Brick Store,… · ttl a Falls, Wol...

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Transcript of Brick Store,… · ttl a Falls, Wol...

C O L' M T Y A N D V I C I N I T Y

ganiug Club is a b o u t t o be nr ’ i n i I ' l l l / ) C | l o r t . ,

I; C’Tsoll b is canceled bis engage o i ' lure in Lockport last i ight.M j James F. Fitts of Lockport U saiil

.Out* t a t h e Y o u t h ' a Cemponioa1 Lumion a t Lockport aro tVeinliling fur

er tba t tbe citizen* will take kindly to elec­tric liglit.

Richmond, tbe Lockport abortionist, be­longs at present witb a gang of stone break­ers iu tlie Auburn State prison.

-Gospel meetings are bold nightly in the Presbyterian church of W right’s Corners,

. « steadily iincreoMUg interest.—The Catholic College, at (Suspension

Bridge celebrated Its 29th anniversary Nov. iilst, w ith appropriate exercise*.

—Tho not receipts of the fair for the ben­efit of Mt. Mary s i'uiochial School, ut Ning ttl a Falls, Wol e #2,1411.

—The Kuv. Foster Kly, 1). I).( rector of Grace KpUcepnl Chi.rch of Lockport, bus tendered bis resignation, to t ike cirect on Kuster Sunday.

—A t a meeting of the Suspension Bridge Quadrille Club Inst week, it was decided to give a series of seven putties, the llrst oue to De held I)e( ember !Htb.

F. K. 1’arsons, of I’ondleton, returned liolnj Saturday uight from u six weeks trip j in tho Western States. lie reports that ill some parts of Michigan the snow wus two

et deep. W. B.

id ut one w York.

Wurrou, form erly of Lockport, tuuu city clerk, now residing in ‘

, is reported in thu lust stages of eoiisumptiuti, aud not likely to survive but a few monl In a t tbe longest.

-The Cantiing company ut Lockport -hipped on Thursday Inst week two carloads of cunned apples to L ond on , Liverpool nnd ]

g round The secretary reported that be bodcaused tbe w ater metre to be removed to th* W ater Board. The board adjourned totbe second day of January , 1**5. The en’nu al meeting forelection of oillcer* will occur on tbe thin] meeting in Janu-irj.

— Meuibei* of the Niagara Fails l'ark Com mission met in tbe oflice of Andrew H. Oreen, New York, Friday, to discuss the form of a report of tbeir labors, wtiich Is to

j Tie presented to tbe next legislatuie. There were present the President, William Dor- sbeiuier, Seuutcr J. Hampdeu Rcbb, Andrew II. Oreen, nnd Sherman H. Rogers of ItulTalo, The single absentee was Prof. M. B. A nder­son of Rochester. Tbe net result of the commission's labors has been to select those pieces of property in the Niagara lUver and along its American shores which will prove suitable fo ra public park, and top rocm e their appraisal by a compotent board ap- IKiiuteil by tbo courts. The value of the property which has been selected was rated by the owners a t ?o,000,(100. Tbe appraisers took a largo mass of testimony, and afjier long and perplexing labors fixed a price which was believed to be reasonable and cer­tainly just to the ow-iicrs and to the Htate. Tbit is in round numbers #1,000,000. Tho majority of the property owners nro satis­fied, though a few have determined to ap- poal from the decision of the court concern­ing tho appraiser's leport. Thoso fitcts will bo presented to tho Legislature, together with the recommendation th a t tho property lie pm chased, uud the park be laid out for the benefit of the public, and steps be promptly taken to prevent fu rther destruc­tion of th is great national curiosity. The Commission takes tbo view that tho Htate can never conclude a purchase more reason able in its terms than tha t u t the present time. It will ask the Legislature to appro­priate the amount uoccsary for the purpose. Tho Commission has performed its work iu tbo most economical m anner. The Legisla­ture, when it passed the act bringing i t into

better than Lockport prices Rausom & Son bave shipped over seventy five car­loads-of grttiu iu two month* Curtiss Bro*.h ive done a large business alto.

We have no candidate for the postofflce. Mr Raman will probably be reappointed.

John Thompson is going to Chicago. We shall miss Lim, to say the youug ladies at tbe Roller Kink.

John Cuddaback is a candidate for ap­pointm ent to a customs office a t Suspeosion Bridge. We hope ho may be successful.

Y o u r s , E d i e O c h i l t r e e .

Birmingham, England. They mo running t a t o m t n t .. o — —3 , ■ existence,appropriated .*10,000 for it* cjrtion-untilO o clock every night ul tliyir works 1 . . . , ..- „ . | 8t.s About ono half of this suiji remain* ttn-oxpuiideil.

R A N S O M V IL L E .Tho Fair of the Ladies’ Aid Society of tlio

Baptist Church bids fair to bu tho event of tho w inter. Tbe ladies lmvo a vory large num ber of articles for salo. The literary ex­orcises will be good. The music by Miss Munsa (Rave, and othors, will be worth coming miles to boar.

