BS Psychology

Post on 18-Nov-2014

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Transcript of BS Psychology


Tereanthony C. Abella

BS Psychology

Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.” - Sherlock Holmes (by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1859-1930)


Bryan H. Adalim

BS Psychology

Bryan embodies a well-rounded individual. Socially and academically speaking, he evidently excels. Whenever he is around, you can expect things will never be dull or boring. His witty comments and humorous remarks never fail to amuse his friends. With his strong and outgoing personality, this extraverted guy manages to thrive in any type of situation. He is very flexible and understands how to get along with all types of people, making him a natural leader. Aside from being the gregarious person that he is, he is also one of the smartest people in the batch. A consistent Dean’s Lister, it seems like Bryan handles life with ease. Whatever hurdle comes his way, he always manages to get through—and gets through not just barely. Bryan aims to be the best in everything that he does, be it with finishing school requirements, heading a project for his orgs or simply interacting with friends. Yet it still would be an injustice to say that these fully describe Bryan, for there is always more to him. His existence is larger than life.


Dennis M. Aga

BS Psychology

It takes a lot of sunlight and water to sustain a tree. Likewise, it takes a lot of people to support a single person. Although he may not always express it, Dennis definitely appreciates all the people around him. He cherishes every moment spent with other people, especially those who are very dear to him. In fact, he even keeps simple things like movie tickets and receipts to remember the moments shared with closest friends. This show of sentimentality may not complement his seemingly rigid and snobbish personality, but it candidly reveals the sensitive and emotional persona behind his masculine physique and standoffish attitude. For those who have just met Dennis, his cool exterior appears quite daunting but when he starts to talk, the whole perception, the first impressions one has formed is shattered. Truly, knowing Dennis takes “five minutes and a whole lifetime.”


Angela Nicole O. Aguado

BS Psychology

Angela is a walking conundrum. She catches everyone’s eye, but is one of the boys. She tells the corniest jokes, but laughs the loudest. She’s a fashionista who wears ‘tamad’ clothes to school. She can convince you she’s the most hardworking student, and then fall asleep the night before a long test. Angela is a mature and responsible individual who still plays video games and does the silliest things. She is everything rolled into one: zany, laidback, sweet, opinionated, witty, athletic, charming and intelligent. She loves music, and will always be overwhelmed by it. She loves to travel, to capture space and time and make memories priceless. She loves her friends, without hesitation, with absolute sincerity, and overwhelming passion. But above all else, she loves life, everything about it, and everyone who is in it. You can say all these things about Ange and still come up short. Just when you think you understand her, you find out that you really don’t. Angela is the ultimate experience.


Paulo Francisco A. Agustin

BS Psychology

A man unafraid to impose his will. With an intellect vast enough to fuel his plans for omnipotence, an adaptable (enough) personality, nonchalance for opposition, and a schizophrenic memory for names, if Paulo believes he can, he most probably will. From the look and attitude that says “Don’t bother saying ‘hi’”, to the double-eyebrow-raising “I can’t help but dominate” to the caring “He loves to feed people” he can be different Paulos to different people but still remain himself. A friend, an intellectual monster, a god in his own little world, but most times a kid at heart (and in mind), Paulo has taught his friends that just when you thought he’s reached the bottom, he just keeps on digging deeper. He is sometimes a one-man-stampede and at times the one who stops to smell the flowers (sometimes for a bit too long). What does the world hold in store for Paulo? Or rather what does he have in store for the world? Perhaps only time can tell, and history will be his storyteller.


Joshua Raymundo S. Alonso

BS Psychology

There are some among us who live by the ways of the world and then there are others who seek to make their own paths in life. Josh is of the latter bunch. He’s the type of person who never contents himself with walking roads already laid out by those who went before. Some would say that this is because he has no direction. Those close to him would say, however, that it’s because Josh is strongly driven by great dreams that are his own. Josh is nothing if not a good friend. That’s not limited to those he knows as he quite easily reaches out and touches the hearts of all who meet him. There is always a deeper sense of being that seems to hide (however barely) behind his intense, penetrating eyes. A being that has seen the world for its many wonders and pains, and has come off from it suffused with a much clearer understanding about life and living it. He gladly shares his wisdom to those who need a little help in coping with their own lives. That’s Josh. A person. Like you and me, yet unique in himself.


Socorro Marie-Eugenie C. Baga

BS Psychology

I gaze at the stars, what a cloudless night. Cool December breeze Tears stream down my cheeks,Love has proven costly once more.Suddenly,A hand on my shivering shoulder,A voice giving life to a dying soul.Fire was rekindled but again,deep inside a heart bitter cold from the pain… And I smile…I smile at the face I knewA face so tender, so true.And I smile…You have just entered my lifeAnd I smile…Ijsj0705-ty


Gracia Domini A. Balaoing

BS Psychology

Ever wondered why she loves to sing in a choir or in a duet but not in solo? What’s with that mesmerizing voice, hmmm? Ever wondered why she watches psychological thrillers but keeps her eyes shut most of the time? Ever wondered why she’s into discussions but not into sharing? When you seek for advice or suggestions, she won’t hesitate to give you a lot, but in unveiling what she feels, she ends up not saying anything and you are left puzzled by this phenomenon. Ever wondered why she’s not readable? It might seem easy to read her mind but she won’t affirm what you have just read. Ever wondered why she sweetly laughs at a joke she heard for the nth time as if it’s her first time to hear it? or why she smiles so easily?Ever wondered why she’s still a Dean’s Lister but spends more time leading the choir and committing in AtSCA, or enjoying the company of her family and friends? I wonder and I find her wonderful.


Katherine C. Banzon

BS Psychology

A classy, cheerful, “kikay”, and sweet gal who’s going to fill your day with trivia coming from her huge collection of reading materials.

