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Transcript of BTU SFL WORD LISTS – A2 SFL A2 LEVEL WORDS.pdf ·...


1) a determiner AMOUNTS A2

2) a determiner AN ACTION A2

3) a determiner TWO NOUNS A2

4) a determiner UNIT A2

5) a determiner WITH FRACTION A2

6) a determiner PERIOD OF TIME A2

7) be able to do sth A2 8) How/What about? A2

9) above adverb, preposition MORE A2

10) accident noun BAD EVENT A2 11) across adverb, preposition A2 12) across preposition A2 13) activity noun EVENT A2 14) actor noun A2 15) actually adverb TRUTH A2 16) add verb PUT WITH A2

17) add verb CALCULATE A2 18) adjective noun A2 19) adult adjective FOR ADULTS A2 20) advanced adjective HIGHER LEVEL A2 21) adventure noun A2 22) adverb noun A2 23) advertisement noun A2

24) advice noun A2 25) I'm afraid... A2

26) afraid adjective FEAR A2 27) after preposition PAST A PLACE A2 28) after preposition ORDER A2 29) after adverb A2 30) afterward adverb A2

31) again adverb AS BEFORE A2 32) against preposition COMPETING A2

33) against preposition TOUCHING A2 34) aged adjective A2 35) ago adverb A2 36) agree verb SAME OPINION A2

37) air noun AIRCRAFT A2 38) air noun GAS A2 39) airplane noun A2 40) airport noun A2

41) alarm clock noun A2

42) album noun BOOK A2

43) alcohol noun A2 44) all determiner, pronoun WHOLE AMOUNT A2

45) all sorts of sth A2 46) all the best A2 47) all the time A2

48) all adverb COMPLETELY A2

49) all over A2 50) all right adjective, adverb WELL A2

51) that's all right A2 52) all right adjective, adverb PERMISSION A2

53) almost adverb A2

54) alone adjective, adverb WITHOUT PEOPLE A2

55) along preposition DIRECTION A2 56) already adverb BEFORE NOW A2


57) always adverb UNTIL NOW A2

58) always adverb FOREVER A2

59) amazing adjective GOOD A2

60) and conjunction AFTER VERB A2 61) angry adjective A2 62) another determiner, pronoun ADDITIONAL A2

63) another determiner, pronoun DIFFERENT A2

64) answer noun TEST A2

65) answer noun DOOR/TELEPHONE A2

66) answer verb DOOR/PHONE A2

67) anybody pronoun IN QUESTIONS/NEGATIVES A2 68) anymore adverb A2

69) anyone pronoun IN QUESTIONS/NEGATIVES A2 70) anyway adverb DESPITE A2

71) anyway adverb CHANGE SUBJECT A2

72) anywhere adverb ANY PLACE A2

73) anywhere adverb IN QUESTIONS/NEGATIVES A2

74) apartment noun A2

75) apartment building noun A2

76) appointment noun A2

77) area noun REGION A2 78) armchair noun A2

79) around preposition IN A CIRCLE/CIRCULAR MOVEMENT A2

80) around preposition TO OR IN A PLACE A2 81) around preposition APPROXIMATELY A2

82) around adverb TO/IN A PLACE A2 83) arrive verb REACH A PLACE A2 84) art noun PAINTINGS/DRAWINGS, ETC. A2

85) artist noun A2 86) as well as A2

87) as adverb; preposition LIKE A2 88) as ... as A2 89) as much/quickly/soon, etc. as possible A2

90) as usual A2 91) as conjunction BECAUSE A2 92) ask verb INVITE A2 93) at preposition CAUSE A2 94) at least A2 95) attractive adjective BEAUTIFUL A2 96) aunt noun A2 97) available adjective ABLE TO GET A2 98) available adjective NOT BUSY A2 99) average adjective USUAL A2 100) away adverb SOMEWHERE ELSE A2

