Brief Description About What is DNA

Post on 20-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Brief Description About What is DNA

What is DNA

Then what is DNA Fingerprinting?•Not going by the literal sense, fingerprinting does not certainly mean the prints of the fingers.•Two individuals cannot have same physical fingerprints, right?•This is the reason this identification test is done by taking the internal parts of any individual which will have their respective chromosomes.•This test is carried out by taking a drop of blood, semen, a strand of hair with its roots or skin scrapings.•This is initially done to investigate in a criminal propagation.•But however, if a person voluntarily comes up for a DNA Fingerprinting then a sample of blood is taken from the veins.

Why should one do DNA fingerprinting?

•To know the family background or establish a relationship.•To solve criminal cases, where this is one of the ways the professionals swear by.•To identify decomposed bodies.

How to take DNA samples?

•By taking the blood from the veins in older individuals.•When done in babies, heel sticks are inserted in the heel of the baby to take out blood.•By just taking out the skin in patches.•Securing saliva, urine, semen.•Taking out a strand of hair with the roots.•Bone or teeth samples can be used in the decomposed bodies.

What affects the DNA test?

•If the sample size is too small then the DNA test gets severely affected.•If an individual is gone under a blood transfusion in the last 3 months, then it can affect the results of the test.•If the tissue of the sample has decayed before testing.

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