Brunswick Reformed Church 3535 Grafton Road Brunswick ... · ∙ –Upward God draws us upward...

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Transcript of Brunswick Reformed Church 3535 Grafton Road Brunswick ... · ∙ –Upward God draws us upward...

Brunswick Reformed Church

3535 Grafton Road Brunswick, Ohio 44212

(330) 225-5475

Ministers: Worship & Christian Education

The Congregation Sunday 9:00 & 10:30 a.m.


Don Poest

Dan Toot

Welcome to Brunswick Reformed Church’s worship celebrations. To make our mutual experience more enjoyable today please: 1. Relax - At BRC you can rest assured that you will not be embarrassed, singled out, or put on the spot. 2. Fill Out a Welcome Card - These can be dropped in the offering plate later. The information won’t be misused, and will help us know who’s been here. It’s also a great way to drop a note to, or request a contact from, a staff member. 3. Ask for Prayer - If you have a prayer concern to share, pick up a prayer request form from the cart in back. Give completed forms to an usher or the pastor before the service begins. 4. Know There Are Options for Children - - The small room in the right rear corner has rocking chairs where little ones can be rocked, quieted or nursed. - We have an excellent nursery for ages 0-3 at the far end of our education wing. 5. Join Us for Fellowship - Coffee and juice are served in the fellowship area after each service. Join us and get acquainted. We do ask that you not take drinks into worship with you. 6. Do Not Feel Obligated to Give - If you are a first-time guest, please do not feel obligated to participate in the offering. This is a time when members and regular attendees honor God by giving to his work through this church. Let today be our gift to you.

7. Give by Text is available. Simply send a text to 330-239-8652 with the amount you would like to contribute. 8. Stop by our Welcome Center for more information about Brunswick Reformed Church! 9. BRC is on the web Who Is BRC? We are a member of the Reformed Church in America, a Protestant denomination that goes back to the Reformation period in Europe when the Church was “reformed” according to the Word of God. We are a mixture of Christians from many denominational backgrounds, all seeking to grow in our spiritual maturity as we live by faith with Jesus as our forgiver and leader. You will find our calling, mission and core value statements on the back of this bulletin.

January 17, 2016

Welcome to worship.

Thank you to the worship team for leading us in worship through


Sunday: 9:00 a.m. Worship service

9:00 a.m.: 1 Corinthians class will not meet this week.

10:30 a.m.: Worship Service

10:30 a.m.: Sunday School classes (Pre-school - 5th grade)

10:30 a.m.: Through the Bible (Adult) in Room 10-11

To get a cd of any of our sermons, simply write “cd” and the

requested date on your Welcome Card. You’ll then find your

requested cds on the shelf across from the kitchen (usually by


The sermon audio files, sermon outlines, study questions, verses

and bulletins are available on the church website

REACT Student Ministries......

For Sunday, January 17

and upcoming events

9:00 a.m.: Middle School & High School Sunday school class,

meet in Room 10.

12-2:00 p.m. Youth Group; see David Morgan for details.


Monday: Campus Life, 6:30 p.m.

Monday: Grief Share, 7:00 p.m.

Mon: Deacons meet at 6:30 p.m. in Room 1.

Consistory meets at 7:30 p.m. in Room 8.

Tuesday: Luminex church plant meeting at New Hope, Fairview

Park, at 7:00 p.m.

Wednesday: Women of Wisdom, 10 am-noon, Room 8

Wednesday: Men’s Study, using Sermon Questions, Rm 4.

Wednesday Connections 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.

FOUNDATIONS 2.0 - the New Testament Led by Pastor Dan

Soul Detox (Clean Living in a Contaminated World)

Kids Club (Kindergarten - 5th) What’s In the Bible

Thursday: God’s Friends Forever, 6:30 p.m.

Thursday: Worship Team rehearsal, 7:15-8:30 p.m.

Friday: Shining Stars meet at 1:30 p.m.

Saturday: Refit® from 9-10 a.m. in the Fellowship Area.

Sunday: Women’s Renewal followup meeting @ noon.

Next week’s message, based on Numbers 13:1-3, 17-33, will be,

Get Off Your Buts

Attendance last week was 91 & 122, pus 70 for GFF on Thursday.

Offerings totaled $7,156.50.

Thank you to all who attended, prayed for, wrote letters, or in

some other tangible way supported the women’s renewal weekend

that ended late last night. You are appreciated!

Prayer concerns: Please pray for all those who attended the

women’s renewal, that the spiritual sparks ignited will continue to

glow and grow. Pray for those with ongoing health concerns:

Bob Beck, Bob Cooperrider, Rick Demeter, Nancy & Bob

Hanwell, Anna Henry, Ashley Holler, Peg Jenkins, Flora Kostyak,

Rose & Bob Murray, Eileen Raich, Gini Reinke, Ted Szenger,

Mary Trzop and Nickey Whited. Continue to pray for our

military personnel.

BRC apparel!

