Build a game with javascript (april 2017)

Post on 21-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Build a game with javascript (april 2017)

April 2017

Build a Game with Javascript

About us

We train developers and data scientists through 1-on-1 mentorship and career prep

About me

• Jasjit Singh

• Self-taught developer

• Worked in finance & tech

• Co-Founder Hotspot

• Thinkful General Manager

What’s your goal?

• Do you want to work better with developers?

• Do you want to start working in tech?

• Do you have an idea that you want to build?

What’s your programming background?

• First lines of code will be written tonight?

• Been self teaching for 1-3 months?

• Been at this for 3+ months


• Build a functional game – emphasis on build

• Practice solving problems like real developers

• Learn JavaScript fundamentals as we use them

• Pick up a touch of jQuery

• Homework!

What we’re building


•Context: JavaScript and the web

•Setting up our project

•HTML/CSS refresher

•Using jQuery to handle user events

•Breaking up complex tasks into Javascript functions

What is programming?

Programming is writing instructions for a computer to execute. Programming is problem-solving.

Programming is a process

1. Defining problems

2. Finding solutions to those problems

3. Implementing those solutions in a language your computer can understand



Brief history of Javascript

• Written by Brendan Eich in 1995 for Netscape

• Initial version written in 10 days

• Completely unrelated to Java, named as a marketing stunt because Java was “hot” at the time

Javascript today

• Only programming language to become standard in browsers

• Continues to evolve under guidance of ECMA International, driven by browser makers

• Huge community of developers, libraries and frameworks

• Lots of job opportunities

• Fairly easy syntax, though quirky

How the web works

Type a URL from a client (e.g.

Browser communicates with DNS server to find IP address

Browser uses the protocols HTTP and IP to send a request for specific “files”

Browser receives those files and renders them as a website (HTML and CSS)

Clients / Servers

Client (sends requests) Frontend Developer Manages what user sees

Server (sends response) Backend Developer

Manage what app does


HTML, CSS, & Javascript render

interactive newsfeed

Algorithm determines what’s in your feed


Get data about your friends and their posts

Open browser and navigate to

Application Logic



Client Server

Setup (1 of 3)

•If you don’t have text editor, download Sublime Text:

•Download ZIP of code:

Setup (2 of 3)

•Open Sublime Text

•Go to “Project” -> “Add Folder to Project”

Setup (3 of 3)

•Open the HTML file in your browser by double clicking on it in Finder (Mac) / Explorer (PC)

• If you’re not sure where it is, right-click on the file in Sublime text, and then reveal in “Finder” (Mac) / “Explorer” (PC)

HTML/CSS Refresher

•Open index.html in Sublime Text

•HTML is the content and structure of a webpage

•Three key concepts:

•Tags •Elements •Attributes

HTML tags

Every tag starts with a “less than” sign and ends with a “greater than” sign

<html> #this is an HTML opening tag

<body> #this is a body opening tag

<h1>Hello world!</h1> #this is set of H1 tags

</body> #this is a body closing tag

</html> #this is an HTML closing tag

HTML elements

HTML elements usually consist of an opening tag, closing tag, and some content

<html> #html element starts here

<body> #body element starts here

<h1>Hello world!</h1> #this is an HTML element

</body> #body element ends here

</html> #html element ends here

HTML attributes

HTML attributes set properties on an element — the are attached in the opening tag

<a href=“">This is a link</a>href is an attribute that sets the destination of a link

<h1 class=“headline”>This is a headline</h1>class is one attribute that identifies element (for CSS & Javascript)

index.html walkthrough

index.html Walkthrough

CSS refresher

•Open style.css in Sublime Text

•CSS determines the visual presentation of your HTML webpages, including layout and visual appearance of specific elements

•Key concepts:

•Selectors •Property •Value

Example selectors

p (selects all paragraph tags)

.name (selects HTML elements with class “name”)

#intro (selects HTML elements with id “intro”) (selects paragraph tags with class “name”)

CSS properties

Determines the aspect of the element’s appearance to change

• color (set the font color)

• font-family (sets main typeface and backup typefaces)

• background-image (sets background image)

• height (sets the height of an element)

CSS values

Determines the aspect of the element’s appearance we wish to change

• color: red, blue, green, #CCCCCC acceptable values for the color property

• font-family: helvetica, arial, sans-serif acceptable values for the font-family property

• background-image: url(“imageFile.jpg")looks for a URL value for image file

• height: 40px, 50% set in pixels or percentage of container height

Declaration block

This is a declaration block containing two declarations

p {

color: red;

font-size: 36px;


CSS example

Break the game into steps

•Start a new game on page load

•Accept user guess

•Give user feedback based on their guess

•Allow user to start a new game

•Hide / show modal if a user clicks for instructions

Start a new game on page load

•Generate a random number between 0 - 100

•Print random number (to make sure it’s working)

•Set “Guess counter” to 0 and display it

Translating into code

Write a function that uses JavaScript’s built-in method to generate a random number and assign it to a variable


• Declaring variable: var firstVariable;

• Assigning value: firstVariable = 6;

• Retrieve value: alert(firstVariable)

Example on JSBin:

Basic functions

A function lets you separate your code into bite-sized pieces which you can use over again.

When you write a function to use later, you are “declaring” it. When you use (or run) that function you are “calling” it.


Declaring a function function doSomething () {alert(“Done!”)


Calling a function doSomething()

The code!

Displaying the guest count

Putting it all together

•Set guessCount to 0

•Display that guessCount

•Run the random number generator

Putting it together: the code

Functions: parameter & return

•We sometimes pass a parameter and return a value. Parameters let us call a function multiple times with different inputs in order to get different outputs.

•return sends back a value to wherever the function was called from

Receiving user input

Checking how the user did

Checking how the user did


•More specific feedback: getting warmer or colder?

•Count number of guesses with each guess

•Output each guess to the guess list

•New game button

More about Thinkful

• Anyone who’s committed can learn to code

• 1-on-1 mentorship is the best way to learn

• Flexibility matters — learn anywhere, anytime

• Thinkful only makes money when you get a job

More about Thinkful

You’ll learn concepts, practice with drills, and build capstone projects for your own portfolio — all guided by a personal mentor

Our mentors

Mentors have, on average, 10+ years of experience

Our results

Job Titles after GraduationMonths until Employed

Try us out!

Try the program for two weeks, includes six mentor sessions - $50

Learn HTML/CSS/JavaScript

Option to continue onto web development bootcamp

Come talk to me if you’re interested (or email me at

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