="q"

datasource="#dsn#">select *from [user]

</cfquery><cfreturn q>


Generating Data from ColdFusion

Add additional methods to format your queries into XML, JSON

CFC method access type must be set to REMOTE

<cffunction name="getASXML" returntype="xml" access="remote" output="false"> <cfset var q = get()> <cfset var xData = ""> <cfxml variable="xData"> <employees> <cfoutput query="q"> <employee> <lastname>#q.lastname#</lastname> <firstname>#q.firstname#</firstname> <email></email> </employee> </cfoutput> </employees> </cfxml> <cfreturn xData></cffunction>

Making an HTTP Request to Execute a CFC Method


Additional parameters to CFC methods can be passed in using standard url syntax:


Walkthrough 1

Preparing for Development with Spry

Retrieving Data with Spry

Use the Spry Data constructor

The constructor is defined within the sprydata.js file

Additional Spry components must be included, depending on the datatype of the content being fetched

Any attempt to load data from a domain other than the one that your GUI is on will result in a security exception

Use CF as a proxy, if necessary

<script language="JavaScript" src="/SpryAssets/xpath.js"></script><script language="JavaScript" src="/SpryAssets/sprydata.js"></script><script language="JavaScript">var ds1 = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet( "/ftajax100/data/users.xml","employees/employee");</script>

Working with Spry Data in JavaScript

Outputting the contents of Spry Data

A Spry dynamic region is an area on the page that displays the data and automatically updates the data display whenever the data set is modified

Spry dynamic regions are defined by attaching a spry:region attribute to an html tag. Using spry:region is analogous to using the <cfoutput> tag in ColdFusion

Loop through a Spry dataset by attaching a spry:repeat attribute to a nested html tag

Outputting the contents of Spry Data

<script src="/SpryAssets/xpath.js" language="javascript"></script><script src="/SpryAssets/sprydata.js" language="JavaScript" ></script> <script language="JavaScript"> var ds1 = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet ("/ftajax100/data/employees.xml", "employees/employee"); </script> <div spry:region="ds1"> <div spry:repeat="ds1"> {ds1::lastname}, {ds1::firstname} </div></div>

(employees.xml)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><employees xmlns=""> <employee id="1"> <lastname>Drucker</lastname> <firstname>Steve</firstname> </employee> <employee id="2"> <lastname>Perry</lastname> <firstname>Jason</firstname> </employee></employees>

Working with Data

XML (Extensible Markup Language)

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)

HTML tables

Working with JSON

Represents complex data structures as JavaScript variable declarations

When outputting JSON for Spry, you must send a content header of application/json

Simple to deserialize – use the eval() method

Data representation is very lightweight

Easier to manipulate, particularly if they you don't have much experience with XML/XPATH

Generating JSON from ColdFusion

ColdFusion 8 can automatically serialize its native data structures into JSON by using the serializeJSON() function

Note the use of <cfoutput> vs. <cfreturn>

<cffunction name="getAsJSON" access="remote" returntype="void">

<cfargument name="username" type="string" default=""> <cfset var q = ""> <cfquery name="q" datasource="#dsn#"> select * from [user] where 0=0 <cfif arguments.username is not "">

and lastname like <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#arguments.username#%"> </cfif> </cfquery> <cfoutput>#serializeJSON(q)#</cfoutput></cffunction>

Retrieving query data serialized as JSON with Spry

Include 2 libraries SpryData.js SpryJSONDataSet.js

You can only access column data by their indicies

You need to specify a filter in order to select only the data, not the column titles.

Use the useCache:false option if your data will be changing frequently.

