Bridges - APWAAmerican Public Works Association Bridges The Newsletter for Chapter Leaders...

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Bridges The Newsletter for Chapter LeadersSeptember/October 2003


APWA Board Approves3% Net National

Memership Increasefor 2003-2004

Page 1

APWA Chapter ToolboxSpotlights the City ofSan Antonio Public

Works Academy

Page 2

Chapter LeadersConvene in San Diego

Page 3

Jennings RandolphInternational

Fellowship Program

Page 4

Hundreds of TrainingPrograms NowAvailable to You

Page 5

Chapter AffiliatedAward Winners

Honored at 2003Congress Awards


Page 7

Technical CommitteesPlan for the Future

Page 9

Young MemberInvolvement in APWA

Page 12

Mathcounts Continues

Page 13Education Schedule

Page 17continued on page 10

APWA Board Approves 3% NetNational Membership Increase for2003-2004

The Board of Directors continues to place a strongemphasis on enhancing APWA’s membership andrecently set a 3% net membership increase objectivefor the association to achieve in 2003-2004. Finalmembership numbers for 2002-2003, indicated that theassociation’s membership totality was at 27,016. As aresult, with a 3% increase, the association is looking atan additional 810 members, for a total number of27,826 members by June 30, 2004.

The APWA Member Relations Department and theNational Membership Committee are currently in theprocess of developing and implementing a 3% nationalrecruitment campaign to achieve our targeted objectivethat will include significant chapter participation. In thevery near future, the APWA Membership Marketingand Development Manager, as well as members of theMembership Committee, will be contacting chaptersand branches to update you on National’s strategiesand to assist you with your recruitment efforts to meetthis year’s net increase objective. However, in themeantime, listed below are some recruitment activitiesthat can be implemented at the chapter and branchlevels to kick off your own recruiting efforts:

Nonmembers Participating at the Chapter andBranch Levels – If you have nonmembers attendingchapter or branch events, please meet with theseindividuals to discuss the benefits of membership inAPWA National. In addition, please make sure thesenonmembers are not receiving the same benefits andpricing as our current members and make a concertedeffort to get these prospective members on thenational membership roll.

Chapter Vacancy Campaigns – Vacancycampaigns are one of the swiftest ways to increase

BridgesAPWA September/October 2003 page 2

APWA Chapter Toolbox Spotlights the City ofSan Antonio Public Works Academy

The City of San Antonio PublicWorks Academy, Public WorksDepartment and the NeighborhoodResource Center have joined togetherto educate citizens of San Antonio onthe various functions of the PublicWorks Department and to create agreater understanding of the processesfor enlisting its services. Thomas G.Wendorf, P.E., Director of the City ofSan Antonio Public Works Department,and his staff recognized the need toeducate their diverse community on thedifferent divisions and services thatcomprise the Public Works Department.To initiate this process, Mr. Wendorfimplemented a Citizens Public WorksAcademy to educate all Public Worksconsumers.

Prior to the first session, surveys

were distributed to all identifiedparticipants. The survey requestedparticipants to rank the following PublicWorks divisions in order of preference:Capital Improvements, CustomerService, Street Maintenance, StormWater Utility, and Transportation. Thefirst session helped frame the entireprogram and citizens were placed in oneof five discussion groups based on theirindividual rankings. The discussiongroups discussed their topics andanswered their questions: What is thepurpose of this Public Works Business?What is the perception of the business’service? And what would you like tolearn about this business or service? Each discussion group presented theiranswers to the entire group and thesepresentations provided an outline forthose businesses presenting in futuresessions.

The Citizens Public Works Academyprovides numerous benefits to both theCity of San Antonio and the citizens and,based on the Academy, participantsnow have the contacts and theexpertise necessary to implementchange, improvements, and increaseoverall stability in their community. Thepositive feedback from city council, citymanagement, and program participantshas placed a heightened awareness ofthe need for public works education andits benefits and, based on this increasedawareness and interest in the program,the City of San Antonio Public WorksDepartment will coordinate twoprograms a year. The diverse talentwithin the Public Works Departmentserved as a great tool and, by utilizingthe department’s diversity, the City ofSan Antonio Public Works Departmentwas able to identify and reach out to thevarious and sundry citizensrepresenting the communities within SanAntonio. For additional information onthe Public Work Academy, pleasecontact Mr. Jason Cosby, P.E.,Assistant Public Works Director, City ofSan Antonio, at (210) 207-7785 or viae-mail at

APWAIdea Toolbox

BridgesAPWA September/October 2003 page 3

Chapter Leaders Convene in San Diego

As a first-timeeffort, chapterleaders fromAPWA’s 67chapters joinedforces in SanDiego to share

ideas, talk about the future andhear about some unique projects fromselect chapters. John Benda, APWADiversity Committee member, initiatedthe discussion by suggesting ways toemphasize diversity throughout chapteractivities. He noted that diversity doesnot stop at race and gender, but extendsto age, cultural background and evenphysical disabilities. He noted thatVolume II of the APWA Diversity Manualis now available on the APWA website.

