BT BYOD Solutions

Post on 13-May-2015

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Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is not really about the device itself, but it is about data This presentation focuses on Bring Your Own Device as an IT trend. This trend presents organisations with a dilemma; they want to gain the benefits of embracing BYOD, but also balance it with minimising any potential risks, particularly around maintaining security and managing cost. It outlines the key BYOD challenges customers face and how BT can address them.

Transcript of BT BYOD Solutions

Control, Connect, Experience

Beyond Your Device

BT GS Portfolio 2

BYOD is happening…… and its effects are being seen

84% of IT managers think that adopting a BYO policy gives competitive advantage

Of all IT managers, 60%think that the use of smart

devices has helped productivity within

the organisation

48% of employees say that they are allowed to use their personal devices for work purposes

A further 6% aren’t allowed, but do it anyway

For organisations with a BYO policy, 54% say they are facing a challenge managing the policy across different countries due to regions having significantly different policies

56% of organisations have noticed a decrease in performance of at least some applications due to the increased demand upon bandwidth

BT GS Portfolio 3

CIOs are telling us they want to…

1Aberdeen Group

Develop a cost-effective corporate policy

Smart device use has led to increase in bandwidth demand across 84%of organisations

Create a network to cope with smart devices

32% of organisations plan toprovide guest wi-fi access

Give customers connectivity on my premises

Just 26% of employees recognise that using their device in a work context is a risk to company security

Provide secure access, wherever you are, whatever device

Create a network to cope with smart devices

Develop a cost-effective corporate policy

Badly managed BYOD could cost you

about 33% more than a company-owned approach1

It’s not just us saying it….

IDC annual EMEA Enterprise Communications Survey for 2013 revealed quite a dramatic change in the priority of CIO and ICT executives respondents. For European companies interviewed updating network infrastructure is now the most important priority.3


2013 to Be the Year of BYOD and MDM. Perhaps a more important hope for 2013 is that enterprises will begin to see ‘bring your own device’ (BYOD) as an opportunity rather than a threat. There can no longer be any doubt that the mobile device is king. Current Analysis

The Top Emerging Technologies To Watch: Now Through 2018 Tablets will eclipse PCs as individuals’ computer of choice. By 2016, there will be 760 million tablets in use and almost one-third will be sold directly to businesses. This influx of tablets into individuals’ hands will impact on customer-facing and employee productivity applications and processes.4 Forrester

1 Gartner – Plan Now For the Hyperconverged Enterprise Network – May 20122 Ovum multi-market BYOD survey, 20123 IDC Survey May 2013

According to Ovum 80% of BYOD management goes un-managed (57.1% of employees are bring their own device to only 11.9% of those survey had been asked to sign a corporate policy. 2 Ovum

Companies will need help to create a WLAN that supports guest users, employees with their own devices who need access to critical company assets, and employees with corporate-owned devices. The access decision will require more than user credentials and fingerprinting the device. Other criteria – location, business policies etc – need to be part of the equation.4


In the next 2 years 80% of customers will have to upgrade the WLANs they just put in place.1 Gartner

The adoption of BYOD levies additional demands – beyond the wireless LAN (WLAN) – throughout the comms infra-structure. Access, protocol and traffic demands may affect Internet gateways, firewalls, address allocation, LANs and WANs, and all other subsystems participating in communications. 6


4 Forrester Networking Predictions for 2013 5 Ovum – October 20126 Gartner – Solving BYOD’s Impact on Communications Infrastructure, – Feb 2013

BT GS Portfolio 5

In our view it’s about…

Optimising your network to enhance employee and customer access

Focusing on the information, not the device

Using the device for work, not just bringing it to work

A complete solution, not a single product

Opening up the possibilities, not closing them down

The barrier between business and consumer is beginning to come down…people are going to become networked all the time,…I think we are just at the beginning of this revolution.”

Ian Livingston, BT CEO,CNN Marketplace Europe, 2012

Behind every great device, you need a great network

ControlDefine what people

can access based on who they are, where they are and what

device they are using

ConnectWireless networks that are fit for purpose and keeping up with demand

ExperienceA seamless

experience with easy access

to information and applications

With the right control and connectivity you candeliver a great user experience on any device

Control via Device and Application Management

Our complete solution

Fit for purpose infrastructure

Wireless infrastructure

Identity and Access control

Apps for collaboration and

cost reduction

Security for BYoD










What’s included

New Mobile Device and Application

Management services control access to apps

and content

One Voice Anywhere and Managed Mobility Expenses

control mobile costs

BT Advise Quick Start – prepare your organisation

for smart devices

BYOD ready infrastructure

BYOD Strategy & Planning

BT Connect

Global Managed Wireless LAN incorporating Guest access


Location Services to personalise the experience

(Cisco WLAN & MSE)