Using JSON Data

<html><head><script language="JavaScript" src="/SpryAssets/sprydata.js"></script><script language="JavaScript" src="/SpryAssets/SpryJSONDataSet.js"></script><script language="JavaScript">var ds1 = new Spry.Data.JSONDataSet("employee.cfc?method=getAsJSON", {path:"DATA",useCache:false });</script> </head><body><div spry:region="ds1">

<div spry:repeat="ds1"> {ds1::2}, {ds1::1} </div></div> …</body></html>

Refactoring query data for JSON

In the prior example, query columns were referenced by position – not a best practice

Before returning query data as JSON, you reformat it into an array of structures

<cffunction name="getAsJSON" access="remote" output="true" returntype="void"> <cfset var aresult = arraynew(1)> <cfset var q = get()> <cfset var stdata = structnew()> <cfloop query="q"> <cfset stData = structnew()> <cfset stdata.firstname = q.firstname> <cfset stdata.lastname = q.lastname> <cfset => <cfset arrayAppend(aResult,stData)> </cfloop> <cfoutput>#serializejson(aResult)#</cfoutput> </cffunction>

Refactoring Query Data for JSON

<script language="JavaScript" src="/SpryAssets/sprydata.js"></script><script language="JavaScript" src="/SpryAssets/SpryJSONDataSet.js"></script><script language="JavaScript">var ds1 = new Spry.Data.JSONDataSet("employee.cfc?method=getAsJSON" ,{useCache:false }); </script> <div spry:region="ds1"> <div spry:repeat="ds1"> {ds1::LASTNAME}, {ds1::FIRSTNAME} </div></div>

Formatting JSON data into HTML Tables using spry:sort

Allows you to sort data by a specific column or columns.

Columns can be set to sort on up to three fields and you can set the sort order to either ascending or descending

Steps Wrap the entire table in a spry:region tag Placing a spry:repeat into the <tr> tag block that contains

your data. Place a spry:sort attribute into the <th> tags to sort the

recordset and redraw the table.

Using Alternating Row Colors in a dynamic table

Deploy the spry:even attribute into the <tr spry:repeat>

Applies the specified style class to an object if the output row number is even

Conversely, spry:odd will apply a specified style to an object if the row number being output is an odd number.

Spry Table

<html><head><style>.altColor {background-color: yellow;}</style><script language="JavaScript" src="/SpryAssets/sprydata.js"></script><script language="JavaScript" src="/SpryAssets/SpryJSONDataSet.js"></script><script language="JavaScript">var ds1 = new Spry.Data.JSONDataSet("/ftajax100/walk/employee.cfc?method=getAsJSON",{useCache:false });</script></head><body><div spry:region="ds1"><table border="1">

<tr> <th spry:sort="LASTNAME">Last Name</th> <th spry:sort="FIRSTNAME">First Name</th></tr><tr spry:repeat="ds1" spry:even="altColor">




Creating Dynamic Tables

Spry Widgets

Spry also supports a number of data-aware user interface "widgets" that allows you to easily enhance the usability of your web application Form Field Replacements User Assistance Widgets User Interface Widgets

Widgets have their own distinct JavaScript library and css file associated with them. Both of these files must be included in order for the widget to function properly.

Demos for each of the widgets are available in the /Spry/Articles/ directory.

Spry Form Field Widgets

Text Field



Radio Button

Select Box

Check Box

Confirm Widget

Walkthrough 5-4

Using Spry Validation Text Fields

Spry UI Widgets


HTML Panel


Sliding Panels

Collapsible Panel

Tabbed Panel

Tabbed Panels

Horizontal / Vertical Orientation

Include scripts SpryTabbedPanels.css SpryTabbedPanel.js

Tabbed Panels Example

<head>. . .<link href="/SpryAssets/SpryTabbedPanels.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /><script src="/SpryAssets/SpryTabbedPanels.js" type="text/javascript"></script> </head> <body> <div class="TabbedPanels" id="T1"> <ul class="TabbedPanelsTabGroup">

<li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabIndex="0"> Tab 1 </li> <li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabIndex="0"> Tab 2 </li> </ul> <div class="TabbedPanelsContentGroup"> <div class="TabbedPanelsContent"> Tab 1 content </div> <div class="TabbedPanelsContent"> Tab 2 content </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var TabbedPanels1 = new Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels("T1"); </script> </body>