Diane Linderman, DC/MD/VAChapter, talked about “Organizing YourChapter to Deal with Local LegislativeIssues.” She focused on the efforts thechapter was involved with in the statecapitol in Richmond.

Shawn O’Leary, Kansas Chapter,described how the Kansas Chapterfacilitated an intergovernmentalpartnership for agencies in WesternKansas. They jointly hired a consultantto prepare a study on commonwatershed issues in order to complywith the NPDES Phase II Storm Waterregulations.

Mira Troyan, Northern CaliforniaChapter Administrator, not onlyenumerated all the duties and tasks thata paid Administrator can handle for achapter, she also shared a copy of hercontract. Almost a third of our chaptersnow have some form of part-timeadministrator or organizer attending toroutine functions and helping coordinateevents and produce educationalprograms.

Grant Anderson,Arizona Chapter, broughtto light the “Benefits ofMembership During HardEconomic Times. Duringhis discussion, Grantdiscussed how to retainmembership during hardtimes. He alsodiscussed theimportance of makingsure politicians and citymanagers know thebenefits of membershipin APWA, even duringbudget deficits and cutbacks.

Teri Newhouse, the Finance Directorfor APWA, discussed the ins and outs of“Taxable Unrelated Business Income(UBIT),” a key issue resulting fromrecent changes in tax law.

The “Think Tank” session whichbrought in almost 70 chapter leaderswas facilitated by Regional DirectorsBenny Wolfe, Howard LaFever, andJack Pittis.

The program began Tuesdaymorning with a group breakfast andremarks by Dwayne Kalynchuk, P.Eng.,APWA President and John Luthy. Itended with evaluations indicating amajority of chapter leaders would likethe event continued in Atlanta in 2004.Several leaders offered to help developnext year’s program. If you areinterested in doing so, please contactAPWA National to add your name to thelist.

A big thank-you to ALL attendeeswho made this first-ever gathering a bigsuccess!

BridgesAPWA September/October 2003 page 4

Jennings Randolph International Fellowship Program

The APWA International AffairsCommittee (IAC) is pleased toannounce the reinstatement of theJennings Randolph InternationalFellowship Fund. It is the intent of theIAC to award up to two fellowships peryear, beginning in 2004, for APWAmembers to travel to countries withwhich APWA has formal internationalpartnerships with other public worksassociations. This program offers APWAmembers the opportunity to participateat a public works conference andpartake in a public works study tour ofone of the association’s internationalpartners. The study tour will lastapproximately two weeks with up to oneweek spent participating at theconference and a further week spentstudying a particular aspect of publicworks in that country. APWAanticipates registration for the hostconference will be complimentary andthat the host country will providehousing for the grant recipient eitherthrough a hotel or “home hosting.”

By making the program available toAPWA members, it is hopeful that theassociation will further its internationalprinciples, which are:

• To provide an opportunity forAPWA members to broaden theirknowledge and exchangeexperiences and information ontrends and advances in publicworks, through contact with ourinternational partners.

• To promote friendship andunderstanding among publicworks staff on an internationalbasis.

The criterion for the program is asfollows: APWA members will presentpublic works/infrastructure-relatedpapers at APWA’s internationalpartnership countries’ public works-related conferences; coupled withtypically a one-week or more extended

study tour of public works facilities inthat country; and a paper regarding thattour presented at the next availableAPWA Congress and other professionalorganizations; and preparation of anarticle in the APWA Reporter.

At this time, it is the intention thatfellowships be made available forattendance at the IPWEA and SPWAconferences every second year and theAMMAC conference annually. TheJennings Randolph Fellowship will beawarded on the basis of fundingavailable each year through interestearned on the fund. As a result, someyears may be more lucrative thanothers. However, the IAC hopes to beable to award more than one fellowshipper year. The fellowship will cover thecost of travel to and from the specifiedcountry. Cost associated with otheractivities including additional travel andaccommodations, as well as familymember participation, will be met by theparticipant.

Applications should be submitted,preferably electronically, to APWA, oncea year, generally in August. A call forapplications will be issued through theAPWA Reporter and on theassociation’s InfoNOW Communities.Upon the call for applications,submissions should be forwarded to Ms.Kaye Sullivan, APWA Deputy ExecutiveDirector/COO, at must be received at APWAheadquarters by 5:00 p.m. (CentralTime) on October 15, 2003. Thesuccessful applicant(s) will be notifiedby January 15, 2004.

