Building a Skilled and Competitive Workforce: By Hans Meeder Montana’s Strategic Direction for...

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Transcript of Building a Skilled and Competitive Workforce: By Hans Meeder Montana’s Strategic Direction for...

Building a Skilled andBuilding a Skilled andCompetitive Workforce:Competitive Workforce:

By Hans MeederBy Hans Meeder

Montana’s Strategic Montana’s Strategic Direction for Career Direction for Career and Technical and Technical EducationEducation

Vision and Mission for CTE in Vision and Mission for CTE in MontanaMontana

Our Vision: A Skilled and Competitive Workforce in Montana

Our Mission: To strengthen the quality of CTE programs and align them to education reform, workforce quality and economic competitiveness

Values of CTE Leaders and Values of CTE Leaders and Educators in MontanaEducators in Montana

• We value collaboration among educators, administrators, and leaders.

• We value continuous improvement of our programs.

• We value empowering educators to find and implement best practices.

• We value students as full partners and the owners of their own educational and career goals.

Strategic ObjectivesStrategic Objectives

• Create the best system and supports possible

• Strengthen education and employment opportunities

• Help Montanans make smooth transitions between education and careers

• Meet the demand for and strengthen the quality of CTE teachers

Strategic Objective 1: Create the best Strategic Objective 1: Create the best system and supports possiblesystem and supports possible

1.1 Develop a collaborative State Leadership Structure

1.2 Build a culture of continuous program improvement

1.3 Improve data quality and usefulness to educators

1.4 Use data to establish program improvement goals and accountability

1.5 Create a structured system of technical assistance for improvement

1.6 Update and upgrade program expectations

Strategic Objective 2: Strengthen Strategic Objective 2: Strengthen Education and Employment Education and Employment Opportunities Opportunities

2.1 Align CTE to economic opportunities within Montana

2.2 Create and implement Big Sky Pathways, utilizing Tech Prep as a focused resource

2.3 Expand business and industry involvement at all levels

The New Tech Prep for MontanaThe New Tech Prep for Montana

Pathways from Peaks to Plains

The Big Sky East-West Consortium for

Educational Advancement

Environmental & Agricultural Systems Business &


Montana Career Fields and Clusters Model

Health Sciences

Communication & Information


Human Services & Resources

Industrial, Manufacturing, & Engineering Systems

Health Science

Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources

Marketing, Sales, and Services

Business, Management, and Administration

Hospitality and Tourism


Information TechnologyFoundation

Knowledge and Skills

•Interpersonal Relationships•Information Literacy

•Problem Solving•Critical Thinking



Transportation, Distribution & Logistics

Architecture and Construction

Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics

Arts, A/V Technology and Communications

Law, Public Safety and Security

Government and Public Administration

Human Services

Education and Training

Marketing, Sales, and Services

Business, Management, and Administration

Hospitality and Tourism


Information Technology

The New Tech Prep for MontanaThe New Tech Prep for Montana

• One statewide consortium – Two institutions dividing responsibilities for program development east to west

• One institution will serve as lead applicant and fiscal agent– Flathead Valley

Community College (Lead)

– MSU Billings College of Technology

Strategic Objective 3: Help Montanans Strategic Objective 3: Help Montanans make smooth transitions between make smooth transitions between education and careers education and careers

3.1 Offer career development tools and individualized education plans

3.2 Create seamless pathways

3.3 Build supports to help all students succeed

3.4 Connect CTE w/ high school mission

3.5 Support strong orientation and counseling services for high school and college CTE students

Strategic Objective 4: Meet the demand for Strategic Objective 4: Meet the demand for and strengthen the quality of CTE teachersand strengthen the quality of CTE teachers

4.1 Build “communities of practice” among secondary and postsecondary educators

4.2 Use benchmarking strategies to implement promising practices

4.3 Create structured and ongoing professional development re: academic integration

4.4 Align all professional development activities and opportunities within Montana

4.5 Improve recruitment and induction of new teachers, and draw upon the expertise of seasoned teachers.

“Few will have the greatness to bend history itself; but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of all those acts will be written the history of this generation.”

-- Robert F. Kennedy

Building a Skilled andBuilding a Skilled andCompetitive Workforce:Competitive Workforce:

Email: Email: Hans@MeederConsulting.comHans@MeederConsulting.comWeb:Web:

Montana’s Strategic Montana’s Strategic Direction for Career Direction for Career and Technical and Technical EducationEducation