Builders and Contractors Magazine, Summer 2016

Post on 24-Jul-2016

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Transcript of Builders and Contractors Magazine, Summer 2016


ISSUE 4 - 2015Summer Edition

MARKAT PROMOTIONS LTD120 Maces Rd, Bromley • PO Box 19607, Woolston, Christchurch 8241 • P: 03-376 5120 • FAX: 03-376 5153 • Email: B1504


Affordable Concrete & Paving 50APD Stormwater & Rain Harvesting Systems 15Arrow International 34Canterbury Frames & Trusses 48Canterbury Heavy Haulage 51Chapman Engineering 24Crombie Lockwood 5CSP Pacifi c 3Directory 67Faulks 30FM Group 36HealthSafe 4Health & Safety Reform Bill 44IMB Construction 54Laser Group 38MJH Engineering 22NZ Wood Products 6Precast NZ Inc 8P&W Painters 64Reliable Foundations 12Signage / Construction Managment Software 7Site Safety 40Site Security 61Solarbright 65Spiral Drillers 52Steel Construction NZ (SCNZ) 16Sustainability 42Temperzone 2Thirty Year NZ Infrastructure Plan 2015 66Timber Frames & Trusses 56Traffi c Safety 62Understanding GST 47Urban Homes 33

Precast Concrete NZ active for members

With concrete, precast in particular, playing a huge and ongoing part in construction in New Zealand, the

national body representing manufacturers and companies using the product, Precast New Zealand (PCNZ) is perfectly placed to further the needs of members,

representing them in the physical, legal and legislative walls which confront the industry.

Right now, the whole of industry is challenged by the purely physical conditions under which it must operate, with the additional complexity of the post-Christchurch earthquake era interceding in activity, means the awareness of a greater need for earthquake-proofed structures and the concomitant costs of its application are making life more diffi cult for the whole society.

of the off-site precast concrete production. Precast concrete elements are employed in the residential, commercial and industrial and infrastructural markets. At its recent annual conference, among the many issues discussed relating to precast concrete, a major one was promotion of their Certifi ed Plant scheme.

PCNZ’s executive director, Rod Fulford draws the comparison with the ready mix concrete industry, in which concrete is purchased from certifi ed plants, asserting that this should also apply to the precast medium. In this programme, all concerned would be assured that products purchased from a Precast NZ

Certified Plant would be from an established operator, with appropriate manufacturing facilities, quality assurance programmes and appropriate levels of experience and expertise. It would be a case of ‘there are concrete precasters and then there are Precast NZ Certified Precasters’.

Earthquake effectsNot only has Christchurch

had to come to terms with the effects of earthquakes, but the whole country has had to take cognisance of the likelihood of fl urries of tremors throughout the land, needing to plan constructing, or the upgrading buildings accordingly.

PCNZ, which was established in 1999, represents 80 per cent

continued page 8





Temperzone is a wholly New Zealand owned and operated manufacturing company that will be celebrating its 60th

anniversary in 2016. Its plant in Auckland employs nearly 400 staff and manufactures air conditioning equipment from the

5kW split system units suitable for homes through to 200kW packaged units that you see on shopping centres and many of

the large retail shops. Temperzone also has a second plant in Sydney and the Australasian distribution agency for Hitachi

Inverter Heat Pumps that are popular in homes and commercial premises.

Temperzone is heavily in to R & D which in this day and age is necessary to meet regulations such as MEPS and also to

develop new products and new features for existing products. An example of this would be the company's new 30 kW

'Inverter' Packaged Rooftop Unit and its development of Hot Water Heat Pump units for commercial applications.

Because Temperzone cares, it has run an Approved Installer scheme since 1977, to ensure that equipment is installed by

competent, reliable and experienced contractors. Only those who are 'approved' receive extended warranties where

applicable to give peace of mind to the end user.

Over the years has demonstrated its willingness to customise standard products or build new products to suitTemperzone

speci�c applications. Consequently, it is able to directly respond to the broad requirements of any major air conditioning

project, providing the most appropriate systems required.

Leading the way in energy ef�cient air conditioning



CSP Pacific




HealthSafe is a company founded by Kevin McAfee, an Irishman from Belfast

who has been resident in New Zealand for 9 years. Kevin has over two

decades of experience in health & safety and building facilities management,

both in New Zealand and the United Kingdom. In his time in New Zealand

Kevin has found through dealing with clients, an increasing demand for health

& safety advice and guidance and further stimulated by the about by the

introduction of the health and safety at work act 2015.

With a proven history of problem solving, Kevin saw an opportunity to do something

different and in his words, “exciting”. This new approach would be to provide

business with a one stop health & safety shop where the latest technology would do

much of the work for them. The bene�ts would be realised not only through

reducing their business risk, but more importantly, helping them to keep their

people safe by an innovative and simple process to grow and cement a culture of

health and safety. Furthermore, employees who have responsibility for the

administration of health & safety within a business would be freed up for activities

that were focused toward revenue growth. This signi�es a move away from the old

approach of providing businesses with stock standard health & safety forms only for

management to spend a signi�cant amount of their business time ticking boxes.

HealthSafe is an online application which targets areas of health & safety

management that have traditionally been challenging for health & safety managers

to administer. These areas include management of contractors, employees

working off site, employee training and reporting of information at month end.

Furthermore, senior management and key health & safety people are given a level

of visibility over health & safety which has traditionally been lacking ensuring

delivery of whats required consistently across multiple sites anywhere in new


Dif�culties around contractor management have often been centred around

keeping track of contractor movements and getting them to cooperate in regard to

health & safety procedures. The new Act is very clear that businesses must work

together to ensure that health & safety standards are met. HealthSafe will assist

your business to track contractor movements to and from your workplace premises

and also to ensure that contractor health & safety practices and those of your

business are aligned.

Employees working offsite are also a challenge for any businesses. HealthSafe

enables your business to manage health & safety remotely. The healthSafe online

application works across a range of mobile devices to allow your offsite employees

to draft their own accident/ incident, hazard or any other forms. Your health & safety

administrator or manager can review, complete and authorise those forms back at

base. HealthSafe also allows for uploading of any documents, photos or videos.

Any form of training, health & safety related or otherwise, can also be tracked on the

HealthSafe application. Furthermore, personal protective equipment can also be

monitored for new employees, with tracking of expiry dates, to ensure that all

employees are equipped with the correct New Zealand standard safety equipment.

The HealthSafe reporting function is a powerful tool that will save your team time in

collating, formatting and reporting monthly health & safety data. Health safe will

also assist your business to identify trends and update processes accordingly.

Health and safety policies and detailed site assessments or audits are also a

support offered and being used by many leading businesses throughout New


Risks associated with health & safety have unfortunately come further into the

limelight in New Zealand in recent years. The Pike River tragedy and a spate of

forestry deaths in 2013, spurred the National government to make a raft of changes

to health & safety legislation under what is now the Health & Safety at Work Act

2015. The Act of�cially comes into effect on 4 April 2016.

Signi�cant changes that the new Act has introduced includes:

Small businesses with fewer than 20 workers in low-risk sectors are excluded from

the requirement to have a health and safety representative when requested by

workers. However, it must be noted that such small businesses are still required to

comply with the Act, whether or not they choose to have a health and safety


Duties are now well de�ned within speci�c categories to ensure clearer

identi�cation of the parties responsible for the health and safety of others in the

workplace. These categories are:

Duties of persons undertaking or conducting (PCBU). A PCBU is de�ned as a

business entity, such as a company, rather than an individual person. An individual

person may be a PCBU, if they are self employed or a sole trader.

Duties of Of�cers. An of�cer is de�ned as a company director, a partner of a

business partnership, a person elected to a body corporate, or any person in a

position that allows them to exercise signi�cant in�uence over the management of

the business or undertaking, e.g. a CEO.

Duties of workers. A worker is de�ned as an individual who carries out work in any

capacity for a PCBU including, but not limited to: employee, contractor or

subcontractor, employee of a contractor or subcontractor, employee of a labour

hire company, an outworker (including a homeworker), apprentice or a trainee, a

person gaining work experience or undertaking a work trial; or a volunteer worker.

Penalties have increased under the new Act. For example, reckless conduct

which exposes a person to a risk of death or serious injury or illness, can now range

up to $300,000 and 5 years imprisonment for a worker, $600,000 and 5 years

imprisonment for an of�cer and $3,000,000 for a body corporate.

HealthSafe will assist you in meeting all legislation requirements. The

HealthSafe application has been designed to provide a secure online health &

safety tool to help New Zealand business deliver consistency and high standards as

required by the new Health & Safety at Work Act 2015. It is is designed with ease of

use and maximum ef�ciency in mind.

Furthermore, HealthSafe is backed up by a team with over 30 years experience in

health & safety, building facilities management and audit who are available for

further support should your business require it.

So if you are seeking a peace of mind for your health and safety or you simply want

to save on the time to collate the information needed, call us today and meet one of

our National consultants.

HealthSafeProtecting your People

Will your company comply to the new

legislation come April 4th 2016?




Crombie Lockwood




NZ Wood Products

New Zealand Wood Products is a companythat was built from the ground up. So itmakes sense that one of their most popularand impressive products should be a�ooring solution like I-Built.

A complete mid-�oor or whole house�ooring solution, I-Built is faster, easierand more cost-effective. Owner BillBlackmore says it's designed to be a “paintby numbers” solution for engineered mid-�oors.

Safety and reliability -brands you can trust

Another of their most successful lines isthe JNL range, which includes J-Ply andJ-Plank. Structural laminated scaffoldplanking, J-Plank is made in NZ fromFSC-certi�ed sustainably grown pine.Laminated Veneer Lumber gives J-Plankpredictable engineered strength andstiffness properties. Lightweight and easyto handle, J-Plank can carry a load up to250 kg. JNL is also independently auditedby the Engineered Wood ProductsAssociation of Australasia. J-Plank'sdurability and strength make it ideal forNew Zealand working conditions."

“Each plank is individually proof testedfor safety and performance. The bene�t ofplanks made from LVL is each plankperforms the same.”

NZWOOD also has a va r i e ty o fengineered timber including treated anduntreated plywood, LVL, scaffold boards,and formwork beams. They're the NewZealand distributors of Nelson Pine, J-Ply,J-Plank, J-Form, Sveza Birch Ply, HyneTimber and LPSolid Start Ibeams.

Bill prefers to buy local, which is harderthese days under the strong New Zealanddollar. All NZWOOD products aresourced from sustainably managed forests,and their FSC or PEFC chain of custodycerti�cation means customers can followthe products from tree to door. Allengineered products are independentlycerti�ed so customers can feel assuredthey will perform.

Engineered wood from acompany that cares

If there's anyone who knows aboutengineered wood products, it's BillBlackmore. After gaining a forestrydegree, Bill landed a ministry positiondeveloping contacts and trade with Taiwanand otherAsian countries.

“It got me a taste for sales.” Says Bill witha smile, “and basically I've been in theindustry my whole working life.”

After distributing Radiata pine in the US,Bill was shoulder-tapped to run the CHH

Engineered Wood Products sales team.After that he went on to head theFuturebui ld Internat ional Marketdevelopment based in Hong Kong.

“There I worked as the export manager,developing outlets for the Middle East andAsia and I learned a lot. Finally though, Idecided it was time to come home.”

Getting it rightfrom day one

From the start, Bill's focus was onemploying passionate people with totalfocus on what he calls “getting the basicsright."

“It's about answering the phones, sayingplease and thank you, giving peopleoptions and solutions and �xing our ownproblems, rather than blaming others.”

It was this focus that saw such impressivegrowth come from such small beginnings.

“We began by operating out of a playroomin my house. Then, we started workingwith our cornerstone supplier, JNL andintroduced J-Ply to the local market. Wejust grew from there.

More than just wood – it'sabout the people

Bill says the secret to NZWOOD's successis maintaining relationships with staff andcustomers.

“Our customer relationships are key. Wesupport our customers and give them theright answers.”

Passion, fun and integrity is something helooks for in his team – and something hestrives to maintain in the day-to-dayrunning of the business.

“It's about having staff who want to cometo work and clients who want to dobusiness with us.”

Over the years, Bill has made some greatconnections who have become loyal andsteadfast friends. It's this camaraderie andloyalty combined with his client'sentrepreneurial attitude that keeps himengaged.

“Every day is a new challenge with newopportunities. We try to say 'yes' andprovide options or alternatives that answerthe client's issues. That's what I'mpassionate about".

For quality product from acompany that cares, giveNZWOOD a call today.

I-Built and NZWOOD: a strong foundation


Bill Blackmore

NEW ZEALAND WOOD PRODUCTS: PO Box 13647, Onehunga Auckland 1643 Technical Line: 0800 022 352E: P: +64 09 276 7040 F: +64 09 270 0504

Associate Member of



Smudge Signs was established in 2008 and in the 7 years since its inception

has grown quickly building a reputation for providing a comprehensive and

quality service to its many well-known clients along the way. Smudge provides a

point of difference from general signage companies in that there is signi�cant

equipment in house including welding, spray-painting, a large 4m x 2m CNC

�atbed router, electrical wiring, multiple printers, a rolls roller �atbed applicator

and an acrylic fabrication oven.

They also have the ability to provide a wide range of services not just limited to the

making of the signs themselves. It is these extra services that are of particular

relevance to construction companies, architects, project managers and those in

the construction sector and pride themselves on making life easier and more

straight forward when it comes to the signage elements of any project. Smudge

can manage the entire process for signage including providing elevation

drawings, technical drawings, engineering documentation, electrical compliance

and the list goes on. If the project is a particularly dif�cult one with new and

creative ideas or challenging circumstances Smudge are adept at working

alongside the key stakeholders to produce samples and working prototypes to

ensure they are fully satis�ed with what is proposed. If you would like to see

examples of the types of drawings Smudge is able to produce and examples of

the work they completed they welcome a phone call or email anytime at the details

contained on the ad alongside.

Smudge's body of work is high quality and award winning with the company

picking up multiple New Zealand Sign and Display Awards over the past few years

with particular success coming in the corporate signage category which illustrates

their ability to successfully interpret and implement plans and company brand

speci�cations and awards picked up in the past include for the likes of Auckland

Council and New World.

All installs are done by in-house staff who all hold a minimum site safe building and

construction passport with multiple staff holding further site safe quali�cations

such as construction management and �rst aid construction safety. Over the past

7 years a signi�cant proportion of the projects Smudge has completed have been

construction site based projects and they have become something of specialists

in this area. These have included builds of supermarkets, apartment blocks,

commercial factories and of�ce buildings with signage ranging from simple

apartment door plaques, to pylons, fabricated lettering, illuminated signage,

manifestation and more. Big or small, simple or complicated Smudge will tackle

any challenge.

Signage / Construction Managment Software




Precast NZ Inc

When it comes to creativity in concrete coupledwith excellence and capability, there's nolooking past Auckland-based Nauhria PrecastLtd.

Nauhria Precast is a secure and establishedfamily owned company. They provide a full-service operation including in-house drafting ofprecast shop drawings, manufacturing, QA anddelivery.

Nauhria achieve levels of excellence throughindustry best practices, processes and theircommitment to cont inual improvementre�nements. They are an active member of thePrecast Concrete Association of New ZealandPCNZ.

Nauhria manufacture high quality precast unitswhich are selectively speci�ed at the onset ofdesign and used for many construction projectsincluding commercial, residential, educationaland landscaping.

Nauhria also exclusively offer the multi award-winning brand 'MONARC - Creative Precast WallPanels'

Monarc elevates precast concrete to new heightsof excellence in architectural concrete and

provides an attractive array of unique concreteformulations, highly functional surface texturesand the ability to exercise a bespoke freedom ofdesigner decorative detailing.

The brand is well established and is supportedthrough a strong commitment to ongoingresearch and development which brings new andinnovative ideas and products to the forefront ofarchitectural precast design.

To get the best precast for your next project,contact one of Nauhria's experienced salespeople who can assist with product optionselections and raise key project considerations,ultimately helping to improve the environment welive in together.

Nauhria Precast Ltd | | Phone: + 64 9 262 1065

The layer of assurance added by having such a certification, would be enhanced by having an independent third party undertaking audits of q u a l i t y, i n v o l v i n g a more detailed inspection process. This would call for a signifi cant investment in their manufacturing facilities, quality systems and workforce training, to obtain a quality product, making the lowest priced product not the primary consideration.

By selecting supply from a certified plant, builders would give more recognition to quality and performance of the precaster which would go a long way towards successful and trouble free completion of their project.

Rush to capitalise

A huge bearing on the attitude of members to their offering precast concrete is in Christchurch, where there has been a rush to capitalise on the needs in all industries, as well as precast concrete. Mr Fulford says there has been an increase in precast concrete producers there – more than in the many times larger Auckland. The term cowboy is being widely applied, no less in the precast concrete industry, where they often supply product of questionable quality.

He says he has been called to Christchurch “a number of times to advise in disputes regarding precast quality.” That has been more often than for the rest of New Zealand.

continued from page 1

Precast Concrete NZ active for members



Precast NZ Inc

Machinery Movers Ltd

Operating it's own �eet of trucks, various specialised trailers and

forkhoists Machinery Movers offers specialisation in transport

handling, dismantling, packing, movement, delivery, site

installation of commercial and industrial machinery. 64-09-278 3600Email: Fax:

Telephone: 64-09-278 6700

134 Plunket Avenue, Manukau City, Auckland

Machinery Movers are Proud tosupport Precast NZ

Wilco Precast is a founding member of Precast NZ and one of the

�rst Precast NZ Certi�ed plants.

Over the last 52 years we have seen and solved just about every

possible precast problem and this, combined with our Telarc quality

assurance programme, ensures the best outcomes.

We provide solutions to your construction problems - solutions

which Wilco, with its extensive production capability, is uniquely

placed to provide.

Our customers have the last say, but in working with Wilco you will

be offered choices. You can expect us to propose alternatives to

architectural and engineering detailing where possible to improve

buildability, durability and aesthetics.