Sweet, dependable, maasikaso, intelligent, gorgeous, kikay, God-fearing and seriously joyful, likes to psychoanalyze which is sometimes not a good thing because it leads to frustration, both malalim at mababaw, Kat rocks! She’s a coffee addict, she likes food, and the best part is that she likes to share. Most of all she’s in love with Jesus and that makes her beautiful inside and out. She never makes anyone feel alone. She’s always interested in what you have to say. Her cheerfulness is highly contagious!


Anna Katrina K. Bersamin

BS Psychology

Your alarm rings at 6:30am and you snooze it 5 times. With just enough time left to get to school, you struggle to wipe the sleep away. You head over to the kitchen for a bowl of cereal and a nice hot cup of seriously needed instant coffee. Welcome to K-side living. You take a sip. It’s been a long week. So this is what it feels like when 20 units decide to stampede all over a helpless student. Thank God it’s Friday. After a quick bath, you hoof off your flip flops to school. Late for class as usual. You take notes, daydream of sea and sunshower, and count the minutes ‘til the weekend officially starts. That reggae beat’s already playing in your head. The next day, the sight of the beach greets you like an old friend. You grab a towel, some suntan oil and a surfboard. You spontaneously embrace the water as you do with every other adventure. Katie’s world: simple, worry-free, steady, timeless.

Here’s to good vibrations and all the time in the world. Feel the love.


Catherine M. Besana

BS Psychology

You can’t imagine surviving life without Cathy. Everything about her is simply great. She gives the best advice and she’s someone you want to be stuck with for the rest of your life. She is always working for her goals. She’s probably the most determined woman you’ll ever meet. In everything she does, she gives her all. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that she’ll succeed in any endeavor she puts her heart into. She is a true leader who knows what she wants and how to get it. With the authority she effortlessly lets you feel and the intimidating attitude she naturally possesses, along with her charms and contagious enthusiasm for life, she will assure you that life indeed is so much better with her by your side. She’s smart and funny. She rocks out. She dances Capoeira, and she lives her life to the fullest! Cathy is a great friend to have and an even better sister. (niña.pat.dennis.dindin.diana.danny)


Jacqueline Anne G. Borres

BS Psychology

As you see her walking across the corridors of Ateneo, you somehow hear the song “There She Goes” playing in your head. With her mestiza features (fair skin, long and shiny brown hair), Jackie is an instant standout among crowds. You find yourself saying “Wow!”

You hear her shouting her famous “Hallow,” and you realize this girl is not so hard to reach after all. You see, even if she looks like an intimidating, stuck-up, coñotic girl, Jackie is really an outgoing person. It’s hard not to have fun whenever this Ilonggo girl is around. She’s just so full of life and energy that it’s hard not to like her. She can talk for hours and never get tired of it. She amuses you with all her stories, may it be about her life, boys or Iloilo. This girl is not all talk; she sure knows how to listen. That’s why she’s one of the first persons her friends run to when they have problems.

Jackie is the best example of someone with both beauty and brains. She’s a very loyal friend and a very loving and respectful daughter.


Patrick S. Bugayong

BS Psychology

An attempt to describe a great man. Boogie’s unrivaled supremacy when it comes to embracing life makes him someone admired by many. He lives for spontaneity, readily taking hold of the surprises of life. His optimism and good humor is unfading. He radiates confidence and yet upholds humility. He is wit and charm personified. He walks with his chin up high and, at the same time, knows that everybody is his equal. Above all, Boogie embraces life by being the epitome of compassion. Most people, whose lives he has changed, only know him as this. He, without hesitation, compensates for everyone’s emptiness, carrying anybody on his back, amidst his own troubles. His benevolent nature has gained him high regard from those he has shown the true meaning of service and camaraderie. He is truly destined for great things, with the will to share his high place with others.

To a great man, a legend, life can’t get any better than this.


Nicole Angeline M. Cacnio

BS Psychology

Maybe you’ve seen her walking around, among the dullness that is this campus. She will most probably be smiling, always smiling, a little piece of sunlight—little, but bright nonetheless.

She will most probably also be laughing, always laughing, little bursts of silent, silly, and lovable giggles—amusing and contagious. She will most probably also be talking, always talking, in whispers or in hollers, speaking both of the ordinary and the remarkable—then you realize that she is, in fact, remarkable.

If you happen to meet her, or even lucky enough for her to smile at you, you’ll realize that these words cannot hope to contain her, her smile, her laugh, her words, her brightness.

Bright, beautiful, wonderful Nicole.


Ted Alexander T. Chan

BS Psychology

It is expected among mortals to treat Ted with reverence. Certain people have been known to kowtow in his presence. You may be wondering why he joins us. Simple: the reason this divinity walks among us is to remind us of how utterly pathetic we are. When most of us are reaching boiling point about the pressures of academics, he just takes a sip of his coffee and by the time he’s finished with it, he’s finished with all his assignments. He can chat in yahoo messenger, text message, talk on the phone and find a cure for AIDS at the same time. Call yourself a multi-tasker? Think again. Furthermore, he resumes his higher calling by pointing out the follies of mankind. All this he performs because of the immense charity in his heart. All of us are familiar with Ted’s wry wit. You can count on him to give his honest opinion on most things, from the mundane to the serious. Whenever he gives his disparaging remarks, remember he does it out of kindness and compassion.


Charissa Melody T. Ching

BS Psychology

There is a time for everything, A time to be born and a time to die,A time to plant and a time to uproot,A time to kill and a time to heal,A time to tear down and a time to build,A time to weep and a time to laugh,A time to mourn and a time to dance,A time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,A time to embrace and a time to refrain,A time to search and a time to give up,A time to keep and a time to throw away,A time to tear and a time to mend,A time to be silent and a time to speak,A time to love and a time to hate,A time for war and a time for peace. (Ecc 3:1-8, NIV)


Bjorn Andrew M. Chua

BS Psychology

Here by choice although/ An unsure decision made/ To the world I goWhat the future holds/ The strife and pains of freedom/ Is yet to be told‘Tis time that I say/ It kind of feels funny how/ Way leads on to wayAccomplished and free/ The choice wasn’t made in vain/ A change came for me New light in my mind/ And a new path to take stride/ I shan’t look behindGone by choice although/ A new decision was made/ To the world I go

To the world I go.