101) away adverb DISTANCE FROM A2

102) awesome adjective GOOD A2

103) awful adjective BAD A2

104) baby noun ANIMAL A2

105) back adverb REPLY A2

106) the back A2

107) back noun BODY A2

108) back adjective AT BACK A2

109) backpack noun A2

110) bad adjective LOW QUALITY A2

111) not (too) bad A2

112) be bad for sb/sth A2


113) badly adverb LOW QUALITY A2

114) badly adverb VERY MUCH A2

115) badly adverb VERY SERIOUSLY A2

116) badminton noun A2

117) bake verb A2

118) balloon noun A2

119) bandage noun A2

120) banking noun MONEY MANAGEMENT A2

121) bar noun DRINKING PLACE A2

122) barbecue noun PARTY A2

123) barbecue noun EQUIPMENT A2

124) bathing suit noun A2

125) go to the bathroom A2

126) battery noun A2

127) have/has been to A2

128) be auxiliary verb CONTINUE A2

129) be auxiliary verb PASSIVE A2

130) bear noun A2

131) become available/rich/a writer, etc. A2

132) before preposition PLACE A2

133) before conjunction EARLIER A2

134) before adverb A2

135) begin verb START TO DO A2

136) beginner noun A2

137) beginning noun A2

138) believe verb TRUE A2

139) believe verb THINK A2

140) belong to sb A2

141) belt noun CLOTHING A2

142) best wishes A2

143) better adverb WELL A2

144) I/you/he, etc. had better do sth A2

145) between preposition AMOUNT A2

146) between preposition CONNECT A2

147) between preposition SEPARATE A2

148) bicycle noun A2

149) your big brother/sister A2

150) big adjective IMPORTANT A2

151) bill noun A2

152) biology noun A2

153) birth noun BABY A2

154) a bit A2

155) black adjective PEOPLE A2

156) black noun A2

157) blackboard noun A2

158) blanket noun FOR BED A2

159) block noun DISTANCE A2

160) block noun AREA A2

161) blond adjective A2

162) blood noun RED LIQUID A2

163) blue noun A2

164) board noun INFORMATION A2

165) board noun GAMES A2

166) board game noun A2

167) body noun DEAD A2

168) bookshelf noun A2


169) be born A2

170) borrow verb GET A2

171) boss noun A2

172) bother verb ANNOY A2

173) bottle noun A2

174) bottom noun FLAT SURFACE A2

175) bowl noun A2

176) box noun SQUARE SPACE A2

177) boyfriend noun A2

178) bracelet noun A2

179) brain noun BODY PART A2

180) break verb SEPARATE A2

181) break your arm/leg, etc. A2

182) break verb NOT WORK A2

183) break noun STOP A2

184) bridge noun STRUCTURE A2

185) bright adjective COLOR A2

186) bring verb TAKE WITH YOU A2

187) bring back sth or bring sth back A2

188) broken adjective DAMAGED A2

189) a broken arm/leg, etc. A2

190) broken adjective NOT WORKING A2

191) brown noun A2

192) brush noun A2

193) brush verb CLEAN/ARRANGE A2

194) build verb A2

195) building noun A2

196) burger noun A2

197) business noun ORGANIZATION A2

198) businessman noun A2

199) businesswoman noun A2

200) bus station noun A2

201) bus stop noun A2

202) busy adjective TIME A2

203) by preposition DO A2

204) by preposition HOW A2

205) by preposition NOT LATER THAN A2

206) by the way A2

207) cabinet noun A2

208) cafeteria noun A2

209) calendar noun DAYS A2

210) call verb TELEPHONE A2

211) call back (sb) or call (sb) back A2

212) call noun TELEPHONE A2

213) camp verb A2

214) camping noun A2

215) can noun A2

216) can modal verb PERMISSION A2

217) candy noun A2

218) cap noun A2

219) capital noun A2

220) capital letter noun A2

221) card noun GREETINGS A2

222) card noun GAME A2

223) Take care! A2

224) careful adjective A2


225) carefully adverb A2

226) carpet noun A2

227) carrot noun VEGETABLE A2

228) cartoon noun FILM A2

229) cartoon noun DRAWING A2

230) case noun CONTAINER A2

231) cash noun NOTES/COINS A2

232) castle noun A2

233) catch verb ILLNESS A2

234) cathedral noun A2

235) ceiling noun ROOM A2

236) cent noun A2

237) center noun MIDDLE A2

238) center noun PLACE A2

239) centimeter noun A2

240) century noun A2

241) cereal noun BREAKFAST FOOD A2

242) certainly adverb NO DOUBT A2

243) certainly adverb AGREE A2

244) chain noun METAL RINGS A2

245) champagne noun A2

246) change verb DIFFERENT A2

247) change verb CLOTHES A2

248) change verb JOURNEY A2

249) change verb MONEY A2

250) change noun DIFFERENCE A2

251) change noun SOMETHING NEW A2

252) a change of clothes A2

253) channel noun TV A2

254) chat verb TALK A2

255) chat verb COMMUNICATE ONLINE A2

256) chat noun A2

257) check verb EXAMINE A2

258) check noun MONEY A2

259) check noun MARK A2

260) check noun REQUEST FOR PAYMENT A2

261) chef noun A2

262) chemistry noun A2

263) chess noun A2

264) chicken noun BIRD A2

265) chicken noun MEAT A2

266) hot chocolate A2

267) church noun A2

268) cigarette noun A2

269) circle noun SHAPE A2

270) class noun STANDARD A2

271) classical music A2

272) classmate noun A2

273) cleaner noun PERSON A2

274) clear adjective EASY TO UNDERSTAND A2

275) clear adjective TRANSPARENT A2

276) clearly adverb EASY A2

277) clearly adverb NOT CONFUSED A2

278) click verb COMPUTER A2

279) click noun A2

280) climb verb PERSON A2


281) climbing noun A2

282) close verb PUBLIC PLACE A2

283) close adjective FRIENDLY A2

284) closet noun A2

285) cloud noun WATER A2

286) cloudy adjective A2

287) clown noun A2

288) club noun GROUP A2

289) cola noun A2

290) cold noun ILLNESS A2

291) colleague noun A2

292) collect verb KEEP A2

293) college noun A2

294) comb noun A2

295) come verb BE AVAILABLE A2

296) come back A2

297) come in ENTER A2

298) comfortable adjective CLOTHES/FURNITURE A2

299) comic noun A2

300) company noun BUSINESS A2

301) comparative noun A2

302) competition noun EVENT A2

303) complete verb MAKE WHOLE A2

304) complete verb WRITE A2

305) complete verb FINISH A2

306) concert noun A2

307) congratulations exclamation A2