We will give you a clear and complete offer with delivery date and

ensure that our “in full and on time” customer service philosophy is


Wilco Precast Ltd

66 Boundary Road


O n e p a r t i c u l a r l y insidious practice has been the misinformation be ing suppl ied about unavailability of precast concrete due to supply problems.

Despite recent upturn in activity, total precast production in New Zealand is no higher than in 2008. Lead times vary in different regions and for different producers. Smaller projects such as houses can typically be fi tted in within 5 or 6 weeks but in some regions good planning is required

for larger projects.

Another frustration for providers of precast

concrete products has been the request for fi xed prices, based on prel iminary drawings without suffi cient




Precast NZ Inc

0800Ducting LtdSupply of spiral wound ducting to the

precast concrete industry

Spiral wound ducting is used to create a void in the

precast panels or beams to allow starter bars, tie rods

or stressing cables to be placed in the concrete. After

tightening or stressing with hydraulic jacks, the

concrete structures are much stronger.

We supply the largest range in NZ from 30mm inside

diameter up to 153mm inside diameter.

20 Villa St, Masterton : 0800 38 28 46| P | E:


47 Airdrie Road, Ranui, Auckland 0612

PO Box 21124, Henderson, Auckland 0650

Ph: 09 831 0107 Fax: 09 833 4408


133 Waterloo Road Hornby, Christchurch 8041

PO Box 8369, Riccarton, Christchurch 8440

Ph: 03 344 3014 Fax: 03 344 3018


70 Riverbank Road, Otaki 5512

Ph: 04 568 5092 ext 4776

0800 STAHLTON (0800 782458)

Stahlton are proud to have supported Precast New Zealand Incorporated

since 1999 and the industry for over 50 years.

Quoting & Technical enquiries call 0800 STAHLTON (0800 782 458)

information to permit accurate costing, and then delays in getting full details to enable necessary pre production work such as shop drawings and approvals in time to meet construction programs.

Protection of Retention

In getting its voice heard, PCNZ has been involved in speaking to government on issues such as inclusion of provisions for protection of retentions in the Construction Contract Amendment Bil l . The

failure of Mainzeal several years ago gave impetus to PCNZ’s push on retentions and now, apparently, for the government to move on it. Retentions on construction projects will be required to be held in trust on behalf of the payee.

PCNZ is represented

on the Specialist Trade Contractors Federation, the voice of the subcontracting industry in New Zealand. Through them, they worked with Master Builders to develop the fi rst subcontract agreement with input from both head contractors and subcontractors. This is expected to be updated

next year in light of the new legislation.

It seems that fiscal matters are a major and constant concern of PCNZ. It provided fi nancial support to a Supreme Court appeal by sub-contractors that successfully overturned draconian lower court decisions that permitted

liqudators to claw back money that had been paid to subcontractors up to 2 years before a construction company was placed into receivership. This avoided po ten t i a l l y c r ipp l ing demands on subcontractors.

C l o s e r t o h o m e , PCNZ has been involved in a committee drafting



Precast NZ Inc

a n a m e n d m e n t t o NZS3101, the concrete design standard to ensure reccommendations from the Royal Commission and lessons learned from the Christchurch earthquakes a r e i n c o r p o r a t e d appropriately into our future construction.

University research

Thinking on a deeper level of the physical properties of concrete

I n v o l v e d i n p r e c a s t applications, the association has taken a significant in teres t in univers i ty research at Canterbury and Auckland, providing support for aspects of the work. Much of this research has been provoked by the Christchurch earthquakes, in which observations suggested some damage m a y n o t h a v e b e e n consistent with our prior understanding.

These indicated the need for further research. Contributions by PCNZ members to university research projec ts a re estimated to be in the order of $250,000 including materials, facilities, and other support benefitting not only the precasters, but also the wider construction industry and ultimately providing consumers with safer buildings.

Among the work of the

University of Canterbury has been laboratory testing of sustainable, low loss and demountable precast frame buildings, and low damage seismic design bridges. The University of Auckland has supported the testing of precast panel and foundation connection, and the testing of precast fl oor connections.

Codes of Practice

P C N Z h a s b e e n involved in encouraging

safe work practices and is currently working with Worksafe NZ on new guides incorporating requirements of updated health and safety legislation.

Appropriate training of employees is a concern o f PCNZ, which has initiated and approves training “at all levels.” It says “training and a lack of knowledge of requirements and regulations is a major shortcoming.” It declares

that only 68 apprentices nationally and only 68 and 36 in South Auckland “is not good enough”.

Precast New Zealand is the body representing the interests of the off site precast industry in New Zealand and is involved in a number of associated industry bodies. Its activities extend to subcontracting and construction matters and cover much more than just precast concrete.




Reliable Foundations

RibRaft©, Pod Floors or

Waffle Foundationswhatever you call them,t h e y a r e t h epredominant flooringsystem used extensivelythroughout the country.P o d fl o o r s w e r ein t roduced in NewZealand in the mid-nineties and have nowb e c o m e t h e m o s tpopular flooring systemon the market.

The pod floor designoffers an insulated slabwith superior strengthespecially in earthquakeprone areas. We haveseen huge growth inChristchurch mainlydue to the rebuild, withthe extreme seismicactivity in this area podfloors are a s imple

solution to a difficultsituation.

Expol manufacturesR i b R a f t p o d s i n


Auckland, Wellington,B l e n h e i m a n dChristchurch. We alsooffer the full range of

spacers available on themarket including thenew Expo l Un imaxSpacers.

The Unimax spacerswere deve loped top r o v i d e fl o o r i n gcontractors with one

spacer that does almosteverything required ona pod floor and in somecases eliminates threeother spacers . TheUnimax spacer systemwill achieve any sizethickening or edgebeam that has beens p e c i fi e d i n t h eengineers design.

Unimax spacers havebeen welcomed into the

industry and are nowour biggest se l l ingspacer with positivefeedback that includescost e f fect iveness ,easier take offs fors p a c e r s a n d t i m esavings onsite.

To fi n d o u t m o re

about Expol products

and services go to

Pod floors were introduced in New Zealand in the mid-nineties and

have now become the most popular flooring system on the market.



NZ Design Reg 418603

We are a specialist paving company and the string of

awards won by the company bear testament to the quality

of our work and the experience of our team.


P M E: 03 385 1477 : 0274 334 592 :

PO Box 821, Rangiora 7440

New ZealandContractorsFederation (Inc.)

NZ Contractorof the year









Call our


award winning




Reliable Foundations

It is known throughout the country for its customer focussed approach and for the rel iabi l i ty of product and detai l i t brings to its operations. Part of the secret in this status is in the way the company is organised, with clearly defined regional responsibilities.

Reliable Foundations N e w Z e a l a n d w a s

established by Jason Craig and his brother Aaron Craig as joint owners. In recent times a further partner Simon Henderson was introduced in order to provide the business na t ionwide coverage between the partners.

Aaron Craig manages the entire South Island O p e r a t i o n , l a r g e l y focussed on Christchurch,

National fi rm builds reliable foundations

Reliable Foundations New Zealand Limited

was founded in 2007 in Wellington

and is now the largest residential

foundation company in New Zealand operating in all

major cities.

Dunedin and Queenstown. Jason controls the Lower North Island, including Wellington and Taranaki and Simon the upper North Island,including Auckland, Waikato and Tauranga.

The operational result

is the company is able to construct 150 foundations a month, nationwide. RFL specialise in all floating raft foundations for both res ident ia l and l ight commercial sectors.

Among the major

n a t i o n a l c o m p a n i e s Reliable Foundations r e g u l a r l y i n s t a l l s foundations for are Jennian Homes, Horncastle Homes, Platinum Homes, G J Gardiner and Generation Homes.





Proud to be associated with

Reliable Foundations Ltd| (03) | admin@diggersnz.com3811 200

250 Oruarangi Road Mangere Auckland





Reliable Foundations

Wilton Joubert is a Structural Engineering Consultancy specialising in the residentialbuilding sector. Operating in most provinces throughout New Zealand, we can assist youwith all your engineering requirements. From geotechnical investigations to storm andwaste water designs, to site cut checks and other structural inspections, we can help. Ourdesign expertise ranges from raft floors and beams to Masonry Villas as well as structuralwork for pools and retaining walls. Wilton Joubert has been involved with over 10,000 newhomes in the last 12 years and with our cost effective and fast turnaround service is thelogical choice for your next project.



T 09 945 418809 527 0196T021 824 063T03 443 6209T

In keeping with the nature of the work, Aaron says “we work hard in doing it.”

Reliable Foundations i s e x p e r t i n R A F T foundations, including “RibRaft”, “Cupolex” and “RFL Raft” Foundations. The company’s strength – as well as its reliability – is in its ability to design and install exactly the optimum foundation for the customers needs, making it the country’s leading installer of raft type foundations.

As licensed building contractors , Rel iable Foundations staff members holding foundation or carpentry credentials means that clients know, when they are dealing with them on site, they are qualified to offer advice and make decisions.

B a c k i n g t h a t competence, the systems developed by the company al low i t to complete foundation installations more quickly than other founda t ion methods . This assures a seamless, cost effective method of installation.

The raft slab system employed by Reliable Foundations provides s t r o n g e r e n g i n e e r e d foundations, completed in a shorter period, not dependent on weather variations, with insulation p r o v i d e d t o R 1 . 6 specifi cations.

A s f o u n d a t i o n special is ts , RFL wil l provide total solutions, which are cost effective, from design, engineering a n d i n s t a l l a t i o n standpoints.

T h e b a c k g r o u n d s and qualifications of the partners is important in the success of RFL.

Aaron bui l t many houses throughout his region, before developing a roofi ng business throughout the greater North Island. Aaron’s experience in building businesses in the residential construction industry across a vast area has given him professional experience throughout the sector.

Simon is a former N a t i o n a l S a l e s a n d Operations Manager with a large multi-building supplies chain. Simon’s focus is the continued d e v e l o p m e n t o f t h e business in Auckland, Tauranga, Taranaki and Waikato, working from RFL offices based in Pukekohe.

J a s o n , h a s a background in residential construction, having had his own design-and-build business around the greater Wellington area as well as the development of land holdings and subdivisions.

Aaron describes Jason and himself as “old school; we just work hard and when necessary bring people in to do things. The company is founded on family values, and while we are a big business we operate with a great client base and the very best people in the industry”.

They have to work hard because “there is no shortage of jobs and there are 200 people employed to keep them up to the mark. So, there is no need for them to bring in sub-contractors; “we employ qualifi ed people”

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APD Stormwater & Rain Harvesting Systems




Steel Construction NZ (SCNZ)

An indicator of the status and

achievements of Jensen Steel

Fabricators, the Tauranga-based

c o m p a n y i s p r o v i d e d b y i t s

successes at this year's national

Excellence in Steel awards, when it

won the over $3 million category for

its provision of the steel fabrication

for the new Avantidrome and High

Performance Sports Centre in


Added to that, Jensen Steel was among

a group of eight inductees who were

awarded ISO 3834 accreditation, a

qual i ty s tandard which re la tes

particularly to fabrication welding. It is

a n i n t e r n a t i o n a l l y r e c o g n i s e d


The company went further and

achieved the highest quali�cation,

Construction Category 4 and was one

of two companies in New Zealand to

�rst obtain that level accreditation.

Jensen Steel Fabricators needed to

demonstrate to the auditors that it

suf�ciently met high levels in welding

procedures, welder quali�cations,

material traceabil i ty and quality

assurance processes.

The pilot project for the accreditation

was the Kiwi Rail Project 'Bridge 48'.

Pa r t i c u l a r l y s t r i n g e n t q u a l i t y

requirements, giving Jensen the

chance to prove its systems.

Co-director Greg Jensen welcomed

gaining the accreditation, because he

says it lifts the pro�le of the company,

gives recognised credibility for the work

produced and also gave the staff a

sense of pride and achievement in their


Jensen Steel values the importance of

manufacturing steel assemblies to a

high quality, and says the company will

continue to develop systems that

maintain the company's prominent

market position. To help achieve this it

is using top-of-the-line machinery.

Crucial in this ambition are the use of

Peddinghaus machines including the

recently added Ocean Clipper Angle


Started in 1987 by Greg and wife,

Robyn, Jensen Steel Fabricators has

developed from a small business of 15

and found the Edgecumbe earthquake

in 1987 gave the company a kickstart as

it rebuilt some of the primary industry

infrastructure in the central BOP area.

Challenging years in the 1990s have

been overcome by innovation and

reinvigorating the business in order to

keep up with changing regulations,

especially in relation to health and

safety, and Quality Control systems in

more recent years following the

Christchurch quakes.

This means reinvesting in the business

and its employees and their training.

Capital investment has also become a

key requirement. The provision of

Jensen Steel owned crane and access

equipment onsite is an example of this

investment in equipment.

While based in the Bay of Plenty and

getting much of its work from that

region, Jensen Steel have completed

projects all around the country. In

particular Auckland and the Waikato,

but have ventured as far south as

Christchurch. At present the Bay is

providing a lot off warehouse and

coolstore type work off the back off the

resurgent kiwifruit industry and growing

Tauranga Industrial areas.

Jensen Steel Fabricators wins nationally and internationally

Jensen Steel Fabricators Ltd.

Jensen Steel Fabricators was formed in 1987 by Greg and Robyn Jensen. Over theyears and after a wide variety of projects, the experienced and committed team atJensen Steel has developed strong relationships with many of New Zealand’s majorleading construction companies and key manufacturers.

Jensen Steel values the importance of manufacturing a high quality steel product. As theconstruction industry evolves to meet increasing national and international standardrequirements, Jensen Steel will continue to develop systems that maintains theirprominent market position.

With over twenty-five years of experience in Steel Fabrication, Jensen Steel know that ittakes more than fabrication and erection experience to create preferred contractorstatus.

The Jensen Seven Point Advantage gives Jensen Steel the edge inreliability and performance

31 Te Maire St, Mt MaunganuiPhone: +64 7 575

Structural Steel Solutions

‘We promiseto deliverresults atall levels of theorganisation’

Experienced People

Streamlined Project Management

Careful Structural Detailing

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Steel Construction NZ (SCNZ)




Steel Construction NZ (SCNZ)

I n t h e p a s t t w o decades, the appeti te for steel construction has grown substantially. Today, structural steel’s market share is more than 50% nationwide; in Christchurch, due to the material’s proven seismic performance, steel has increased its share of the multi-level construction market to almost 80%, up from vir tual ly ni l prior to the Canterbury

earthquakes.Driving this dramatic

growth has been the i n d u s t r y ’s f o c u s o n innovation and signifi cant investment in high-tech fabrication technology, says Steel Construction New Zealand (SCNZ) manager Alistair Fussell.

“ D e m a n d f o r prefabricated structural steel is now similar to the 2007 peak. Since then, New Zealand structural steel fabricators have kept pace and invested substantially in high-tech

fabrication technology: Grayson Engineering and D&H Steel in Auckland, Pegasus Engineering in Christchurch, Redsteel in Napier and Calder Stewart in Milton, have all built new state-of-the-art workshops; and John Jones’ new workshop in Christchurch is currently under construction,” says Mr Fussell.

Compliance storyNotably, the recent

boom in construction has led to more imported steelwork entering New Zealand, increasing the risk of non-compliance, says Mr Fussell.

“There have been cases of missing paperwork or steelwork that doesn’t meet the specifi cation, leading to costly project delays.

Steel construction a rising local storyLed by the rebuild of Christchurch

and a fast-growing Auckland, New

Zealand’s construction industry is set to

experience its busiest period in over 40

years. In response, local industry is working hard to meet the demand

for quality, capacity and innovative

construction solutions.

expert certification of New Zealand fabrication companies. It ensures participating fabricators have appropriate personnel and quality management systems in place to produce work of the required quality,” says Mr Fussell.

N e w Z e a l a n d ’ s structural steel fabricators are showing strong support for the scheme. One year on, the number of firms which have achieved SFC certification has doubled to 16, with a further 17 lining up to go through the process.

“ A s w i t h m a n y construction materials, the current compliance regime for structural steelwork relies, for the most part, on self-inspection and self-certification. This approach is dependent

SCNZ Alistair Fussell

“S tee l Fab r i ca to r Certification (SFC) is an industry-led quality assurance scheme to address this compliance issue. Launched last year, SFC provides independent



Steel Construction NZ (SCNZ)

15 Klondyke Drive, Hornby





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About Steel Construction New Zealand

Steel Construction New Zealand Inc. (SCNZ) aims to advance the interests of New Zealand’s diverse steel construction industry by promoting the benefi ts of steel solutions in building and infrastructure projects. SCNZ has 301 members including manufacturers of structural steel and steel products, distributors, fabricators, designers, detailers, galvanisers, and paint and building supply companies. SCNZ provides its members with technical advice on the latest in steel design trends and standards, networking opportunities and a representative voice with key industry and government decision-makers. Along with SCNZ manager Alistair Fussell, four professional engineers provide technical expertise. For more information please visit




Steel Construction NZ (SCNZ)

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on the expertise, ethics and quality systems of the fabricator, and on the knowledge and expertise of engineers and welding inspectors to assess if the steel supplied is compliant.

“Significantly, SFC g i v e s c e r t i f i e d N e w Z e a l a n d f a b r i c a t o r s an important point of difference, particularly compared with imported prefabricated steelwork. SFC provides procurers and specifiers, such as engineers, architects and contractors, with more certainty of product quality and signifi cantly reduces compliance risk,” says Mr Fussell.

Capacity meets demand

The steel construction

industry is developing a capacity model to forecast demand. Us ing fac t -based labour-resource da ta , combined wi th construction intel sourced from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE), engineers, builders and developers, the industry is building a project database. Mr Fussell says it will allow the structural steel industry to anticipate demand and make informed decisions about future investment in training, plant and equipment, recruitment and collaboration.

Collaboration, too, is playing a growing role in the successful delivery of structural steel projects. For example,

steelwork for the Forsyth Barr Stadium and, more recently, the Christchurch Bus Interchange, was fabricated in Auckland and Christchurch, and transported and erected on site.

