Budapesta, Buda

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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YOU CAN WATCH THIS PRESENTATION IN MUSIC HERE (You have a link on the first slide): Thank you! Cited as one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, its extensive World Heritage Site includes the banks of the Danube, the Buda Castle Quarter, Andrássy Avenue, Heroes' Square and the Millennium Underground Railway, the second oldest in the world. Buda is the western part of the Hungarian capital Budapest on the west bank of the Danube. The name Buda takes its name from the name of Bleda the Hun ruler, whose name is also Buda in Hungarian. The Roman name for Buda was Aquincum ("aqua" means "water" in Latin.) Buda comprises about one-third of Budapest's complete territory and is mostly wooded and hilly. It is usually associated with a higher standard of living, although this depends on the area. Notable landmarks include the Buda Castle and the Citadella

Transcript of Budapesta, Buda

Hotel Hilton

On the western side of Hess Andras ter stands the Budapest Hilton. Although Bala Pintar's mid-70s building is now showing its age, the design is set apart from others in the city thanks to the incorporation of a 13th-century Dominican church (and the wall of a 17th-century Jesuit college) into the hotel's main core. The Dominican courtyard, which sits between the two main wings, is occasionally used as for open-air operas during the summer.

Construit în anul 1976, Hotelul Hilton a înglobat într-un mod ingenios ruinele fostei Mănăstiri Dominicane din secolul XIII

Palatul Erdody, Tancsics utca

În memoria lui Kazinczy Ferencz

Biserica Evanghelică

The Church of Maria Magdalena was built in the 13th century as the first parish church of Buda. The recapture in 1686 and the Second World War damaged the church. In the 90s of last century it was decided to keep only the tower from the 15th century and to change the ruined part into a ruin garden, which you see in front of the tower. The five floors of the tower can be visited, but be careful as the 171 stairs are partly free in the tower. This church was in the first time of the Turkish government not changed into a mosque, but this was changed in 1596 and later the church was also renamed. Later the church was used to crest the kings.

Din Biserica Maria Magdalena, construită în secolele XIII-XV, a mai rămas doar turnul, iar pe locul navei bisericii de odinioară „curtea ruinelor” stă mărturie...

Uri utca, statuia lui Andras Hadik

Fotografii: Marta Slăvescu

Prezentare: Sanda Foiş

Muzică: ♦ Johann Strauss jr - Ceardaş – Liliacul

♦ Attila Vadasz jr and his band – Brahms Rhapsodie

♦ Johannes Brahms – Dans maghiar nr 1