Catherine Anne P. Cifra

BS Psychology

Colorful. Fun. Enticing. Seductive. OK now! I will stop describing Cathy’s thick translucent-framed purple eye glasses. If you’re looking for a friend who will always elicit a supportive smile for you, never ditching you, someone who will always listen to you no matter how petty the things you are saying, she is the perfect friend to have. With Cathy, you never know when a joke is coming or when you’re ever going to stop laughing. With extreme generosity, she showered my life with extra laughter, food, and silliness that can be paralleled by no one. She is both nourishing for one’s boredom and intellect and together with her infectious twisted philosophies and ideas, your perception of the world will certainly flip the other way around. This person seems to never run out of funny stories to tell which perhaps could be attributed to her ability to make every situation memorable and enjoyable. I say my world always takes a thrilling trip from limbo to Mary Poppins’ heaven when she’s around.


Leslie Charmaine B. Co Kehyeng

BS Psychology

With Lesh, there is a waiting, perhaps one unnoticed, like when in a rain shower on a sunny day. One will find that there is an inevitable shine that comes through from her even as a million things may try to scatter it. From the friendly advice and the sweet smile to the time she spends with her kids and friends alike, she shows a care that doesn’t raise eyebrows or disapproving expressions. Her sharp (and often unlying) tongue can truly hide from those she truly cares for. For certainty, she too experiences a million explosions inside; and a million explosions she can and will try to endure. A guiding light yet lost as some stars could be, Lesh is a hard worker, a fighter, and a person that sometimes yearns to let go of one thing she (perhaps) cannot help but do: care. She is a walking contradiction, who can still beat you up. Now, as one door half closes and another one half opens, she will find her threshold, and on the other side: her future.


Neil Andrew C. Cortez

BS Psychology

Neil’s unaffected charm and good-humored disposition highlight his engaging personality. Known for his heartfelt chuckle, he never fails to amuse and delight with his witty banter and entertaining anecdotes. In fact, this jovial optimist finds the silver lining in even the gloomiest situations. His laidback nature serves to offset his diligence and fastidiousness. Intriguing enough, this perfectionist has quite erratic yet effective work habits. Often choosing to do things at the last minute, Neil must find the added pressure challenging for he always manages to successfully pull things off. Well-read and opinionated, this absorbing conversationalist impresses with his interesting views on a wide array of topics. A voracious reader, Neil loves to explore and to discover. Moreover, reading offers him a temporary escape from the demands of reality. Helpful and understanding, he always has a ready listening ear and dishes out encouraging albeit sarcastic advice. It is indeed amazing how Neil maintains his infectious enthusiasm for life.


Corazon Angela M. Cuadro

BS Psychology

“Ibubuhos natin ang ating buong kakayahan at gawain, ang lahat ng magagawa upang ang ating bansa’y maging tunay na malaya’t nagsasarili, at ang mga mamamayang Pilipino’y siyang maging tahas na panginoon sa kanilang lupain. Makatarungang demokrasya; pagkakapantay-pantay sa batas at pagkakataon sa buhay. Ito ang ating panata at hantungan kasakdalang tayo’y magbuwis ng ating buhay.”

—Amado V. Hernandez, Mga Ibong Mandaragit


Shena Bella R. Dacasin

BS Psychology

Shena Bella, n. 1 Summer queen, 2 Gypsy princess, 3 Sweet sexy lady, 4 Cool dude, 5 Fashionista, 6 Nocturnal creature; v. 1 to make kulit, “kupal” hirits, 2 to smell like Hawaiian ginger, 3 to eat nothing in school but Nescafe coffee and cool air, 4 to sound like “wutever” or “dude,” 5 to have killer tan lines all year long, 6 to use 5 colors of hi-liters in studying, 7 to be all brains, beauty and heart in one neat package that loves spags, flip flops, UK peasant skirts, Hawaiian floral & Johnny Depp, 8 to be always depended on, 9 to be loved & admired by everyone, 10 to be full of ironies (e.g. demure but boisterous Psyche PR VP but has “social phobia,” serious-minded yet drop dead-jolog-corny-brain dead-silly-funny, heartthrob pero ubod ng torpe. Simple yet so many dimensions. Her penchant for not sleeping during the night doesn’t stop her from spreading warm sunshine on our mundy days); adj. 1 Full of wit & charm, 2 Spontaneous & fun, 3 For keeps; adv. 1 Beautifully, 2 Humbly, 3 Truthfully, 4 Extraordinarily.


Ma. Rochelle G. De Leon

BS Psychology

To describe Roch is as easy as counting all the stars in the sky at night, as heartwarming as a baby’s endless chatter, as colorful as the many crayons of Crayola. She’s a woman of many contradictions, a paradox. She can be a frank, studious and no-nonsense model Atenean at one end and then transform into a tantalizing, sassy, wild and free party girl on the other. She’s also a friend in the truest sense of the word. She’ll laugh, cry, sit, stare, roll over and play dead with you whenever you need her. Her laughter is what sets her apart though; you have to hear it to believe that God created such a sound. It only goes to show that she’s an empowered woman who’s only living her life to the fullest, radiating beauty, passion and wonder to everyone around her. She is an achiever in everything she does, which is why being with her can inspire one to work hard and achieve as well. To describe Roch boils down to just one word: angel. She’s our angel… of darkness, that is.