The industry is also exploring how it can collaborate with Australian operators, particularly

when looking to resource the sizeable Auckland projects in the pipeline. Mr Fussell says clients will benefi t from having a local fabricator on the ground to oversee the project. Tapping into additional capacity across The Ditch, when necessary, will ensure an uninterrupted supply.

ProcurementIn 2013 the government

introduced its new Rules of Sourcing, which Mr Fussell says represents a significant step forward for local industry. The rules require consideration of the five Principles of Government Procurement, w h i c h p r o v i d e t h e foundation for balanced decision-making at all stages of the procurement lifecycle, from initial planning through to the contract’s completion.

However, there has been little evidence of

them taking effect, says Mr Fussell.

“It means that key attributes are at risk of being overlooked during the tender review process, leading to tenders being evaluated on their upfront cost and ignoring the social, environmental and economic attributes of the deal.

“MBIE , wh ich i s charged with applying these , has shown no i n d i c a t i o n o f t h e i r implementation. The rules are there, we want to see them applied.”



Steel Construction NZ (SCNZ)

Proud to be a member and also support SCNZ in

promoting the successful use of New Zealand

fabricated structural steel for the Construction Industry

20 Westland Place, Izone Business Park, Rolleston, Canterbury

P: 03 347 1424 | E: |

Burwood Hospital Re-DevelopmentUniversity of Canterbury ETF PWC Centre

Holmes delivered the engineering for fi ve of the winning projects, including the top prize—the 2015 New Zealand Architecture Medal, awarded to the new Blyth Performing Arts Centre at Iona College, Havelock North. Another bui ld ing a t the same school, the Iona College Information Resource Centre, also won an award in the Education category.

“Congratulations to our

design partners at Stevens Lawson Architects, who set their sights exceptionally high with Iona College. We’re absolutely delighted in the part we were able to play in bringing these ambit ious projects to life,” said Hamish Nevile, Project Director at Holmes Consulting.

The jurors described

the Blyth Performing Arts Centre as a ‘beautifully planned and executed building in which technical as well as architectural issues have been resolved masterfully.’

“Our skill is ensuring the architect’s design is well supported with sympathetic structural engineering. Our role may be less visible,

Structural engineering fi rm

Holmes Consulting is celebrating with the winners of the country’s premier

architectural competition, the

New Zealand Architecture


Architects and engineers—a winning combination for Holmes Consulting

About Holmes Group: H o l m e s G r o u p

Limited is a multinational c o n s u l t a n c y m a d e u p o f Holmes Consul t ing Group (s tructural and civil engineering), Holmes Fire (f ire engineering) including Holmes Farsight (compliance and regulatory guidance), Holmes Solutions (product development, testing and certifi cation), Westbrook Capital Partners (real estate investment management) and Holmes Culley (structural engineering in the United States).

They employ more than 300 people in New Zealand, Australia and the United States. Part of the weightless export economy they have a highly skilled workforce. Founded in Christchurch almost 60 years ago they have offices in Auckland, Hami l ton , Wel l ing ton , Christchurch, Queenstown, Sydney, Los Angeles and S a n F r a n c i s c o . w w

but we take just as much pride in these projects as the architects,” said Mr. Nevile.

Other winning projects Holmes delivered design engineer ing solut ions for include the Stranges and Glendenning Hill Building Replacement in Christchurch (Commercial category), and the Mackelvie Street Shopping Precinct (Commercial category) and MIT Manukau & Transport Interchange (Education category) in Auckland.

MIT Manukau & Transport Interchange Auckland

Blyth Performing Arts Centre at Iona College, Havelock North




MJH Engineering



We’ve been servicing Wellington’s Engineersfor over 38 years

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One of New Zealand’s Largest Blasting BoothsAll types of Industrial Wet Spray PaintingFull On-site Service AvailableAll Under One Roof 4,000 sqm2

Concrete Sandblasting

Heavy Industrial SpecialistsCorrosion ControlAbrasive BlastingZinc Arc SprayCast Iron Refurbishment

MJH says working to maintain that record it has invested substantially in ensuring it has state-of-the-art plant to precisely cut, drill and weld the steel beams and columns which are major components of the projects it is involved in.

MJH’s modern approach to structural steel construction in New Zealand includes skilled detailers using industry leading software which interfaces with the production process, eliminating errors and wastage. It says it is enthusiastic about taking advantage of the technology available to steel fabrication. It is constantly introducing new plant and equipment to streamline and enhance its processes.

A m o n g m o d e r n machinery employed by the firm is pre-process equipment, most of which is automated. Computer

drawing packages are used to produce the necessary CNC (computerised numeric control) information to interface with this equipment.

T h i s c o m p u t e r i s e d approach reduces the human error element, ensuring no errors can creep into the process . Working with the computerised drawing processes, a huge number of steel elements are produced, with the MIT (Manukau Institute of Technology) project requiring around 12,000 detail drawings.

MJH Engineering has a team of six detailers producing fabrication drawings in its Wellington offi ce. After all drawings of the various parts of a structure are completed, they are transferred to an assembly drawing for fabrication, which culminates in displaying the final set of plans for the structure, basically indicating how its parts should be bolted together on site.

The company’s approach to its tasks has earned it

a reputation for integrity in all its dealings with its customers, always delivering quality work, because it constantly aims for the best possible product. This is further demonstrated with their recent AS\NZS ISO 3834 certifi cation.

M a j o r We l l i n g t o n regional projects, in which it has provided steel fabrication, include the Wellington Indoor Sports Stadium, Elevate Apartments, various Victoria University developments, Hayward’s Pole 3 project. Where appropriate it has

Integrity in steel fabrication an MJH Engineering trait

A leading structural steel fabricator and erector, MJH Engineering is proud of its ability to deliver the contracted project on time and

within budget, whether it be a long-span portal

frame warehouse, a multi-storey tower

block, or a considerable sized component of


worked in collaboration with other fabricators throughout the country to provide the steel necessary for a project.

While the company is highly competitive in obtaining tenders for work, it also has many approaches and requests for it to undertake projects.

“ O u r p a s s i o n f o r the elegance and cost-

action will help observers appreciate what drives it.

MJH Engineering says it is continuing to grow to help meet the needs in today’s industry. It began in 1982 in a 200 square metre area, with one employee – managing director, Malcolm Hammond. It now employs over 100 staff based on its Gracefi eld Road, Lower Hutt workshop.

Initially, it specialised i n f a c t o r y f i t o u t a n d maintenance. Since then it has expanded, moving into the building industry, specialising in the complex prefabricated structural building and erection process, including many large structural steel contracts. Consequently it has developed a strong working relationship with several main contractors and works to provide extra support in key areas, ensuring

fl exible workforce, with the turnover of staff continuing to be low. Most have been with MJH Engineering for many years.

Innovation, performance and safety have become b y w o r d s i n M J H Engineering’s approach to steel fabrication, with management playing a part, both in the workshop and on site. Its expert operations in both are maintained by a commitment to continuous staff training.

I t s a y s : “ We a r e proud to be recognised for our contribution to industrial education. With apprenticeships available at junior and senior levels, further training is supported by the company in many areas .” I t has recent ly completed a case study for Steel Construction (SCNZ) as part of its commitment to the industry’s development.

It is fully committed to a safer working environment and it has introduced health and safety management systems, which are reviewed and updated regularly.

This i s in keep ing with its membership in Site Safe NZ, the Industry Tra in ing Organ i sa t ion (ITO), Competenz, the Crane Association of New Zealand, the New Zealand Heavy Engineering Research Association (HERA) and Steel Construction New Zealand. (SCNZ).

that projects are completed within the required time frames.

It has developed a highly

e f f ec t i venes s o f s t ee l fabrication is matched by our concern for safety in the workshop and on site.” Seeing MJH Engineering in



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Chapman Engineering

Nelson ● Blenheim ● Christchurch ● Dunedin ● Invercargill ● Auckland

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Complete Stockists of:

0800 652 463Free Phone


Proudly supporting Chapman Engineering

23 Saxon Street, Phillipstown, Christchurch. P: 03 366 1317 Power Tool People: Laser Cut:

And many more..

Chapman Engineering is renowned for its Innovation and abili ty to lead the structural steel market. The company operates in state-of-the-art facilities

Chapman Engineering innovative steel fabricator

Chapman Engineering Limited has fi rmly established itself as

an Innovative Leader in Canterbury’s Structural Steel Market and was

the fi rst Structural Steel Company in Christchurch to

introduce a production line method of

fabricating steel. The Company was

formed more than 30 years ago by Chris

and Tracy Chapman and specialises in Fabricating and

Erecting Structural Steel.

and is continually investing and updating machinery, technology and training. It is also one of three only structural steel fabricators in the South Island that is SFC Certified focusing on quality assurance of a quality product and representing international best practice.

When the Christchurch earthquakes left the city devastated and needing a massive rebuild, and steel became the preferred material to provide the stability to meet new earthquake standards, Chapman Engineering was ideally placed to meet the massively increased demand.

The company has been involved in numerous multi-million dollar rebuild projects ranging from the four-storey Hazeldean Carpark (1,000 tonnes), Opus House (600 tonnes) , the Skel lerup relocation (600 tonnes), ANZ (1,500 tonnes), Westpac (550 tonnes), Rolleston School

(780 tonnes), Pak ‘N Save Food Warehouse, Rangiora (350 tonnes), Hornby Hub (350 tonnes) and Mitre 10 Papanui (230 tonnes).

Chapman Engineering is 100 per cent New Zealand-owned and operated and strives to achieve a highly ski l led, motivated and

professional team with a total of 251 combined years in the structural steel industry with an emphasis on further staff training and health and safety.

Chris is always searching outside the box for new and better ways to achieve a competitive, quality service at the best possible price.

Incorporated within the company a full structural steel package is available, from tendering to a full design and draft offi ce, fabrication and welding by fully qualified staff with two fully qualifi ed quality assurance offi cers on the fl oor at all times ensuring the highest quality standards of workmanship through to company transport, cranes (ranging from 120 tonnes to three tonnes) and site erection teams and a site safety offi cer ensuring safety procedures are followed at all times.

Chapman Engineering Ltd, P O Box 16-293, C h r i s t c h u r c h ; p h o n e (03) 349-0200; emai l ,

ANZ Building



The Chain Man has a vast range ofproducts catering to all industries:

Forestry | Maritime | Rigging | ConstructionDemolition | Craneage | TransportHaulage | Engineering | Farming

Unit 1, Cass Street, Christchurch | (03) 366 1528 | Invercargill Branch Ph: 03 214 6468 | Email:

Chapman Engineering




Chapman Engineering

Maverick Sandblasting 2012 is the

answer to all your sandblasting and

industrial coating needs. The rich

Maverick history had its humble

beginnings in a shed at 55 Shands

Road in 1989. The Maverick solution

of the day was basic, but what was at

the core in those days, as it is today,

is �nding innovative ways to solve a

customer's problem or exceeding

customer requirements. Central to

this approach was the unwavering

commitment of the two founding

members (one of whom is the

current Managing Director, Neville

Wynn) to delivering on a promise.

The service offering in the early days was

focused on sandblasting and spray

painting of truck and boat trailors,

shipping containers and looking after the

smaller engineering customers. The

business grew at a steady pace and in

1995 it was time for a new adventure for

Nevi l le and his partner. Maverick

Sandblasting was sold and it would be 16

years before Neville's ventures lead him

back to the company where it all started.

Over the years Maverick served a number

of masters, with the business changing

hands on at least two more occasions. In

2007 the business moved to its current

location at 21 Izone Drive in Rolleston.

This move to a larger and better equipped

premises marked a fundamental change,

positioning Maverick's as a prominent

player in the structural and infrastructure

market segments of industrial coating


A number of prominent projects Maverick

Sandblasting are proud to be associated

with, to name but a few, are the Forsyth Bar

Stadium, AMI Stadium, the iconic

Botanical Gardens Visitor Centre in

Christchurch, Main Freight Distribution

Centre, Hornby Hub, Ravendown Urea

Shed, Three35 Lincoln Road, Russley

Village, Kaiapoi Library and DMC House.

Apart from sandblasting and spray

painting, Maverick Sandblasting 2012

also offer professional services such as

zinc and aluminium metallising, as well as

in-shop application of intumescent �re


Maverick Sandblasting provide storage of

raw and coated steel items. Neville, due

to the six years he spent with ChapmanNeville Wynn Director

2012 LTD

Maverick Sandblasting 2012For all your sandblasting and industrial coating needs



Chapman Engineering

Maverick Sandblasting 2012 LtdPhone: 03 347 2637 | Mobile: 021 583 733 | maverickof�

21 Izone Drive, (PO Box 127), Rolleston 7643

Engineering before rejoining Maverick

Sandblasting and becoming the majority

shareholder in 2012, understands the

demands of steel fabrication and steel

erection and the value of offering off-site

storage .

The Maverick family of 15 are committed

to quality, with constant supervision of

the different operations by the Yard

Foreman, Benny and quality checks and

test by the Quality Inspector Graeme. In

addition Maverick have also recruited

the serv ices of an independent

consultant to assist with their focus on

development and improvement.

The Maverick history is one of success

through change , but it is certain that the

common thread of �nding innovative

solutions in meeting and exceeding

customer needs, will always be part of

the Maverick story, now and in future.

Give Maverick Sandblasting

2012 a call now to become part

of that innovative experience.

2012 LTD

The Maverick Sandblasting Team




Chapman Engineering


p. 03 381 1670


p. 03 381 1670SOUTHERN


Proud to have been part of the successful competion of many projects undertaken by Chapman Engineering Ltd

NDT Services• Radiography• Ultrasonic Testing• Magnetic Particle Inspection• Liquid Penetrant Inspection• Eddy Current Testing• Remote Visual Inspection

Welding Consultancy Services• Weld Procedure Development• Welder Qualification Testing• Procedure Qualification Testing• Welding Inspection

Inspection Services• Structural Steel Inspection• QA Programme Development• Third Party Inspection• Quality Assurance• Rope Access Inspection• Hull Thickness Surveys

Steel-framed buildings wil l general ly survive seismic events with lower damage, as is evidenced with the relatively speedy return to service of the Pacific Tower and HSBC Tower after the Canterbury earthquakes.

Another impact of the earthquakes has been that steel fabrication companies h a v e h a d t o c o m p l y with stricter QA (quality assurance) requirements to ensure designs function as intended, which has engendered an industry-wide lift in standards of fabrication, welding and bolting practices.

That is where a company like Southern QA comes into the picture. With the need to make sure all the requirements were being met, Southern QA has continued to keep a quality eye on the fabrication and erection of all the steel which goes into modern New Zealand buildings.

S o u t h e r n Q A i s described by its Technical Manager, Rob Penney as the largest New Zealand-owned company in the field of welding inspection and non-destructive testing (NDT). It is a member of HERA (the Heavy Engineering Research Association), is accredited by IANZ, and employs inspectors certifi ed by both New Zealand and overseas bodies.

Penney says Southern QA provides inspection and quality assurance services for a variety of industries, wi th s tee l fabr ica t ion one of the major ones. It also provides services for industries such as dairying, hydro, marine, mining, coal and gas, petro-chemical, manufacturing and others.

F o r m e d i n 1 9 8 7 , S o u t h e r n Q A h a s 1 0 sha reho lde r s and has branches in Christchurch, Invercargill and Hamilton. “We go where there is a need and have undertaken work from Antarctica to Asia and the US”, says Penney.

As fa r a s s t ee l i s concerned, Penney points to the New Zealand Standard NZS 3404. Design engineers will design a building for a particular loading and “the engineer is expecting the building to perform up to that design loading.” Critical components, which are more common in post-quake designs, will need rigorous QA to ensure they meet an engineer’s requirements.

S o u t h e r n Q A ’ s

inspectors, working off the design drawings and specifi cations for a building, or a bridge, or any other steel structure, inspect various aspects, starting with raw material compliance, to the welding and on to erection of the structure.

T h e N e w Z e a l a n d welding standards are shared with those of Australia and the vigilance of Southern QA’s inspectors helps ensure steel fabrication companies have trained and certified welders and fabricators to a suffi cient level to meet the required standard.

There are also smaller companies seeking a slice of the action, when often such work is out of their depth.

An important aspect

of the qual i ty control programme work is that it should be established before a structural job begins. “We should do the testing early in the process and at intervals throughout the production.” The process may involve x-ray or ultrasonic testing.

This will help ensure that a steel component is not in place and buried in concrete and then found to be defi cient. “The fabricator and engineer both need to know on an ongoing basis that the welds are not a problem.” To embed certainty into the process Southern QA will set up a schedule of regular inspection. In the case of companies like Chapman Engineering Ltd this may mean inspections on a daily basis, or several times

weekly, with inspection programmes on several jobs running concurrently.

H e d e t e c t s s o m e problems in the industry with imported fabricated steel sometimes manufactured to different specifi cations. This heightens the need to have processes which detect such variations. Also, with the rebuild in Christchurch placing demands on the supply of steel – there has been an increase, he says, from around a 12 per cent floor area use of steel, to more than 50 per cent – that greater demand is placing strains on the system.

There are also smaller companies seeking a slice of the action, when often such work is out of their depth. Whereas Documentation is a key factor in the quality assurance process, this should start before any work is done. From the time a council issues a consent there are the standards, the designer’s drawings and specifi cations, the fabrication drawings, the material certificates, w e l d i n g a n d b o l t i n g procedures and the like. “If the fabricator does not have the systems in place to handle the paperwork requirements then it is very diffi cult.”

Penney says Southern QA and its counterparts play a critical role in the process of verifying the bona fides of the whole process. “That is one of the roles that companies like ours can fulfi l. Our job is to ensure that whatever building is erected, that the steel meets the standard.”

