brooke m1 2 Goddess of love and beauty Laughter loving goddess Sprung from the foam of the sea near...

Post on 29-Jan-2016

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Transcript of brooke m1 2 Goddess of love and beauty Laughter loving goddess Sprung from the foam of the sea near...

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Goddess of love and beauty

Laughter loving goddess

Sprung from the foam of the sea near Cythera

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Women frenzied with wine

Killed wild creatures

Devoured their preys flesh

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Goddess of agriculture

Daughter Persephone was kidnapped by Hades. And, was carried off into the Underworld.

Goddess of society

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They are half men half horse

Savage creatures

More beasts then men

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Cupid in latin

God of love

Cannot do wrong or allow it

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Placed by Virgil in the underworld, where they punish evil doers

Sinners on earth

Usually represented as 3: Tisiphone, Megarea, and Alecto

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The Gorgon’s sisters

3 gray women with 1 eye between them

Lived on father bank of the ocean

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Rules over dead

God of wealth

King of dead

Lives in the UNDERWORLD

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Goddess of the rainbow

Messenger of the gods

Daughter of Thauman and Electra

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Queen of heaven

Protector of marriage

Protected married women and birth

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Rain god

Cloud gatherer

God of Heavens

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God of wine

God of the vine

Protector of mentally distressed

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Battle goddess

Goddess of the city

Goddess of Wisdom

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Ruler of the sea

God of water

Gave first horse to man

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Entrance was a great gale of clouds kept by the seasons

Gods dwellings lived and slept there

No rain or no snow


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Had to choose the “fairest” goddess out of: Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena

Shot an arrow at Achilles and killed him (with help of Apollo)

Got wounded in the war. And, asked to get taken back to Oedene so she could heal him. But, she refused.

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The name of the deified Romulus

Founder of Rome

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Queen of the Universe

Had Zeus secretly carried off to Crete when he was born. So that Cronus didn’t swallow him.

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Lived on n island in the sea

Had enchanting voices

Their singing lured sailors to their death

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Wooden, hollow horse

Could hold a number of men

Put all the Greeks in Trojan horse

Sinon told Trojans that the Greeks went home

Trojans thought the horse was a gift from the Gods and let it in the gate. At night the Greeks came out of the horse and burned down the city.

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Ruled by Hades

Kingdom of the dead

Lies beneath secret places of the Earth

Tartarus and Erebus are 2 divisions of the Underworld

Tartarus: deeper, prison of the sons of the Earth

Erebus: where dead pass as soon as they die

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Ugly god

God of FIRE

Peace-loving god

God of ceremony

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Aeolus was the King of the Winds

He also lived on the Earth

Aeolia was his home

Only regent of winds

The four Chief Winds were: Boreas- North Wind, Zephyr- West Wind, Notus- South Wind, Eurus- East Wind

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One of the two greatest champions on the Greek side

Carried Achilles’ body out of battle while Odysseus held the Trojans back

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Daughter of Zeus and Hera

Sometimes appeared as cupbearer to the gods

Married to Hercules

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Supreme ruler

Lord of the sky

Rain god

Cloud gatherer

Falls in love with one women after another