For additional information regardingthe program, participant responsibilitiesand the application process, pleaseaccess APWA’s website at

BridgesAPWA September/October 2003 page 5

Hundreds of Training Programs Now Available to You

APWA members now have a newmember benefit designed to savemoney on your training needs. APWAhas teamed up with the RockhurstUniversity Continuing Education Center(RUCEC), the parent organization ofnationally recognized training groupsthat include National Seminars Group,Padgett-Thompson, and KeyeProductivity, to bring you discountsranging from 10-25% off the normalprice on your training.

RUCEC conducts literally thousandsof training programs each year in citiesacross North America including Publicseminars and customized onsitetraining. In addition, RUCEC offers atremendous inventory of trainingproducts such as the popularMicrosoft® Office Suite. Each programis carefully designed and developed withthe learner in mind, and each instructoris carefully screened and evaluated forquality and consistency.

Below are just a few of the over-300seminars available throughout the yearand offered in hundreds of cities:

Fundamentals of Effective Project ManagementBasic Supervision: A One-Day SeminarHow to handle Unacceptable Behavior and other Tough Employee Performance ProblemsCommunicating with Diplomacy & TactBusiness Grammar for Busy ProfessionalsThe Complete Course of Facilities ManagementSafety and Security Measures for Front- Desk Personnel

To find out which programs arecoming to your area visit the or call ValerieFrancis at 1-800-344-4613 x3009.Remember to mention you are anAPWA member to receive the 25%discount. (A catalog of select titles,“The Business Skills Training Collection”was sent to each member in earlySeptember.)

Also, if you have a group ofemployees to train, any of the publicseminars can be brought into youragency or corporation and customizedto your needs. A similar arrangementcan be made if the chapter hosts aprogram exclusively for chaptermembers. As an APWA member youwould still receive a 10% discount evenfor these special programs.

With this alliance we are able to offeryou professional, thorough and effectivetraining for all levels of your workforcetoday. And, when you take advantage ofany of these training opportunities,APWA receives a small percentagefrom each sale; thus, you will be helpingAPWA create new training solutions forpublic works issues in the future.

This alliance is a winning effortbetween RUCEC and APWA. But thechapters and the members are theultimate winners in receiving top trainingat a discount. Check out the NationalSeminars website to find programs thatwork for you.

BridgesAPWA September/October 2003 page 6

2004 Award Program Information Available in November 2003

The APWA Awards Programrecognizes individuals and groups fortheir outstanding contributions to theprofession of public works. The deadlineto submit nominations for APWA’s 2004National awards program is March 1,2004. You can download the full AwardsProgram from APWA’s website or contact RhondaWilhite at (800) 848-APWA, ext. 3512.

Don’t forget the PACE Award

It’s not too early to start thinkingabout your chapter vying for a 2004Presidential Award for ChapterExcellence (PACE). In 2003, twelvechapters received a PACE Award,which is the most awards everpresented in this category. If yourchapter is interested in competing for a2004 PACE Award, the deadline for thisaward is June 1, 2004. Please be sureto submit the necessary informationoutlined in the PACE criteria to ensureyour chapter is eligible for this award.Please refer to the 2004 AwardsProgram for details about this criteria,when the program becomes availablefor distribution.

Please note the following changes tothe Awards Program

The Board recently approved theaddition of four new technical awards.The new technical awards are theProfessional Manager of the YearAwards in the Facilities and Grounds,Solid Waste, Transportation and Water

Resources categories. In addition, theBoard reinstated the ProfessionalManager of the Year Awards in thePublic Fleet and Public Right of Waycategories. All of the aforementionedawards will be up for presentationbeginning with the 2004 AwardsRecognition Ceremony, in Atlanta,Georgia.

Furthermore, changes wereapproved to the National AwardsRecognition Ceremony that included aPowerpoint awards presentation and anetworking, congratulatory reception forthe award recipients. The changes tothe awards ceremony wereimplemented at the 2003 AwardsRecognition Ceremony in San Diegoand were successful in making thisevent more festive for award recipientsand attendees.

If you have any questions orconcerns regarding the National AwardsProgram, please contact Lee Hawkins,National Awards Administrator orRhonda Wilhite, Chapter Coordinator, atAPWA headquarters.