Quality control is Southern QA’s forteThe modern

world’s use of steel in construction has

been increasing, but while New

Zealand has been moving in this

direction, it took the Christchurch earthquakes, now fi ve years past to

cause a real swing in favour of steel over reinforced








Driveways • Tennis Courts

Car Parks • Subdivisions


JCL Asphalt partnering with Faulks Enterprises

S t a r t i n g a t 1 7 i n Queenstown, Tony Faulks is now managing director of Faulks Investments a modern company which, at its core, is not all that far removed from the toil of breaking in the Central

Tony Faulks –Central Otago kid to emerging mogul

It is a long way from two sheep stations and

fl ax and sawmilling at the head of Lake

Wanaka, playing a large part in the

development of Central Otago in the 19th century, to machinery,

construction and earthworks operations,

but that is the progression made by Tony Faulks, a son of

the central region.

Otago valleys, hills and mountains. Essentially, Tony follows in the footsteps of his great grandfather, John Faulks, who emigrated from the British Isles, and set to taming the Central Otago landscape.

To n y l e a r n e d h i s passion for the work process from the generations of Faulks, and has imparted it into the current business. It now has extensive work, f rom ear thworks and landscaping and section development, to demolition and construction, road damage containment and rectifi cation, underground infrastructure and haulage, a l l t he way t o c iv i l engineering.

Much of this derives from farming the land following clearance of the bush, and aligning tracks and roads, along with bordering ditches, bridges and varied construction




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w o r k . S o , To n y h a s developed from the raw youth working on central projects to his managing director’s position in a company which not only carries out all the described work, but has invested in all new Kenworth’s and Caterpillar plant.

With a bulldozer, a truck and a saw bench and a good deal of skill, Tony expanded his horizons, developing into a construction company along with investments in land. The word got around about his capabil i t ies and dedication, ensuring increasing offers of work and an expanding range of skills.

From Central Otago to Christchurch, the work has been available and Faulks Investment has played a part in the post-earthquake rebuild. It has been involved with typical quality and passion. It is now unrivalled for the scope and quality of its work, driven by the passion of its founder, Tony Faulks.

N o w b a s e d i n B u c h a n a n s R o a d , i n Christchurch, for Faulks Investments the effects of the earthquake has assisted

its recent development. This has brought an expansion to 18 trucks and “goodness knows how many diggers” says Tony.

While such a rapid increase is sometimes a dange r to expand ing companies, Tony is aware of the traps and says: “We have the experience and the potential to prevent us getting in too deep, so we are always aware of that.”

As for manpower,

Faulks currently has three crews doing demolition work in Christchurch and this sometimes expands to four teams. However, two thirds of the company’s work is civil construction, with a good deal of it subcontracting. Alongside Faulks Investment there is a development company which also has regular commitments.

One of Tony Faulks’ closest staff member, is the





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General Manager Corran Pywell, who has been with the company for 20 years. He points out that much of the company’s subcontract work is associated with long-established major companies.

T h r e e c u r r e n t substantial contracts for Faulks Investment are the West Rolleston School with Southbase, also a St Margaret’s College, Christchurch and Intelligro, formerly SouthHort, at Rolleston. All are major excavations, as well as hard fi ll placements.

Faulks has previously done considerable work on the St Margare t ’s site, including building demolition, and excavation of foundations for new classrooms, as well as hard filled placement. There was also hard and soft landscaping, including detailed concrete work and planter boxes. One of the

company’s aims is to be “a one stop shop.”

“we could start with a grass paddock, or a building to be demolished and go right through to the fi nished product.

So, it is a good team, with its top group of project and contract managers. The greatest challenge for the company, is that of a changing market. It is very competitive with a large number of contractors seeking a piece of the Christchurch pie.

“I t ’s become very competitive and having an established name with some of the big companies is very important.” That i s s o m e t h i n g F a u l k s Inves tment has bu i l t up over the las t f ive years and now that the demolition stage in the city is largely completed, the rebuild presents different challenges.

An indication of the

company’s standing is that it has been put forward for a pair of contract awards, which will be decided at the end of the year.

Faulks also won the Subcont rac to r o f the year last year for Civil Contractors awards.

Tony Faulks’ progress and that of his company is depicted by a large mural in the company’s Buchanans Road workshop. It shows an array of old diggers and trucks, the kind of gear that the company has been built on, accompanying the passion and commitment of its founder.



Urban Homes

Phone 07 858 4921 Mobile 027 247 3836

• Plumbing • Drainage • Gas�tting

• Maintenance & Servicing

Totally Dependable Guarantee

Proud of our association with Urban Homes

Unit 7, 394 Grey Street, Hamilton East 3216.

Award-winning Urban Homes, owned by director, Daniel Klinkenberg has featured the show home at 12 Alan Livingston Drive, St Kilda, in Cambridge to demonstrate the award winning style, innovation and design that goes into every home they have the privilege of being involved with.

Fendalton 286 is a 286 metre dwelling, described as having exceptional style and warmth and is a four-bedroom home, with three living areas - a kitchen and dining area, a family area, which is open plan and is separate from the third, the lounge.

The cladding is of brick recycled from Christchurch and it has a black Eurostyle roof, extending down as cladding on the walls. There is also vertical cedar which creates a design point-of-difference. The home has been arranged around a central covered area with kwila decking.

The main living area, lounge and rumpus room – which is adjacent to three of the bedrooms - open off the central area, creating an excellent indoor–outdoor fl ow. Luxury details include a free-standing bath which complements an ensuite, which also opens to a private spa area.

Along with the show home, Urban Homes has a Design Centre which has a wide variety of options for clients to explore, such as examples of fixtures and fi ttings, a large selection of plans, photo galleries and examples of fi nishes.

St Kilda has a very specific set of guidelines around design. Daniel says the similar views shared b e t w e e n h i m a n d t h e developer around clever design with a strong focus on sustainability means Urban Homes have a very strong

Award-winning Urban Homes’ Cambridge show home

Hamilton-based Urban Homes has

recently opened a new show home, named Fendalton 286 to

display the style of family homes it is


presence in this prestigious sub-division. Every home is unique, which is great as we specialise in design and build.

The show home style suits the prevailing style of homes in the sub-division, which are all situated to gain maximum sun and are insulated to a higher standard than required, and include water tanks and solar panels. The disposition of the houses is covenanted with the purchase of sections, which Daniel says is appreciated by buyers. Daniel believes this is a trend-leading move.

Urban Homes’ attention to quality has led to successes i n na t i ona l and l oca l

Registered Master Builders’ House-of-the-Year awards this year winning Gold for New Homes $400,000-$500,000 category and Gold and the overall category for New Homes $650-$1

million. Both homes will go forward to the national fi nals.

Contact: Urban Homes, 444 Angelsea Street,

Hamilton; 07 839 5570; email, offi z;




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FM Group

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Arrow International

The C la re house premises are situated at 51 and 77 Durham Street in Invercargill and the current work is valued at about $10 million.

The Stage 1 expansion o f t he C la re House retirement village and rest home has been in progress since July this year and is due to be completed by Arrow International


Co Ltd


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Arrow International forthe Clare House project

Suppliers & Installers ofMechanical Services to

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21 Maher St, Tisbury,

Arrow International Clare House developerThe expansion of Clare House, a

retirement complex in the Invercargill suburb of Waikiwi

is being undertaken by the national

development and construction company, Arrow International

NZ LTD, a well-known company

which has a strong presence in the Deep South where it has undertaken many

major developments.

in March next year. The addition will increase the current 41 beds already in use, with about half of these being for dementia patients.

Arrow International’s construction of the new wing will add it onto the current Clare House premises. It will contain a mixture of single rooms with some studio units for residents.

T h e n e w b l o c k will also contain a new main entrance, also an administration area. In particular, there will be 15 higher level residential care rooms, six one-bedroom apartments, and 2 two bedroom apartments. There will also be a lounge, a dining room and a library.

In addition, there



Arrow International



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will be areas for physio, training and hairdressing, wh i l e the re wi l l be provision for associated service rooms and plant rooms.

This is the fi rst stage of a two-stage addition, with the second due to start early next year, after the completion of the current work.

In the second stage, 13 higher level residential c a r e b e d r o o m s w i l l be added, also six one bedroom apartments, four studio units and externally there will be further hard landscaping.

A s w e l l a s t h e moving of the entrance a n d a d m i n i s t r a t i o n areas, relocation and removals will include the laundry, which will also be expanded. The existing building will include reconstruction of the lounge and dining areas, the upgrading of the fi re rating of several walls – including above the ceilings – along with the upgrade of sprinkler and fi re detection systems. Most room doors will be replaced.

Arrow International’s S o u t h e r n D i r e c t o r , Nick Hamlin says the development also involves the introduction of full infrastructure facilities

running to the new wing, with the need to provide the underground facilities from the roadside. Along with the utilities work, Arrow will do the hard landscaping structures.

With his time in the southern region – being a good Southern Man – Nick has developed an appreciation of the area, and Arrow International’s southern regional team has

seen very good growth in its region.

The expansion, a single level, covers an area of 2500 square metres , and ini t ia l ly involves considerable piling work, as a direct result of the tightening of regulations following the Christchurch earthquakes. In a building which is to house elderly citizens, such special requirements are mandatory.

Contact: Arrow International at




Laser Group

There are now over 200 member companies, employing in excess of 1500 staff throughout both countries. These Member businesses are all enjoying all the benefi ts that come as part of the multi award winning Laser business system.

It all started when t w o e n t r e p r e n e u r i a l electricians, Peter Bassett and David Clemmett set up their own electrical contracting company, Laser Electrical Ltd. Due to a commitment by the

32 Years of Laser


SCHOLARSHIP D u x a r e p r o u d

supporters in the future o f t h e N e w Z e a l a n d Plumbing Industry and this year launched the Dux Scholarship Program through the Apprentice Training Trust (ATT).

“We saw the need to invest in the trade, support the next generation of Apprentices whilst also rewarding businesses and apprentices that are working hard together in a positive environment said Jeff La Haye, General Manager of Dux.

The Dux Scholarship is designed to recognise the best all round fi rst year ATT apprentice. The selection process rewards the best pe r fo rmer, i nc lud ing their attitude, academic ability, practical skills and personality.

The fi rst winner of the Dux Scholarship is local resident Jaycob Walker from Laser Plumbing East Tamaki. Dux will fully fund Jaycob’s course fees for the remainder of his apprent iceship. Laser Plumbing East Tamaki as his host employer will also be rewarded for supporting the future generation of plumbers, receiving Dux product to the value of $2,500 per year for each year of the scholarship ($7,500 in total).

“We are so proud of Jaycob. He is a motivated, capable apprentice, with a great work ethic. He sets high standards in both his

practical work and academic results. Jaycob’s dedication to his work and high skill level has made him an outstanding apprentice that is truly worthy of this scholarship. The whole team is excited for him” said Gillian Westbooke, Human Resource Manager from Laser Plumbing East Tamaki.

S u s i e P a t e r s o n , Marketing Manager for Dux said “As soon as we arrived at Laser Plumbing East Tamaki it was evident that Jaycob was highly regarded by his employers and his peers, and it did not take long for us to work out why. Jaycob is clearly a reliable, driven and talented young man who has a bright future ahead of him. Jaycob showed a maturity level well beyond his years, outlined well thought out career goals and demonstrated a good balance between work and outside interests. Dux is proud to award Jaycob as the inaugural Dux Scholar for 2015. Congratulations Jaycob”.

We are grateful to Dux for this Scholarship which is a testament to the training environment our Company provides. It takes 4 years of practical and academic training to qualify to become a Licensed Plumber, Gasfi tter and/or Drainlayer the same time as a University Degree! Many of our Apprentices continue to work in our Company after qualifying and it is rewarding to see them develop a career in this great trade” says Roger Westbrook Director of Laser Plumbing East Tamaki.

From humble beginnings as an electrical contractor in Auckland in 1983, Laser

Group has evolved to become the leading electrical and plumbing contracting

network across Australia and New Zealand.

owners and managers to outstanding customer service and implementing strong systems, Laser Electrical Ltd rapidly grew to become one of New Zealand’s largest contracting firms and still successfully operates today. Based on the v i s ion o f becoming the leading provider of Totally Dependable Plumbing and Electrical Services, utilising Laser’s leading process control systems and recognising the demand in the market for a national supplier, the Laser business model was developed and licenced in 1999 and evolved to become a full membership business model in late 2003. Laser’s membership base rapidly increased including expansion into Australia in 2004. Laser Group Australia now also has over 100 members nationwide.

Testament to Laser’s success, Laser Group was awarded the New Zealand “Supreme Franch ise Industry Award” back to back in 2005 and 2006.

Laser Plumbing was initiated in 2006, utilising the same award winning systems and processes Laser was built upon in both the Australian and New Zealand market.

Today we are proud to have in excess of 200 Members throughout Australasia and it is our goal to dramatical ly increase this within the next few years for true Nationwide coverage both in Australia and New Zealand.



Laser Group

Established in 1979 SCM Frigo is a leading

global provider of specialized products and

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Speci�cally CO2 and NH3 (Ammonia).

Patton is proud to be representing the

following product range.

� CO2 Pumping Systems LT & MT.

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Racks/Screw sets. (Indoor & outdoor).

SCM Frigo is recognized throughout the

industry for quality, innovative products and

a p p l i c a t i o n s o l u t i o n s . T h e y h a v e

consistently emphasized and invested in

product development and, like Patton, are

leaders in the introduction of new products

for the ever-changing demands of the

refrigeration industry.

Patton CEO Sameer Handa says “We are

very excited to be exclusive distributors of

this European leader in natural refrigerant

product. With over 1200 successful

installations in CO2, including famous brand

s u p e r m a r k e t s s u c h a s C a r r e f o u r,

Sainsbury's, Tesco and Marks & Spencer,

this partnership will enable Patton's to

pursue growth and take advantage of

opportunities in new market areas with

proven products.”

For more information on SCM Frigo

products please contact your nearest Patton


Patton is pleased to announce its appointment as exclusive distributor for SCM Frigo refrigeration systems

in New Zealand, Australia and the South Paci�c region.

SCM Frigo Exclusive Distribution-




New Zealand designed and

manufactured, the award

winning INTAKS is a simple

access scaffolding system providing

guardrails for roof edge protection

and working platforms for all trades to

work safely.

INTAKS can be used for new home

builds, maintenance, roo�ng projects

and commercial construction making

it a one-system solution giving

builders more freedom and choices.

Lightweight and compact, INTAKS

i s a m o d u l a r s ys te m h a s b e e n

designed to be simple to set-up and

easy to adjust.

This means that INTAKS can quickly

be adapted to suit any job or terrain. In

fact INTAKS can be assembled into

over 15 different con�gurations to

overcome many different working at

height issues that face residential and

commercial sites.

It can also be jacked up under a

balcony or eave to provide roof edge

protection on existing buildings for

maintenance, painting, re-roofs etc.

With INTAKS there is no longer any

need for harnesses. Workers are free

to complete the job quicker doing

away with troublesome lengthening

and shortening of ropes as they

complete the job.

This also opens up the labour �eld,

as workers can now work in a passive

environment and no longer need to be

trained in the use of harnesses.

With minimal ground footprint and

plank spans up to 4.8 metres, INTAKS

means a building site becomes more

accessible and multiple trades can

work together meaning shorter

project time frames.

INTAKS is also easier and more cost

effective to get to site and set up.

INTAKS is 80 percent lighter than steel


The lightweight system means that

INTAKS takes far less time, truck

tonnage and manpower to put up and

pack down.

The INTAKS system is certi�ed as

complying with AS/NZS 1664.1,

Department of Labour Best Practice

Guidelines for Scaffolding in New

Z e a l a n d , A S / N Z S 4 9 9 4 . 1 . 2 0 0 9

Temporary Roof Edge Protection and

A S 6001 Work ing Platforms for

Housing Construction.

The interlocking system makes the

planks strong and steady offering

workers unparalleled support to work

safely. The system's planks also butt

j o i n e n d t o e n d e l i m i n a t i n g

overlapping of planks and reducing

opportunities for trip hazards and the

dreaded 50mm death drop.

INTAKS is available for purchase or

hire. INTAKS has installers based

around the country meaning builders,

roofers and main contractors now only

need to deal with one company for all

their scaffolding needs.

07 577 6469

2015 Site Safe Award Winner

INTAKS has won the safety

innovation category (small to

medium organisations) at the

Site Safe Construction Health and

Safety Awards 2015. The company

won the award for the Apex Post, a

solution designed by INTAKS that

makes it safer for workers to install

guardrails on the apex of buildings.

The post eliminates the need for the

installer to scale the apex and put

themselves at risk.

“Traditionally this part of the job

exposes the installer to multiple

fall hazards as the installer usually

has minimal footing to stand on,

since the roof is not usually installed

at that stage, and is, at times,

climbing trusses,” explains Joel

Warren from INTAKS. “Risk is further

increased during the dismantle as

the installer will be removing the

guardrails off the new roof, which is

usually slippery, and more often

than not after the lower edge

protection has been taken down

since the gable scaffold is usually the

last to be removed.”

He says while a partial solution

has been to use a harness, many

new homes don't have anchor

points making this solution slow and

only able to minimise the risks.

The INTAKS Apex Post has �ve

�ngers (four to accommodate the

edge protection and the �fth for a

raker or brace should it be required),

which are designed to �t inside

aluminium tube and standard

scaffold tube. The �ngers swivel to

adjust for different roof pitches and

are set to be the correct distance

apart once installed. By working off

the safety of the platform or ground

the Apex Post is installed into the top

of a standard with the �ngers set at

approximately the same angle as the

roof. The post is then erected and

secured in position at the apex of the

gable. Working behind the lower

guardrails or from the platform the

Apex Post allows the installer to slide

the tube over the �ngers until it

comes to a stop. The tube is then

secured onto the lower guardrail

with a coupler.

Joel says that since launching the

Apex Post in April 2015 feedback

f r o m i n d u s t r y h a s b e e n

overwhelmingly positive as also

evidenced by the award win.

“Installers feel safe on site and we

have also had reports of productivity

improvements due to shor ter

installation and dismantle times.”

