Bring the Fresh Reviews - Affiliate Marketing Strategy

Post on 18-Nov-2014

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description this is a strategy that I learned from Bring the Fresh that turned my business around overnight. I started making more money, ranking better in Google much faster and making sales easier. Read more at

Transcript of Bring the Fresh Reviews - Affiliate Marketing Strategy



Paddle Downstream to Easily Rake in Money Online

What is requested from you!

All I ask is that you put these strategies to the test and when they prove profitable, visit my site to learn how a chance encounter at a bar in New York City took my business from barely afloat to profitable practically overnight.

Bringing in the bucks!

I’ve made a lot of mistakes on my way to earning a few hundred dollars per month online.

Clearing the hurdles

Overcoming those challenges was worth it because now that money, even though not a huge amount, comes in every month without my direct involvement.

In other words, whether I log into the website or not, that money comes in like clockwork.

And I have to tell you, that’s a great feeling.

If I could do it over again?

However, if I had the opportunity to do it over again, there are a few things that I would do differently and I am certain I would have made more money in much less time.

What this article is about

That’s what this article is about… dispelling myths about affiliate marketing and getting you from point A to point B in the shortest time possible.

First I will tell you about the specifics mistakes that I made on my journey and then I will give you the strategy to bypass all the BS and make money quickly and effortlessly as if you were swimming with the current as opposed to against it.

My early miscues!

When I got started online, I first learned search engine optimization so that I could get my family’s restaurant to rank better on Google.

The good news is I learned how to rank websites on page one of Google.

The wrong keywords

The bad news is, even though I got websites on page one of Google, I was focusing on the wrong keywords!

That was my first mistake… the wrong keywords.

Affiliate marketing

I was fed up with ranking with nothing to show for it so I bought a course on affiliate marketing and had some success.

My problem this time had to do with my website strategy. I thought that an authoritative site where I reviewed many different products in one industry or niche was the way to go.

The maneuvering

I got the site up to a few hundred bucks a month but then it plateaued. And it took a lot of time and effort to get the traffic levels up to where they are now.

I compare this strategy to maneuvering a huge cargo ship. It takes a lot of time and energy to get where you need to go.

A Quick Story

That’s when I serendipitously met a guy while at a networking event in a bar in Manhattan who crushed that authority site belief that I was holding on to.

It turns out that he’s made over ten million dollars in a little over a decade making sites with only a few pages of content. I was shocked

Simple way of building sites

All this time I thought you had to add content every day in order to get in the good graces of Google and he was ranking sites on page one within a few weeks and with a few pages of content??

Exact match domains!

Come on! What he taught me was something I already knew but did not focus on… that exact match domains and having your keywords in the domain accounted for up to a quarter of the ranking factors.

Building smaller sites

By building smaller sites focused on individual products you can get sites up and profitable much quicker and with less effort because they are easier to rank.

This way if you fail, who cares? You didn’t

My ah-ha moment !

My ah-ha moment didn’t stop there. If you can get buyer keywords in your domain and those buyer keywords have enough traffic, you can quickly and easily get buyers to your site with their wallets in hand and ready to spend.

You’re swimming downstream

Now you’re swimming downstream effortlessly because your visitors are ready to hand you money and 25% of the SEO struggle has been destroyed by having your keywords in your domain name right after the http://.





The Steps to Swimming Downstream and Pulling in Money

1.Keyword Research

Like we said earlier, you must find keywords that people are searching with the intent to buy.

Here are the best keywords:

Product Name Product Name Reviews Model Number Product Name Bonus Product Name Discount Product Creator’s Name Buy Product Name Buy Model Number

Rule of thumb

My rule of thumb is if the total monthly searches of all buyer keywords combined is greater than 1000 than you have a good chance of having a winner.

Phrase match keywords

Make sure to total up all phrase match keywords, not broad. If you are not aware of the difference, phrase match is when you search for something with quotation marks and all the words appear in the results in the same order.

Google external keyword tool

For now just know that when you use the Google External Keyword tool, you want to check off Phrase Match and uncheck the Broad Match box in the left hand sidebar.

Keyword research

Nothing is for certain and this is just a rule of thumb. After doing this a few times and seeing what sells and what doesn’t you will become excellent and keyword research and spotting winners when you see them.

2.Competitive Analysis

Here are a few crucial questions to answer when looking at the top ten results for your chosen buyer keyword:

Does the site have the keyword in the URL? Is it in the front or the back? Root domain or a sub-page of the website? Is the keyword or phrase in the Site Title? Is it in the description of the site? How about in the Header tag?

2. Competitive Analysis

If any of this is over your head, don’t fret right now because any great market research tool with a competition analysis module will be able to quickly answer all these questions for you.

Backlinks to the page

Backlinks to the page that ranks is also very important but remember, if you have the exact match domain name, the number one spot is yours to lose.

Your SEO success

That’s how important and that’s how big a role the first part of your URL plays in the way Google ranks sites right now and for the foreseeable future.

Google trusting your content

According to Brian Clark of Copy blogger,"…you can gain attention from people via

search engines because Google trusts your content.”

That’s what it’s all about. If you’re domain name is the exact words someone is searching for, Google will much more likely trust that you are the most relevant.

Makes sense doesn’t it?

3. Find the closest available exact match domain name

Go to your nearest domain host and see if the buyer keyword for the product you want to promote is available in .com, .net or .org.

My mentor (find out who that is on my website) seems to easily rank any of the three main extensions but they are in priority order.

Use no hyphen

The only thing he said not to get in your .com, .net or .org is hyphens between words.

I am a little skeptical so I recently registered a product name with a hyphen in between the two words so that I can test out the theory on my own.

4. Traffic

The final step is to throw some links at your new domain using article marketing, video marketing, social bookmarking, forum posting, etc.

Fortunately, you shouldn’t need too many backlinks to get ranked since you have the exact match domain name.

In Closing

The great thing about this technique is you will be able to quickly determine whether you have a winner or not and then be able to move onto the next site and product.

Just go after the products you think you have the greatest probability of making you money.

Your web sites may be a homerun!

Some of your sites will produce no money, some will make you some and some will be homeruns. The more sites you put up the better off you will be. It’s a numbers game just like everything else.

So today we covered buyer keywords and having the exact match domain name.

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