BridgesAPWA September/October 2003 page 7

Chapter Affiliated Award Winners Honored at 2003 CongressAwards Recognition Ceremony

Top Ten Public Works Leaders

John C. (Jack) Farnan, P.E.General SuperintendentChapter Affiliation: Chicago Metro

Rhonda Faught, P.ECabinet SecretaryChapter Affiliation: New Mexico

Thomas C. Kirkwood, P.E.Industry ConsultantChapter Affiliation: Kansas City Metro

Tony LeffinDirector of Public WorksChapter Affiliation: Florida

Diane M. Linderman, P.E.Director of Public WorksChapter Affiliation: VA/DC/MD continued on next page

Tim Madhanagopal, P.E., DEEPlant Manager Utilities DepartmentChapter Affiliation: Florida

Jack McCorkell, P.Eng.Commissioner of Public WorksChapter Affiliation: Ontario

Richard StinsonDirector of Public WorksChapter Affiliation: New England

L. Scott Tucker, P.E.Executive DirectorChapter Affiliation: Colorado

James Woods, Jr., P.E.Director of MaintenanceChapter Affiliation: Texas

Charles Walter Nichols Award

Dori BrownRecycling CoordinatorChapter Affiliation: Virginia

Harry S. Swearingen Award

Harold (Hal) Hultquist, P.E.Construction EngineerChapter Affiliation: Michigan

Donald C. Stone Award-Individual

Roy RobinsonProgram CoordinatorChapter Affiliation: Texas

Arthur R. ShawOperations EngineerChapter Affiliation: Virginia

BridgesAPWA September/October 2003 page 8

Donald C. Stone Award-ChapterChapter: Northern California

Community Involvement Award

Dennis WalakerDirector of OperationsChapter Affiliation: North Dakota

Young Leader Award

Wayne A. Gudenkauf, P.E.Senior Civil EngineerChapter Affiliation: KC Metro

Specified Chapter Affiliated Award Winners Honored at 2003 Congress

Awards Recognition Ceremony . . . continued from page 7

Diversity Exemplary PracticesAward-Individual

H. Reed Fowler, Jr.Director of Public WorksChapter Affiliation: Virginia

Diversity Exemplary PracticesAward-Organization

Suzanne Crane Engineering, Inc.Chapter Affiliation: Oregon

Exceptional Performance Award-Adversity

City of San Antonio, TexasPublic Works DepartmentChapter Affiliation: Texas

Exceptional Performance Award-Journalism

City of Eugene, OregonPublic Works DepartmentChapter Affiliation: Oregon

Exceptional Performance Award-Safety

City of Glendale, CaliforniaPublic Works DivisionChapter Affiliation: SouthernCalifornia

Technical Innovation Award

City of Vancouver, British ColumbiaChapter Affiliation: British Columbia

Management Innovation Award

Earth TechChapter Affiliation: British Columbia

Presidential Award For ChapterExcellence (PACE)

Chicago Metro ChapterKansas City Metro ChapterNew England ChapterNew Jersey ChapterNew York Metro ChapterNorth Carolina ChapterNorthern California ChapterOntario ChapterOregon ChapterSacramento ChapterTexas ChapterWashington Chapter

Patricia (Patty) Hilderbrand, P.E.Planning Group LeaderChapter Affiliation: KC Metro

BridgesAPWA September/October 2003 page 9

Technical Committees Plan for the Future

Each of the nine TechnicalCommittees met during the weekendpreceding Congress to recap theiraccomplishments from the ending yearand finalize the business plan for thecoming one. In most cases, a newChair began his/her duties, as well asmembers newly appointed to thecommittee. Appreciation wasexpressed to those who werecompleting their terms of appointment.

Common items were discussed bythe committees which included the newformat for developing and approvingposition statements; completion of theselection of topics and presenters forguaranteed sessions for Congress 2004in Atlanta; selection of topics andauthors for articles in the Reporter;preparation of online newsletters ofinterest to each committee area; newpublications or trainings to be offered;and plans for the Combined TechnicalCommittee Meeting to be held the end ofMarch.

A major emphasis of the committeeswill be an effort to secure the namesand contact information for eachChapter’s Newsletter Editor andProgram Chairman. Communicationswill be sent directly to these chapterleaders for inclusion in chapternewsletters and to offer Powerpointprograms on topics specific to the workprogram of various committees.

Emergency ManagementChair: Brian UsherAt-Large Director: Larry LuxStaff Liaison: Karen Bloodworth

Engineering and TechnologyChair: Alan GarciaAt-Large Director: John GermanStaff Liaison: Carol Estes

Facilities and GroundsChair: Dwight RiggleAt-Large Director: Larry FrevertStaff Liaison: Karen Bloodworth

Fleet ServicesChair: Sam LameratoAt-Large Director: Larry FrevertStaff Liaison: Karen Bloodworth

Leadership and ManagementChair: Wayne TandaAt-Large Director: Larry LuxStaff Liaison: Ann Daniels

Solid WasteChair: George CrombieAt-Large Director: Christine AndersenStaff Liaison: Art Gall

TransportationChair: Rich RomerAt-Large Director: Marshall ElizerStaff Liaison: Carol Estes

Utilities and Public Right-of-WayChair: Ron PolviAt-Large Director: John GermanStaff Liaison: Carol Estes

Water ResourcesChair: Bud CurtisAt-Large Director: Christine AndersenStaff Liaison: Art Gall

Committee Chairs, At-LargeDirectors, and Staff Liaisons for eachcommittee are listed below. Please feelfree to contact any of these individualsfor additional information.

