Bridge Works

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Transcript of Bridge Works

Roads Rehabilitation Project Phase VI HALCROW RomaniaDesign and Construction Contract 6R11 D & B DN18Baia Mare ighetu Mar!atiei "! #$%&& "! 6&$' tage( )echnical Project $ *+ecution DetailsProiect de reabilitare a drumurilor Faza a VI-a HALCROW RomaniaContract de proiectare si constructie 6R11! " #!$1%#aia &are'i()etu &armatiei *m +,-..*m 6.,.+/ 0Faza1 P020 , !030 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION NO. 11BRIDGE WORKSC O N T E N TCHAPTER 1#RI!43'5 4RA!3 '3PARA2IO$ '2R6C26R3'5 VIA!6C2'43$3RAL 23CH$ICAL 'P3CIFICA2IO$'CHAPTER2C6LV3R2'43$3RAL 23CH$ICAL 'P3CIFICA2IO$CHAPTER3'6#'2R6C26R3!IR3C2 FO6$!A2IO$'CHAPTER4'6#'2R6C26R3I$!IR3C2 !33P FO6$!A2IO$'CHAPTER5#RI!43 '6#'2R6C26R3A#62&3$2'5 PI3R'CHAPTER6R3I$FORC3! CO$CR323 '6P3R'2R6C26R3CHAPTER7'CAFFOL!I$4 A$! C3$23RI$4'CHAPTER8FOR&WOR*'CHAPTER9R3I$FORC3&3$2'CHAPTER 10CO$CR323CHAPTER 11#RI!43 '6P3R'2R6C26R3' OFPR3'2R3''3! CO$CR323 CHAPTER 12&32ALLIC '6P3R'2R6C26R3 FOR #RI!43'CHAPTER 13CO&PO'I23 '6P3R'2R6C26R37'233L-CO$CR323 I$ COOP3RA2IO$8 1Proiect de reabilitare a dru!urilor ,a-a a VI.aHALCROW RomaniaContract de /roiectare si constructie 6R11 D & B DN18Baia Mare ighetu Mar!atiei "! #$%&& "! 6&$' 0,a-a( P0)0 $ D0*0CHAPTER 14ACC3''OR9 WOR*'CHAPTER 15WA23R PROOFI$4 A$! 3:PA$'IO$ ;OI$2'CHAPTER 16PAV3&3$2 COV3RI$4 OF #RI!43'CHAPTER 17R3V32&3$2 A$! '2O$3 &A'O$R9CHAPTER 18APPLICA2IO$ OF &OR2AR A$! CO$CR323 #9 46$I2I$4 CHAPTER 19COI$3! 43O23:2IL3 6'3! FOR W3ARI$4 CO6R'3CHAPTER 20R3PAIROFCO$CR3235R3I$FORC3! A$! PR3'2R3''3! CO$CR323'2R6C26R3'CHAPTER 213A$*&3$2 CO$$3C2IO$.Roads Rehabilitation Project Phase VI HALCROW RomaniaDesign and Construction Contract 6R11 D & B DN18Baia Mare ighetu Mar!atiei "! #$%&& "! 6&$' tage( )echnical Project $ *+ecution DetailsProiect de reabilitare a drumurilor Faza a VI-a HALCROW RomaniaContract de proiectare si constructie 6R11! " #!$1%#aia &are'i()etu &armatiei *m +,-..*m 6.,.+/ 0Faza1 P020 , !030 CHAPTER1BRIDGES, GRADE SEPARATION STRCTRES, !IADCTSGENERAL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS1.1. GENERAL PRO!ISIONS FOR DESIGN2)e brid(es5 (rade separation structures and s02)e conception o? an@ resistance structure )as to obsers0#esidet)ese speci?ications5 t)e pro/,- +)"#'(2#"&.3# '&$/)02)e casin( is o? rein?orced concrete or metallic c@lindrical sections5 introduced in t)e (roundb@ driin( and t)e drillin( are correlated step b@ step till t)e?oundationBs le t)e Kualit@ o? t)e drillin( mudall t)e eCecution time5 b@ samples ta>en ?rom t)e batc) plant and directl@ ?rom t)e drillin(0Int)emud?romt)edrillin(isinadeKuate5 it=illberecalculatedins5 ?ollo=in( tests s)all be per?ormed1-?or een on t)e site5- ?or ein( o? t)e concrete in t)e )ead o? t)e pile5 - c)ec>in( t)e continuit@ o? t)e pileBs bod@ - control tests on piles02)e Kualit@ control o? t)e cast concrete s)all be done as ?ollo=s1a8?ort)epilescorrespondin(tosamples)a02)e Lointin( o? t)e sections is made b@ =eldin(5 in step =it) t)e sin>in(02)e desi(n5 eCecution and acceptance o? t)e columns s)all obsers s)all be done as ?ollo=s1- minor de?ects ma@ be corrected b@ decreasin(5 =as)in(5 planin( or Loint pointin(A- ?or more important de?ects t)e contractor s)all dra?t a repair pro(ram submitted to t)eappros=ic)ma@compromiset)edurabilit@andt)easpect o?