Building a green school

Post on 14-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Building a green school


Andrea Cardenal

Héctor Guevara

Sònia Meseguer

Mireia Morera

The idea of Local Agenda 21 is that if a lot of people do small things locally, then they can have a big impact nationally and an even a bigger impact globally.

Our school joined Agenda 21 project three years ago.

What is Agenda 21?

This project helps us to take care of the environment.

Nowadays, in our school we try to do our best for the cause.

What we have already done

We have two bins because we need to recycle in every class.

We used to use too much foil, so the school shared out a

boc’and’roll for each student. The boc’and’roll is

a wrapping made out of fabric to put the sandwich of

the breakfast in.

We have different plants in every class form P3 to 4th


“No em ratllis!” project consists on giving our books to the younger students for reusing them.

What we should do in the future

We waste a lot of paper, so we should have a tray for the used paper.

We mustn't open the windows when the central heating is on.

We must check the taps because the water runs with too much pressure.

Wind up the blinds, and turn off the lights.