Building a Digital Roadmap

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Building a Digital Roadmap

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

Matt Tonak Web Marketing Technology Manager

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

We are a custom software design and

development company

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

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All registered viewers will receive a link to the full recording later this week

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#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

Story Time

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

Hi.I’m Steve.

▪ Machinist

▪ Data Acquisition Systems Guy

▪ Systems Engineer

▪ Project Manager

▪ Solutions Architect

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

What we’ll talk about

1 2 3 4

Replacing fear with confidence

Know when to say yes and how to say no to scope creep

Making in-flight decisions informed by long-term planning

How to speed approval of projects and get to market faster

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

What’s the Problem?

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

How do you know you have a problem?

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

Top issues


(training & retention)


(reporting & process automation)


(cost of staff & production)

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

Are those even software problems?

▪ Automation of processes (training, reporting)

▪ Correlating information between different sources

▪ Manual recording of compliance

▪ Old internal software – is your green screen holding you back?

▪ Aging software product

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

You are being judged.It isn’t fair. But it is true.

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

You must act

Because your software does many things, but it is also the thing holding you back.

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

It is normal to be worried.

Your system is too important for


#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

It is normal to be worried.

Your software isn’t making you money directly

Your system is too important for


#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

It is normal to be worried.

Change is hardYour software

isn’t making you money directly

Your system is too important for


#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

Sounds bleak.

What do we do?

▪ Make a plan

▪ Not too much plan

▪ Just the right plan

▪ A Roadmap

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

Some Principles

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

Tasks OutcomesLimiting Creative

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

Feelings MetricsImportant, but don’t help us

define results.Let us know when we’ve won!

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

Epic Mega-project

Actionable Steps

No. Just no. Add value all along the way.

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

Outcomes Metrics Actionable Steps

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

Outcome Engineering

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery26

Individual sessions

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

Framing• Your current system is a prototype

• Future, not past

• Outcomes not methods

Pro tip:

“This thing sucks” is

never helpful feedback.

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery


#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery29

Organize your results• Outcomes

• Metrics

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

Reflect it back

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

Managing Needed Changes

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery32

Managing Less Needed Changes

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

Biggest Impact


#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery


Biggest Impact Pre-requisites and dependent tasks

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery


Biggest Impact Pre-requisites and dependent tasks

Schedule Constraints

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery


Biggest Impact Pre-requisites and dependent tasks

Schedule Constraints Cost Constraints

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

A timeline is not a schedule

This is still a recommendation, not a project plan. (We don’t have funding yet.)

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery



#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery



#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery



All those things together

That’s what makes a roadmap.

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

What just happened?

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

What have you done?

▪ Listened

▪ Organized

▪ Researched

▪ Prioritized

▪ Documented

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

What did you get?

You know ▪ Outcomes

▪ What success is

▪ Where to start

You have ▪ Controlled schedule

▪ Controlled budget

▪ Planned ROI

▪ Limited scope creep

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

▪ At least the decision was informed


▪ You’re prepared to do the right steps, minimize rework later



#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery


#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery46

The Power of Confidence

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

Q & A

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery

Thank you for attending

More answers online at

Check your inbox for full recording later this week

Topic Suggestions or questions?

#nerderywebinar @the_nerdery