=or>smustbesealed5?ollo=in(t)e$ormC1/E-%%5re(ardin(procedures?or repair o? concreteandrein?orcedrein?orced concrete elements02)e open crac>s5 =)ic) ma@ compromise t)e durabilit@ and t)e aspect o?t)e =or>s must be sealed b@ inLection and cleansed a?ter=ard =it) compressed air0.%Roads Rehabilitation Project Phase VI HALCROW RomaniaDesign and Construction Contract 6R11 D & B DN18Baia Mare ighetu Mar!atiei "! #$%&& "! 6&$' tage( )echnical Project $ *+ecution DetailsProiect de reabilitare a drumurilor Faza a VI-a HALCROW RomaniaContract de proiectare si constructie 6R11! " #!$1%#aia &are'i()etu &armatiei *m +,-..*m 6.,.+/ 0Faza1 P020 , !030 CHAPTER 6REINFORCED CONCRETE SPERSTRCTRE6.1. GENERAL PRO!IEIONS, FOR7WORKS, REINFORCE7ENT2)e present c)apter concerns t)e rein?orced concrete =or>s or parts or =or>s o? t)e brid(esuperstructures and namel@1- rein?orced concrete (irders5 on t=o supports or continuousA- rein?orced concrete slabs5 cast in placeA- rein?orced concrete ?rame structures5 arc)es and slabs5 t@pe units ?or railin(s5 slabs ?or miCtsuperstructures8A- concrete ?or monolit) bindin( o? t)e precast unit0I?t)estructureisalsoprestressed5 t)eproa@in( de02)e dia(rams ma@ be on t)e dra=in(s or in anneCes02)e eCecution o? brid(e superstructure o? rein?orced concrete s)all obserin( dra=in(s and calculation notes02)e 3mplo@er ma@ as> ?or t)e desi(n5 but onl@ be?ore t)estart o? t)e eCecution02)e temporar@ =or>s must be per?ormed in suc) a =a@ as to (uarantee t)eresistance5 s)ape and aspect o? t)e de?initis02)eeCecutiono? t)e temporar@=or>s s)allobser5supportin(t)econcretedec>5must remaininplaceuntiltestsonconcretesamplesindicatesan obtainedcompressieepin( in place t)e 'ca??oldin(5 eCcept ?or t)e time =)en air temperature isbelo= /FC and concrete is not protected0Floor slabsI da@sWalls1/ da@sPilesI zile+%Roads Rehabilitation Project Phase VI HALCROW RomaniaDesign and Construction Contract 6R11 D & B DN18Baia Mare ighetu Mar!atiei "! #$%&& "! 6&$' tage( )echnical Project $ *+ecution DetailsProiect de reabilitare a drumurilor Faza a VI-a HALCROW RomaniaContract de proiectare si constructie 6R11! " #!$1%#aia &are'i()etu &armatiei *m +,-..*m 6.,.+/ 0Faza1 P020 , !030 Culs are temporar@ =or>s made usuall@ o? re-usable units5 =)ic)5 a?ter erectionin t)e la@-out5 (i t)e mec)anical parameters 7t)e tensile stren(t) and t)e numbero? alternatin( bendin(s8 ?or eac) ?la>e5 and5 ?or 1F P o? t)e ?la>es5 also t)e ?lo= limit5 t)e relatien ?rom bot) ends o? t)e ?la>e02)e (eometric5 c)emical5 mec)anical and tec)nolo(ic ?eatures o? t)e prestressed rein?orcements)all compl@ =it) t)e proin(2)e bloc>in( ?orce must be proA-connectors1 OL +I0+>A0 9hen choosing the types of steel shall be ta#e account of the provisions of -ablesnr1 and nr . ?rom 'R 1E11-E%0,sing other types of steel than those specified in *6 1:11-:) can be done if theycomply with the provisions in product standards mentioned on1- -he chemical composition- mechanical characteristics- 9elding behavior$ based on testing"n the lac# of correspondence5 use of materials may be allowed only on the basisof autorisation by a speciali4ed institute and &ngineer!*teel sheetsmadefromOL-.