308) contact noun PERSON A2

309) contact verb A2

310) cook noun A2

311) cookie noun FOOD A2

312) cooking noun A2

313) cool exclamation A2

314) cool adjective GOOD A2

315) copy verb PRODUCE A2

316) corner noun A2

317) correct adjective ACCURATE A2

318) cost noun MONEY A2

319) cost verb MONEY A2

320) couch noun A2

321) could modal verb PAST ABILITY A2

322) could modal verb REQUEST A2

323) the country A2

324) course noun MEAL A2

325) of course not A2

326) cousin noun A2

327) cover verb PUT A2

328) crazy adjective STUPID A2

329) be crazy about sb/sth A2

330) cream noun FOOD A2

331) cream noun COLOR A2

332) cream adjective A2

333) cricket noun SPORT A2

334) cross verb OTHER SIDE A2

335) crowd noun A2

336) crowded adjective A2


337) cry verb PRODUCE TEARS A2

338) curry noun A2

339) curtain noun A2

340) customer noun A2

341) cut verb USE KNIFE A2

342) cycling noun A2

343) daily adjective EVERY DAY A2

344) daily adverb A2

345) dance noun OCCASION A2

346) dance noun ACTIVITY A2

347) dancer noun A2

348) danger noun POSSIBILITY OF HARM A2

349) dangerous adjective A2

350) dark adjective NO LIGHT A2

351) day noun LIGHT HOURS A2

352) day noun WORK HOURS A2

353) these days A2

354) one day A2

355) dead adjective NOT ALIVE A2

356) Oh dear! A2

357) decide verb CHOOSE A2

358) deck noun CARDS A2

359) deep adjective TOP TO BOTTOM A2

360) degree noun TEMPERATURE A2

361) delay verb MAKE HAPPEN LATER A2

362) delay noun LONG WAIT A2

363) dentist noun A2

364) department noun A2

365) department store noun A2

366) describe verb A2

367) desert noun A2

368) dessert noun A2

369) details A2

370) diary noun A2

371) difference noun WAY A2

372) digital adjective SYSTEM A2

373) digital camera noun A2

374) dinosaur noun A2

375) diploma noun A2

376) directions noun A2

377) dirty adjective A2

378) disco noun A2

379) discount noun A2

380) discuss verb A2

381) dish noun CONTAINER A2

382) dish noun FOOD A2

383) the dishes A2

384) don't you?/do you?/doesn't she?/does she?, etc. A2

385) Do you mind ...? A2

386) do verb MAKE A2

387) do verb HEALTHY/HAPPY A2

388) do verb SPORT, ETC. A2

389) document noun OFFICIAL INFORMATION A2

390) double adjective A2

391) down adverb LOWER POSITION A2

392) down preposition LOWER POSITION A2


393) down preposition ALONG A2

394) download verb A2

395) downstairs adverb A2

396) downtown adverb A2

397) Dr. noun A2

398) drawer noun A2

399) drawing noun A2

400) dream noun SLEEP A2

401) dream verb SLEEP A2

402) dress verb PUT ON CLOTHES A2

403) dressed adjective WEARING CLOTHES A2

404) dresser noun A2

405) drink noun ALCOHOL A2

406) drink verb ALCOHOL A2

407) driver noun A2

408) driver's license noun A2

409) drum noun A2

410) dry adjective NOT WET A2

411) dry adjective NO RAIN A2

412) dry verb A2

413) duck noun A2

414) during preposition THROUGH A2

415) during preposition AT SOME TIME IN A2

416) each other A2

417) early adverb BEFORE A2

418) early adjective BEGINNING A2

419) earn verb RECEIVE A2

420) earring noun A2

421) easily adverb NO DIFFICULTY A2

422) east noun DIRECTION A2

423) the east A2

424) east adjective A2

425) east adverb A2

426) eighth ordinal number A2

427) eighty NUMBER A2

428) electric adjective EQUIPMENT A2

429) electricity noun A2

430) elephant noun A2

431) elevator noun A2

432) else adverb IN ADDITION A2

433) else adverb DIFFERENT A2

434) else adverb OTHER A2

435) e-mail verb A2

436) empty adjective NOTHING INSIDE A2

437) end noun FARTHEST PART A2

438) end verb A2

439) engine noun A2

440) engineer noun A2

441) enjoy yourself A2

442) enough determiner, pronoun NECESSARY AMOUNT A2

443) enough adverb NECESSARY AMOUNT A2

444) enter verb PLACE A2

445) entrance noun DOOR A2

446) envelope noun A2

447) especially adverb A2

448) euro noun A2


449) even adverb SURPRISE A2

450) ever adverb AT ANY TIME A2

451) everybody pronoun A2

452) everyone pronoun A2

453) everything pronoun A2

454) everywhere adverb A2

455) exactly adverb COMPLETELY CORRECT A2

456) exam noun A2

457) examination noun TEST A2

458) excellent adjective A2

459) except preposition, conjunction NOT INCLUDING A2

460) Excuse me A2

461) exercise noun PHYSICAL ACTIVITY A2

462) exercise noun PRACTICE A2

463) exit noun WAY OUT A2

464) exit noun ROAD A2

465) explain verb A2

466) extra adjective A2

467) fact noun TRUE THING A2

468) fail verb EXAM A2

469) fair adjective HAIR/SKIN A2

470) fall verb MOVE DOWN A2

471) fall noun TIME OF YEAR A2

472) fan noun PERSON A2

473) fantastic adjective A2

474) far adverb DISTANCE A2

475) farmer noun A2

476) fashion noun POPULAR STYLE A2

477) fast adverb QUICKLY A2

478) fast food noun A2

479) a few A2

480) field noun LAND A2

481) fifth ordinal number A2

482) fifty number A2

483) file noun COMPUTER A2

484) file noun INFORMATION A2

485) fill verb MAKE FULL A2

486) fill in/out sth or fill sth in/out A2

487) final adjective LAST A2

488) finally adverb AFTER A LONG TIME A2


490) find out (sth) or find (sth) out A2

491) fine adjective GOOD ENOUGH A2

492) finger noun ON HAND A2

493) fire noun FLAMES A2

494) first adjective IMPORTANT A2

495) first (of all) or first off A2

496) first name noun A2

497) fishing noun A2

498) fit adjective A2

499) flight noun JOURNEY A2

500) floor noun BUILDING A2

501) fly verb MOVE THROUGH AIR A2

502) fog noun A2

503) foggy adjective A2

504) folder noun FOR PAPERS A2


505) follow verb GO A2

506) follow a street/road/path, etc. A2

507) on foot A2

508) football noun GAME A2

509) football noun SOCCER A2

510) for preposition PURPOSE A2

511) for preposition GET A2

512) for preposition PAYMENT A2