Ma. Victoria Carmela B. Dela Paz

BS Psychology

Ma. Victoria Carmela B. Dela Paz is a symbol of the perfect Atenista. You name it, she has done it. Student of an honor’s course? Check. Dean’s lister? Check. Head of an NSTP program? Check. President of an organization? Check. What more can this “super-girl” possibly achieve? Rica captivates people with her striking good looks. The youthfulness of her appearance has caused people to mistake her for a high school student. Rica is a loving and generous friend who never refuses a person’s request for help. This future doctor dreams of working for an NGO, a fact which highlights her humility and compassion. Her bubbly personality is infectious; and her good heart has endeared her to numerous people in and out of the Ateneo. Do not let her height (4’11 feet) deceive you. Rica’s shirts-jeans-sneakers outfit has become her trademark. She is a beautiful person, inside and out. Her mere presence brings the sunshine into people’s lives. As her friends constantly say, Rica is special.


Mitsuharu F. Enatsu

BS Psychology

At first glance, Mitsu seems like the reserved, hard to approach type of guy. But be in his company for a while, and his sense of humor will surely come out. Known for his funny out-of-the-blue comments, he gives a short interruption during a boring lecture. What makes his comments even funnier is that sometimes, it’s as if he doesn’t even mean to be funny. However, in getting to know him better, more often than not, you should be the one to make the first move, since he doesn’t offer details about himself readily. Whatever task he’s given to do, he always finds a way to get it done on time, but he works on his own time and pace. If you ask him what defines his life right now, he’ll probably say basketball. Despite the heavy load of school work, he always seems to find time to play his favorite sport. It also helps keep his relationship with his brother and friends strong. In the near future, no one will be surprised if they find Mitsu with a successful career who continues to enjoy the fun he can get out of life.


Daniel Dennison S. Feliciano

BS Psychology

Everyone unconsciously wants to become the superhero who can conquer anything. But really, we are all superheroes. But we are unable to use our superpowers because we refuse to move out from the darkness of our insecurities. We need to show our power, our true identity, and our true abilities in conquering the villains of our lives. What makes us different from comic book heroes? We can affect change and we know we’re not fictional. Yes, we can die but our legacies will live through. We are indeed capable. All we need is the courage to grab that opportunity to save and influence the lives of others. I may not be Superman, or the local Captain Barbell or the mythical Hercules. But having the ability to live and to believe in oneself has made me more formidable than any of the conceived superheroes…and I’m going to do my best to make others realize that they’re also part of the world’s league of superheroes: capable and indeed, very powerful.


Angelica Felice R. Gabriel

BS Psychology

Angel’s petite frame belies her feisty attitude. Her unique brand of acerbic wit adds that extra kick to her charming and sensitive nature. In fact, her sarcastic humor and thoughtful opinions never fail to surprise and impress, livening up dull class discussions and mundane chitchat. Optimism and humor contribute greatly to her resilient personality. When faced with stress and pressure, it is not uncommon for Angel to shed a few tears of frustration. It is from this moment of weakness that she is able to come to grips with reality and face the ensuing challenges head on. Possessing a strong drive to succeed, Angel has a meticulous eye for details and is dedicated to her responsibilities. This avid booklover and moviegoer also prides herself with being a loyal and dependable friend and sister. Christian faith and compassion for others have instilled in Angel a strong sense of social responsibility. Consequently, she hopes to make a difference in other peoples’ lives. That shouldn’t be a big feat for this spirited go-getter.


Angeline M. Gomez

BS Psychology

Angeline, Gel to her friends and Geli to her closest friends, is everything but ordinary. Yes, she is simple: she doesn’t ramp her clothes like a supermodel and she never goes out with her face colored by make-up; yet her simplicity proves to be her most outstanding characteristic. She isn’t one of those ladies who try hard to get noticed; she never will be because there is no reason to be one. But there is more to Gel than that. To describe her simply— Akala mo tahimik. Akala mo walang-kibo.Akala mo laging NR sa mundo. ‘Yun pala, nasa loob ang itinatagong kulo!Isang mabuting kaibigan kahit konyo magsalita.Kahit kikay at poised, minsa’y grabeng makitawa sa iba!Mula sa determinasyon at pagmamahal ng mga taong minamahal rin niya, laging nagsusumikap pagbutihin ang sarili sa piling ng iba.Kaya totoong-totoo: mula sa puso ang kagandahan niya.


Adele Mae L. Gonzaga

BS Psychology

When someone says Adele Mae Gonzaga, I think:1. Bacolodian accent2. A lack of understanding for Filipino colloquial terms3. Asking for a knife at Mang Jimmy’s4. Asthmatic chocolate lover5. “I’m a farmer’s daughter”6. Buying out Divisoria 7. Strong faith8. Messing up dorm rooms and tormenting roommates 9. Studying Chemistry till the wee hours of morning10. MD or PhD aspirant

All that and more, I’m sure meeting her would make you love her forever and knowing her will make you love her until the day after forever.


Nina Margarita N. Hernandez

BS Psychology

I bask under Your glory / singing to tomorrow’s tune / I hear yesterday’s was gone / and here I am again - too soon. / I leave my dreams, up to You / and wish as hard as the sun shines / that you may catch me and hold me / until you tell me you’re mine. / But I remain with the stars / and with these wishes forgotten...

This pretty petite has the gift of ease, faith, charisma, adventure, and laughter. Though she denies it, this torpe and poised na matakaw will forever be wearing her winner smile even at the most stressful times and in those days when people love to tease her. Her infectious passion for the arts and her beliefs leave you looking for more of her. How many people do we meet in life that truly makes a difference? For many, a person’s charm, looks, intellect, and splendid personality could be that difference in bringing color to an otherwise dull life. That is just what Nina does naturally: be a constant blessing of God’s continuous grace and love for us.