The Apex Post complements the

award winning patented INTAKS

scaffold edge protection system,

which was a �nalist in the same

category at the 2014 awards. The

simple access system provides

guardrails for roof edge protection

and working platforms for all trades

to work safely on new home builds,

m a i n t e n a n c e , r o o � n g a n d

commercial construction projects.

Site Safety



Site Safety








Sustainability is now

With the recent emissions c o r r u p t i o n s c a n d a l surrounding Volkswagen New Zealand, consumers and companies are focusing on how sustainability and sustainability reporting is managed.

The scandal reveals a link between sustainabil i ty, corporate social responsibility and corporate reputation. It also demonstrates that corporate reputation and profi tability are interlinked as Volkswagen saw a sharp drop in their share price following the revelation.

In addition, it brings into question the credibility of sustainability ratings and rankings based on self-assessments that exclude independent third party verifi cation.

The story may increase p u b l i c a w a r e n e s s o f sustainability and sustainable practices. Consumers have access to information and are conducting online research, taking recommendations from peers and reading product labels prior to making purchases.

A 2014 Colmar Brunton, Better Business Better Future Report showed that there is increasing demand for more sustainable consumer products and services with 90 percent of New Zealand consumers’ purchasing behaviour being infl uenced by whether a company and its products are sustainable.

In a 2014 Nielsen report, 55% of consumers around the world said they were now more willing to pay more for products provided by companies which were “committed to positive social and environmental impact.”

As customer requirements change and responsible approaches begin to make g o o d b u s i n e s s s e n s e , businesses are working to reduce the environmental impacts of their products, services and their workplaces. They are seeking solutions from ways to decrease power consumption to methods to manage waste and e-waste.

Richard Tong Chairman of the New Zealand Labelling Trust says “Consumers conscious decision-making is driving businesses to consider corporate social respons ib i l i ty th rough sustainability.”

T h e N e w Z e a l a n d Labelling Trust manages Envi ronmenta l Choice New Zealand (ECNZ), the government’s environmental labelling programme, owned and endorsed by The Ministry for the Environment.

The Environmental Choice label is a Type I ecolabel which means it looks at the lifecycle impact of a product, uses multi-criteria assessment , i s audi ted independently by a third-party and meets the ISO 14020/24 principles.

To n g s a y s t h a t K i w i bus ines ses a r e t ak ing sustainability seriously.

“They are starting to see the fi nancial benefi ts to ‘doing good’. The Environmental Choice green and black globe and tick symbol is a sought-after label.”

Environmental Choice board member Karen McDonald brings a consumer-focused perspective to the board from her fi ve years plus at Consumer New Zealand.

McDonald says she has also noticed a growing customer awareness and demand for products and services that are better for the environment.

“Sustainability is becoming part of the mainstream and as consumers demand more environmentally-friendly products, sustainability becomes a real consideration for businesses in terms of customers and brand.”

Opportunities for the building industry

As the public’s perception of and demand for certifi ed green buildings becomes more positive, the building industry is also experiencing a shift toward effi ciency and sustainability.

Envi ronmenta l Choice supports the New Zealand Green Building Council’s (NZGBC) philosophy of an environmentally responsible approach to building and construction.

Former Group Environment, Health and Safety Manager for Fletcher Building Hans Buwalda who recently joined the ECNZ board, provides

governance, strategy and risk management advice on environment, health and safety issues.

Buwalda says Environmental Choice shares many of the same views as the NZGBC such as promoting a green built environment.

“That we provide products in these categories is a testament to the fact that we share similar philosophies.”

He says Environmental Choice products can be used in green building projects as they have met the highest standards and demonstrate environmental preferability.

Envi ronmenta l Choice l a b e l l e d p r o d u c t s a r e recognised by both Green Star and Homestar rating t o o l s . A r c h i t e c t s a n d builders who specify the use of Environmental Choice labelled products will gain the advantage of having those products count toward the materials credit. The points support their Green Star or Homestar rating application.

Envi ronmenta l Choice b u i l d i n g - r e l a t e d specifications focused on building products include:• Paints

• Gypsum Plasterboard

• Thermal Building Insulants

• Floor Coverings

• Synthetic Carpets

• F la t and Long Stee l Products

• Portland Cement

• Interior Lining Products

Cleaning products for green building

I n A u g u s t 2 0 1 5 Environmental Choice New Zealand was approved by the International Living Future Institute (ILFI) as an international equivalent to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Safer Choice label in the area of cleaning products.

The approval means that anyone undertaking the Living Building Challenge Vs 3 .0 to des ign and construct an environmentally sustainable ‘living building’ project in New Zealand will meet the requirements of the Health Petal, Healthy Interior Environment Imperative, by using cleaning products tha t carry the off ic ia l Environmental Choice label.

Robin Taylor, Environmental C h o i c e N e w Z e a l a n d General Manager, says the endorsement is great news for New Zealand as it validates that the ecolabelling scheme is on a par with global standards.

“Our specifications are robust and we have a rigorous multi-criteria assessment and independent third party verifi cation process. It’s great that our commitment to high environmental standards has paid off. This approval will give New Zealand consumers further confi dence that they can select safer products without sacrifi cing quality or performance,” he says.

Sustainability is a way of life

Kim CalvertStakeholder Representative

Karen McDonald

Richard Tong, MSc (Hons). Chair.

Hans Buwalda

Kim Calvert - Stakeholder Representative




Health & Safety Reform Bill

So what does this mean for us, do we need to be afraid of massive change. The short answer is NO.

If you are currently complying with the Health and Safety in employment Act 1992 then you don’t need to panic. You will need to make some changes in line with those required by parts of the new Health and Safety at Work Act.

So what are the main changes in the new legislation?

1. There is a change to focus on the management of risk as opposed to the current focus on management of hazards.

T h i s m e a n s t h a t ins tead of managing the hazards (source of potential damage, harm

or adverse health effects), you need to identify the hazards as usual but your m a n a g e m e n t s h o u l d be focused on the risk (chance or probability that a person will be harmed or experience an adverse health effect if exposed to a hazard).

You can have the same hazard in two different workplaces but depending o n t h e w o r k b e i n g undertaken you may have two very different levels of risk for that hazard and therefore under the new legislation you would need to assess the risk and put in place measures to manage that hazard based on the assessed risk.

There is a requirement s e t o u t i n t h e n e w legislation that a PCBU (Person Conducting a Business Or Undertaking) has the primary duty of care because the PCBU is in the best position to control risks to work health and safety as they are

carrying out the business or undertaking.

The primary duty of care requires all PCBUs to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable:

1.the health and safety of its workers or those workers who are influenced or directed by the PCBU (for example its workers and contractors)

2. that the health and safety of other people is not put at risk from work carried out as part of the conduct of the business or undertaking (for example its visitors and customers).

So what is meant by “so far as is reasonably practicable”?

R e a s o n a b l y practicable, in relation to a duty of a PCBU, means that which is, or was, at a particular time, reasonably able to be done in relation to ensuring health and safety, taking into account and weighing up all relevant

matters, including—

a. The likelihood of the haza rd o r the r i sk concerned occurring; and

b. the degree of harm that might result from the hazard or risk; and

c. w h a t t h e p e r s o n concerned knows, or ought reasonably to know, about—

(i) the hazard or risk; and

(ii) ways of eliminating or minimising the risk; and

d. the availabili ty and suitability of ways to eliminate or minimise the risk; and

e. a f te r assess ing the extent of the risk and the ava i lab le ways o f e l i m i n a t i n g o r minimising the risk, the cost associa ted with available ways o f e l i m i n a t i n g o r minimising the risk, i n c l u d i n g w h e t h e r the cos t i s gross ly

disproportionate to the risk.

Because PCBUs have duties to workers affected by their work, not just to those that work for it, it’s possible for PCBUs to have overlapping duties.

Many modern work situations involve multiple duty holders that have overlapping duties. For example, there may be a number of different b u s i n e s s e s w o r k i n g together or alongside each other on a single work site, such as a construction site, and through contracting or supply chains. The Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992 already creates and provides for such overlapping duties, so the need for duty holders to work together to meet their duties is not new– it’s just more explicit in the new Act. Many workplaces will already be following this approach.

The Act makes it clear that PCBUs need to work

together to meet their duties to ensure that the work does not pose risks to people’s health and safety.

If a PCBU has a duty or an obligation under the Act, the PCBU must exercise due diligence to ensure that the PCBU complies with that duty or obligation.

Due diligence includes taking reasonable steps—

a. to acquire, and keep up to date, knowledge of work health and safety matters; and

b. to gain an understanding of the nature of the operations of the business or undertaking of the PCBU and generally of the hazards and risks associated with those operations; and

c. to ensure that the PCBU has available for use, and uses, appropriate resources and processes to eliminate or minimise risks to health and safety from work carried out as

New Health and Safety legislation.The Health and

Safety at Work Act 2015 comes into force on the 4th

April 2016



Health & Safety Reform Bill

part of the conduct of the business or undertaking; and

d. t o ensu re t ha t t he PCBU has appropriate processes for receiving a n d c o n s i d e r i n g information regarding incidents, hazards, and risks and for responding in a timely way to that information; and

e. to ensure that the PCBU has, and implements, processes for complying w i t h a n y d u t y o r obligation of the PCBU under this Act; and

f. to verify the provision and use of the resources and processes referred to in paragraphs (c) to (e).

T h e “ G o o d Governance Practices Guideline for Managing Health and Safety Risks” was developed by the Institute of Directors in New Zealand (IoD) and the Min i s t ry o f Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) and released in May 2013 and this guideline sets out information on the essential principles

and roles of directors in governance of Health and Safety.

2. Sections 36 to 43 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 set out the specifi c requirements for PCBU’s in relation to the safety in design, manufacture and use o f e q u i p m e n t a n d s u b s t a n c e s i n t h e workplace.

3. One of the major changes is the requirement to advise the Worksafe of any notifi able event as soon as possible after becoming aware of the event.

Section 56 of the Act sets out the requirements for notifi cation as follows:

1. A PCBU must, as soon as possible after becoming aware that a notifiable event arising out of the conduct of the business or under taking has occurred, ensure that the regulator is notifi ed of the event.

2. A notification under subsection (1)—

a. may be given by

telephone or in writing (including by email, or other electronic means); and

b. must be given by the fastest possible means in the circumstances.

3. F o r t h e p u r p o s e s of subsection (2), a person giving notice by telephone must—

a. give the details of the incident requested by the regulator; and

b.if required by the regulator, give a written notice of the incident within 48 hours of being informed of the requirement.

4. Notice given in writing u n d e r s u b s e c t i o n (2) or (3) must be in a form, or contain the details, approved by the regulator.

Section 25 of the Act sets out the definition of a notifiable event as follows:

a notifi able event means any of the following events that arise from work:

a. the death of a person; or

b. a notifiable injury or illness; or

c. a notifi able incident.

Sections 23 and 24 set out the definitions for both a notifi able illness or injury (23) and a notifi able incident (24).

T h e n o t i f i a b l e incident category is a new requirement that covers a large range of incidents in relation to a workplace that expose a worker or any other person to a serious risk to that person’s health or safety arising from an immediate or imminent exposure to—a. an escape, a spillage, or

a leakage of a substance; or

b. an implosion, explosion, or fi re; or

c. an escape of gas or steam; or

d. an escape of a pressurised substance; or

e. an electric shock; orf. the fall or release from

a height of any plant, substance, or thing; or

g. the collapse, overturning, failure, or malfunction

of, or damage to, any plant that is required to be authorised for use in accordance wi th regulations; or

h. the collapse or partial collapse of a structure; or

i. the collapse or failure of an excavation or any shoring supporting an excavation; or

j. the inrush of water, mud, or gas in workings in an underground excavation or tunnel; or

k. the in te r rup t ion o f t h e m a i n s y s t e m of ventilation in an underground excavation or tunnel; or

l. a collision between 2 vessels, a vessel capsize, or the inrush of water into a vessel; or

m. any other incident declared by regulations to be a notifi able incident for the purposes of this section.

Section 57 requires a PCBU to keep a record of each notifiable event for at least 5 years from the date on which notice of the event is given to the

regulator under section 56 and the records kept must contain the particulars prescribed by regulations (if any).

These requirements around notifiable events are a major change from the requirements under the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992 and will require setting up of systems to ensure the reporting, recording and storage of the details for all notifi able events.

There are also new requirements regarding Worker Engagement , P a r t i c i p a t i o n a n d Representation but these have been covered in a last issue of this magazine.

The above issues are not a complete list of all changes to the legislation for Workplace Health and Safety, but only some of the major changes that I believe will require employers to do further work to bring their Safety Management Systems up to compliance with the new legislation.

The Sustainable Living Programme is a prac�cal, fun way of learning future living

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On-line materials are free to residents of this district because the Waimakariri Dis-

trict Council subscribes to the Sustainable Living Programme: to access the learning

guides and see more District–specific informa�on,

register now at

NZ Communi�es face challenges from sudden events such as natural disasters, and

from gradual but significant changes such as resource shortages or climate change.

An ability to respond to both requires : a mix of adapta�on, imagina�on andresilience

resourcefulness. How skilled are you at resilience? Have you given it much thought?




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Health & Safety Reform Bill

IntroductionThe Health and Safety

Reform Bill has passed and the new law, the Health and Safety at Work Act, will come into force 4 April 2016. It marks the biggest change in Health and Safety law since the 1992 Health and Safety in Employment Act, and is part of “Working Safer: a blueprint for health and safety at work”, which is aimed at reducing New Zealand’s workplace injury and death toll by 25 per cent by 2020.

If you have exemplary Health and Safety policies and practices already in place, then it is likely you are in a good position to stay compliant when the law changes. However if your policies and procedures are out of date, then it is important that you seek the appropriate advice to rectify this in advance of the new regime

Who will be responsible for

workplace Health and Safety?

The onus has transferred to the person carrying out the business. A new legal concept has been coined to establish responsibility called a Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking

The Consequences of the Health and Safety Reforms

(PCBU). It will usually be a

business entity, such as a company, rather than an individual. In the case of an entity carrying out business the defi nition of PCBU does not extend to cover workers, officers, home workers or volunteer associations. The PCBU will have the primary duty under the new law to ensure the health and safety of its workers and others affected by the work it carries out. However, this does not mean that individuals within the PCBU do not have a duty.

Specifi c dutiesOffi cers duty to exercise

due diligence to ensure PCBU protects workers as far as ‘reasonably practicable’. This includes having an up-to-date knowledge of health and safety matters, and an understanding of business risks and hazards of the PCBU. It also requires Officers to ensure PCBU has appropriate resources available, and processes to eliminate or minimise risks.

Wo r k e r s w h o a r e essentially anyone who works for a PCBU have a duty of reasonable care. This duty is similar to the duty of a worker under past legislation.

Concurrent duty to consult upon all duty holders

requiring consultation in r e l a t i o n t o t h e s a m e matter. This creates joint responsibility for workplace Health and Safety.

Defi nition of ‘Offi cers’T h e d e f i n i t i o n o f

‘Offi cers’ under the Act is tailored to mean any person occupying a position in relation to the business or undertaking that allows the person to exercise signifi cant infl uence over the management of the business or undertaking (for example, a chief executive, a director in a Company, partner in a partnership). Certain offi cers are exempt from prosecution

if they fail in their due diligence duty (for example elected members of local authorities and volunteers).

Increased penaltiesA duty holder, without

reasonable excuse, engages in conduct that exposes a person to a risk of death or serious injury or illness and is reckless about that risk is liable to heavy fi nancial penalties or imprisonment not exceeding 5 years.

ConclusionNew Zealand has a poor

record of workplace Health and Safety. WorkSafe New Zealand figures show that

on average each year, across all New Zealand workplaces 75 people die on the job, 1 in 10 is harmed, and an estimated 600 to 900 die from work-related diseases. Considered in isolation these statistics are shocking. The new measures are aimed at countering this failing. If you require any assistance developing or implementing your own health and safety policies, or would like to know your rights and obligations under the new legislative framework, please contact GTODD LAW.

GTODD LAW profi leGTODD LAW is a boutique law fi rm in Queenstown

headed by experienced legal practitioner Graeme Todd and specialises in Property, Resource Management / Environmental Law and General Practice.

Graeme has lived in Queenstown and the Southern Lakes region for in excess of 30 years and has been involved in many of the signifi cant legal and property transactions in the area during that period. A Notary Public with a South Island warrant and formerly legal counsel to the Queenstown Lakes District Council for many years, his reputation extends beyond the practice›s core specialties.

Known for independent, experienced, valued, cost effective pragmatic advice to local, national and international clientele, GTODD LAW comprises a highly experienced support team of staff and a reputable network of legal specialists to whom they access for referrals.

Contact: GTODD LawQueenstown Offi ce: Level 3, 36 Shotover Street,

Queenstown 9300, NZ - Phone: +64 (3) 441 2743Frankton Offi ce: Level 1, Alta House, Terrace Junction, Frankton, Queenstown 9300, NZ

Postal Address: P.O.Box 124, Queenstown 9348, New Zealand

Phone: +64 (3) 441 2743 | Fax: +64 (3) 441 2976 | Mob: +64 (0) 27 433 0457

Email: | Skype: gtoddlaw


Graeme's Offi ce



Understanding GST

What is GST?Goods and services

tax (GST) is a tax on most goods and services in New Zealand, most imported goods, and certain imported services. GST is added to the price of taxable goods and services at a rate of 15%. Goods include all types of personal and real property, except money. Services cover everything other than goods or money, eg TV repairs, doctor’s services and gardening services.

If you are required to fi le for GST; doing it online with myIR can make life a whole lot easier.

Filing online through myIR

Yo u r G S T r e t u r n is ready and waiting for you online. Just go to the Inland Revenue website and register for myIR secure online services today and start doing GST the smarter, easier and tidier way. • all of your GST returns

are in one easy-to-access place

• you’ll receive immediate confirmation once your GST is fi led, so you know we’ve received it

• it’s secure and simple – more than 200,000 businesses can’t be wrong!

• you can still print a copy for your own records.

Does someone else fi le for you?

