Build a Shopify Theme With the Liquid Engine _ Web Design _ Creative Bloq

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Transcript of Build a Shopify Theme With the Liquid Engine _ Web Design _ Creative Bloq

  • 7/24/2019 Build a Shopify Theme With the Liquid Engine _ Web Design _ Creative Bloq


    Build a Shopify theme with the Liquid engine

    Over the past few weeks, I have been building the Shopify theme for Viewport Industries, the company Elliot Jay Stocks and I

    formed last year. We chose Shopifyfor several reasons:

    1. It allows us to sell both digital and physical products

    2. Its fully hosted, meaning no servers to worry about

    3. It supportsa number of payment gateways that integrate nicely with our bank

    4. Its theme-based, which means we can easily reuse our existing sites HTML, CSS and JavaScript

    Shopify uses a template engine called Liquidto output data from your store into your templates. Liquid is perhaps the one

    ingredient of a Shopify theme you havent used before and it can be offputting. But the good news is that its really not that hard

    to get started with.

    If you have ever used Smarty, ERB or Twig, what follows will be familiar to you. If not, dont worry: its just a matter of learning a

    few simple rules. Once you have added Liquid skills to your web development toolkit, youll be able to start building themes for

    clients in no time.

    Theme files and folders

    Shopify themes are nothing more than a number of files (HTML files with a .liquid extension, CSS, JS, images, and so on) and

    folders. Themes can look and work however you want: there really are no restrictions. Heres the basic structure of a theme:
















    With these files, you can create the most basic of themes. Of course, you would probably want to add in some CSS, JavaScript

    and a few images. Youd put these in the assets folder. (Its worth noting that you arent currently allowed subfolders within your

    asset folder.)

    For more on how themes work, and to find out about the config and snippets folders, I would recommend reading Theme from

    Scratch and Theme Settingson the Shopify Wiki.

    Alternatively you can sign up to the free Partner programme, create a test shop and inspect one of the many free themes

    available from your test shops adminarea just go to the theme editor located in the Themes menu.

    Mapping URLs to templates

    Shopify themes work by mapping the current URL to a specific template. For example, if we are viewing a product that has the

    following URL...

    ...then Shopify will know to use your product.liquidtemplate. Its for this reason that you should only ever use the file names

    listed above for your templates.

    In addition to Shopify knowing which template to display in relation to the current URL, it makes a number of very specific

    variables available to us. These are known as 'template variables' and enable us to display data in our templates.

    For example in our product.liquid template, we have access to the aptly named productvariable. This means we can output the
  • 7/24/2019 Build a Shopify Theme With the Liquid Engine _ Web Design _ Creative Bloq


    name, description, price and the availability of our product in our template. Well use the combination of Liquid and template

    variables to populate our templates with data relating to our products.

    For a full list of the available template variables, visit Mark Dunkleys Shopify Cheat Sheet.

    Liquid: the basics

    Liquid is here to make our lives as theme designers easier. One of the main ways it does this is with the use of layouts. Layouts

    are ideal for including common page elements such as a header, main navigation, footer, and so on.

    In my folder structure above, youll notice a file called theme.liquid in the layouts folder. You can think of theme.liquid as our

    master template. All of our other templates, such as product.liquid, are rendered inside this master template. You can have more

    than one layout if you wish, but the default one should always be called theme.liquid.

    I havent seen United Pixelworkers' theme.liquid file, but you could imagine it containing the mark up for the areas outlined in red


    Shopify's theme.liquid file sets out the constituent parts of a layout

    Heres what a basic theme.liquid layout might look like:

    Youll notice two phrases wrapped in double curly braces: {{ content_for_header }}and {{ content_for_layout }}. These are

    our first examples of Liquid in action.

    Shopify often uses {{ content_for_header }} to add specific files to the section of a document: for example, adding in

    tracking code. {{ content_for_layout }} is where our URL-mapped templates content will appear. For example, if we are viewing a

    product page, our product.liquid file will replace {{ content_for_layout }} in our layout file.

    Understanding product.liquid

    Now that we've run through the basics of layouts, its time to look at a template. Shops are all about the products, so lets look at

  • 7/24/2019 Build a Shopify Theme With the Liquid Engine _ Web Design _ Creative Bloq


    Heres a very simple but functional example of a product.liquid template.

    1. {{ product.title }}

    2. {{ product.description }}

    3. {% if product.available %}



    6. {% for variant in product.variants %}

    7. {{ variant.title }} - {{ variant.price | money }}

    8. {% endfor %}




    12. {% else %}

    13. This product is not available

    14. {% endif %}

    There are a number of key Liquid concepts at work here. Lets look at them in order.


    The first line of code contains the phrase {{ product.title }}. When rendered, this will output the title of the product, which as you

    now know is determined by the URL. In the United Pixelworkers example below, the product title is simply 'Indianapolis'.

    Liquid's {{ product.title }} phrase at work in the United Pixelworkers store

    Liquid uses the dot syntax format. In this instance, {{ product.title }} equates to the product template variable and its title attribute.

    We can output the product description in the same way using {{ product.description }}.

    This is known in Liquid terms as output. All output is denoted by double curly braces, as follows: {{ your_output }}.


    On the next line of the code, youll notice a statement in a curly brace followed by a %: in this case, {% if product.available %}.

    This is another important concept in Liquid known as logic. Further down, youll notice {% else %} and finally the {% endif %}


    This if statementenables us to dictate what our template displays, based one or more conditions: in this case, whether or not

    our product is available. Effectively this is saying, if our product is available, show the information relating to it otherwise show a

    message letting the user know it is out of stock.

    All logic statements in Liquid use the curly brace percentage notation, i.e. {% if %}. Just remember to close your statements
  • 7/24/2019 Build a Shopify Theme With the Liquid Engine _ Web Design _ Creative Bloq


    appropriately, or youll run into trouble. For example:

    1. {% if product.available %}

    2. Show Add to cart button here

    3. {% else %}

    4. Display message about when the product will be next available

    5. {% endif %}


    Liquid enables us to manipulate our output in several ways. One of these is to use filters. The content that goes into the filter will

    come out the other end altered in a specific way.

    Looking at the product.liquid example above, youll notice {{ variant.price | money }}. A variant is a term used to describe a

    variation of a product: for example, different colours and sizes. Whats interesting here is that we use a filter to change the price

    output in this case, by using the money filter. This will result in the shop's currency symbol being added to the front of the price.

    Other filters include strip_html, which will strip out any HTML tags from a given piece of text and ucase,which will convert it to

    upper case.

    You can also join filters together. For example:

    1. {{ article.content | strip_html | truncate: 20 }}

    In this instance, we are taking the content attribute of the article template variable and passing it to the strip_html filter and finally

    to the truncate filter. Youll notice that the truncate filter allows us to specify how long we want the final output to be: in this case,

    20 characters.

    Filters also allow us to make quick work of creating script and image elements in templates. Heres a very quick way of using a

    filter to output an image with an associated alt tag:

    1. {{ 'logo.png' | asset_url | img_tag: 'Site Logo' }}

    Using this in our Shopify theme will result in the following img element being rendered in our template:


    The asset_urlfilter is very useful as it returns the full path to the current theme's assetsfolder. Using this filter makes it possible

    for you to apply your theme across multiple shops and not have to worry about paths.

    Whats next?

    Hopefully, these few examples have shown you that Liquid isnt that complicated. Of course, there is much more you can with do

    with it, but by mastering output, logic and filters, you are well on the way to understanding most of what you will need to build a

    Shopify theme.

    Further resources and inspiration