513) for preposition OCCASION A2

514) for preposition AT A TIME A2

515) for preposition BECAUSE OF A2

516) for preposition MEANING A2

517) for preposition TOWARD A2

518) for sale A2

519) foreign adjective OF ANOTHER COUNTRY A2

520) forest noun A2

521) forget verb NOT BRING A2

522) fork noun A2

523) form noun DOCUMENT A2

524) forty number NUMBER A2

525) fourth ordinal number A2

526) free adjective NOT BUSY A2

527) free adjective NO COST A2

528) free adverb NO COST A2

529) fresh adjective NOT OLD A2

530) fried adjective A2

531) friend noun INTERNET A2

532) friendly adjective A2

533) from preposition MATERIAL A2

534) the front A2

535) in front of sth/sb A2

536) full adjective NO MORE POSSIBLE A2

537) full adjective COMPLETE A2

538) full adjective A LOT A2

539) fun adjective A2

540) furniture noun A2

541) further adjective A2

542) the future A2

543) game noun OCCASION A2

544) garage noun BUILDING A2

545) garlic noun A2

546) gas noun LIQUID FUEL A2

547) gas station noun A2

548) gate noun STRUCTURE A2

549) geography noun A2

550) get verb BRING A2

551) get married A2

552) get along A2

553) get back A2

554) get off (sth) A2

555) get on (sth) A2

556) gift noun THING GIVEN A2

557) girlfriend noun PARTNER A2

558) girlfriend noun FRIEND A2

559) give verb PUT NEAR A2

560) give sb a call/ring A2


561) give verb TELL A2

562) give a party A2

563) give back sth or give sth back A2

564) glad adjective HAPPY A2

565) glove noun A2

566) go running/swimming, etc. A2

567) be going to do/be sth A2

568) be going to do sth A2

569) go in A2

570) goal noun POINT A2

571) goal noun AREA A2

572) God A2

573) gold noun A2

574) gold adjective METAL A2

575) gold adjective COLOR A2

576) golden adjective METAL A2

577) golden adjective COLOR A2

578) golf noun A2

579) good adjective SUITABLE A2

580) good adjective BEHAVIOR A2

581) good-looking adjective A2

582) grade noun SCHOOL A2

583) graduate noun A2

584) gram noun A2

585) grammar noun A2

586) grandchild noun A2

587) granddad noun A2

588) granddaughter noun A2

589) grandfather noun A2

590) grandma noun A2

591) grandmother noun A2

592) grandpa noun A2

593) grandparent noun A2

594) grandson noun A2

595) granny noun A2

596) grape noun A2

597) gray noun A2

598) great adjective LARGE A2

599) green noun A2

600) grilled adjective A2

601) grocery store noun A2

602) grow verb DEVELOP A2

603) grow verb PLANT A2

604) grow up A2

605) Guess what? A2

606) guess verb ANSWER/OPINION A2

607) guest noun VISITOR A2

608) guest noun HOTEL A2

609) guide noun PERSON A2

610) guidebook noun A2

611) guy noun A2

612) gym noun BUILDING A2

613) gym noun CLASS A2

614) half noun, pronoun, determiner PART A2

615) half-price adjective A2

616) half price adverb A2


617) hall noun BUILDING A2

618) hall noun ENTRANCE A2

619) ham noun A2

620) handball noun A2

621) happen verb HAVE EXISTENCE A2

622) happen verb RESULT A2

623) happy to do sth A2

624) happy adjective SATISFIED A2

625) hard adjective SOLID A2

626) hate verb A2

627) have auxiliary verb A2

628) have (got) to do sth A2

629) have (got) to do sth A2

630) have verb BABY A2

631) have fun/a good time/a problem, etc. A2

632) have a talk/meeting/appointment, etc. A2

633) headache noun A2

634) health noun A2

635) healthy adjective WELL A2

636) healthy adjective GOOD A2

637) hear verb LISTEN A2

638) heart noun ORGAN A2

639) heat noun A2

640) heavy adjective WEIGHING A LOT A2

641) heavy adjective HOW MUCH A2

642) helicopter noun A2

643) help verb PROVIDE WHAT IS NEEDED A2

644) help noun WHEN SOMEONE HELPS A2

645) Help! A2

646) here adverb GIVING A2

647) here you are/here it is, etc. A2

648) hers pronoun A2

649) herself pronoun REFLEXIVE A2

650) (by) herself A2

651) hey exclamation A2

652) high adjective TALL A2

653) high school noun A2

654) highway noun A2

655) hiking noun A2

656) hill noun A2

657) himself pronoun REFLEXIVE A2

658) (by) himself A2

659) hip-hop noun A2

660) his pronoun A2

661) history noun PAST A2

662) history noun SUBJECT A2

663) hit verb WITH HAND/OBJECT A2

664) hobby noun A2

665) hockey noun A2

666) hold verb IN HAND A2

667) home adverb TO PLACE A2

668) honey noun A2

669) hope verb WANT TO HAPPEN A2

670) horrible adjective A2

671) housewife noun A2

672) How about...? A2


673) how adverb WAY A2

674) how adverb HEALTH A2

675) How do you do? A2

676) however adverb DESPITE THIS A2

677) hundred number A2

678) hurry verb A2

679) hurt verb CAUSE PAIN A2

680) hurt verb BE PAINFUL A2

681) ice noun A2

682) ice hockey noun A2

683) ID noun A2

684) ID card noun A2

685) idea noun SUGGESTION A2

686) identification noun DOCUMENT A2

687) if conjunction DEPENDING A2

688) if not A2

689) if you like A2

690) immediately adverb NOW A2

691) improve verb A2

692) in preposition USING TIME A2

693) in preposition PART OF A2

694) in front of sb/sth A2

695) in adverb INTO A SPACE A2

696) include verb A2

697) including preposition A2

698) indoor adjective A2

699) information noun A2

700) insect noun A2

701) inside adverb CONTAINER A2

702) instead adverb A2

703) instructions A2

704) instrument noun MUSIC A2

705) interested adjective A2

706) international adjective A2

707) into preposition CHANGE A2

708) invitation noun SOCIAL A2

709) island noun A2

710) IT noun A2

711) it pronoun TIME/WEATHER A2

712) itself pronoun REFLEXIVE A2

713) jam noun SWEET FOOD A2

714) jazz noun A2

715) jelly noun A2

716) jewelry noun A2

717) job noun PIECE OF WORK A2

718) join verb BECOME A MEMBER A2

719) join verb DO TOGETHER A2

720) jump verb INTO AIR A2

721) jump verb GO OVER A2