Kenneth Ross P. Javate

BS Psychology

Malamang walang hahadlang sa katotohanang kakabit na yata ni Kenneth ang letrang ito. Tignan n’yo na lamang ang kanyang report card at mapapansing wala na yatang ibang nakalathala roon maliban sa letrang ‘A’. Kung tatanungin mo naman ang mga kasamahan niya sa Kinema, Bukas Palad o ‘di kaya’y sa ASCC, wala silang ibang masasabi kundi: ‘A’yos na ‘A’yos katrabaho si Kenneth. Paanong hindi, eh sadyang ‘A’reglado ang lahat basta’t siya na ang humawak---mula sa pag-oorganisa ng concert hanggang sa pagpaplano ng ‘A’cademic Calendar, outings at iba pa. Kung tatanungin mo naman ang mga kaibigan niya, walang pag-aalinlangang masasabi nilang: ‘A’ndyan lagi si Kenneth. ‘A’ndyan lagi siya, handang sumuporta’t dumamay; binubuksan ang tahanan pati puso niya’t kalooban. Tunay ngang hindi lang isang ‘A’-student si Kenneth kundi ‘A’-friend, ‘A’-person, ‘A’-Christian din. Kaya nga’t mamamangha ka na lang at magsasabing: Kenneth is ‘A’bsolutely ‘A’mazing!


Sarah Rebecca C. Lapaz

BS Psychology

Trying to avoid sounding too generic, Sarah is a goddess! She’s a breath of fresh air from the dreary monotony of people’s conventionality. In her you could see the fuzzy, rainbow-colored butterflies and mushroom clouds of forthrightness and candor. This girl breeds honesty and an unnatural sense of sovereignty which borders on an extreme casualness and relaxed attitude that makes people like me a little uncomfortable but all the while amused. She wants nothing more than to make friends and provide them with her own personal brand of cheerfulness. Sarah is very beautiful in her own way and sometimes people may need to find it in themselves to try to understand something as complex as her character, but like anything that’s valuable, a friendship with her is rewarding and can never be discarded: it sustains you through any pain that threatens your peace of mind and reminds you of blessings manifest. Kudos to you Sarah! [TA]


Marvin M. Malabanan

BS Psychology

Makaw used to joke that he enrolled in Psych so he can find out what’s wrong with him. He didn’t realize that it would turn out to be true. This guy is afraid of intimacy; tends to choke when things get too intense; has trouble developing relationships; has bad things to say about almost everything and everyone; is allergic to alcohol; lets his mind wander off too much; sleeps in class too often, etc.

But one thing that he didn’t count on happening was realizing what’s right with him. He is very friendly and warm; is always there to lend his assignment, a silent ear and a sincere heart; has much love for special kids; can crack you up with the wittiest (and dirtiest) of jokes; supports whatever mood you are in by giving you a really unique song list full of unheard-of titles; spontaneously blurts out great ideas (even after sleeping in class); points out what most people can’t see, blah blah. Makaw has accepted and embraced who he truly is. And for that, we can all sleep soundly at night.


Pamela Aime C. Malapas

BS Psychology

Making friends is something Pam never has to worry about. It doesn’t take long for one to feel comfortable being in her company because aside from her pleasant smile, she has such a warm and welcoming personality. She’s open-minded and can easily converse with others. The sociable and outgoing person that she is, Pam is someone who always wants to have fun. As a student, she doesn’t like going to class without knowing the subject matter, that’s why she usually reads assignments ahead of time. Her projects and tasks are always quality works because she devotes her time and effort on them. If there were to be nominations for the ambassador of peace, Pam can definitely be one of the top contenders. She believes that there is goodness in everyone, even in the cruelest of people. She’s also very optimistic; she never fails to see the bright side in situations. Anyone who has the chance to know Pam is lucky because rarely would you find someone who values friendships so much and always sees the beauty of life.


Jennifer Anne E. Melaya

BS Psychology

Jennifer looks exactly the same way she did when she finished grade school. Jennifer is yellow. She is the sun. She finds the humor in almost anything. She is related to Snoopy, Ariel, Little Lulu, the Brady Bunch, and Funshine Bear. Her dogs are her pride and joy and she strongly hopes that the feeling is mutual.


Janella Cristin S. Mercado

BS Psychology

“You will so never be Paris”—Sib “Surf buddy, ditz, fat chicks, mudslide, L.A. (Union), vain-ity, wealthy-do, gigs, emo, hip bones, Autumn in New York mowdel apartment, Tagaytay, ‘boho’, mean girls, the OC, sadness—I know, right?”—Mel “Jella has the best laugh in the world. It makes you think that life is all about fun and that you should enjoy it (while you’re at it).”—Myn “Jella’s not just a supergirl, she’s the supergirl. She has it all, plus so much more. Best in everything and hard to the core. Her laughter’s contagious, she’s never a bore.”—Carla “You dream of a friend who you’d have fun with and at the same time be there when sad things start. I’m lucky to find both in Jella.”—Cathy “The poor little rich girl: doesn’t know what she wants but has all the passion (and money!) to get anything.”—Saul “She dreams of stars, but only wants to hold your hand. Take hers and let gravity move you. Hers is the fate of supernovas.”—Pochi


Joy Kimberly N. Militante

BS Psychology

Many people would have many ideas about just who Kim is. Kwatro Kid would be an easy answer for her blockmates, as she constantly dazzles both professors and students with her inherent acumen and more importantly, steadfast perseverance. Her orgmates in ASCC, Atsca, and ACMG, will perhaps dispute this excessively nerdy picture and argue that Kim is probably one of the few people of today’s generation who can be referred to as the epitome for humility and simplicity as they recall the kind voice, warm smile, and ready ear that allows her to serve God through the people she encounters in her work. Finally her barkada and close friends would probably retort that this angelic exterior belies a quick and ready wit that never fails to set them off into gales of joyous laughter. As to who would be correct, perhaps no one and everyone: for indeed Kim is all of these amazing things—the “Joyie” we love who brings “joy” to the people she comes across with—at marami pang iba.