For contactinformation,please visit eachof the TechnicalCommittees’ webpages Acomplete roster ofmembers is on-line, as well as thebusiness plan andmeetingsummaries fromeach month’sconference call.

Communication isa two-way street.Each committeeis committed todisseminatinginformation to thechapters. Thecommittees willwelcome yourquestions,comments, andsuggestions.Together, we willprovide the bestinformation andsupport possible.

BridgesAPWA September/October 2003 page 10

membership numbers. Even thoughAPWA National conducts an annualvacancy campaign each fall, chaptersare also encouraged to conduct theirown local vacancy campaigns. Theselocal campaigns will fill those chaptervacancies and puts more dollars in yourchapter’s pocket, as well as potentiallyadding more volunteers. For additionalinformation on conducting vacancycampaigns at the chapter level, pleasecontact Patty Mahan in the APWAMember Relations Department.

Membership Reports – Yourchapter’s membership chairperson is

APWA Board Approves 3% Net National Membership Increase for2003-2004 . . . continued from page 1

sent a set of monthly reports that liststhe members in your chapter who havebeen dropped and the members who aredelinquent. APWA Member Relationsstaff routinely contact past duemembers, but sometimes all it takes toget the renewal is a telephone call ore-mail from their local chapter.

If you have any questions regardinghow headquarters can assist with yourmembership efforts, please contactPatty Mahan, Membership Marketingand Development Manager, at (800)848-APWA, ext. 3584 or via e-mail

APWA Indiana Chapter to Host Region V Chapter Officersand Delegates Leadership Conference on October 23-24,2003 in Indianapolis

The Indiana Chapter will host theAPWA Region V Leadership Conferencein Indianapolis, Indiana, at the AdamsMark Hotel. As in the past, thisconference is set up to help chapter andbranch officers learn APWA policies andprocedures that will help them in theleadership of the organization. Theprogram will be a full day on Thursdayand will be completed by noon on Friday.All Region V chapter and branchofficers, as well as delegates, areencouraged to attend this importantleadership activity.

At this time, the agenda includes thefollowing topics:

• Contracts and How to Managethe Organization of a Meeting,The Ohio Experience, plusadditional topics of leadershipconcern at chapter and branchlevel

• Membership Development/Younger Members

• Chapter Reports• Strategic Planning Update and a

presentation from Lew Bender on“Strengthening VolunteerLeadership”

For additional information on thisleadership conference, please contactMr. David Barber at (317) 387-0947 orvia e-mail at

BridgesAPWA September/October 2003 page 11

“When I Grow Up”

Every child says these wordsfrequently throughout their youth. Thisyear, twenty-two men and women joinedthe ranks of Emerging Public WorksLeaders during Congress 2003 in SanDiego. Having been in the field of publicworks, or newly appointed as asupervisor in public works, for fiveyears or less was the criteria for theirparticipation.

Leaders and their Mentors,experienced public works professionals,came from Florida, California, Utah,Australia, Oregon, Connecticut,Washington, Virginia, Ohio, New York,Minnesota, Montana, Wyoming, Illinois,New Mexico, Pennsylvania, NorthCarolina, and Iowa. They broughtenthusiasm and an eagerness to get themost from the experience. Theirexuberance was contagious.

The Emerging Public Works LeadersForum is designed to provide welcomeassistance to first-time attendees atCongress who meet the criteria above.

Included in the program was aneducation session on networkingpresented by Kristy Koberna, and oneon career development presented byJeanne Nyquist. Sharing in the manyactivities of Congress kept everyonebusy, but completing the APWAScavenger Hunt proved to be a funexperience as the Leaders metPresident Dwayne Kalynchuk, TechnicalCommittee members, exhibitors, federalagency reps and, past APWAPresidents who presented them eachwith a different APWA premium gift.

Chapters are encouraged to beginnow to seek out qualified EmergingLeaders and Mentors to join in nextyear’s program in Atlanta. Jeff Wilson,President-Elect of the Florida Chapter,shared his time as a Mentor and cameaway vowing to promote the program tohis chapter members. The program is agreat tool for developing interest inchapter events and activities andencouraging future chapter involvement.