722) just adverb RECENTLY A2

723) just adverb ALMOST NOW A2

724) keep verb HAVE A2

725) keep sth in/on, etc. A2

726) keep verb STAY A2

727) key noun ANSWERS A2

728) keyboard noun COMPUTER A2


729) keyboard noun MUSICAL INSTRUMENT A2

730) kick noun HIT A2

731) kid noun A2

732) kill verb A2

733) sb will kill sb A2

734) kilo noun A2

735) kilogram noun A2

736) kilometer noun A2

737) all kinds of sth A2

738) kind adjective A2

739) king noun RULER A2

740) kiss verb A2

741) kiss noun A2

742) kite noun A2

743) know verb BE ABLE A2

744) know verb BE CERTAIN A2

745) let sb know A2

746) lake noun A2

747) lamp noun A2

748) laptop noun A2

749) large adjective A2

750) last adjective, determiner MOST RECENT A2

751) last adjective, determiner ONE BEFORE PRESENT A2

752) last adjective, determiner FINAL A2

753) last name noun A2

754) late adverb AFTER A2

755) later adverb IN THE FUTURE A2

756) latest adjective A2

757) laugh verb A2

758) lazy adjective PERSON A2

759) leather noun A2

760) leave verb FORGET A2

761) leave verb PUT A2

762) leave verb FOR SOMEONE A2

763) leave verb NOT USE ALL A2

764) left adjective A2

765) left adverb A2

766) left noun LEFT SIDE A2

767) left-hand adjective A2

768) lemon noun A2

769) lemonade noun A2

770) lend verb GIVE A2

771) less adverb A2

772) less determiner A2

773) less pronoun A2

774) let's A2

775) let sb know (sth) A2

776) letter noun SYMBOL A2

777) level noun ABILITY A2

778) library noun A2

779) license noun A2

780) lie verb BODY A2

781) lie down A2

782) lift noun A2

783) light noun EQUIPMENT A2

784) light adjective NOT HEAVY A2


785) like preposition SIMILAR A2

786) What is sb/sth like? A2

787) line noun LONG MARK A2

788) lion noun A2

789) list noun A2

790) liter noun A2

791) a little bit A2

792) long adjective MANY WORDS A2

793) long adverb TIME A2

794) look nice/strange, etc. A2

795) look after sb/sth A2

796) lose verb NOT FIND A2

797) lost adjective PERSON A2

798) loud adjective A2

799) would love sth/to do sth A2

800) would love to (do sth) A2

801) love/(with) love/all my love/lots of love A2

802) low adjective AMOUNT/LEVEL A2

803) luck noun CHANCE A2

804) lucky adjective A2

805) luggage noun A2

806) lunchtime noun A2

807) machine noun A2

808) mad adjective ANGRY A2

809) magazine noun A2

810) magic noun SPECIAL POWERS A2

811) magic noun ENTERTAINMENT A2

812) magic adjective ENTERTAINMENT A2

813) mail noun LETTERS A2

814) mail noun SYSTEM A2

815) mail noun E-MAIL A2

816) main course noun A2

817) be made from/(out) of sth A2

818) make verb PERFORM A2

819) make sure A2

820) makeup noun A2

821) manager noun A2

822) mango noun A2

823) map noun A2

824) mark noun SCORE A2

825) market noun PLACE A2

826) married adjective WITH WIFE/HUSBAND A2

827) match noun COMPETITION A2

828) math noun A2

829) the matter A2

830) matter verb A2

831) may modal verb POSSIBLY HAPPEN A2

832) maybe adverb POSSIBLY A2

833) maybe adverb SUGGEST A2

834) mean verb MEANING A2

835) I mean A2

836) mechanic noun A2

837) medicine noun SUBSTANCE A2

838) pleased to meet you A2

839) meeting noun A2

840) melon noun A2


841) member noun A2

842) memory noun COMPUTING A2

843) menu noun FOOD A2

844) menu noun COMPUTING A2

845) meter noun A2

846) the middle A2

847) midnight noun A2

848) might modal verb POSSIBLY HAPPEN A2

849) million number A2

850) I don't mind A2

851) never mind A2

852) mine pronoun A2

853) mineral water noun A2

854) minus preposition A2

855) minute noun SHORT TIME A2

856) mirror noun A2

857) miss verb NOT GO A2

858) miss verb FEEL SAD A2

859) miss verb TOO LATE A2

860) missing adjective LOST A2

861) mistake noun WRONG ACTION A2


863) model noun DESIGN A2

864) model noun COPY A2

865) modern adjective NEW A2

866) at the moment A2

867) moment noun SHORT TIME A2

868) monkey noun A2

869) the moon A2

870) any more A2

871) mosque noun A2

872) (the) most attractive/important/popular, etc. A2

873) most adverb MORE A2

874) most pronoun ALMOST ALL A2

875) most determiner ALMOST ALL A2

876) motorcycle noun A2

877) mountain noun A2

878) mouse noun COMPUTER A2

879) mouse noun ANIMAL A2

880) move verb CHANGE POSITION A2

881) MP3 player noun A2

882) Ms. noun A2

883) much determiner, pronoun NEGATIVE A2

884) too much/so much A2

885) mug noun A2

886) mushroom noun A2

887) musical adjective RELATED TO MUSIC A2

888) must modal verb NECESSARY A2

889) myself pronoun REFLEXIVE A2

890) (by) myself A2

891) national adjective A2

892) nature noun LIFE A2

893) nearly adverb ALMOST A2

894) neck noun PART OF BODY A2

895) necklace noun A2

896) don't need to do sth/needn't do sth A2


897) negative adjective GRAMMAR A2

898) neighbor noun LIVING NEAR A2

899) the net A2

900) news noun INFORMATION A2

901) newspaper noun PAPER A2

902) next adjective AFTER A2

903) next adjective NEAR A2

904) next adverb A2

905) next to preposition A2

906) ninety number A2

907) ninth ordinal number A2

908) no adverb AGREE A2

909) no thanks A2

910) Oh no! A2

911) no determiner SIGNS A2

912) No problem. A2

913) nobody pronoun A2

914) noisy adjective A2

915) noon noun A2

916) no one pronoun A2

917) normal adjective A2

918) north noun DIRECTION A2

919) the north A2

920) north adjective A2

921) north adverb A2

922) not adverb AFTER HOPE/SUSPECT, ETC. A2

923) or not A2

924) not too A2

925) not bad A2

926) notes A2

927) notebook noun A2

928) nothing pronoun NOT ANYTHING A2

929) notice noun SIGN A2

930) noun noun A2

931) now adverb IMMEDIATELY A2

932) just now A2

933) nurse noun A2

934) occupation noun JOB A2

935) ocean noun A2

936) of preposition POSITION A2