Walkthrough 5-5

Using the Tabbed Panels Widget

Spry Effects

Spry Effects

Additional Spry / ColdFusion 8 Integration Points ColdFusion includes the complete Spry 1.5 framework

release in web_root/CFIDE/scripts/ajax/spry directory

<cfsprydataset> - outputs Spry dataset syntax on a page

ColdFusion <cfinput> tags can use Spry data sets directly in bind expressions

<cfsprydataset> Example

<cfsprydataset name="theItems" type="json" bind="CFC:Employee.get(empid={myform:empid})" options="{usecache:false;}">

Binding Spry Data to <cfinput>


Fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development

55K in length

<script src=""></script>

JQuery Basics

Basic Syntax / Interacting with other libraries

Using Selectors and Events

Document Manipulation

JQuery Effects

Writing your own extensions

JQuery Basic Syntax

<script src="../scripts/jquery.js" language="javascript"></script><script language="javascript"> jQuery.noConflict(); // avoid name conflict with Spry

jQuery(document).ready(function(){ // essentially a body onload // code goes here });

function fnShowHide() {

var cStyle = jQuery('#somecontent').css('display');if (cStyle == 'block') jQuery('#somecontent').css('display','none');else jQuery('#somecontent').css('display','block');


</head><body><div id="somecontent">This is some content</div><form><input type="button" value="Hide/Show" onClick="fnShowHide();" /></form>

Using Selectors and Filters

Selectors Find the first element with the class "myclass"

jQuery(".myClass"); Find the element named "mydiv"

jQuery("#mydiv"); Find every DIV element

jQuery("div"); Match any of the selectors


Filters :even :odd :eq(index) :gt(index) :lt (index) :header :animated :contains(text)

jQuery("tr:even").css("background-color", "#bbbbff");

Using Selectors and Filters Example

<script language="javascript" src="../scripts/jquery.js"></script><script language="javascript">


// code goes here });

function fnSelectAll(obj) { jQuery("input[name='topping']").attr("checked",obj.checked); }


<body><form>Select toppings:<br /><input type="checkbox" name="selectall" onClick="fnSelectAll(this)"/>Select All<br /><input type="checkbox" name="topping" value="1" />Pepperoni<br /><input type="checkbox" name="topping" value="2" />Onion<br /><input type="checkbox" name="topping" value="3" />Tomato<br /><input type="checkbox" name="topping" value="4" />Meatball<br /><input type="checkbox" name="topping" value="5" />Squirrel<br /></form>


Using Selectors

Document Manipulation

html() - extract HTML from matching element jQuery(this).html();

html(val) - set HTML of matching element jQuery(this).html("<h1>Steve was here</h1>");

append(content) - append content to matching elements

prepend(content) - prepend content to matching elements

after(content) - append content to matching elements

remove() - remove matching items from DOM

insertAfter(expr) - insert objects after matching objects

wrap(html) - wrap matching elements with html

replaceWith(content) - replace all matched elements with specified content

clone - clone matched DOM elements

JQuery Effects













<div id="somecontent">This is some content</div><form><input type="button" value="Hide/Show" onClick="jQuery('#somecontent').slideToggle('slow')" /></form>


jQuery Effects

jQuery background data requests

Able to work around browser domain security issues

jQuery.ajax(options)Load a remote page using an HTTP request

load(url,data,callback)Load HTML from a remote file and inject into the DOM

jQuery.get(url,data,callback,ttype)Load a remote page using an HTTP GET request

jQuery.getJSON(url,data,callback)Get JSON data

jQuery.getScript(url,callback)Loads and executes a JavaScript,data,callback,type)Loads a remote page using HTTP Post

Writing your own JQuery Extensions

Very simple to author plugins:

A thousand plugins available at

Putting it all together

Output data from CFC's in JSON format

Use <cfajaxproxy> to make background server requests to ColdFusion

Use <cfgrid> for grid controls

Use <cfwindow> and related API for virtual windowing

Use Adobe Spry form field, interface widgets, and dynamic tables

Get your designers to use Spry via Dreamweaver CS3/CS4

Use jQuery for building mashups from different sites (working around cross-site security issues) and for easy DOM manipulation