Bert Baker and Dr. W. J. Ransom wero in towu Sunday.

Tlio Roller Kink is crowded nightly. E v­ery thing is conducted iu first-class style. Messrs. Ilurwick, IlitehCook and Brookins, deserve the thanks of tho Public for furnlsli-

j ing so pleasant a place for recreation.| C. N. Owen and Bert H odm an are build- J ing a Roller Rink at Niagara Falls. Rumor I says th a t Air. Owen intends moving his bus- | mess there. Wo hope this is uot true, as we

every night vv ith a full force of iiaiels.

ln tbo adjourned cuso of Nut Hciglitmaii, of Suspension Bridge, who wns charged witli illegal voting in that liis naturalisation pn Ppi i Wole obtained by ,fraudulent means, wus honorably discharged from arrestButur- duy last Week

A pumpkin pie party was the latest so cinl diversion a t Nngara Fall*. Each of tho young ladies present brought a pie of her own manufucturh.nnd the gentlemen present ate the pies. Tho best pumpkin pie wns made out of squash.

—O*o. 1’lniNe, a well-to-do farm er from the town of Hurtluml, lias been hold to hail to aw ait tlio action of the United States Court on tho ehargo of voting nt tho las} election after betting on the result. Frank Sooioy, u defeated candidate for school com missionor, made tho complaint.

S. Clark Lewis, now noting as stock in ­spector on tlie customs force, has made nr

W I L S O N .David Young.of Suspension Bridge, wa* in

this village last Thursday.I,nst Sunday the regular communion ser­

vices were beld in the Presbyterian Church, aud seven persous were received into mem­bership on profession of faith; and two by letter In the M. E. Church.

A Union Temperance reunion was held iu tho 1’resb) teriun Church last Sunday even­ing, under tho uuspicee of the W. C. T. U.

The committee wbicb was appointed to select a Christmas exercise for the Presby­terian Sabbatii School, have chosen one con­sisting of responsive readings, recitation*, singing, &c , which will be he’d the Sunday preceding Christmas.

By vote of tho Presbyterian Sabbath School last Sunday, it was decided best to introduce some now singing book into the school, nnd tlie chorister was ip-trm ted to order fifty- copies of the book selected.

Mr. Bixby, of Michigan, is visiting liis brother-in-law, Mr. Eugene Loomis, of this towu.

A “ Four-mile, go-as-you please” walking match in tw o beats, for a purse of #10 dis­tributed in three prizes of $9 00, #3, and #2, took place a t C. L. Daniel’s rink lust Tues­day evening. Only am ateuis w ire allowed to enter, und au entrance fee of teu per cent was charged.

The trial of Dunnignn, thu Pendlotou con, stable, who was indicted by tbe Grand Jury on charges preferred by Esq. Dox, of this village, wus set down for last Monday, bat was finally adjourned until Thursday of this week.

Mrs; Prod Barger is visiting friends in this village.

Mr. Oliver Wilson, of tlie Town Line Rond died last Tuesday morning, after au illuess of several weeks, a t tho ngo of 83.

(Samuel T aggart und wife intend to start some tim e tbis week for Grqml Rapid*. Mich., to make au extended visjt in Hint sec tiol).





G A T IO N , A N D Y O C W I L L O B S E R V E T H E S E PEO -

P L K , A S F O L L O W S :—


He will be there: Perudvanture he leaneth his cbiu upon a cane, so tbat when th* mo­ment of deep and profound slumber cometb npon him hi* chin slippeth off, and witb the bang of his head upon thepew iu front of him, be i* awaked. Howbeit, the bang upon bis wife’s bead no man can bear. Or, the slumberer may sit bolt upright, aud uod in time to his deep snd regular breathing. I Only when you cast your eve* upon bim, 1 the watchful wife of his bosom stabs him with ber elbow, aud he glareth upon the j congtcgution ns who should say: *’ He that sayeth 1 slept, the same is a liar and a villian | and a horse thief.” Or, if he be so that be j leaneth bis bead back until the lid thereof fallcth dowu hi* shoulders, and he playcth fantastic tunes with bi* nose, insomuch tbat the boy* iu the gallery make merry over the same, then is it hazardous to awakeu this slumberer right suddenly, because hedream- eth of diver things, aud sayeth to the tithing man wbo shaketh him up. “ Hey! hi! ha! j yes, yes, all righ tl I ’m up." And thu* is the congregation much scandalized. But if be foldeth his hunkerehoif over the back of tbe pow in front, and bovveth his head devoutly \

' upon the same, even In that ni mount when the tex t is pronounced, then will that sleep­er trouble no ope, but will slumber sweetly i on until thi} time of the benediction, aad ho ; will awaken refreshed and smiling, and he will extol the sermon und magnify tbe preacher. Ho ia tbu ojd timer L ow Sleepy Hollow.

THE LOUNGER, lie falls into tho pew and slides easily into

j the most comfortable corner. Ho shakes ; himself down into a com fortatde attitude.