PWHS Election Reminder

APWA Certificates, Certificate Folders, Certificate Frames andPast Presidents Pins Now Available through the APWABookstore

APWA certificates watermarked witha public works collage and imprintedwith the APWA logo, the certificatefolders and frames, as well as theAPWA Past Chapter President LapelPin, are no longer available through the

Member Services Department. In thepast, these items were requested fromRhonda Wilhite, APWA ChapterCoordinator. Now, these items are to beordered directly through the APWABookstore.

BridgesAPWA September/October 2003 page 12

APWA to Explore Young Member Involvement in the Association

The APWA Member RelationsDepartment and the NationalMembership Committee are currentlyinvestigating strategies for the futureinvolvement of students and youngermembers in the association, at both thechapter and national levels. It isbelieved that this course of action isdefinitely a critical focus area for theassociation, as APWA member profileinformation indicates the average age ofAPWA’s membership is 53. WhileAPWA has been very successful atretaining members, our membershipcontinues to steadily mature. This is aproblem in several respects in that itputs a greater burden on APWA’s long-term members to lead the associationand provides them with fewercandidates to train for future leadershippositions. As a result of the aging of ourmembers, to provide for the continuedwell-being and viability of APWA for thisnext century and beyond, theassociation will begin focusing onrecruiting and retaining the young publicworks population. This is not just a one-time task for the membership, but willbecome an ongoing mission for theassociation as a whole.

To recruit and retain youngmembers, including students, theassociation will begin researching andpreparing for the new generation ofyoung professionals emerging into theassociation marketplace. To do this wemust first understand what the differentgenerations value, what motivates themand what rewards they seek before wecan fully determine how to service themin our association. This means APWAwill begin investigating the possibility ofstructuring programs to respond toyounger members, specialized needs.For example, this generation demandsmore web-based services, more of anemphasis on career and job

development, and thrives on innovation.As a result, the association will look intoproviding these types of services orrevamping APWA’s existing services toappeal to this generation of potentialmembers, who are being referred to as“Generation X,” “Generation Y,” “TheNexters,” “Generation Next,” etc. Eachof these generations may be acomponent of any chapter meeting orvolunteer group. Servicing them is amatter of incorporating considerations ofthe self-concept of all of the groups.

To develop approaches for servicingthe aforementioned younger generationsin and through the association, pleaserefer to the APWA Diversity ResourceGuide. Portions of this article weretaken from this APWA publication.

BridgesAPWA September/October 2003 page 13

APWA and MATHCOUNTS Continue Their Partnership

APWA is proud to continue ourVolunteer Partnership with theMATHCOUNTS Foundation.MATHCOUNTS is a national mathcoaching and competition program thatpromotes middle school mathematicsachievement through grassrootsinvolvement in every U.S. state andterritory.

As the 2003-2004 school seasonbegins, APWA National is encouragingour members to consider coaching aMATHCOUNTS team. Making thecommitment to connect with just onelocal middle school and support oneMATHCOUNTS team this season willresult in a positive, organization-wideimpact on thousands of middle schoolmath students across the United States.

Unsure you have the time or skills tomake this commitment?

Coaching can require as little as anhour a week of your time and you caneven work with someone else to co-coach a MATHCOUNTS team.

In addition to its annual national mathcompetition, the MATHCOUNTSprogram has also developed a schoolhandbook as well as a coaching kit tomeet the needs of new coaches. TheCoaching Kit walks you through 14weeks of coaching sessions with your“Mathletes” providing a play-by-playcollection of lesson plans, activities andtraining. At the back of the booklet youwill find alternate lesson ideas,strategies and suggestions from veterancoaches. Watch for the Coaching Kitwith user-friendly materials to arrivesoon, visit todownload a pdf version of the materialsor contact MATHCOUNTS Volunteer

Program Manager, Linda Street

Last year, students in nearly 6,000middle schools across the U.S. workedwith coaches to prepare for their localMATHCOUNTS competition in February.With your support, hopefully even morestudents will participate in and benefitfrom the MATHCOUNTS program thisyear.

For additional information on APWAMATHCOUNTS programming andactivities, please contact Lee Hawkins,APWA Director of Member Relations,


APWA is proud to introduce its brand new Premium Collection! APWA now offers apparel, children’s outreach items, drinkware, golf items, recognition awards, and accessories featuring the APWA logo and P.W. Paws!

Whether you are rewarding an employee, hosting an event, recruiting new members, sending a special “thank you,” or arriving at an event dressed in official APWA attire, APWA has something to help you show your support!



APWA Certificates2003 • APWA PB.A326 (Package of 25)

Member $5 /Non $10

These certificates are watermarked with a public works collage. Imprinted with the APWA logo at top and verbiage Working in the Public Interest at the bottom. This 81⁄2” x 11” paper is laser compatible.