-3P5o?1F--Fmmt)ic>ness5used?ormainstructuralelements =ill be c)ec>ed6' acordin( to t)e pre#3*&./3/,ed b@ R: and 6' 7: ra@s and ulta-s)ort =as at -1FQC- =ater absorbtion in ./ )ours maC0 F5- P- maC0 temperature ?or p)@sical stabilit@ o? a membrane 1.FQC- min0 and maC0 temperature o? t)e poured asp)alt coat =it)out modi?@in( t)e p)@sico-mec)anical ?eatures 1%FQC- temperature ?ield in current usa(e.FQC Z ,IFQC - temperature ?ield o? t)e en0- 'R 1+I - E- D#itumen =aterproo?in( materials0Re(ulations and met)ods o? controlD- '2A' -6EF - %F DPlastic materials0!etermination o? =ater absorptionD- 'R I-/-EE D$on-para??inSs bitumen ?or roadsD- 'R-I'O ./FE - E/DVarnis)es and d@esD !etermination o? t)e ?ilm ad)erence on t)e support- '2A' 661- - I/ DAd)esi brea>in(5 '2A' %%II-I. ?or t)e primin( coat onrein?orced concrete ?loorin(- t)iocolic pu?t@ ?or sealin( t)e Loints o? t)e =aterproo?in( or o? t)e bituminous paerbs etc0E/Roads Rehabilitation Project Phase VI HALCROW RomaniaDesign and Construction Contract 6R11 D & B DN18Baia Mare ighetu Mar!atiei "! #$%&& "! 6&$' tage( )echnical Project $ *+ecution DetailsProiect de reabilitare a drumurilor Faza a VI-a HALCROW RomaniaContract de proiectare si constructie 6R11! " #!$1%#aia &are'i()etu &armatiei *m +,-..*m 6.,.+/ 0Faza1 P020 , !030 2)emiC?ormulaandt)ep)@sical-mec)anicalparameterso?t)easp)altando?t)e)ardmastic asp)alt s)all obserin( o? t)e (eometrical data1- 6ni?ormit@ o? t)e transin( o? t)e road coness01FFRoads Rehabilitation Project Phase VI HALCROW RomaniaDesign and Construction Contract 6R11 D & B DN18Baia Mare ighetu Mar!atiei "! #$%&& "! 6&$' tage( )echnical Project $ *+ecution DetailsProiect de reabilitare a drumurilor Faza a VI-a HALCROW RomaniaContract de proiectare si constructie 6R11! " #!$1%#aia &are'i()etu &armatiei *m +,-..*m 6.,.+/ 0Faza1 P020 , !030 CHAPTER 17RE!ET7ENT AND STONE 7ASONRD17.1. GENERAL PRO!ISIONS2)isc)apter concernst)econditionstobe?ull?iledint)eeCecutiono?natural stonemasonr@ and masonr@ ?acin( o? brid(esB substructure02)e eCecution o? t)ese =or>s must be per?ormed on t)e basis o? a special desi(n02)is c)apter5 does not concern ornamental stone =or>s5 sculptures etc0In t)e seismic district o? I or more seismic de(ree t)e desi(n o? stone masonr@ and masonr@=or>s must include special constructismustobsersare s)o=ed in '2A' -FEF-%+'R 3$ 1.6IF1.FF.02)e c)oice o? t)e natural stone must ta>e in account1- t)e climatic conditions in t)e area o? t)e =or>- t)e mec)anical stren(t)5 t)e =eat)erin( and c)emical resistance02)e stone ?or masonr@ must be more resistant t)an t)e mortar or concrete ?or bindin(02)es)earin(stren(t)o?t)emortar5 normall@)ardened5 must beeKualtoor moret)ant)etensilestren(t) and 1J1F o? t)e compression stren(t)02a>in( in account t)e s)ape5 dimensions and ?inis)in( de(ree5 t)e stone masonr@ ma@ be1- rubble stone masonr@- )a=ed stone masonr@ 7rou() )e=ed Kuarr@ stone5 dressed Kuarr@ stone5 pol@(onal stoneand as)lars8- composite017.2. E6ECTION OF RBBLE STONE 7ASONRD2)erubblestonemasonr@ismadeo?Kuarr@stoneor pebblestone5 o?irre(ulars)ape5)ammered to remo#* $,()# 4&$()"s is about .F >(5 in man0Heas )as5 ?ollo=in( c)ec>in(s s)all be made1- i? t)e materials and units compl@ =it) t)e pros =ill be used0Inorder topreparemiCture?ormortare=)ic)areappliedb@(unitin(onl@sand=it)(ranular sort o? maC0 - mm s)all be used and