5.6m global hotspots

Identity & Access control with enhanced

reporting, ensures that you only let in the people

and devices you want, where and when you want


(Cisco ISE, Prime)

Connect applications – visibility & control of device performance

In Q3, Acceleration for devices – faster

transactions, less bandwidth

BT Assure Secure Web ensures malware/ unsuitable

content can’t access an organisations network

MobileXpress Cloud Secure provides secure remote

access via the cloud







Bold = new




Networks will have to change to support the introduction of smart devices

Creating the network tocope with smart devices


• Determine access to corporate resourcesby user, function and device

• Enable simple, affordable access

• Enhance commercial flexibility

BT Connect Intelligent networking and secure remote access solutions have enabled Anglo American to bring together their remote operations, with BT Connect Applications ensuring business critical applications are prioritised.

They are also implementing a BT One Voice platform to deliver substantial savings, simplify management, and enable collaboration.

We provide managed wireless LAN solutions to enable a

flexible BYOD environment

Our next-generation identity and access policy platform,

gives you control over who is accessing your network.


Connect Experience

Giving customers connectivity on my premises


Connect Experience

BYOD is for your customers too.

We provide network guest access to give your

customers connectivity

Identity and location solutions give you the information on where your customers are…

…letting you personalise their



• Increased customer satisfaction and loyalty

• Flexible coverage to deliver a more personal experience

• Self service provisioning, saving time and money

“We became the first UK department store retailer to offer free wi-fi access to customers in all our shops. We want to offer our customers a fully omni-channel, multi-platform shopping experience and capitalise on the increaseof m-commerce. BT helped us to do that.”

Andrew Layton, Omni Channel, Development Manager, John Lewis

Providing secure access, whereveryou are, whatever device

Employees want to access corporate information on any device, wherever they are.


Connect Experience

We enable you to secure the device,

secure the application

and secure access to your network, from any location.


• Enable simple, cost effective mobile access

• Enforce corporate mobility policy

• Control simple access to corporate applications

• Increase productivity through self service applications

A secure remote accesssolution at Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council has enabled Welfare Rights Officers to carry out their work from remote locations without travelling back to the office.

They have saved time through less travel, reduced duplicate recording of case notes, and improved personal productivity, which is allowing each officer to see around 100 extra people per year.

A cost-effective corporate policy


Connect Experience

The real advantage to BYOD comes from changing the way people act, communicate and coordinate.

We design a network to meet new connectivity requirements…

…with solutions to help you manage your costs.


• A network that keeps up with demand

• Define and implement a BYOD strategy

• Define and enforce security policies

• Achieve savings of up to 30 per cent onmobile bills

A global manufacturer of eyewear products had a challenge to reduce costs in their marketing, traditionally done via a high quality paper catalogue.

Our solution let the customer test an online catalogue where the network delivered content to iPads for their sales people based in five different countries. We recommended a Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution to control catalogue distribution/updates; applications and device functionality; inventory management; and is password protected.

Embracing collaboration and productivity


Connect Experience

Collaborative working increases productivity and make employees happier.


• Speed up decision making and improve productivity

• Reduce employee downtime

• Increase employee satisfaction

We give your users the tools and applications for quick and easy collaboration no matter where they are and on any device

We can also help you save up to 45% on your voice costs…

…using BT One Voice anywhere.

Leading international printing inkmanufacturer hubergroup hadsubsidiaries in several different locations, each with different communications systems. Worldwide collaboration was essential to success, but it often took several phone calls before colleagues made contact.

BT One Enterprise Lync, a Microsoft Lync solution hosted by BT, now allows everyone in hubergroup to see in an instant where their colleagues are and how best to reach them. They can also make contact with a single click.

Why BT

• We are a leader in Gartner, Global Network Service Provider Magic Quadrant, 2013

• BT LAN Connect Global – support 1,000 customers LAN Infrastructure globally

• BT Connect available in 197 countries

• We are a market leading service provider for our Connect Applications portfolio,

6,000 managed endpoints in 90 countries 

• We can reduce voice, mobile and roaming costs by 45% with One Voice anywhere

• Our secure networking experience includes monitoring more than 300,000

customer devices from our 12 Security Operations Centres around the world

• We provide secure mobile access in more than 150 countries

• We have 5.6 million Wi-Fi hotspots across 110 countries

• We are only one of four Global certified Cisco Partners, with 1,525 certified people.

BT GS Portfolio 15

• We make networks work for you wherever you are in the world

• We make it work so you get the best performance and value from your network whatever you need

• We make it work for you, with a choice of delivery, market leading vendors and commercial options

• We make it work for the future to give our customers a roadmap for consumerisation.

We make it work