A s < t h e c o m p a n y d i rec to r / a pa r tne r / the trustee/the business owner> you can login to myIR, use the ‘Manage account access’ function (under ‘Tools’ on the right hand side), and follow

the instructions to create a new user and delegate access to a person of your choice. But first you need to get a myIR account. Visit and register today.

First you need to know, are you are an employee or a contractor? It’s important to get it right, because the tax rules are different for each type of worker.

So what’s my employment status and how does that

affect me?In most cases, you won’t

have any trouble working ou t your employment s ta tus . I f you have a “boss” who decides when, where, and how you do your work, you’re probably an employee. But if you control the work you do (when, where, how), you’re probably a contractor.

Employees Your employer will give

you a tax code declaration (IR 330) form to fill out as soon as you start work.

The most important part is entering your tax code. Work through the fl owchart on page 2 of the IR 330 to choose the correct one. Give the completed IR 330 to your

Struggle to understand GST?


Contractors Unl ike employees ,

contractors run their own business. There are two types

in the building industry: labour-only contractors and independent contractors.

Contractors may have to register for GST: you’ll have to register for GST if you expect your turnover (income before expenses are deducted) to be more than $60,000 over the next 12 months. GST registration is voluntary if you expect turnover to be $60,000 or less.

Labour-only contractors I f y o u r e m p l o y e r

provides the materials for the job, you’re a labour-only contractor. Your employer will give you a tax code declaration (IR 330) form. You need to complete it and give it back to your employer straightaway. Enter a tax code of “WT”

(withholding tax) and tax will be deducted from your scheduler payments at a fl at rate.

Independent contractors If you provide the

mater ia ls for the job, control the work you do and how you do it, you’re an independent contractor. You’re responsible for meeting your own tax obligations, i.e. you don’t need to complete a tax code declaration (IR 330). No tax will be deducted from the income you earn, but, at the end of the tax year, you need to fi le an income tax return.

If you are required to register for GST, go to now, so you’re all set up before the next fi ling due date.




Canterbury Frames & Trusses

Trucks with Rear Mounted Cranes for HireContainers & StorageGeneral FreightTimber, Plasterboard & Builders ShedsFree Quotes

027 289 0932 (ah) 03 384 4355


No job too Big.

No job too Small.

“We get it up.

We lift it all”

Dave Boreham

T h e l a n d s c a p e i n Canterbury has changed for people and the structures they use for dwellings and for business. Canterbury Frames and Trusses has taken advantage of the changes that are going on.

It was formed following the major quakes, in 2011

Experience, expertise Canterbury Frames and Trusses’ forte

Timber is the natural choice when it comes to structural building.

It is strong, fl exible and the best source of renewable eco-friendly building

material available. One of the most

specialised companies in the production of structural building

components is Canterbury Frames

and Trusses.

and set up in Rolleston, just a few minutes down the main south road from Christchurch.

Handy to the main source of the company’s work in Christchurch, keeping costs of transporting its products to a minimum, it is also close to its major

suppliers of timber from which it produces frames and trusses. The factory was an early settler in Rolleston, at 30 Westland Place in the Izone Business Park.

The company has been operating four years under the experienced leadership of owner Mark Melbourne.

He brings 30 years of experience in the business, with the previous seven years as an independent consultant to frame and t russ plants , bui lders and architects across the country. This wealth of knowledge allows Mark to assist clients with many

a n d Tr u s s e s i s v e r y much based on Mark’s extensive experience and knowledge, which includes a deep understanding of the building code. Liz Melbourne, who does the company’s account books – not his forte, she says – which is a kind of tongue

The company has grown from opening in 2011 with just one fabricator to the team of 10 staff today. They are skilful fabricators who take pride in the work, sharing the aims of Mark and Liz to exceed customer expectations.

aspects of planning and design and everyone - the client, the builder, the architects - deal with Mark directly as the owner of the company. He makes sure people get to know him and know he is there to help.

Mark started out in the industry working for Pryda and Canterbury Frames and Trusses uses its cutting edge software in its processes, providing all the tools they need to manage jobs from quote through to detailing, to production and delivery.

Canterbury Frames

and groove relationship in the company’s activities.

T h e 1 0 0 0 s q u a r e metre factory at Rolleston employs a staff of six on the computerised saws which are programmed to cut to specifications from the office. The size of the factory allows the cut-and-shaped frames and trusses to be laid out and joined in preparation for their journey to clients – individual housing projects, developers, commercial buildings – in Christchurch and throughout Canterbury.

Mark says the company normally handles three, or four housing jobs a week. He says that within the industry, Canterbury Frames and Trusses is just a small player, but a signifi cant one because of its experience and record and the relationships Mark builds up with clients.

T h e r e i s a n o t h e r important point Mark is keen to make: “They know they are dealing with the manager, the owner, not one of the boys down the line”.



Canterbury Frames & Trusses

Ask for Mitchell Bros timber at your local Timber Store




Pryda is proud to partner withCanterbury Frames & Trusses Ltd

Pryda is a supplier of engineered timber connectors and truss and frame designand manufacturing systems.

For any queries please call 0800 88 22 44or go to



80 Izone Drive, Rolleston. P: 34 33 406

Proud to be associated with Canterbury Frames & Trusses

“ A n d w e p r i d e ourselves about a good quality job; it’s not about the volume of work, we like to give them a good service. We are big on personal relationships with our customers and helping them out in more ways than the average frame-and-truss company would.”

Canterbury Frames a n d T r u s s e s w o r k s predominantly with pinus radiata – 75 per cent of the company’s frames. Mitchell Brothers of Darfi eld supply

some of the highest quality timber available, and the company have built up a strong relationship with them. Providing the SG8 graded timber which is favour by CFT over SG6. It also builds from laminated framing such as North Island supplied J-Frame, which stays straight and reduces onsite building time.

Canterbury Frames and Trusses, with its Rolleston location handy to the main market, has become very

much a community-based operation, with the couple living in Rolleston, as do eight of the staff of 10.

T h e c o m p a n y prefabricates frames and trusses for everything from cottages, to schools there is a wide variation in the type, style and size of framing, in particular.

Today, Canterbury F r a m e s a n d Tr u s s e s c o n t i n u e s t o g r o w solid partnerships with quality home builders in Canterbury.




Affordable Concrete & Paving

0800 READY MIX03 359

160 McLeans Island RdHarewood, Christchurch

50 years in Canterbury since 1963

Concrete Plus LtdA leading supplier of construction products,

,& decorative concrete requirementsconcrete tools .Exclusive Distributor of respected Fosroc International brand

Branches , Auckland, Mount Maunganui: Christchurch0800 657 156|

Whether you need to rejuvenate your

existing concrete, or are having new

concrete laid you'll find everything you

need to turn normal concrete into a work

of art. Permacolour has the knowledge

and product range to guide you to a

decorative concrete solution that works

for you.

Freephone: 0508 444 555Email:

We are happy to be supporting

Affordable Concrete.

T h e r a n g e o f t h e concrete and paving work Affordable Concrete and Paving does is extensive, starting with the demolition of existing surfaces. From there it moves to adding the drainage, excavation and base preparation, site scrapes, and building car parks.

But there is more, because it does civil work, as well as residential, including fencing, retaining and block walls, decks and timber

Pride and passion, as well as experience are laid down when Affordable Concrete

and Paving complete every project.For Affordable Concrete and Paving, a family owned and operated company, what they do is a mission. The born-and-bred Cantabrian, company proprietor Cory Grant and the team are

dedicated to what they can achieve in the restoration of Christchurch and the province.

structures, also landscaping.As wel l , there are

dr iveways, pat ios and pa thways , whether in concrete, paving, asphalt, or chips. It will also lay vehicle crossings, and remove and rebuild existing concrete fl oors.

Cory Grant’s 30 years’ experience, combined with his passion, ensures the high standard of the completed contracts, both residential and commercial. Affordable Concrete and Paving works

with some of Christchurch’s largest constructing fi rms, builders and also architects.

In the residential fi eld t he company happ i ly accepts enquiries about new concrete, or paving projects and also about repair work, and resurfacing. Without obligation, it will provide a pricing service, quoting on site, or from plans.

Pointing to the number of Affordable Concrete and Paving’s completed jobs provides impressive proof of its vast experience. Last year it finished 1000 (!) residential concrete jobs. That’s testimony to its total understanding of the process.

Cory is aware of the

dangers in the business and has ensured that all staff are site safe, with particular awareness related to the main contracts it undertakes, where daily health and safety checks are essential.

“Out of scope” repairs following the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes are a particular pride for Cory and the team. It has also done insurance company repairs, providing a wide range of remedial work.

Taking a ‘small steps’ approach to a big problem, Cory says it is committed to the earthquake repair work “one slab at a time”. With so much of this work needed in Christchurch, citizens who have been stressed

services it provides in this area includes demolition and excavation, concrete crack repair, as well as the laying of concrete and asphalt paving, drainage, brick and block laying, also exterior plastering and painting. Indeed, there seems no limit to the possibilities of what the company can provide.

Through it all, Cory Grant wants to lead the industry with integrity, providing outstanding value, employee development and the best client relationships.



High Street,Christchurch 8142; DISPLAY YARD: Cnr Marshland and

Spencerville Rd; FREEPHONE

0508 UR

by the destruction around them, will fi nd Affordable Concrete and Paving takes great care to minimise the impact of its work in restoring homes to their previous condition.

The wide range of



Canterbury Heavy Haulage

ADAMS MECHANICAL LTDOn-Site Mechanical Repairs


027 295 1978

� Repairs and Maintenance on

Earthmoving and Construction


� Agricultural Repairs

� Road Transport Repairs

�Machinery Recovery

We specialise in the following:

Owned for six years b y t o p t r u c k y K e v i n Nortman, the Rangiora-based Canterbury Heavy Haulage does a wide range of carting, all of it heavy. The Canterbury company is ideally situated in the middle of a vast hinterland of hauling potential, all the way from Christchurch city to the mountains, including all the farm and forestry land in between.

One aspect of the work which is always on tap is the supply of logs to be hauled from forest to the Port of Lyttelton, or to depots such as McVicars, or Sutherlands. It is a case of whatever it takes, wherever the need is, and Kevin has a reputation for being able to organise it, to fi t any job in at a moment’s

Heavy Haulage the Canterbury wayUsed to carting heavy loads from its chosen base in Rangiora, the

size of these guarantees that Canterbury Heavy

Haulage lives up to its title.

notice.T h a t i s t h e k e y

t o C a n t e r b u r y H e a v y Haulage’s success – getting the job done, whether a highly organised, planned commitment, long on the books, or an unexpected, last minute one, needing some instant moving.

But this heavy haulage company does not confine its activities to the logging industry. The nature of its community means there is a wide range of possibilities, from the logs produced, to the heavy machinery which produces them.

There are also many farms in the region which will, from time to time, need farm equipment moved to or from the property.

Once considered a rural country company with its headquarters in Rangiora, the relocation of many Christchurch citizens into town following the 2011 quake, means the company has become very much an integral part of the more urban landscape.

With a four hectare yard site at Fernside on the outskirts of a burgeoning Rangiora township, Canterbury heavy

Haulage is well placed and has the capacity – including 14 trucks, half of them for logging, also a B train curtainsider and bottom dumper and crane truck.– to handle almost any kind of load put up for moving, including a recently increased number of water tanks and containers.

There is no limit to the range of Canterbury Heavy Haulage, with North island trips not by any means out of the question.

W h i l e r u n n i n g a successful business, Kevin Nortman is a truck driver from way back, with a fi ne reputation. It is built on his ability in the hard grind of day-to-day driving and also his competitive spirit, demonstrated by his taking out the National Driver of the Year award several times.

Contacts Kevin to book a job on 0272225271; or

Natalie for anything else on 0272225273




Spiral Drillers


PermaPine Limited

Cnr White Road and Broadlands Road, Reporoa

Phone: 07 333 8523


0800 PERMAPINE (0800 737 627)



Specialists in dif�cult access and low headroom piling solutions

It’s only 1.4 metres wide on its tracks and 2.4 metres tall, can drill up to 900 millimetres diameter holes, and go down to depths of 15 metres. That’s a far better performance than any other equipment available in New Zealand, says Spiral Drillers Limited’s business development manager, Ben Faber.

H e s a y s t h e n e w TC7 micro piling rig is ideally suited to seismic strengthening and upgrading work to bring buildings up to the new standards. He says a recent project the company completed is a good example of the capabilities of the machine.

Spiral Drillers was called in to drill some additional 750mm piles d o w n t o 1 4 m i n t h e

Seismic strengthening of existing buildings just got easier

Auckland company, Spiral Drillers is excited about a new micro-piling rig it has acquired, saying it will change the drilling scene, being able to drill in tiny areas and tighter places,

outdoing any other available drilling machine.

basement of a two-storey building being upgraded and having two levels added. The company completed the job with a low head height of just 3.2m, the micro-piling rig’s compact size and weight of seven tonnes making the job possible.

The micro-rig is capable of handling any situation, from residential to high-rise buildings, meaning it has few limits, with a wide range of possibilities.

He says the micro-rig can be used anywhere and it will drill as quickly as anything else available. “The fact that it can fi t into a basement is what it’s all about. We want building owners to go ‘this is the problem I’ve got; these guys might be able to help.”

He believes it is ideally

suited to New Zealand conditions, where sites are becoming more confined The TC7 is designed for such spaces and also for work on cliff edges and palisade walls.

The TC7 is controlled remotely, with the operator s tanding a longside i t ,

meaning safer operation with greater location accuracy.

Ben says he is expecting it to be used most often in the North Island, but would readily send it to the South Island if there were suitable jobs for it there.

When confronted with out-of-the-ordinary on-

site obstacles the company typica l ly responds by designing and constructing i t s o w n s p e c i a l i s e d equipment. For example, in a recent project the company needed to construct a 600mm diameter pile down 5.3m for a power pole in the middle of the bush. Spiral Drillers fabricated its own portable

rig to complete the job.The rig was dismantled,

helicoptered to the site in sec t ions , and then reassembled before drilling be fo re d r i l l i ng cou ld start. Once drilling was completed, reinforcing steel and concrete was fl own in to create the pile and then the machine was disassembled



Spiral Drillersand fl own out.

Spiral Drillers was started in 1971by Brian Hannah, is a well-established and respected company in the pile drilling, pile driving and civil construction industry.

Spiral Drillers is in the ownership of Andrew Hannah and Jon Faber. Difficult and specialised d r i l l i n g a n d p i l i n g applications are their forte. It employs 35 people doing contract work throughout the North Island, constructing reinforced concrete piles,

access sha f t s , mic ro -piling, pile driving, plant hire, retaining walls, screw piles, sheet piling and underpinning.

Contact: 0800 SPIRAL or Ben on 021 2288

Operating in all four seasons, the proposed $50m, 9.8km gondola will operate from a Gondola Events Plaza adjacent to Remarkables Park Town Centre and link to NZSki’s new base building at The Remarkables.

The project is described as a “signifi cant” investment in regional and national tourism infrastructure.

Porter Group chairman and former Queenstown Chamber of Commerce president Alastair Porter said tourism was “immensely important” for New Zealand, a n d r e c o g n i z e d t h a t Queenstown played a key role in attracting tourists to the country.

“However we live in a world where tourism is highly competitive, and it’s extremely important for New

Zealand to continue to invest in major tourist infrastructure to keep refreshing and enhancing our international appeal,” he said.

The proposed gondola will be an exhilarating ride combining spectacular scenery inc lud ing the Shotover and Kawarau rivers, a high country station, steep alpine terrain, panoramic vistas out to the Southern Alps and the magic of the famous Remarkables.

The gondola is based on a design by Leitner Poma, one of the world’s most experienced gondola and chairlift companies.

I t w i l l p r o v i d e a way for tourists to enjoy Queenstown’s extraordinary setting while at the same time

preserving the environment. This includes the gondola using ‘recessive’ colours and being carefully sited for minimal impact.

The design accesses The Remarkables recreation area, without having to cross the iconic western face of The Remarkables. It achieves this by following a route across Remarkables Park and the Kawarau River through Queenstown Park Station and the Rastus Burn Valley before arriving at NZSki’s new base facility building.

M r P o r t e r s a i d Queens town and New Z e a l a n d t o u r i s m h a d benefitted “enormously” from massive investments made by the Davies’ family in Queenstown’s alpine sports

facilities, culminating in the new 6-seater Curvey Basin chairlift at The Remarkables and its stunning new base building.

He said the gondola would also further enhance Queenstown’s appeal as an international four-season destination by enabling sightseers, hikers, climbers, mountain bikers and wedding couples or conference and incentive groups looking for an unforgettable venue to visit The Remarkables in spring, summer and autumn.

“The gondo la wi l l also integrate well with the proposed Convention Centre at Remarkables Park Town Centre,” said Mr Porter.

“The two facilities will front onto a Gondola Events

Plaza, as will adjacent future hotels. The gondola plaza will connect to the Remarkables Park Town Centre’s retail outlets, cafés, bars and restaurants, all capable of servicing large volumes of tourists and locals.”

Mr Porter said that determining the gondola loca t ion and bu i ld ing had delayed unti l now d e v e l o p m e n t o f a Queenstown Convention Centre at Remarkables Park Town Centre.

“ I m p o r t a n t l y t h e Convention Centre and the new Remarkables mountain facilities building can work together to host conferences,” he said.

“The ‘wow’ fac tor of being able to leverage Q u e e n s t o w n ’s w o r l d -renowned scenic environment via a gondola will make Q u e e n s t o w n a h i g h l y sought-after international conferencing destination.”

Mr Porter said the appeal of the gondola would also give past visitors’ further reason to return.

Leading New Zealand tourism consultant Stephen Hamil ton sa id he was “very supportive” of the Porter Group’s vision to connect hotels and urban areas of Queenstown to The Remarkables.

“In winter the proposed gondola will give skiers, boarders and sightseers easy access to NZSki’s

facilities. It will further boost Queenstown’s world-class visitor experience, and has the potential to deliver immeasurable economic benefi ts to the resort town’s many businesses,” he said.