to prepare miCture ?or concretes =)ic) are applied b@(unitin(5 sand =it) (ranular sort o? F-+ m and a((re(ates =it) (ranule dimension o? maC0 I5 1F or16mm=illbeused5 dependin(ont)econditions=)ic)areimposedtot)e(unitedandt)etec)nolo(ical possibilit@ o? t)e mac)ine used02)e used a((re(ates must ?ul?il t)e conditions o? '2A' 166I-I6'R 3$ 1.6.F,A11.FF+%5anneC IV0+02)ea((re(ates used?or t)epreparationo? (unitedconcrete must ?ul?ilt)e?ollo=in((ranulozit@ conditions17&=. */4#)$/() (5 ,-# 0"&)+3#9441L/4/,P&$$#$ /) K ,-"(+0- $-/2# (5 ,-# */&4#,#"0.2 1 3 5+ mm#ottom 1F 6F 1FF -2op .F I- 1FF -- mm#ottom % /- IF 1FF2op 1% 6F %- 1FF2)ea((re(ates used?or t)epreparationo? (unitedconcrete must ?ul?ilt)e?ollo=in((ranulosit@ conditions17&=.*/4#)$/() (5,-# 0"&)+3# 9441L/4/,P&$$#$ /) K ,-"(+0- $-/#2# (5 ,-# */&4#,#"0.2 1 3 5 7 10 16I#ottom 6 +F 6- - 1FF - -2op 16 /- %F - 1FF - -1F#ottom - .- -F 6- - 1FF -2op 1- /F 6- %F - 1FF -16#ottom - .F /F - 6- - 1FF2op 1- +- -- - %F - 1FF2)e moisture o? a((re(ates used ?or t)e preparation o? (united concrete or mortar s)all beo? 6-%P01F6Roads Rehabilitation Project Phase VI HALCROW RomaniaDesign and Construction Contract 6R11 D & B DN18Baia Mare ighetu Mar!atiei "! #$%&& "! 6&$' tage( )echnical Project $ *+ecution DetailsProiect de reabilitare a drumurilor Faza a VI-a HALCROW RomaniaContract de proiectare si constructie 6R11! " #!$1%#aia &are'i()etu &armatiei *m +,-..*m 6.,.+/ 0Faza1 P020 , !030 18.4.3. W&,#"2)e=aterused?ort)eeCecutiono?mortarandconcrete=)ic)areappliedb@(unitin(must ?ull ?ill t)e tec)nical conditions under '2A' IEF-%/'R 3$ 1FF%1.FF+018.4.4. A**/,/2#$Additiin( o? t)e eCecution o? t)e (unitin( =or>s s)all be per?ormed on t)e basis o? t)epro t)e normal ?unctionin( o? t)e (unitin( mac)ine- c)ec> t)e Kuali?ication o? t)e (unitin( team- assure t)e (ood carr@in( on o? t)e (unitin( =or>s accordin( to t)e pro("?=efects diagnosis is made by direct observation and by hammering concrete surfaces orwithspecialequipmentto identifyareasofcarbonatedconcrete5corrodedreinforcement5coating thic#ness5 etc!05ar#ing of degraded areas is done with colored chal# by drawing contours and hatchingt)e de(raded areas!6emovingdeterioratedconcreteis donebymechanicaldevices5electrical5 cuttin(5drilling0-hesedeviceswillhave the power andappropriateaction?ordamagedconcretedislocation without causing disturbances in the overall structure0%ontractor shall avoid the use of high power piec#hammerethat would causevibrationand possibly major degradation of the structure0 =isplacement of degraded concrete will be localonlyandwillonlylead tosound concrete5or=ill be made ?or desi(ned thic#nessin the designdetails0Concrete=ill not beremoen into account t)e ?act t)atneart)e?oundationandt)eabutment elementsH C 1%.-%I0I? t)e eart) ?ill in t)e transition area is not eCecuted =it) t)e access ramp bac>?ill material5t)ere =ill be pro?ill material51.FRoads Rehabilitation Project Phase VI HALCROW RomaniaDesign and Construction Contract 6R11 D & B DN18Baia Mare ighetu Mar!atiei "! #$%&& "! 6&$' tage( )echnical Project $ *+ecution DetailsProiect de reabilitare a drumurilor Faza a VI-a HALCROW RomaniaContract de proiectare si constructie 6R11! " #!$1%#aia &are'i()etu &armatiei *m +,-..*m 6.,.+/ 0Faza1 P020 , !030 t)ese =ill be eCecuted in succesi