937) of preposition SHOW A2

938) of preposition COMPARING A2

939) off adverb NOT AT WORK A2

940) off adverb REMOVED A2

941) off adverb NOT OPERATING A2

942) offer verb SAY YOU WILL DO A2

943) offer noun SAYING YOU WILL DO/GIVE A2

944) office noun PLACE A2

945) office noun MEDICAL A2

946) office noun INFORMATION A2

947) oil noun FOR COOKING A2

948) OK exclamation UNDERSTAND A2

949) OK exclamation ACTION A2

950) OK adjective GOOD A2

951) OK adjective ALLOWED A2

952) OK adverb A2


953) old adjective FROM THE PAST A2

954) old friend A2

955) omelet noun A2

956) on preposition DIRECTIONS A2

957) on preposition TRAVEL A2

958) on preposition PLACE A2

959) on preposition RECORDING A2

960) on preposition TIME/MONEY A2

961) on sale A2

962) on adverb WEAR A2

963) once adverb ONE TIME A2


965) one determiner PARTICULAR PERSON/THING A2

966) onion noun A2

967) online adjective A2

968) online adverb A2

969) only adverb NO ONE/NOTHING ELSE A2

970) open adjective NOT CLOSED A2

971) open verb CONTAINER/PACKAGE, ETC. A2

972) open verb STORE, ETC. A2

973) opera noun A2

974) opposite preposition A2

975) or conjunction NOT EITHER A2

976) orange noun COLOR A2

977) order noun REQUEST A2

978) order verb REQUEST A2

979) other determiner PART OF SET A2

980) other pronoun BELONGING TO GROUP A2

981) ours pronoun A2

982) ourselves pronoun REFLEXIVE A2

983) (by) ourselves A2

984) out adverb SOCIAL ACTIVITY A2

985) out adverb NOT THERE A2

986) out of preposition NO LONGER IN PLACE A2

987) outside adverb NEAR A2

988) outside preposition A2

989) over preposition MORE THAN A2

990) over preposition COVERING A2

991) over adverb MORE THAN A2

992) own adjective, pronoun BELONGING A2

993) pack verb A2

994) page noun WEB SITE A2

995) pain noun PHYSICAL A2

996) paint verb COVER SURFACE A2

997) painter noun A2

998) painting noun PICTURE A2

999) painting noun ACTIVITY A2

1000) pair noun TWO THINGS A2

1001) pair noun TWO PARTS A2

1002) pajamas noun A2

1003) pale blue/green/yellow, etc. A2

1004) park verb A2

1005) parking lot noun A2

1006) part of sth A2

1007) partner noun PERSON YOU DO SOMETHING WITH A2

1008) pass verb SUCCEED A2


1009) passenger noun A2

1010) passport noun A2

1011) past preposition, adverb POSITION A2

1012) the past A2

1013) pasta noun A2

1014) path noun TRACK A2

1015) PC noun A2

1016) pear noun A2

1017) pen pal noun A2

1018) pepper noun POWDER A2

1019) per preposition A2

1020) perfect adjective WITHOUT FAULT A2

1021) perfume noun A2

1022) perhaps adverb A2

1023) photograph noun A2

1024) photographer noun A2

1025) photography noun A2

1026) physics noun A2

1027) piano noun A2

1028) pick up sb/sth or pick sb/sth up LIFT A2

1029) pick up sb/sth or pick sb/sth up GET A2

1030) piece noun PART A2

1031) piece noun SINGLE THING A2

1032) pillow noun FOR BED A2

1033) pilot noun A2

1034) pink adjective A2

1035) pink noun A2

1036) a pity A2

1037) place noun HOME A2

1038) plan noun ARRANGEMENT A2

1039) plan to do sth A2

1040) plastic noun A2

1041) plastic adjective A2

1042) platform noun TRAIN A2

1043) play verb MAKE MUSIC A2

1044) play verb RADIO, CD, ETC. A2

1045) play noun ACTING A2

1046) player noun MUSIC A2

1047) player noun MACHINE A2

1048) playground noun A2

1049) pleasant adjective A2

1050) pleased adjective HAPPY A2

1051) plural noun A2

1052) plus preposition A2

1053) pocket noun IN CLOTHING A2

1054) point verb SHOW A2

1055) police noun A2

1056) policeman noun A2

1057) police officer noun A2

1058) police station noun A2

1059) policewoman noun A2

1060) polite adjective A2

1061) pool noun SWIM A2

1062) poor adjective SYMPATHY A2

1063) pop noun A2

1064) popular adjective LIKED A2


1065) possibly adverb NOT CERTAIN A2

1066) postcard noun A2

1067) poster noun A2

1068) post office noun A2

1069) potato chip noun A2

1070) practice noun REPEATING A2

1071) pray verb TO GOD A2

1072) prefer verb CHOOSE A2

1073) prefer verb WANT A2

1074) prepare verb GET READY A2

1075) prepare verb MAKE FOOD A2

1076) present noun SOMETHING GIVEN A2

1077) president noun A2

1078) pretty adjective WOMAN A2

1079) price noun COST A2

1080) principal noun A2

1081) print verb WRITING/IMAGES A2

1082) printer noun A2

1083) prize noun A2

1084) probably adverb A2

1085) program noun TV/RADIO A2

1086) program noun COMPUTER A2

1087) project noun SCHOOL WORK A2

1088) pull verb MOVE TOWARD YOU A2

1089) purple adjective A2

1090) purple noun A2

1091) purse noun A2


1093) put verb WRITE A2

1094) put on sth or put sth on CLOTHES A2

1095) put on sth or put sth on MAKEUP A2

1096) put on sth or put sth on MUSIC/MOVIE A2

1097) puzzle noun A2

1098) quarter noun FOURTH PART A2

1099) queen noun A2

1100) question noun EXAM A2

1101) quick adjective SHORT TIME A2

1102) quickly adverb FAST SPEED A2

1103) quickly adverb SOON A2

1104) quiet adjective NOT NOISY A2

1105) quiet adjective NOT BUSY A2

1106) quite adverb VERY A2

1107) quite a few/a lot A2

1108) quiz noun GAME A2

1109) rabbit noun A2

1110) race noun RUNNING, RIDING, ETC. A2

1111) racket noun SPORT A2

1112) railroad noun A2

1113) raincoat noun A2

1114) rap noun A2

1115) rat noun A2

1116) read verb SAY A2

1117) ready adjective AVAILABLE A2

1118) real adjective NOT IMAGINED A2

1119) real adjective NOT FALSE A2

1120) really adverb EMPHASIZING A2


1121) Really? A2

1122) reason noun WHY A2

1123) receipt noun PIECE OF PAPER A2

1124) receive verb GET A2

1125) receptionist noun A2

1126) record verb STORE SOUND/PICTURES A2

1127) red adjective WINE A2

1128) red adjective HAIR A2

1129) red noun A2

1130) regular adjective USUAL A2

1131) remember to do sth A2