Niña Katrina L. Mirabueno

BS Psychology

I do not know her secrets; she has taken them with her, hidden in the green fields of Surallah, in the dense forests of Cotabato. A veil of silence and mystery shrouds her. Her anonymity strikes you, challenges you. Yet, no matter how much you strive to strip her of her silence, her vagueness and passiveness persist. Soon, you convince yourself to be satisfied with her stillness. Her silence and secrecy have oddly become a sign of comforting familiarity. Eventually, after earning her trust, you’ll learn that this silence, this tranquility, the passiveness and the stillness are all brought about by her nothingness. And one day, you’ll realize that the anonymity and secrecy are simply perceptions, which are brought about by our own self-absorption. Only then will it all become clear to you.


Jan Rafael M. Muñoz

BS Psychology

“Superficial words, highfaluting descriptions and shallow associations cannot embody the totality of Jan’s character and demeanor. Behind the seemingly aloof and tough exterior lies a person always ready to whisper an advice, offer a pat or extend a helping hand. His avid stares pierce through the heart, while his laughter wipes away boredom and sanity. But one thing you have to know is that J-an A-lways N-aps”

“Jan is one friend who makes your world spin. He always says yes on gimiks and yet would not show up the last minute. Albeit being the no-show that he is, this guy would still find a way to make up for it. His charms and cool antics would surely entertain you. There is never a dull moment with this guy because he just wouldn’t stop talking. But, the moment he does, it is because he is asleep.”

“Jan is the ultimate paradox!”


Patrick Rene S. Padilla

BS Psychology

In my 16 years of stay in the AdMU, I have learned that there is little to obtain from an Ateneo education. As a wise man once said, “You should not let learning get in the way of your education.” “There is more to life than just grades,” is a phrase used by a minority of teachers, however Ateneo makes sure that we in the next generation are fit to function in the workaday world. Nonetheless, I did obtain an education, but not from the system. What was most important was not the lessons or the grades no matter how much they controlled one’s life. More important are the people one meets along the way. We, who have grown with the Ateneo, have turned out to be quite a varied bunch. Some are destined to be educators, politicians, rich and powerful men and women, others just as normal as can be. Nonetheless we all owe who we’ve become to people such as janitors, teachers, mentors, families, teammates, and friends who gave us an education in simply teaching us how to live life. From people like myself, I thank them for I will forever be in their debt.


Patricia Ann J. Paragas

BS Psychology

Patti. Stands out by just being her unique self:Still hopelessly hooked on Dao Ming Si. Her reactions to the corniest jokes are bouts of infectious laughter. (She gets to the punch line long after the joking is over, though.)

Patti = passionate. Works hard for her valued people and commitments. Goes out of her way to smile at others in times of hell (week).Sometimes, she’s too OC; other times, she’s too cranky for her own good. But her ever-present resilience pays off. Strives to give her best.Pushes herself to do so. Deep faith in God + loyalty + smiles + determination = hope.

Dreams of being the change someday.


Miguel Rafael D. Ramos

BS Psychology

He’s tall, dark, and…oh all right, handsome! But really, Migs has this certain charm that attracts you. His friends just can’t seem to get enough of his quirky sense of humor, clumsy Kodak moments, and his all-too-famous kilig laugh. Don’t let him fool you. This self-confessed geek is actually quite balanced and well rounded. He’s a health buff, a constant dean’s lister and get this: one of the rare Ateneo specimens who fail to procrastinate! When not on nerd mode, you’ll seldom see Migs without his “weetsie” and when school lets out, he’ll either be holding counseling sessions for heartbroken or love struck friends, spoiling his family to death with time and attention, or simply chatting up a storm with anyone, anywhere. Those who have had the privilege of knowing Migs will certainly remember him with a smile from ear to ear. He has a knack of making sure he’s not forgotten. Even if you try, you can’t help but fall in love with his personality! And in a way only Migs can pull off, he’s made his claim to immortality in your life.


Noelle Ria Marie C. Roa

BS Psychology

Has maintained her child-like enthusiasm and sense of wonderAn organized crammer with obsessive-compulsive tendenciesHas a seemingly endless capacity to understand peopleA daydreamer who tends to stare into empty spaceAn animated and “ma-gesture” conversationalistAn avid listener even with really trivial thingsSticks with you on the toughest of situationsPonders on the possibilities and what ifs“Kalog.” Weird. Prone to bloopersA booklover with a sweet toothA realist. Yet, still idealistic A free spirit. A believerA 24/7 hotlineA dreamerRia.


Martha Julia G. Romero

BS Psychology

Warning! Presence of the ff. symptoms indicate Peachy Syndrome:

1. The disproportionate intake of coffee (2 cups a day, spending all day studying in Starbucks)2. The constant nag to shop, voices in the head saying “Mango has your dream top in green…Rustan’s has a big sale…”3. Has too much talent (singing, dancing, acting, sports…)4. Is too single for comfort but has qualities of a great girlfriend (“not ready to settle down just yet…”)5. Knowing too much people everywhere (like a politician!)

However disturbing the preceding symptoms may be, 21 years of field research has proven this syndrome to be highly fortunate for the victim, and to those associated with the individual. Sadly though, this isn’t contagious, and only one person can possibly have it. Why do you think it was named the Peachy Syndrome anyway? Stop wishing.


