Build Self-confidence: Here are 23 Ways to help You to be Super Confident!

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Build Self-confidence: Here are 23 Ways to help You to be Super Confident!

We think that our sense of self-worth and self-image depends on other’s approvals.

Fear of Rejection, Lack of Praise are few reasons for low self-confidence.

Click here to read our article on why you lack self-confidence.

Self-confidence depends on how you feel about yourself and how you like yourself.

Tell yourself every morning, at least three things that you like about yourself.

Why do you like yourself?

23 ways to build self-confidence1. Tell Yourself daily three positive things about yourself

Feeling, looking and smelling clean will instantly make you feel good and more confident.

Ensure you dress appropriately for every occasion you attend.

23 ways to build self-confidence2. Take care of your looks

Take care of your posture.

Studies suggest that being in a power pose for at least two minutes helps to build self-confidence.

23 ways to build self-confidence3. Be in a power posture for two minutes daily

Learn to love your body!

When you love your body, you will start taking good care of it.

23 ways to build self-confidence4. Stay Fit

Never compromise on your sleep!

Sleep for 6-8 hours daily.

23 ways to build self-confidence5. Get Enough Sleep

Smiling: • stimulates happy

hormones which make you feel and look pleasant

• uplifts the joy of others around you

23 ways to build self-confidence6. Smile more

Make a list of all the things you enjoy.

Pick one of them and include that as part of your day to day activities to build self-confidence.

23 ways to build self-confidence7. Invest in Hobbies

Write down your fears and identify the steps you can take to overcome.

23 ways to build self-confidence8. Write down your fears

Live within your moral values and beliefs.

Do not listen to people who force you to break your beliefs & values unless it is harming you or the world.

23 ways to build self-confidence9. Recognize your Beliefs & Values

Note down the negative words you often say to yourself. Replace it with more positive ones.

Don’t listen to your inner critic.

23 ways to build self-confidence10. Speak Positive

Have short-term and long- term goals.

Achieving your goals can make you feel good about yourself.

23 ways to build self-confidence11. Have Specific Goals

Reduce your exposure to negative people who always see the worst in everything.

Surround yourself with good people.

23 ways to build self-confidence12. Avoid Negative People

Learn to be responsible for your mistakes.

Do not blame other people for not accomplishing certain things.

23 ways to build self-confidence13. Stop blaming others

Stop criticizing others and focus on positives to build self-confidence

23 ways to build self-confidence14. Do not criticize others

Criticism is just an opinion of somebody.

Do not let someone’s negative opinion affect you .

Accept it if it is valuable else simply ignore it

23 ways to build self-confidence15. Don’t take Criticism negatively

You will make mistakes. You will fail!

Learn to embrace your insecurities!

23 ways to build self-confidence16. Don’t be too hard on yourself

Remove unessential activities from your to-do list. Do not over-commit yourself. Learn to say ‘No’ at the right time.

Give some room for you to relax!

23 ways to build self-confidence17. Drop unrealistic expectations

Practice makes you perfect.

Practice until you are satisfied!

23 ways to build self-confidence18. Practice till you become confident

Learn from your mistakes.

Believe in your ability to manage bad experiences.

Accept that challenges are part of everybody’s life.

23 ways to build self-confidence19. Prepare well for bad days

Do n’t wait for outside praise! Praise yourself!

Write down the list of praises you wished to hear from your dear ones.

23 ways to build self-confidence20. Praise yourself

Whenever you make a mistake, be gracious enough to accept it.

It helps to build self-confidence by eradicating feelings of guilt and shame.

23 ways to build self-confidence21. Learn to apologize

Note down your achievements in your success journal.

Read this journal to boost your self-confidence

23 ways to build self-confidence22. Have a Success Journal

Don’t take life seriously! Find out time to relax. Lighten up a little and learn to let go of control!

23 ways to build self-confidence23. Stop taking life so seriously

Nisha A Sahadevan is the Founder of Learn2LiveFully , a Certified NLP Practitioner . She is Passionate about Human Potential Development.

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