1132) rent noun A2

1133) rent verb PAY TO LIVE IN A2

1134) rent verb PAY TO USE A2

1135) repair verb FIX A2

1136) repeat verb SAY AGAIN A2

1137) report card noun A2

1138) the rest A2

1139) rest noun RELAX A2

1140) restroom noun A2

1141) return verb GO BACK A2

1142) return verb PUT BACK A2

1143) rich adjective MONEY A2

1144) ride verb TRAVEL A2

1145) right adjective DIRECTION A2

1146) right adverb DIRECTION A2

1147) right adverb IN SPEECH A2

1148) right noun DIRECTION A2

1149) right exclamation A2

1150) right-hand adjective A2

1151) ring noun JEWELRY A2

1152) roast verb A2

1153) roast adjective A2

1154) rock noun MUSIC A2

1155) roof noun A2

1156) roommate noun A2

1157) round adjective A2

1158) rugby noun A2

1159) ruler noun FOR MEASURING A2

1160) runner noun A2

1161) running noun SPORT A2

1162) safe adjective NOT DANGEROUS A2

1163) sailing noun A2

1164) salad noun A2

1165) salesperson noun A2

1166) the same A2

1167) sauce noun A2

1168) sausage noun A2

1169) save verb MONEY A2

1170) save verb KEEP A2

1171) save verb COMPUTER A2

1172) scarf noun A2

1173) schedule noun SCHOOL/COLLEGE A2

1174) school noun TIME A2

1175) a dance/language/riding, etc. school A2

1176) schoolchild noun A2


1177) science noun STUDY OF NATURAL THINGS A2

1178) scissors noun A2

1179) scooter noun A2

1180) screen noun A2

1181) sea noun A2

1182) seat noun SIT A2

1183) second noun PART OF MINUTE A2

1184) secretary noun IN OFFICE A2

1185) see verb ON TV, ETC. A2

1186) sell verb FOR MONEY A2

1187) sell verb OFFER A2

1188) sell for/at sth A2

1189) semester noun A2

1190) serve verb PROVIDE FOOD/DRINK A2

1191) set noun GROUP A2

1192) seventh ordinal number A2

1193) seventy number A2

1194) several determiner, pronoun A2

1195) a shame A2

1196) shampoo noun A2

1197) share verb HAVE AT SAME TIME A2

1198) share verb DIVIDE A2

1199) a sheet of paper/glass, etc. A2

1200) shelf noun A2

1201) ship noun A2

1202) shop noun A2

1203) short adjective WORDS A2

1204) shorts noun A2

1205) should modal verb ADVICE A2

1206) shout verb A2

1207) show noun ENTERTAINMENT A2

1208) shut verb CLOSE A2

1209) sick adjective A2

1210) side noun PART A2

1211) side noun SURFACE A2

1212) side noun EDGE A2

1213) sightseeing noun A2

1214) sign noun NOTICE A2

1215) silver noun A2

1216) silver adjective A2

1217) simple adjective EASY A2

1218) since preposition A2

1219) singer noun A2

1220) singing noun A2

1221) single adjective NOT MARRIED A2

1222) single adjective FOR ONE A2

1223) singular adjective A2

1224) singular noun A2

1225) sink noun A2

1226) sit verb MOVE BODY A2

1227) site noun INTERNET A2

1228) sixth ordinal number A2

1229) sixty NUMBER A2

1230) size noun AMOUNT A2

1231) size noun MEASURE A2

1232) skate noun A2


1233) skateboard noun A2

1234) skateboarding noun A2

1235) skating noun A2

1236) skiing noun A2

1237) sky noun A2

1238) slice noun A2

1239) slowly adverb A2

1240) small adjective NOT IMPORTANT A2

1241) snack noun A2

1242) snake noun A2

1243) sneaker noun A2

1244) snow verb WEATHER A2

1245) snowboarding noun A2

1246) so adverb VERY A2

1247) so adverb MENTIONED EARLIER A2

1248) and so on A2

1249) so conjunction REASON A2

1250) so conjunction SENTENCE BEGINNING A2

1251) soap noun FOR WASHING A2

1252) soccer noun A2

1253) sock noun A2

1254) sofa noun A2

1255) soft adjective NOT HARD A2

1256) soft adjective SMOOTH A2

1257) soft drink noun A2

1258) software noun A2

1259) somebody pronoun A2

1260) someone pronoun A2

1261) or something (like that) A2

1262) somewhere adverb PLACE A2

1263) song noun A2

1264) soon adverb AFTER SHORT PERIOD A2

1265) as soon as possible A2

1266) sorry adjective SYMPATHY A2

1267) sort noun TYPE A2

1268) soul noun MUSIC A2

1269) sound noun A2

1270) sound good/interesting/strange, etc. A2

1271) south noun DIRECTION A2

1272) the south A2

1273) south adjective A2

1274) south adverb A2

1275) space noun EMPTY PLACE A2

1276) spare time A2

1277) speaker noun EQUIPMENT A2

1278) special adjective VERY GOOD A2

1279) spell verb A2

1280) spelling noun A2

1281) spend verb TIME A2

1282) spend verb MONEY A2

1283) spoon noun A2

1284) spring noun SEASON A2

1285) square noun SHAPE A2

1286) square noun PLACE A2

1287) square adjective A2

1288) stadium noun A2


1289) staff noun A2

1290) stage noun THEATER A2

1291) stairs noun A2

1292) stamp noun A2

1293) stand verb VERTICAL A2

1294) stand verb RISE A2

1295) star noun PERFORMER A2

1296) star noun OBJECT IN SPACE A2

1297) star noun SHAPE A2

1298) stay verb LIVE A2

1299) steak noun A2

1300) steal verb A2

1301) still adverb CONTINUING A2

1302) stomach noun A2

1303) stomachache noun A2

1304) stop verb BUS/TRAIN A2

1305) stop verb PAUSE A2

1306) storm noun A2

1307) story noun DESCRIPTION A2

1308) stove noun A2

1309) straight adjective NOT CURVING A2

1310) straight adverb LINE A2

1311) strange adjective UNUSUAL A2

1312) strong adjective PHYSICALLY POWERFUL A2

1313) studies A2

1314) such a(n) A2

1315) such as A2

1316) suit noun A2

1317) suitcase noun A2

1318) sunglasses noun A2

1319) sunny adjective A2

1320) superlative noun A2

1321) supper noun A2

1322) I suppose A2

1323) sure adjective CERTAIN A2

1324) make sure (that) A2

1325) sure adverb AGREEMENT A2

1326) surf verb A2

1327) surfing noun A2

1328) surprise noun EVENT A2

1329) surprised adjective A2

1330) sweater noun A2

1331) sweet adjective ATTRACTIVE A2

1332) sweets noun A2

1333) swim noun A2

1334) swimming noun A2

1335) swimsuit noun A2

1336) table tennis noun A2

1337) take verb TRAVEL A2

1338) take verb NEEDS TIME A2

1339) take verb DIRECTIONS A2