Anna Melissa M. Romualdez

BS Psychology

Vibrant. Has an incredible ability to express herself with words. A cute little dork. Very intelligent. The Force is strong with this one! Lightsaber drama queen. Wonderful. Shmoe. All Hail the Geek Lord! (in Elvish haha) Sunny. Taco Mel: Future Queen of the [O]Boy island. Rocker girl! Spirited. Psychopathic stalker! Someone who everyone just loves. Multifaceted and talented. Charming and she knows it! Reminds us that cool dorks actually exist. Super friendly. A kick-ass party giver and host—Good times lang, Mel! Yo! As warm as the morning sun. Always ready with hugs when you need one! Overachieving and adorable. Hyper. Interesting conversationalist and action figure addict. Always knows what to say. Couldn’t get mad even if she tried. Busy, busy, busy. Likes cool things. Great taste in music, fashion, and especially friends! Yatashi Mel (that’s sweet in Japanese). The one friend you have to make in college. Her own poem, her own painting, her own song.


Veronica Pura C. Romualdo

BS Psychology

Our greatest happiness does not depend on the condition of life in which chance has placed us, but is always the result of a good conscience, good health, occupation, and freedom in all just pursuits. – Thomas Jefferson


Edmund Raziel F. Ruaro

BS Psychology

If one were to make an assertion about Mr. Ruaro, it is that he embodies individuality, for among those who have the fortune of making his acquaintance, one fact cannot be denied: he makes an impression, and he stands out. The descriptions about him from his associates run the gamut. Some would say “He’s an oblivious, genuinely strange eccentric,” or “He’s a subtle, cunning man who broods in the shadows and waits and watches everyone else in some sort of half-crazed state, then steps out into the light to act half-normal and converse with everyone else”. For closer friends, “He’s like a good laugh, there when you need him, even there when you don’t.” Then there is the classic “He’s so ‘absurdo’ or ‘nakakatawa’” response from everyone. He is all of these things and much more because he is a man of a thousand masks, all genuinely different, all genuinely him. Razi defies categorization because he is an individual.


Beau Hanz M. Salazar

BS Psychology

Love is always patient;love is always kind;love is never enviousor arrogant with pride.

Nor is she conceited,and she is never rude; she never thinks just of herselfor ever get annoyed.

She never is resentful;is never glad with sin, but always glad to side with truth,whene’er the truth should win.

- 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7


Jacqueline Kristine A. Sim

BS Psychology

I am a gunslinger. I shoot with my mind, and my aim is true.I sing to the stars, and they speak to me.What you see is what you get, but only if you look closely.I am a wanderer, but I am not aimless.Lindor is bliss, a burst of love in your mouth, a fluid kiss.I see black not as the absence of light, but as the presence of all pigments, as fertile ground for the blossoming of a supernova.My eyes are windows with heavy Egyptian drapes thrown across; but there is no need for windows: my voice is my soul dancing on air, on a moonbeam.Street is not a fashion; it’s a lifestyle, a character, a way of being.It does not matter that I am not invincible, as long as I am unbreakable.Always a comma, there is something of substance before, and there is always more.


Kaisa Ligaya S. Sol Cruz

BS Psychology

KL dislikes waking up, mainly because she likes to sleep. She has such a weakness for it that despite the efforts of several alarm clocks, two phones and a cat, she still remains asleep. With a very cat-like ability of falling asleep, she can sleep wherever and whenever – near the library side entrance, at the Bellarmine field, sitting on an office chair, or at the food court. The reason for all the love of sleep can probably be attributed to the fact that she has always been destined to live a luxurious, spoiled life, but has been denied it due possibly to bad karma or oversleeping. While she may not have all that she wants, she will gladly share what she has with all cats and her loved ones. She can be something of a pessimist, but sometimes it’s just a much needed dose of realism that she delivers more than anything else. In spite of all these, she is still passionate and driven when the need arises; often outspoken regarding her beliefs and her ideas.


Maureen Dominique L. Sun

BS Psychology

Intimidating look, lovely eyes. One of the boys, girl at heart. Strong willed, first to yield. President of an organization, baby girl of the family. Serious conversations, wacky comments. Detail-loving person, thrives on major decisions. Hyper-sugar & caffeine-rushed person, weakens at the sight of turon Recommends restaurants, street food criticLoves others more than herself, pampers herself more than othersUnselfish and charitable, but finds essence in her daily choices God-devoted follower, principled leaderReasons beyond reason, caring beyond imaginationNikki will make you feel unregretful to have lived a life having met her, the only regret and complaint would be to have such a life lived only once.


Carolyn H. Tan-Chi

BS Psychology

Dyan Santos: Carolyn Tan-Chi has a myriad of great qualities - an excellent student, a caring friend, and a great confidant, who will always try to be there for you in spite of her hectic schedule. Blessed with an exceptional gift for music, this girl is an accomplished pianist who can also play songs by ear. As an athlete, basketball is only one of many sports that she excels in. Truly a modern-day Renaissance woman, an epitome of magis who gives 110% in all, she is a Christian through and through and an inspiration to us all! Mom: The word “Carol” means a song of joy or praise and “Lyn” means pretty. This aptly describes Carolyn who is a refreshing presence wherever she is, with her joyful countenance, love of God, love of others, and love of life.Kat Quimpo: Hard worker, committed, and loves everyone! Kim Hao: One of the wisest persons! Abigail Schnitzlein: A wonderful listener and whatever she says she’ll do, she’ll do. Me: All by the Grace of God!


James Johann Liao C. Tan III

BS Psychology

The only thing that stands between a man and what he wants from life is often merely the will to try it and the faith to believe that it is possible. – Richard M. DeVos


Reginald Robert G. Tan

BS Psychology

I want to share a something that would give others a glimpse of one of my better friends in life, a story about Reg. Knowing that an ever hungry friend like me would always ask for some, Reg always brought an empty lemon Smint dispenser to school. He, then, carved a small piece of chalk into the triangular likeness of a regular Smint candy and puts it into the dispenser and left it on top of his table where people can see. With my eagle-like eyes, I spot the Smint dispenser and rush to get some. Overjoyed with excitement I ate the candy, although it wasn’t candy. Disgusted with the nasty flavor, I threw up everything in my stomach. At the same moment, Reg was watching me with a big smile. Nice one! This little anecdote shows that I will never forget Reg. Not for the fact that he nearly poisoned me but for the simple fact that he would still give even if there was literally nothing left. More than what meets the eye, Reg is a friend who knows me best, best enough to know that once in my life I was able to eat chalk.