APWA Certificate Folders2003 • APWA PB.A325 (Package of 25)

Member $25 /Non $35

Each heavyweight, navy, textured linen folder is embossed in the lower right-hand corner with the APWA logo. Vertical style, features slots for 81⁄2” X 111⁄2” certificates. Certificates not included.

APWA Certificate Frame2003 • APWA PB.A328 • Member $25 /Non $35

Solid wood, to accomodate your 81⁄2” x 11” certificate under the protective acrylic. Located at the center of the frame you will find the APWA logo laser engraved. Overall frame size 11-1/4”x13-5/8”. Certificate not included.

APWA Pen2003 • APWA PB.A300 • Member $6 /Non $8

Radiant blue with gold accents. Twist top. Gold APWA logo imprinted on barrel. Blue ink. Black pouch included.

APWA Banner2003 • APWA PB.A329 • Member $195 /Non $250

Indoor/outdoor white 13-gauge vinyl-covered nylon. 3’ x 5’ with finished edges and grommets.

APWA Magnifier Paperweight2003 • APWA PB.A327 • Member $20 /Non $30

An executive two-piece gold plated brass paperweight with lift-off brass magnifier. Dark blue inner disc, laser engraved with APWA logo, and “In Appreciation.” Includes non-skid base “In Appreciation.” Includes non-skid base “In Appreciation.”and gift box.

Looking for a way to showcase your membership and demonstrate your loyalty to the association? These lapel pins are a great way to do just that!

APWA Lapel Pin1997• APWA AP.PINS • Member $6 /Non $8

CPWA Lapel Pin2002 • APWA AP.PINC • Member $6 /Non $8

APWA Past Chapter President Lapel Pin

2002 • APWA AP.PRPIN • Member $6

For past chapter presidents only. Presidency will be verified through the APWA Membership Department.

To see the full collection, visit

Ordering Information

Order # Quantity Title/Continuing Education Program/Premium Item/Product Price


S & H (see chart)

Delivery outside the Continental U.S.

Express Delivery add $50


Credit Card Info:






nOrder Information

Name Title


Address (No PO Boxes)

City State/Province ZIP/Postal Code

Daytime Phone Fax E-mail address

APWA Membership Number

Fax: (816) 472-1610 Mail Orders To: APWA • PO Box 802296 • Kansas City, MO • 64180-2296 BR0903

Payment Method:

Check (enclosed)

Credit Card: MC Visa

P.O. # P.O. #

Check (enclosed)

Credit Card: MC Visa Credit Card: MC Visa Credit Card: MC Visa

Account # Expiration Date

Cardholder’s Name


Standard S & H Chart for a subtotal of: add:$39 or less.................$8$40 to $49.................$9$50 to $59................$10$60 to $69................$11$70 to $79................$12$80 to $89................$13 $90 to $99................$14$100 to $149............$15$150 +..............add 10%

APWA requires a Government (Local, State/Provincial or Federal) Purchase Order or prepayment prior to fulfi llment. For deliveries outside the Continental U.S. include standard shipping and handling from above chart plus you must contact APWA at 1-800-848-APWA, ext. 3560, for additional service chargesplus you must contact APWA at 1-800-848-APWA, ext. 3560, for additional service charges. Expedited service available for $50. (Order must be received before 12:00 p.m. Central Standard Time.) Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery on all orders other than expedited service. All funds in U.S. dollars. All prices are subject to change without notice.

REFUND POLICY: The American Public Works Association strives to provide useful, current information to its members and customers. If you should have a problem with any item in your order, we encourage you to offer us the opportunity to ensure that you are satisfi ed. Print products may be returned within 30 days of the invoice date, properly packaged and in saleable condition. (Please include a copy of the packing slip or invoice with your return.) Returns of student and instructor manuals for our continuing education products will be charged a 25% restocking charge. A full refund will be granted for all other returned print products except for specifi cally marked packages. Shipping and handling charges are nonrefundable. Photographs, software, CD-ROMs, audio and videocassettes may not be returned. We appreciate your attention to our policy and look forward to providing you quality products and service.

Questions? Call APWA at 1-800-848-APWA, ext. 3560.

P.O. #

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For more information about the benefits of membership, contact a membership specialist at 1-800-848-APWA or via e-mail at

*Your membership in APWA will not be activated until we are in receipt of your membership dues.