If you missed your chance to order something

before Christmas or now that you’ve seen ‘em, you

want one too, we have a second opportunity!!

The online link to order BRC garments is

again active!

T-shirts, long sleeve t’s, polos,

hoodies, zippered hoodies are


Deadline to order is

January 31.

If you need help ordering or have other questions, contact Donna Cook,

Rhyna Sensiba or Dan Toot.

The Heidelberg Catechism Question 86.

We have been delivered from our misery by God’s grace alone through

Christ and not because we have earned it: why then must we still do


Answer. To be sure, Christ has redeemed us with his blood. But we do

good because Christ by his Spirit is also renewing us to be like himself,

so that in all our living we may show that we are thankful to God for all

he has done for us, and so that he may be praised through us. And we do

good so that we may be assured of our faith by its fruits, and so that by

our godly living our neighbors may be won over to Christ.

Camp brochures are here! They’re on the hallway shelf. Here are our weeks....

Those going into 5th-6th grades...Camp Geneva,

July 10-16

Those going into 7th-9th grades...Camp Geneva,

July 10-16

Cran Hill High School, ages 13-17, dates

are July 10-15

Camp Geneva needs the names of our campers by this Sunday,

JANUARY 17, in order to save spots for us. Camp Geneva fills up very

quickly - but they will save spots for our kids- if they have names.

Camp Geneva has given us a Voucher Code: 6203-10D, which will give

you a $10 discount and identify you as a BRC


When you register online, please let us know so

we can include you in our planning!

Online registration is available and preferred by

CranHill as well.

They have given us a Sponsorship Code

BRC-CHR2016 which will identify you as BRC

campers - and give you a $25 discount !!

BRC arranges group transportation to camp (a van or bus, depending on


Further information is available on the camp websites or,

Questions, contact Rhyna Sensiba, 330-225-5475,or

The Great Co-Mission Matthew 28:16-20

Our mission at BRC: We exist to be a church where the love of Jesus is _____________ lives! ∙ What does this look like practically speaking?

∙ What role does Jesus play in this and what role do we play?

∙ Who is active in this transformation process?

Our 3 points of emphasis in the transformation process: ∙ Inward – God transforms us inwardly through the hearing of the

gospel & the redeeming work of Christ through the Spirit.

Salvation is a work that God does in us from start to finish! Eph. 2:8-9

But Faith comes from __________, and who can hear without someone

proclaiming it? Romans 10:17, 14

The Holy Spirit works, but so do the ones who _________ this gospel!

We are God’s workmanship, created in Christ to do good works. Eph. 2:10

God works in us, so that He can work ______________!

∙ Upward – God draws us upward through the study of His Word and

the sharpening accountability of His ___________.

Sanctification is also a work that God does but He doesn’t work alone!

Matt. 28:17 - All authority in heaven & earth was given to Jesus, He could

have built His church alone, but He told His disciples to _____!

Jesus wants us to be part of the process, to be active in His mission w/ Him!

But it’s not just about sharpening one another within the church w/the

Word, it’s also about taking the Word outside to the world!

“Go & make disciples of all nations”–To go, implies _____ on our part!

∙ Outward – God sends us outward, on mission with Christ, by

serving in His name & sharing our faith with those who need to

hear & experience the transformative love of Jesus Christ.

The Great Commission is Christ’s invitation for us to join Him on His mission!

His Great Commission is our Great _____ ________!

The Christian life is a ____________ effort! We work b/c Christ works in us inward, upward, & outward.

REACT Ministries – Christ’s ACTION produces in us a REACTion!

Philippians 2:12-13 - We are called to work out our own salvation,

knowing that it is God who is _________ in us!

Jesus’ last command to His disciples was for them to join Him in seeking

& saving the lost! He would be with them, but they must go!

Objection: “Isn’t this a command to his disciples only?”

Jesus declared in vs. 20 – “teach them (those who would respond to the gospel

through the apostles teaching) to observe all that I have commanded you…”

Jesus commanded the disciples to teach to us _________ they were taught!

Why would Jesus not include this last command in that?

Also consider Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer – John 17

Jesus prayed for His disciples & all those who followed them, to ______!

Are we united in Christ? If we are, then are we not also united in purpose?

We must grasp the truth that we have a job to do, a mission to fulfill!

The love of Jesus invites/commands outward transformation in our lives, by calling us to serve in His name and share His gospel!

How are we actively ____________ in this Great Co-mission of Christ?

We, the leadership of BRC, believe that our mission of Inward, Upward, &

Outward transformation is in alignment w/Christ’s mission

Will you join us in this? Will you join in this work with Him?

Jesus said, “I will build my church”, but He never said He would build it

_______! Where is He calling you “outward” to play your


If you are interested in attending the Image of God Women’s

Conference with a group, please notify Donna Cook at (216)

215-5665 or by this Friday 1/22/16

to secure early bird pricing. The conference, Who I Am, is April

23, at Grace Baptist Church.

Advance: GFF Sweetheart Dinner Dance is February 13. See Sherry

Haynes for details and tickets.

