Builders and Developers Session one MSTC`15

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Builders and Developers Session one MSTC`15

Builders & Developers Workshop- Session 1 -

Prepared & Presented by:

Moatasim Magdy

Moatasim Magdy• Third Level Student at the Faculty of Computers

and Information – Cairo University.

• Major: Internet Technology

Previous Experience

• MSTC’14 – Business and Marketing Participant.

• CCNA – CISCO Certified.


•Windows 8 & windows phone store.

•Universal apps.

•Visual studio.

•Designers & Developers

•Data types.

• Your First program.

•Hello world Program.

Windows 8 Store

How does it look like ?

Windows phone Store

How does it look like ?

Universal apps.

Why Universal applications ?


Who we are ?


Data types

•Value Types

Integer, Characters, Floating, Boolean.

•Reference Types

Strings, classes, arrays.


Int number;

Int NumberOfSubjects = 6;


Char letter = ‘c’;Char myGPA = ‘b’;


Float firstNumber;

Double secondNumber = 13.2;

nb. : double has 15 to 16 decimal digits, while float only has 7.

BooleanBool CarsMove = true;

Bool PeopleWalk = false;

StringString WorkShop =“Builders and developers”;

String name = “Moatasim”;

Your First Program

•What is ..Class ?

Namespace ?

System ?

Console ?

Main ?

Class• A class is a construct that enables you to create your own

types by grouping together variables of other types and methods.

What if I want to create a type : student ?

• Student has:

name (String) id(String)

Type ( Char ) GPA(double).

Age (int)

Department (String)

Now, How to make a student class in C# ?

Public class student


String name ;

String id;

Char Type ;

Int Age;

String department;


Public & private

• Public: The class can be accessed by any other code in the same project.

• Private: The class can`t be accessed.

Namespace• A namespace is designed for providing a way to keep one set

of names separate from another. The classes will not conflict with each others.

Namespace university { class student {//Your Code}}

Namespace School { class student {//Your Code}}

System• The System is a namespace that contains fundamental

classes and base classes that define commonly-used value and reference data types.


Important methods





MainThe Main method is the entry point of a C# console application or

windows application.

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