Mr Porter said there was a widely-recognised need for Queenstown to develop more hotels to cope with visitor growth, and said the gondola and Convention Centre would act as “significant catalysts” for new hotels and retail in the wider region and at Remarkables Park, Queenstown’s largest zoned area for high-rise hotel and retail expansion.

Work on the gondola project has been ongoing for many years. Submissions have been lodged with the Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) for the gondola project , and a resource consent application will be lodged in early 2016.

Mr Porter said a timeline showed it could be built and operating within three years subject to further consultation and the resource consent process.

New Gondola Proposed for QueenstownA world-class

Queenstown gondola proposal has been announced today

(Thursday November 19) by investment and development company

Porter Group Ltd (PGL). The

gondola is planned to link Queenstown’s

Remarkables Park to The Remarkables

alpine recreation area. Location of Gondola Plaza and Convention

Centre at Remarkables Park




IMB Construction

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While continuing to build two or three homes each year, working with registered architects and architectural draughtsmen, the commercial work has become dominant, with everything from regular education board work to the recently completed Nelson Electricity sub-station.

Since taking over from the company’s originator, Ian McCully,

partners Richard Cole – director and project manager – and Brian Mazure – co-director, and a registered quantity surveyor - have not just concentrated the company’s work in the wider Nelson region, but have also undertaken work in Marlborough and on the West Coast.

Some of the projects I M B C o n s t r u c t i o n have completed in the Nelson region include a refurbishment of the Nelson District Courthouse, Nelson College for Girls Gymnas ium and new

IMB Construction’s history of service to Nelson

With a history of 45 years working in

the Nelson region, IMB Construction

has developed from a company which originally concentrated on

residential projects to increasingly taking on commercial, industrial

and educational projects.

boarding hostel, the Plant and Food Research Fin Fish facility, Cawthron Institutes Aquaculture Centre , and Wakatu House.

In the Tasman district it has completed the Tasman District Council learn-to-swim complex at Richmond and subsequently a new fi tness centre in the same complex. The diversity of IMB Construction’s range of work is also displayed in Marlborough and on the West Coast, where projects have been completed in Murchison and the Stockton Mine. Early next year, the company will be represented in Hokitika, where it will

undertake a job at Westland High School

IMB Construction, a registered master builder for the last 40 years, has built a reputation for working at the highest level. Richard says it aims to maintain that, ensuring it continues to provide the best service to clients. A sure sign of the company’s commitment to quality and its status is the number of repeat contracts, with previous clients coming back for upgrade, and new builds.

Another indicator of its commitment to quality is IMB Construction’s preference to work with registered professional architects and architectural draftsmen, providing an assurance that work, from the design stage up, will be of the highest quality.

Richard says the push for quality is communicated to employees, including the apprentices the company continues to support in its commitment to the master builders’ ethos, and also to the clients who are concerned about the standard of their homes, or commercial buildings. This provides peace of mind while the contract is being fulfilled and satisfaction, once the workmanship of the end product can be clearly seen.

IMB Construction has a close working relationship with a wide range of subcontractor’s right across the region, and also has the



IMB Construction


Locally owned and operated, we have installed fire protectionsystems to several IMB Construction projects

Locally owned and operated, we have installed fire protectionsystems to several IMB Construction projects

P: 548 2640 E:

12A Elms St, Stoke. 548 2640 E:

12A Elms St, Stoke.

option of using in house timber joiners, plumbers, plasterers and painters. IMB Construction has a sizeable staff roll of more

than 40, of whom a number having been there for over 20 years. IMB Construction also has five apprentices employed at any one time,

all in various stages of their apprenticeships.

C u r r e n t l y , I M B Construction also has a fulltime maintenance crew

who meet the needs of residents requiring repairs and jobbing work, also for regular number of insurance contracts.

Contact: 86 Vanguard Street, NelsonPhone: (03) 546 8161

Email: offi

Crowne Plaza Auckland has been

voted New Zealand’s leading business hotel for the second year in

a row.

T h e Wo r l d Tr a v e l Awards, announced in Hong Kong last night (Thursday October 29) are voted for by travel and tourism professionals worldwide.

The accolade recognises t h e c o m m i t m e n t t o excellence which the hotel and its management team have demonstrated in the last twelve months, and continued use of the gold winner’s shield demonstrates the property’s continuing endeavours to improve products and services.

The award was presented at a prestigious red-carpet Asia & Australasia Gala Ceremony 2015 before an invited audience of the

Crowne Plaza Auckland recognized as New Zealand’s leading business hotel for second year

industry’s leading lights and international media, where the Bangkok area director of sales and marketing accepted the award on the hotel’s behalf.

Crowne Plaza Auckland was up against some of the biggest hotel names in New Zealand in its category and

Franck Hesse, IHG’s New Zealand area director of sales and marketing, said they were “especially thrilled” to win it two years in a row.

“The hotel really does work extremely hard to continually refi ne its offering to ensure that facilities are world-leading and the perfect

place for professionals to stay, recharge and conduct business.

“We never rest on our laurels but continue to offer the business traveler access to unrivalled technology and ensure they’re connected and productive at all times.

“Our location in the heart

of the business district is second to none, we have truly world-class facilities, an exceptional level of service and an unrivalled range of bespoke offerings for our business guests.

“I can’t speak highly enough of our management team for the hard work and behind-the-scenes effort that goes into maintaining and improving the very highest business standards each and every day.

“The fact that this is an award voted on by travel and tourism professionals with experience of hotels around the world validates our confi dence in our exceptional level of service and the business relationships we’ve built up over the years.

“We pride ourselves on listening to our business travelers and taking their feedback on board so we’ve always evolving.”

Business innovations and new developments at

the property this year have included the introduction of Deluxe Rooms in February.

These rooms are fi tted out with Bluetooth radio and speakers, Smart TV’s, capsule coffee makers, and USB charging points next to the beds, acting as universal charging points for the business travelers’ smart device.

Bathrooms boast locally-sourced luxury amenities, and each room also features upgraded linen and duvets.

C r o w n e P l a z a Auckland also introduced the PressReader app in the hotel, offering international travelers a complimentary solution to accessing up-to-the-minute news from their home countries on their smart devices.

“We’re committed to continuing to evolve, offering our business travelers the latest relevant solutions for a seamless and successful stay in the future,” said Mr Hesse.

The exterior of Crowne Plaza Auckand




Timber Frames & Trusses

J-Frame – The only structural framing timber in New

Zealand to have CodeMark Certi�cation which

guarantees compliance with the New Zealand Building

Code [NZBC] and acceptance by all New Zealand


Growing its own plantations enables Juken New Zealand Ltd toproduce top quality products with control over every aspect of theprocess, proper forest management is the key to producing theright trees for making the right products. They take pride in the waythey manage and take care of their forests from land preparation,seed selection and planting to disease and pest control, thinning,pruning, and harvesting. It's a deliberate, methodical andcontinuous process to ensure that the product requirements ofcustomers are met.

Juken New Zealand manufactures a range of engineered wood

and solid wood products used for structural and non-structuralpurposes, for external or internal uses and for appearance or non-appearance �nishes.

Although Juken's range of products is wide and varied, they are notlimited to off-the-shelf solutions. If a customer cannot �nd what theyare looking for in their current range then Juken also offers custom-made options to suit their exact needs. Such requests �tcomfortably with the Juken philosophy and because Juken ownthe process from start to �nish they can always try to meet theircustomers' needs no matter what they may be.

One the company's �agship product is J-Frame which is a structurallaminated veneer lumber gauged framing timber made from 100%renewable radiata pine plantation forest. Because it is a reliablestraight and durable product, J-Frame can be used in a wide rangeof applications including residential and commercial framing andtruss systems.

Experience the superior qualities of J-Frame with the con�dence ofCodemark for your next building project.



Timber Frames & Trusses

Recovery of timber from each of those locations would have varied considerably in the ease of accessibility, with forests and woods the most diffi cult, no doubt yielding their retrieval reluctantly, as people laboured with adze and axe and whatever other tool was invented for the purpose. Harvesting from the plains would have been easier and rescuing it from river and sea a cinch, by comparison!

It was as if Nature had provided wood, to be harvested as timber, especially for humans. Even creatures such as beavers have been able to make hay - or abodes and other useful structures, such as dams - with the timbers available to them. No other building material is so easily obtained, or needs such little energy output to be utilised.

Proponents of the use of timber ahead of all other materials make their cases strongly, starting with the statement that it is the most renewable of all building materials. Added to that, in the light of this century’s climate change prognosis that – predictions, based on scientific records, that the planet is heating up – rough-sawn timber is said to absorb, rather than emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. No other produced material is able to match its low level of carbon emission.

So, to humans’ greatest use of timber, in building houses. Wooden frames and

Timber frames and trusses preferred in construction

Timber frames and trusses have been

used in the building of structures for

thousands of years, fi rstly because it was immediately available

in the forests and woods, on the plains, in natural plantations

and later in man-made ones, even fl oating down the rivers to the sea.

and reduce the energy needs required to keep a home running. It is estimated to require 15 per cent of that energy to heating and cooling alone.

When it comes to the process of erecting timber-frame buildings, many builders contend that it is superior in time taken, easier to construct, more fl exible in its design capabilities, and allows modification more readily. Cladding is also more easily attached than with other materials.

While moisture is a common enemy for building materials, with timber this is easily overcome with appropriate design preventing its entry, or allowing it to dry out or drain away.

One of the features timber cladding provides is an attractive appearance to the exteriors of homes. In some cases, insulated wood panels – in any case timber has a natural insulating capacity – are used on the outside, while natural timber also provides an aesthetic quality,

exuding a feeling of strength, providing an atmosphere of being comfortable and safe.

Another characteristic making wood even more comfortable as a dwelling material is that its non-conduct ive proper t ies . Equally, in the event of fi re, wood does not weaken under heat stress and will not burn until the temperature reaches 250 degrees centigrade, then develops a natural protective insulation char layer.

No matter what type of material is used to build homes and other structures they must comply with the Building Code and that means they must provide a minimum life of 50 years. This is, in normal circumstances no problem for timbers, for when it is correctly treated and preserved it should last at least a century.

The versatility of timber in building construction, and the innate strength within the material, as well as its resistance to traumatic events such as earthquakes, make it a continuing front runner in the building industry.

trusses in houses, combined with sufficient insulation are recommended over all other materials by their advocates, because of their strength, combined with their fl exibility. Additionally,

the coverings of dwellings, timber cladding introduces its natural thermal insulation to the structure, retaining the heat it has absorbed in the daytime, releasing it in the evening. This helps support



Industry leaders and


government & trade

organisations, site safe

members, business

owners & professionals

in the industry.



directly to a carefully

maintained list of

decision-makers and

subscribers for 22


Free distribution

maximises readership

Builders & Contractors, a National tradenewspaper targeted directly at New Zealand'sbuilding and construction industry. For sometime we were aware that, although the buildingand related trades were generally coveredindividually by some trade journals, there was noamalgamated news link for the trades as awhole, especially on a nationwide basis.

This void has been successfully �lled by Builders& Contractors. Distribution is by way of thevarious outlets PlaceMakers, Mitre 10, BuildersHardware, I.T.M., Carters, Site Safe Members,Home Ideas Centre, Timber Companies, HireCompanies, together with our database directma i l d rop to A rch i t ec t s , D raugh t i ngProfessionals, Consulting Engineers, BuildingConsultants, Designers and Local Councils. Bythese means we aim to reach one of the mostpowerful buying groups in ndustry.the i

Does your company have any exciting

projects or products you would like featured

in our next edition of Builders & Contractors?

Please contact one of our Marketing Consultants to discuss:

Gary Cody

0288 500 4150

Keith Laidlaw

0274 948 284

Published Quarterly - Nationwide Distribution

Allan Buzan

0288 500 4151

Trish Nolan

0288 500 4173

Judy Davey

0288 500 4170

Art Dept

03 376 5119

Published by: Markat Promotions Ltd120 Maces Road, Bromley Christchurch 8062PO Box 19607, Woolston, Christchurch 8241

Ph 03 376 5120 • Fax 03 376 5153artEmail:






Timber Frames & Trusses

LVL8 H1.2.Straight & TrueStable Durable Framing FOR PERFORMANCE


The durability and ef�cacy ofNelsonPine LVL (laminatedveneer lumber) has beenenhanced by an innovativeglue line treatment, calledAzotek H1.2.

Developed by Zelam in conjunctionwith Nelson Pine Industries Ltd, thisnew generation of timber treatmentsis more environmentally friendly thantraditional treatments, with no smell,colour, or heavy metals which couldpollute the environment or corrodemetal fasteners.

Andy Van Houtte, Nelson PineIndustries' Australasian sales engineersays another of the unique thingsabout Azotek is that it is incorporatedinto the manufacturing process ratherthan being applied to the LVL productpost manufacture.

“This provides full penetrationprotection, gives the product fargreater stability, and produces atighter tolerance, which is veryimportant in frame and trussfabrication processes.”

Timber treatments have had a bad rapin the past, but this one “ticks all theboxes”, particularly given it is a morenatural product, that is benign tohumans, he says.

Since it was released to the markettwo years ago there has been a “verygood uptake” of Azotek treatedNelsonPine LVL which is manufacturedfrom timber sourced in 100 percentrenewable plantations.

“The strength and durability of theproduct has made it particularlypopular in the South Island wherethere issues with snow loads andseismic activity.”

He says the straighter framesproduced in LVL make it a highperformance alternative to solidtimber, increasing �exibility forarchitects and designers of residentialhomes.

“LVL produces very straight walls thatassist with the construction processand provide an opportunity forarchitects to include special featuresor high-spec �nishes in the homes.”

NelsonPine LVL8 H1.2 GeneralFraming is suitable to be substitutedin place of No.1 Framing, SG6 and SG8sawn timber as per NZS3604 (clause2.3.9). LVL8 is available in 90x45,140x45 as well as 190x45, 240x45 and290x45 wide boards. NelsonPine LVL8H1.2 is produced in continuous longlengths up to 7.2m that aredimensionally stable, straight andtrue. The beauty about our framing isthat it is organically treated to H1.2

through the glue lines meaning that itis entirely protected against insectand fungal decay and is an acceptablesolution as per amendment 8 B2/AS1of the NZ Building Code and will notleach from the timber when wet. Itcan a l so be eng ineered in toapplications such as joists and lintelstaking full account of its enhancedstructural properties by using NelsonPine Design software and proprietaryFrame and truss software such assupplied by Mitek and Pryda.

NelsonPine LVL8 H1.2 General Framing

• High precision tolerances.• Available in 4.8 & 6.0m continuous

lengths.• Full penetration Acceptable Solution

approved H1.2 glueline treatmentusing Azotek.

• No solvents or heavy metals.

• Better fabrication productivity.• Gives straighter and stronger frames

and trusses.• Substitutable in place of SG8 timber.• 100% renewable plantation forestry.• Ideal for high snow loads.

AZOTEK™Innovative acceptable

solution technology for

the protection of LVL from

insects and decay



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� Proven over the last 5 years in

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CONSTRUCTION SITE SECURITY That tool belt, wallet or spare change you’ve left sitting in your car is like an open invitation for a thief to smash your window and take it. Thieves also steal from building sites as these can be easy targets especially when the site is not secure.

The inconvenience to you to report it to Police, make an insurance claim and eventually replace the item just isn’t worth the risk.

Here are some simple steps you can take to deter would-be thieves from breaking into your work vehicle:

• L o c k y o u r v e h i c l e . Consider installing an alarm.

• Take all valuables with you. If you must leave them in the vehicle, lock them in the boot out of sight.

• Park in well lit areas.• Don’t leave keys in the


How to protect your gear on the job

• If possible, considering having your rear windows tinted.

• Guard your keys. Don’t have personal details on your keys (such as your name, phone number or address).

• Don’t leave your tools in your vehicle when it’s being serviced by a mechanic.

• Mark valuable i tems or register their serial numbers at:

And here are some tips for keeping your tools safe on the building site:• Always lock up if you

can. If the site has doors and windows, burglars and thieves often enter through unlocked doors and windows or they take advantage of weak locks.

• If the site is only partially built and has yet to have walls, doors and windows,

People seem to underestimate just how quick and opportunistic thieves are. You can turn your back for a moment and that’s enough time for them to smash your vehicle window and take

whatever you have left in plain view.

then install good quality locks on a lockable shed or container and store in there.

• Lock away tools at all times because burglars could use un-secured tools to break in to other parts of building sites or work vehicles.

• You may want to consider ins ta l l ing t emporary security fencing.

• Temporary CCTV and sensor l igh ts a re an excellent security device too because they light up automatically if somebody moves nearby.

And fi nally:

Report any suspicious behaviour near

building sites. For further information visit, our website: for more information




Traffic Safety

Specifi cally, the RSMA is committed to producing and supplying a range products and services for the New Zealand roading environment which are:• In accordance with the

relevant New Zealand Standards and NZTA Specifi cations.

• Are of top quality to ensure satisfactory service life.

• Are appropriately priced.

The RSMA is a non-profi t, non-political service organisation whose goal is to actively encourage the implementation of road safety initiatives of the Minister of Transport, NZ Transport Agency the Police and other road safety organisations and

Who or what is the Road Safety Manufacturers Association ?

The Road Safety Manufacturers Association (RSMA) was founded in 1976 (as NZ Traffi c

Control and Road Safety Equipment Manufacturers Assn) to provide the roading and transportation

industry in New Zealand with advice and service regarding road safety programs and the manufacture, provision and implementation of

traffi c control and road safety systems.

to provide the appropriate professional support.

Membership of the RSMA i s made up o f a wide industry group c o v e r i n g c o m p o n e n t manufacturers and suppliers, s i g n m a n u f a c t u r e r s , installers, contractors and professional services and engineering consultants all of whom are required to have ISO 9001:2008 Quality Assurance Registration.