Tech Updates:

∙ The BRC app is now available from either the Apple App store

or the Google Play store.

∙ You can listen to the Sunday sermon via the BRC website, the

BRC app or Facebook. (And it’s now usually uploaded on


∙ Give by Text is available. Simply send a text to 330-239-8652

with the amount you would like to contribute.

The Great Co-Mission Matthew 28:16-20

Study Questions:

1) What about our new church mission statement resonates with

you? What excites you about it?

2) Have you experienced the "inward" transformation as defined

in the sermon? What was it like?

3) Do you see the importance of "upward" transformation, as

defined in the sermon, in your life?

4) In what ways do you take responsibility for your own

spiritual growth?

5) How have you viewed the Great Commission in the past?

Do you see it's implications to your life today?

6) Ephesians 2:10 tells us that God works in us, and that He

calls us to work also, with Him. Are you responding to that call? In

what ways can we join with Him in His mission?

7) Read John 17 again. What jumps out to you about this

prayer of Jesus?

8) "Outward" transformation includes serving and faith sharing,

how are those two things a part of your Christian life?

9) Of the three areas of transformation: inward, upward, &

outward, which area needs the most work in your life? Make sure to

close in prayer & ask God to be active in doing that work in you!

Serving at BRC

Sunday, January 17

Greeters (9) - Bob & Nancy Hanwell

(10:30) - Mark Herbert

Welcome Center - Eileen Smalley

Nursery (9) - volunteers

(10:30) - Melissa Fazekas,

Savannah Dickens

Ushers (9) - Nick Virzi, Mel Wilk

Assisting - Paul Buser, Mike Pasko

(10:30) - Pete Nixon, Jim Niedermyer

Assisting - Carol Dickens,

Renee Niedermyer

Verse Cards (9)

- Earl & Karyn Gentile

(10:30)- Gary Brualdi

Coffee-&Juice (9)

- Dick & Rhyna Sensiba

Sunday, January 24

Greeters (9) - Gene & Betty Shuster

(10:30) - Jim & Eileen Smalley

Welcome Center - Carol Rounds

Nursery (9) - volunteers

(10:30) - Cheryl Wright,

Madison Haynes

Ushers (9) - Paul Buser, Mike Pasko

Assisting - Paul Morgan,

Tom Michelson

(10:30) - Carol Dickens,

Renee Niedermyer

Assisting - Bob Besida, Eric Kramer

Verse Cards (9)- Pat Lods,

Barb Cognata

(10:30)-Tim & Jackie Dalzell

Coffee-&Juice (9)

- John & Donna Cook

Sunday, January 31

Greeters (9) - Debbie Reichle

(10:30) - Carol Rounds

Welcome Center

- Mike & Arleen Pasko

Nursery (9) - volunteers

(10:30) - Renee Garapic,

Kaylee Kelley

Ushers (9) - Paul Morgan,

Tom Michelson

Assisting - Bob Jacobs,

Dennis Parker

(10:30) - Bob Besida, Eric Kramer

Assisting - Kenny Wright,

Mark Herbert

Verse Cards (9)-Marilyn Zeigler, Nadine Hapney

(10:30)-Jim & Eileen Smalley

Coffee-&Juice (9) - Patty Walker, Kerri Reichenbach

Sunday, February 7

Greeters (9) - Marilyn Zeigler

(10:30) - Ilze Fultz

Welcome Center - Mark Herbert

Nursery (9) - volunteers

(10:30) - Jennifer Poore, Jade Poore

Ushers (9) - Bob Jacobs,

Dennis Parker

Assisting- Eric Raich,

Earl Holzheimer

(10:30) - Kenny Wright,

Mark Herbert

Assisting - Carol Rounds,

Bonnie Ansel

Verse Cards (9)

-Guy & Candice Lenart

(10:30)-Jim & Renee Niedermyer

Coffee-&Juice (9) - Gina Koch

Brunswick Reformed Church

Why Do We Exist?

BRC exists to be a church where the love of Jesus is transforming lives.

What Do We Do?

BRC offers opportunities for Christ-centered worship, discipleship, fellowship, service and outreach.

What Are Our Core Values?

Scripture: In all of life the Bible governs, guides, shapes and sends us out.

Humility: God and his grace is the lens through which we view and respond to ourselves and others.

Compassion: The love of Jesus empowers us to value and love all people, and to serve those for whom God is equipping us.

To What Values Do We Aspire?

Discipleship: We will continue to develop a wise understanding of God’s Word, an ability to discern God’s will,

and an eagerness to obey God’s leading.

Worship: We will continue to grow in our commitment and love for both personal and corporate worship.

Kingdom-focused: We will place involvement in God’s mission before personal preferences or human traditions.

Faith sharing: With humble confidence we will live out our faith, sharing our stories and inviting others to join us

on the journey as we have opportunity.

Prayer: We will live all aspects of life dependent on God and in communication with him, sharing our hearts

and listening for his leadings.