1340) take verb HEALTH A2

1341) take an exam A2

1342) take off sth or take sth off REMOVE A2

1343) take off FLY A2

1344) tall adjective HOW HIGH A2


1345) teach verb SHOW HOW TO A2

1346) team noun SPORT A2

1347) teenager noun A2

1348) telephone noun A2

1349) telephone verb A2

1350) tell sb to do sth A2

1351) temperature noun HEAT A2

1352) terrible adjective A2

1353) text noun CELL PHONE A2

1354) text verb A2

1355) textbook noun A2

1356) text message noun A2

1357) than preposition, conjunction WITH MORE/LESS A2

1358) thank verb A2

1359) thank you exclamation ACCEPT/REFUSE A2

1360) that conjunction INTRODUCE PART A2

1361) that pronoun REFERRING BACK A2

1362) that pronoun REFERRING TO SOMETHING A2

1363) the determiner BEFORE SUPERLATIVES, ETC. A2

1364) theater noun A2

1365) theirs pronoun A2

1366) themselves pronoun REFLEXIVE A2

1367) (by) themselves A2

1368) then adverb RESULT A2

1369) there adverb GIVING A2

1370) thin adjective NOT THICK A2

1371) thin adjective NOT FAT A2

1372) thing noun ACTIVITY A2

1373) thing noun FACT A2

1374) think verb CONSIDER DOING A2

1375) third ordinal number A2

1376) thirsty adjective A2

1377) thirty number A2

1378) this pronoun ALREADY MENTIONED A2

1379) this pronoun CAN BE SEEN A2

1380) this pronoun THING HAPPENING A2

1381) thousand number A2

1382) through preposition ONE SIDE TO ANOTHER A2

1383) throw verb IN AIR A2

1384) thunderstorm noun A2

1385) tie noun CLOTHES A2

1386) tights noun A2

1387) till preposition A2

1388) time noun PERIOD A2

1389) time noun MINUTES/DAYS/YEARS A2

1390) time noun OCCASION A2

1391) tire noun A2

1392) to infinitive marker REASON A2

1393) to infinitive marker INSTEAD OF VERB A2

1394) from ... to ... A2

1395) to preposition RECEIVING A2

1396) toast noun BREAD A2

1397) toe noun ON FOOT A2

1398) tonight noun A2

1399) toothache noun A2

1400) toothbrush noun A2


1401) top noun HIGHEST PART A2

1402) tour noun A2

1403) tour guide noun A2

1404) tourist noun A2

1405) towel noun FOR DRYING A2

1406) town noun NEARBY PLACE A2

1407) toy noun A2

1408) traffic noun VEHICLES A2

1409) traffic light noun A2

1410) tram noun A2

1411) trip noun A2

1412) true adjective NOT FALSE A2

1413) try verb ATTEMPT A2

1414) try on sth or try sth on A2

1415) turn verb CHANGE DIRECTION A2

1416) turn off sth or turn sth off A2

1417) turn on sth or turn sth on A2

1418) twice adverb A2

1419) type noun SIMILAR A2

1420) umbrella noun A2

1421) uncle noun A2

1422) under preposition LESS THAN A2

1423) understand verb KNOW WHY/HOW A2

1424) unfortunately adverb A2

1425) unhappy adjective SAD A2

1426) uniform noun A2

1427) unusual adjective A2

1428) up adverb HIGHER POSITION A2

1429) up preposition HIGHER POSITION A2

1430) up the street/road, etc. A2

1431) upset adjective A2

1432) upstairs adverb A2

1433) use noun USING A2

1434) useful adjective A2

1435) usually adverb A2

1436) a variety of sth/sb A2

1437) various adjective A2

1438) verb noun A2

1439) video noun SHORT FILM A2

1440) video noun MAGNETIC STRIP A2

1441) video game noun A2

1442) view noun THINGS YOU SEE A2

1443) violin noun A2

1444) visit verb INTERNET A2

1445) visitor noun A2

1446) vocabulary noun A2

1447) volleyball noun A2

1448) can't wait A2

1449) walk noun TRIP A2

1450) walking noun A2

1451) wallet noun A2

1452) war noun FIGHTING A2

1453) warm adjective CLOTHES A2

1454) washing machine noun A2

1455) wastebasket noun A2

1456) water noun OCEAN/LAKE A2


1457) way noun METHOD A2

1458) way noun ROUTE A2

1459) the Web A2

1460) Web page noun A2

1461) weekday noun A2

1462) weekly adjective, adverb A2

1463) welcome exclamation A2

1464) you're welcome A2

1465) well adverb TO A GREAT DEGREE A2

1466) well-known adjective A2

1467) west noun DIRECTION A2

1468) the west A2

1469) west adjective A2

1470) west adverb A2

1471) wet adjective WATER A2

1472) wet adjective WEATHER A2

1473) What about ...? A2

1474) wheel noun ON VEHICLE A2

1475) when conjunction AT WHAT TIME A2

1476) where conjunction POSITION A2

1477) which pronoun CHOICE A2

1478) which pronoun REFERRING TO SOMETHING A2

1479) while conjunction DURING A2

1480) white adjective WINE A2

1481) white noun A2

1482) who pronoun REFERRING TO SOMEONE A2

1483) whole adjective A2

1484) why don't you?/ why not do sth? A2

1485) wide adjective DISTANCE A2

1486) wild adjective ANIMAL A2

1487) will modal verb FUTURE A2

1488) will modal verb ASK A2

1489) will modal verb IF A2

1490) win verb COMPETITION A2

1491) win verb PRIZE A2

1492) windy adjective A2

1493) winner noun A2

1494) with preposition USING A2

1495) without preposition NOT HAVING A2

1496) without sb A2

1497) wonderful adjective A2

1498) wood noun MATERIAL A2

1499) wooden adjective A2

1500) woods noun GROUP OF TREES A2

1501) wool noun A2

1502) work noun ACTIVITY A2

1503) work verb OPERATE A2

1504) workbook noun A2

1505) worker noun IN COMPANY A2

1506) your world A2

1507) worried adjective A2

1508) worry verb FEEL ANXIOUS A2

1509) worse adjective MORE UNPLEASANT A2

1510) worst adjective A2

1511) would love sth A2

1512) wow exclamation A2


1513) write verb COMMUNICATE A2

1514) writing noun TEXT A2

1515) be wrong A2

1516) wrong adverb NOT CORRECT A2

1517) yard noun AREA A2

1518) yeah exclamation A2

1519) year noun PERIOD OF STUDY A2

1520) yellow noun A2

1521) yes adverb DISAGREE A2

1522) yet adverb UNTIL NOW A2

1523) yet adverb NOW A2

1524) yogurt noun A2

1525) you pronoun PEOPLE GENERALLY A2

1526) yours pronoun PERSON/PEOPLE ADDRESSED A2

1527) yourself pronoun PERSON/PEOPLE ADDRESSED A2

1528) (by) yourself A2

1529) zero number NUMBER A2