Bound by a Constitution and Code of Ethics each member of the Association has acknowledged the need to provide protection to the customer by ensuring that minimum standards are not only adhered to but also

strictly enforced.P u r c h a s e r s , u s e r s

and owners of products purchased from members of the RSMA have better assurance o f produc t performance, back up and service and can be assured that products will meet the required standards.

In partnership with Transit/NZTA, the RSMA developed and published the “Standard for the Manufacture and Maintenance of Traffi c Signs, Posts and Fittings” in 1995. This document was designed to set minimum requirements for durability, strength and performance of goods and services for use by manufacturers and suppliers of traffic signs and their support systems. The standard became the minimum specif icat ion for use by Transit NZ and other roading authorities in all contracts/tenders/specifications for Transit NZ funded sign and support systems.

With the release by Transit NZ, in March 2003, of the “Performance Based Specification for Traffic Signs - TNZ P/24:2003” the joint RSMA/Transit standard has been revised. The new standard titled the “RSMA COMPLIANCE STANDARD FOR TRAFFIC SIGNS”, dated March 2008, is the only NZTA endorsed Compliance Standard to Specifi cation P/24:2008.

SummaryThe RSMA has been

developed as a body to promote and maintain codes and standards of practice for manufacturers, suppliers and installers of road signage and other road safety related products.

With the adoption of standards of manufacture, the use of appropriate materials and the acknowledgment of a value for money objective, purchasers and owners of road signage and safety products and road-users alike

will benefi t for the following reasons.• Maintenance of proper

standards of manufacture, i n s t a l l a t i o n a n d performance.

• Reduced costs through

the adoption of long life products that meet the required specifi cations.

• Enhancement of safety standards for road users t h r o u g h t h e p r o p e r performance of all products and services.

RSMA Compliance Standard for Traffi c SignsThe RSMA Compliance Standard for Traffi c Signs is the only New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) endorsed compliance document to NZTA P 24 Performance Based Specifi cation for Traffi c Signs.

The NZTA Specification is performance based and sets out the requirements for the design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of permanently installed traffi c signs used on the State Highway in New Zealand. The document defi nes the minimum levels of performance with respect to Visibility, Durability, Strength and Safety.

The RSMA Compliance Standard specifies current industry practice and describes existing sign systems that have proved to have acceptable performance as a means of compliance to NZTA P 24. The Standard defi nes materials, designs and practices that are deemed to comply with the NZTA Performance Based Specifi cation.

In addition the document provides a standard for the manufacture and installation of street name signs.

Go to to see the list of current Members

Be assured of quality, service and back up by purchasing from an RSMA Member.

RSMARoad Safety Manufacturers Associaton



Traffic Safety

04 392 0015

03 390 0144

Fifteen years ago T J Steel began supplying CSP, owned by the Fletchers Group , wi th Highway guard rails. Now, Highway Products International, a company which has arisen out of the changes, imports amongst other traffi c safety products, highway guard rail from Malaysia and highway cable from Thailand which it sells to CSP to distribute throughout the country.

When i t comes t o traffic safety, there are no exemptions for cost saving and a relatively new company in one area of the protection of travellers on our highways and byways has moved into a specialist area of safety and has made the move to cut costs, while not relinquishing safety requirements.

A t t h e s a m e t i m e HPI has an established

Highway Products International safety products economical

Highway Products International is a

company which has arisen out of the

company T J Steel being bought by the steel merchandising

company HJ Asmuss, leaving the highway products

area available. business importing highway cable from Thailand for use along highways and exports it around the world. Areas to which it exports include the Middle East, in particular, but Highway Products International’s representative, Phil Burrows

says it will export to any region seeking its use.

CSP has offered a system of replacing guard rails running down the centre of highways and on the fl anks, where appropriate, by the use of cables , while not new to New Zealand the Armourwire

System distributed by CSP is proving to be effective in reducing head on accidents.

Currently, the majority of central highway protection is by the use of metal W Beam, providing a guard rail which is erected between vehicles moving in opposite

directions. While effective, it is expensive to both install and replace.

The Armourwire System consists of four 19 millimetre cables specially manufactured and pre tens ioned a t a predetermined height of between 500 and 600 mm off the ground, the cable is supported by precisely manufactured posts. In that way, vehicles are prevented from crossing the centre line, with the potential to cause accidents. The Armourwire System may also be installed on the roadside perimeters, preventing vehicles running off the road.

W h e n a v e h i c l e encroaches onto the cables the posts fold over under the pressure and the cable deflects the vehicle away from oncoming traffic. After being struck it is a simple case of replacing the damaged posts and re-tensioning the system

Phil says it is being used more by TNZ because of the cost factor, and with the cable system gaining popularity as seen on the Tauranga Eastern Link and also the Waikato Expressway , Phil believes it will be seen more and more as both local and national authorities realise the savings.

HPI also sell a wide range of traffic safety products, including street sign poles in both aluminium and steel with associated sign supports and sockets, plastic roadside and pedestrian barriers, arrow boards and VMS trailers. They also hold the distribution rights in NZ for the DENT BREAKAWAY sign support system.

For all your Traffi c Safety and Roadside Hardware call

the Team at HPI.

Visit our Website




P&W Painters

I t seems somehowsymbolic that a townwhich is noted for itspristine white Oamarustone should produce' t h e b i g g e s t l i t t l epainting �rm' around,which has tackled oneof the biggest jobsimaginable for its size,Dunedin's ForsythBarr covered stadium.

And done with pride andaccuracy. But, then that'sthe nature of the bossWarren – Wazza to hispainting mates and on hisemails – Pitches, who hasbeen in the painting gamefor 47 years, 40 of themwith the company he runs,Pand W Painters.

After the 1987 sharemarket crash, he took overthe company. Now, as soledi rec tor, he runs the

business from Oamaru,although a large amount oft h e w o r k i s i nChristchurch, or Dunedin.In the boom years, he spentendless brush strokingh o u r s p a i n t i n g a n ddecorating Queenstown,but now the work iselsewhere.

That means a weekly 4a.m. drive from Oamaru toChristchurch, to sort outthe troops for their jobs,and all the other organisingrequired there, includinghealth and safety matters,which he says consumes ahuge amount of his time –up to a third.

So, why does he do it?W e l l , i t ' s t h e j o bsat is fac t ion – i t ' s aninteresting trade – but oneof the biggest factors is“the comradeship and thelife-long friendships”.

And Warren speaks withpride of “the lads we'vehad on the job and some ofthose are now constructionmanagers, or own their

own companies; we stuckw i t h t h e m a n d t h erelationships have gone onever since.”

His time as a painter hasc o v e r e d f r o m t h eintroduction of rollers toairless spraying, the latter asystem he likes because ofthe very good �nish itprovides, with very littleoverspray. Which is not tosay that brushes and rollersare not still used in theright places.

Through it all there hasbeen Arrow International.He says Arrow has used Pand W Painters for 35years; he praises them fort h e i r l o y a l t y a n d i sthankful they have found

his work and his team thebest.

Every job is different andthe big one for this little Pand W Painters companywas Dunedin's ForsythBarr stadium; the littlecompany that could beat

all the big ones to them e t a p h o r i c a l b r u s hstrokes.

N o j o b i s t o o b i g ,according to Warren; it iss i m p l y a m a t t e r o fbreaking it down intosmall bits.

“It was a real achievementfor a little company. If I donothing else in my life, thatwas my pinnacle, a realachievement. Every time Igo to Highlanders' matchin Dunedin I sit there arethink 'how the hell did wemanage this?” An exampleof breaking it down intosmall bits, that's what.

R e c e n t l y, t h e s m a l lpainting company fromOamaru has been doingwork that is a departure –painting a new building inits home town.

P&W Painters - Wazza's team painted

Dunedin's Forsyth Barr stadium


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M E M B E R E:

Warren 0274 333 999


Contact: P and W Painters,Wazza mobile 0274 333 999


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S o l a r B r i g h t , “specialising in innovative solutions in lighting” fi ts the description, according to its Business Development Manager, John Bayliss; w i t h a n e l e c t r o n i c s b a c k g r o u n d , w h o should know. He’s from Manchester, England and sports a strong Mancunian accent. The company was formed by Pat and Nicola Martin 9 years ago and has focussed on off-grid solar lighting and on the roading sector where there is no reticulation.

He says: “It’s a bit of a legend this Kiwi ingenuity, so I was quite shocked to find it’s a real thing; from the outside it seems overplayed, but it isn’t.”

He says Pat Martin “is by nature innovative and is the kind of guy who is looking at real world problems and how to solve them.”

Local innovation celebrated as SolarBright score hat-trick at Champion Canterbury Awards

Innovation and number-eight-wire

mentality, along with Kiwi ingenuity are what sets New

Zealand’s inventive landscape apart

from that of many other countries and Christchurch based fi rm Solar Bright is one company which fi ts the description.

There have been trials also in Hobart, Tasmania and t he company i s working towards trials in the United Kingdom, Canada, the United States of America, Russia, Latvia and South Korea.

The company has also just installed the fi rst phase of an off-grid solar street lighting project in Kiribati – believed to be the largest such installation in the Pacific region. Company installers are due to return to the islands in January to complete the installation, done with the assistance of the World Bank.

John says Solar Bright is a small company with big ambitions, aiming for global markets for i ts products. As with all small companies, he admits the start up (he says the company feels to be in a permanent state of startup) is a challenge, as is obtaining investment, but it is investing heavily in IP, taking out many international patents.

As for its manufacture, John says while some of the components are manufactured in China, Solar Bright has high hopes that it will be able to produce and assemble in Christchurch.

Contact: Email, Johnb@solarbright.; mobile; 021 654 601

The outcome of the innovation was rewarded in the Canterbury Business awards this year, when Solar Bright made a clean sweep, winning awards as Champion Producer/Manufacturer, Champion Innovator and Supreme Cante rbury Bus iness Champion.

Leading the Solar Bright champion products is a new LED lighting system, SOLAS, with Pat Martin going back to the basics to enhance l ighting output . John says the revolutionary system incorporates all the benefits of LED lighting - energy and cost savings - while achieving greater

brightness than fl uorescent tubes.

In spite of the name Solar Bright – and in keeping with the Innovation ethos – it also has another

product, Pateye, which has been on trial by NZTA (the New Zealand Transport Authority) in Dunedin for nearly three years. Pateye is a system of warning flashing blue light road

studs, which detect and warn of the likelihood of ice on the roads. “it only goes off when there’s a massive probability of ice on the roads; it’s not a fancy thermometer.”




Thirty Year NZ Infrastructure Plan 2015

“Foreword from the National Infrastructure Advisory Board

Infrastructure, in i ts many forms, is critical to our economic performance and quali ty of l i fe . The Thirty Year New Zealand Infrastructure Plan 2015 adds to our understanding of New Zealand’s infrastructure. By supporting long-term planning, it will help to ensure New Zealand has the infrastructure required to support our aspirations for an efficient economy and higher living standards.

T h e N a t i o n a l In f ras t ruc ture Adv isory Board (the Board) provides the Treasury’s Nat ional Infrastructure Unit (NIU) and the Minister of Finance with advice and perspectives on infrastructure issues.

Over the last three years, the Board has encouraged the NIU to seek out a range of views, and to work with agencies to develop shared objectives, a comprehensive evidence base and responses to key infrastructure challenges.”

The above copy of part of the foreword by the National Infrastructure Advisory Board taken from the thirty year plan document states that infrastructure in its many forms is critical to our economic performance and quality of life.

W h i l s t I a g r e e emphatically with this plan, I found on reading the document that in the whole text there was no mention anywhere of one of the most crucial items of infrastructure in any form.

“Rock” or to put it another way quarried products or aggregates.

T h e r e i s a h o s t o f information about methods to improve the del ivery and maintenance of critical infrastructure needs projected for the next thirty years but in all of the advice there is absolutely no mention of the basic requirement for quarry products to allow for the provision of the entire infrastructure mentioned.

If there is no allowances made in the regional and district planning, for the provision of a supply of aggregates then there will be no realistic chance of achieving any of the goals for infrastructure development and maintenance as set out in the thirty year plan.

Without a guaranteed supply of aggregates then society and its infrastructure will cease to exist in its current form. It is an absolute necessity of the developed environment in which we live.

No aggregates means no roading maintenance or development; no drainage

materials; no concrete for manufacture of pipes for the drainage; no concrete for construction; no builders mix for the home handyman; in fact in a very short time if there is no aggregate supply then there is no economic activity at all.

I n r e l a t i o n t o t h e maintenance and development of infrastructure, the first and most important basic r equ i rement i s to have a guaranteed supply of aggregates.

In New Zealand we consume approximately eight tonnes of aggregates per head of population per year on an ongoing basis just to maintain society as we know it today. In times of reduced economic activity this figure can drop below four tonnes per head of population and in times of escalated activity the fi gure can rise to more than ten tonnes per head of population.

The plan predicts that there will be an increase of approximately 716,000 people in the Auckland region alone by the year 2043 and this figure tells us that we need to find approximately an extra 5,728,000 tonnes of aggregates per year to maintain the infrastructure for that extra population increase.

Overall the Auckland r e g i o n w i l l b e u s i n g approximately 17,728,000 tonnes of aggregates per year (2,216,000people x 8tonnes) by the year 2043 and there is no mention in the plan of any provision for this aggregate supply.

Yes the private industry will fi nd a way to supply the required aggregates whether it be from local sources or sources outside the city boundaries and that is as it should be, but it needs to be remembered and allowed for in the infrastructure planning, that there is a need for this quantity of aggregates and that it will need to be delivered to sites all over the city.

Current ly the major supplies of aggregates are grouped in the Franklin District and mainly surrounded by rural land but in the next thirty years there is predicted to be a need for another 400,000 dwellings in the Auckland region and this may have an effect of changing the land use of the areas surrounding the current quarry sites.

This has in the past had the end result of creating an environment where the quarry is seen as an activity that must be removed from the proximity to the built up areas therefore causing it to close and move further from built up urban areas.

This then has the effect of raising the costs of aggregates to the end users and this has

a fl ow on effect of reducing the amount of infrastructure maintenance or development that can be undertaken for the same amount of money, due to increased costs.

When you t ranspor t quar ry produc ts over a distance, you raise the price by approximately double for every thirty kilometres you transport the product and this also has the added problems with extra heavy traffi c movements.

If the requirements of the year 2043 reach around 17,728,000 tonnes then this will equate to approximately 886,400 truck and trailer movements per year to transport this product to the end users. This is a conservative figure for truck movements as we know that a percentage of the product will not be carted on truck and trailers but will need to be carted on smaller vehicles due to customer job requirements, thereby increasing the number of truck movements.

This heavy traffi c alone will have a huge effect on the infrastructure requirements over and above the actual supply issues mentioned earlier. It will also have a huge effect on climate change issues such as the use of fossil fuels and the greenhouse gas effects from that.

The plan also sets out the support for the growing role of the Maori economy with Tainui planning to spend $3.3 Billion on the Ruakura Freight Hub and the Tuhoe planning to spend approximately $10M per year on infrastructure but again there is no mention of the crucial requirement for the need to plan around the supply of aggregates to allow these projected plans to be completed.

In the welcome from the Minister published in the plan it states:

“Infrastructure supports much of our daily lives – even if it isn’t something we think about unless it is going wrong.

It is the roads we drive on and it delivers the electricity we use. Infrastructure provides the water we drink and farm with, and forms the backbone of social services through hospitals, schools and houses. It is a key driver of the economy, public services and the government’s fi nances:

>> For businesses to invest another dollar and employ another person, they need to be confi dent that they will have reliable access to the right infrastructure.

> > I n f r a s t r u c t u r e underpins social service de l ivery. Ensur ing tha t education, health and justice networks are fi t for purpose gives the government the best chance of making a difference

in the lives of New Zealanders.>> Better management of

the government’s $116 billion of existing infrastructure assets, and $50 billion of forecast infrastructure spend over the next ten years, can deliver real benefits for the government’s books.”

It also states further on:“The Plan is intended to

increase the understanding of how existing infrastructure can be better utilised, and to update plans for infrastructure needs over the next 30 years. This complements the more immedia te focus o f the Government’s Business Growth Agenda.

The Plan shows that New Zealand’s infrastructure will face a range of challenges and opportunities, including networks that wil l need expanding or renewing, the pressures of an aging, urbanising population, tight fi scal constraints and changing technology.

Meeting New Zealand’s infrastructure challenges over the next 30 years, and taking advantage of the opportunities, will require coordination across a range of infrastructure partners and stakeholders – not just in central government but also from local government and the private sector.

This Plan reflects the work occurring across all of these stakeholders, led by the National Infrastructure Unit, to better understand the services that will be needed in the future; improve the information about, and management of, our existing assets; and ensure we have the right settings to make better investment decisions in the future.”

All of the issues addressed in the Minister’s welcome statement are true and should be endorsed by all New Zealand citizens, but none of the projected strategies in the plan can be bought to fruition without a guaranteed supply of aggregates and for this reason the supply of aggregates, in my opinion, should have been one of the fi rst issues addressed in the research for the plan and in the setting out of the planning priorities.

The reasons behind my opinion are as follows:

1. Aggregate i s an absolute necessity if we want to continue to live in the developed society we currently have.

2. Q u a r r y i n g i n most situations is a long term business with a very high capital cost for development and with a reasonably long time period

for return on investment and to reach profitability overall.

3. Existing quarries n e e d t o b e p r o t e c t e d from encroaching urban development.

4. T h e s u p p l y o f a g g r e g a t e s h a s t h e potential for huge impact on other infrastructure from perspective of traffic movements, fossil fuel usage/climate change issues and the increased costs likely from the mitigation of these impacts.

I therefore find it to be almost unbelievable that the Thirty Year New Zealand Infrastructure Plan does not address the requirements around supply of aggregates anywhere in the document when in fact this is the most crucial underpinning support requirement for all infrastructure maintenance and development.

Without a supply of rock society as we know it today cannot exist. We will soon be back to living a subsistence style similar to that which existed before the stone age man used the fi rst piece of rock as a tool. A. J. Loader. HonFIQ, DipQ,


The Thirty Year New Zealand Infrastructure Plan 2015























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