BridgesAPWA September/October 2003 page 16

APWA Arkansas Chapter Fall 2003 Conference

The APWA Arkansas Chapter isholding its annual fall conference onOctober 16-17, 2003 in Fayetteville,Arkansas. The conference will begin at

10 a.m. and will conclude around 5 p.m.,with the program divided between 8speakers and lunch. The conferenceschedule is as follows:

10:00 – 11:30 Frederick Limp , U of A Center for Applied Spatial TechnologyTopic: CADIS, Computer Aided Design Information System

David Jurgens , P.E., Fayetteville Water/Sewer MaintenanceSuperintendentTopic: Maintenance Issues for Engineers

Dave Griffin , Temple Inc.Topic: Traffic Signal Technology/Communication

11:30 – 12:00 Break

12:00 – 1:00 Lunch, Honorable Dan Coody , Mayor of Fayetteville, Green Building

1:00 – 2:30 Dr. Bob Elliott, P.E., Department Head - Civil Engineering U of ATopic: Status of Civil Engineering

Jason Donham, NFIP Coordinator for ArkansasTopic: What Engineers should know about Flood Plain Management

Danny Moore , P.E., AHTDTopic: Technology Transfer in Arkansas

2:30 – 3:00 Break

3:00 – 4:00 Dr. Steve Brown , University of Texas-San AntonioTopic: GIS Application during Columbia RecoveryOperations

The conference will conclude onFriday morning, October 17, with a visitto Fayetteville’s new and excitingdevelopments organized by GaryCoover. The Radison Hotel, (479) 422-5555 or toll-free (800) 333-3333, will be

the host hotel and is within a couple ofblocks from the Fayetteville City Center.For additional information on theArkansas Chapter Fall Conference,please contact Craig Johnson at (501)375-2231

BridgesAPWA September/October 2003 page 17

APWA 2003 – 2004 Education Schedule

October 2003

3 – Self-Assessment Using theManagement Practices Manual –Coquitlam, BC

16 – Traffic Calming: RetrofittingExisting Neighborhoods – Click,Listen & Learn

November 2003

5-7 – Fleet Equipment & ShopManagement for GovernmentAgencies Workshop – Phoenix,Arizona

19 – Blueprints for Public WorksYards – Click, Listen & Learn

December 2003

9-12 – Introduction toConstruction InspectionWorkshop – Phoenix, AZ

17 – Work Zone Safety BeyondCones and Barrels – Click, Listen& Learn

January 2004

22 – Leadership in the New Ageof Public Works with John Luthy– Click, Listen & Learn

February 2004

6 – Self-Assessment Using theManagement Practices Manual,Hillsborough County, FL (Tampa)19 – Restoration of Utility Cuts –Click, Listen & Learn

March 2004

22-25 – Introduction toConstruction InspectionWorkshop – Minneapolis – St. Paul,MN

24 – What a ConstructionManager Can Do for You – Click,Listen & Learn3/31-4/2 – Fleet Equipment &Shop Management forGovernment Agencies Workshop– Montgomery County, MD

April 2004

16 – Self-Assessment Using theManagement Practices Manual –Bettendorf, IA

22 – Erosion Control Compliancewith NPDES Phase II – Click,Listen & Learn

25-28 – 2004 North AmericanSnow Conference, Lexington, KY

July 2004

22 – Doing Due Diligence: WhatLawyers Want Public WorksDirectors to Know – Click, Listen &Learn

August 2004

18 – Right-Of-Way Cooperationfor Consistency and Simplicity -Click, Listen & Learn

May 2004

19 – Trenchless Technology andDirectional Boring – Click, Listen& Learn

Did You Miss An Educational Session at Congress?

Did you miss a session atCongress in San Diego thatyou wish you could havegotten the information from, ordid you not make it toCongress at all this year, butwould still like to peruse theinformation available at the

Educational Sessions? All youneed to do is visit andyou can view PDFs of manyhandouts given out in theEducational Sessions atCongress. Just click on the title

of the session you areinterested in, or on one of ourmany content areas, and readthe handout information givenout by the speakers on topicsvarying from TrafficOperations to AdministrativeManagement.

The deadlinefor PWHSmembers toreturn ElectionBallots toAPWAheadquartersis December29, 2003. These ballots canbe returned to Teresa Honvia fax at the followingnumber: (816) 472-0405 orthey can be e-mailed

BridgesAPWA September/October 2003 page 18

This newsletter is publishedbimonthly by the APWAMember Relations Departmentand provides insider informationon APWA activities for chapterleaders.


Lee A. HawkinsDirector of Member

Please address comments to:Bridges NewsletterAPWA2345 Grand BoulevardSuite 500Kansas City, MO64108-2641tel. (800) 848-APWAext. 3545

fax (816) 472-1610

AmericanPublic WorksAssociation

2345 Grand Blvd.Suite 500

Kansas City, MO 64108

(816) 472-6100(800)

AmericanPublic WorksAssociation

2345 Grand BoulevardSuite 500

Kansas City, MO 64108

(816) 472-6100(800)