Jewel Lyn I. Tungupon

BS Psychology

It’s basically easier to appreciate Jewel once she’s spelled out.J is for Jolly; cheerful, “gives warm smiles”, “the sunniest”.E is for Exemplary; sensible and diligent in what she does. W is for Wacky; don’t be fooled, she may present herself as demure.E is for Easy; to get along with, that is. She’s friendly and considerate.L is for Loyal; she values all her friends (new and old).I is for Intelligent; smart, level-headed, conscientious, even.T is for Thoughtful; as she never forgets to greet you on your birthday.U is for Upright; “The first one to go to heaven”, as said by a friend.N is for Nurturing; the caring and committed one.G is for Generous; “with her time and effort”, also kind-hearted.U is for Unique; a result of years of delicate and fine polishing.P is for Practical; she knows what she wants in her life.O is for OC; in a non-threatening way of course.N is for Natural; and genuinely so. What you see is what you get.


Reuel Christopher Y. Uy

BS Psychology

Oh Well! Reuel! If you could spell “friend” in another six-letter word, I’d have no qualms spelling it R-i-c-h-i-e. He’s an all-around nice guy with the looks, the brains, and a great heart to boot! Once you get to know him, you’ll discover his special power, as if he were a super hero, to touch and deeply change the way you understand life. Richie is an exemplar of a well-rounded individual who has successfully struck a balance among the competing demands of his time. In school, academics has never been a problem since he always aims for the top. In the basketball court, he is a fierce competitor. However, off-court, and behind the tough exterior, is an endearing and loyal confidante. A great listener and profound thinker, he is always ready to dish out the best advice he can for his friends. As an officer in Tugon, you can tell that Richie also has a soft spot for kids because at heart, he is one too. This gentleman is definitely a romantic, one who could sweep anyone off their feet with his wit, charm, and dashing smile.


Ronald Christian Y. Uy

BS Psychology

No class will ever be boring as long as Ronald is in it. He can spice up even the most boring Theo class with his funny antics and hilarious side comments. Although known for being the funny guy, Ron can surprise you when he gets down to business. He knows what he wants and usually gets it because of his persistence and uncanny ways. He will stand up for what he thinks is right. He loves trying activities, and the best part is that he usually excels well in them. From martial arts to break-dancing, it’s amazing how he can pursue all these activities. Better not stand in this tough guy’s way because you’re looking for trouble. This guy definitely has tons of friends from all places. Inside Ron’s big macho body lies a soft and gentle heart. His way of romance is one in a million. This guy is also a great cook—

one who can definitely tickle everybody’s stomach. Ron will definitely succeed in this big bad world. You are one lucky person if you’re his friends because he will definitely be there for you always.


Pocholo Andrew E. Velasquez

BS Psychology

You have sat by yourself for some time.Embracing songs whispered in your ear,though not always yours, you have never let them go.Looking up to the star you have always stared at,you wonder when your time to sing will comethen you presume that no one may ever listen.But he will.The One who called you always has.

For things made more than only fair.For every call you answered.For times we died, and learned to live again.For every yesterday we can never return to,And each tomorrow we will forever have.Salamat Poch.


Mary Ann F. Veneracion

BS Psychology

MAVEE is one of the friends I hold close to my heart. For me, she may best be described by the four loves of her life—pets, books, family and friends. It’s an understatement to say that Mav loves pets. I am sure that for all people who know her, you have heard stories about her dogs, cats, and birds. I have never seen anyone who loves animals the way she does. If not armed with a psych degree, she would have been a great veterinarian. Apart from splurging money on her pets, she wipes out her allowance on another one of her loves—books. You can always spot her at the bookstore, shopping for the latest bestsellers, reserving the soon to be released Harry Potter book, browsing through the foreign language section for every dictionary you can think of. But among the four mentioned, it is Mav’s relationships with her family and friends that she treasures the most. Despite her busy schedule, she has time for all. If you need a shoulder to cry on, or someone to just spend some time with, just call her. With pizza, dvd, and a little chit chat, she can easily make your day. Once she calls you her friend, expect her to come through for you all the time. She defines the term real in friendships. MAVEE is a gem. With her wonderful traits that make her unique, who knows, we might just have scratched the surface?


Karen Ann R. Versoza

BS Psychology

She’s sailing on a bamboo raft, paddling through the waves and ripples of life.Strong winds breeze through her raft’s tattered sails, taking her to the unknown.Scared, she hesitates and calms her raft.She squints her eyes to the blinding reflection of the sunand looks beyond the horizon.With gripping uncertainty, she forges onfor unknowingly insider her stirs a dauntless, inspiring soul, strengthened by a force that is all her own.


John Vincent D. Zamora

BS Psychology

7 orgs, 2 varsities, 2 majors, 1 man – with his bouncy steps and non-stop head bobbing, it’s impossible to miss out John. Perpetually looking stressed and harassed running from one class to a meeting then off to training, he still manages to call out, wave and joke around with his friends. Beneath this carefree and vain exterior, however, lies a passionate, determined and purpose-driven person. Flexing his athletic prowess, “The Skip” can conquer any baseball field or bowling lane. His MENSA brains can shame any mathematical problem and throw psych jargons your way. But he’s not just all brains and brawn. John is a really mushy and sensitive guy. You can rely on him to listen to endless whining and give you a big warm hug to brighten up a lousy mood. His humor and witty antics can charm any girl witlessly. Being all this and more, truly Mr. Moro Lorenzo Sportsman of the Year is someone to fall in love with. 7 orgs, 2 varsities, 2 majors, 1 man—Yeah, life is unfair.