His legs extend under the pew in front and meet bis hips at the crookedest of obstute angle. He crooks his p liant oit)ow into tbe arm of the pew, and drops tfie side of hi* face into the fearful hollow of his hand, by means of which he pushes liis cheek up into Ills eye. His shoulders ure nearly on a level wiih his head. Every time you look a t bin) you expect to see him slide out of fight. And ultbough you are a good man, some times you wish ho would uud uever come up again.


W hether you look for him or not, you Tfie annual meeting of tbo Presbyterian j kuow whore ho Is. Ho pushes the hassock

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ements to reopen tho t'en tiu l Freight ,)o not w ant to loso BO valuable a citizen.'Vc.rds a t Suspension Bridge. Ilo lias hadt ie Yards overhauled, and every thing is in n class condition for the accommodation of nil kinds of stock.

1 <ondon T r u t h says tbat immodiato- ipt. Webb's sad death by drown-

a'j, u: attem pt to swim the Whirlpool... .. . of Niagara Rivor, over #3,000

I in Hint city for tbo widow, ivor received. Tho publication will probably, secure its pay-

j i c b « Ibis

cnt.’’ Thi

Coil) :y• annual meeting o t tlio Niagara It ole Society M ill bo hold in tho lco-

:.n: u lo'oi l of tho First Methodist Episcopal church, Lockport, on Tuesday, Doc. ltith, 1884, a t 2 o’clock P M. Besides tlio usua; election of oillcer* at this meeting, im por­tan t prelim inary action must be takeq rela­tive to the legacy soon to bo paid to the So­ciety.

—Notice Is published in Canuda papers tha t an application will be made to the Leg­islature of Ontario a t its next session for an Act to incorporate u company to bo called “Tho Niagara Fails Railway Company,” and to authorize sucli Company to construct, m aintain anil operate by means of electric or o ther power, n single or doublo iron or Htool track railw ay along and near the waters edge of tho Niagaru Rivor below tho bank thereof from the Horso Shoe Falls to tho vil- nge of Queouston.

—The moat m arket of Henry M. Brundage, No. 45 Locust Street, Lockport, wns broken nto last Saturday uiglit, aud a plotter of ■ausage-tneat stolen. Monday morning Meynard C. Lawrence, a machinist, was a r ­rested. Tho m eat und platter were found in the vault in the roar of tbe boiUe. A quantity of tools, tho property of L. B. Hol­ton, stolen from the shop of the Pound Man j ufnetnring Co. last summer, were also found J in the house, and Lawrence admitted be wns guilty of the theft.

—Ernst Bunk, of Heidelberg, arrivod ut Suspension Bridgo ou Thursday afternoon at five o’clock ou liis way to llumilttm. While waiting for tho 7:30 traiu going west, ho was walking down the trucks, and when aliltlo below tho lower baggage room, ho was attacked by two men, kuockod down,

By onorgy anil honesty, Mr Gwen lias builtup n large business here, ami bis loss will be severely felt.

H. B. Tower is unusually smiling. 11 is a j 13 pound boy.

— Miss Cnrrio Ransom intends spending I the w inter iu New York ci$y.

—Curtiss Bros, warehouse cellar is full of j apples, stored by Frank Hlqeuin. There are j u g iea t man)' apples st' rod licro.

Tlio saw mill is ready to run. A lurge bus­iness in staves, heading and sawing, has been I dono by II. M. Ransom.

Mr. Mooto says tha t ho will run liis ovapo- a to r for two weeks yet. H e has done a large business, and mado ex tra fine fruit.

Both Curtiss Bros., nnd Ransom & Son, are doing a largo business in coal. Lockport prices nnd honest tons make business Uvely.

E. Dllliuglmin nnd wife, of Charlotte, spent Sunday a t W. II. H. Ransom's.

Wallace Helms, who has been suffering from a severe attack of rheum atism, is slowly recovering, bo says, thanks to Dr. Hagadorn.

Tlio Masons are talking of holding socials semi-weekly at the I.odgo room, to bo pub­lic to Mason’s families and invited world's people. Hopo we m ay be invited.

W. II. Hansom & Son have been obligod to add to their force of workers a book koop- or. They expoct to extend their store to 100 foot iu length In tho Spring.

The young people of tho Baptist Church Society aro to havo a Christmas troe a t the church.

Mr. Robert McConnell intends to open a ! harness shop and general horse furnishing I goods, trunks, bags fie., in March, in con­nection w ith bis shoe shop.

Rumor says tlm t Ransom & Son intend buying grain in Wilson, providing thoy can get a building thero.

Air. E. M. Eaton, of Bloomingdalo, Mich., is visiting a t U. I. Eamau’s.

C. Sanger lias bought the farm formerly owned by Mrs, II. E. C. Balmer, opposite Mrs. Hand’s farm.

Mr. Mooto lost $25 on Thursday. Ho had tho money in un envelope, aud bo supposes

Society will be liuld a t the chinch of said so­ciety oo Tuesday uvoniug, Doc. 10, for tho purpose q t renting pews, ami in connection therewith a society social will bo held.—H.

Wilson, Dec. Oth, 1884

N O R T H R I D G E .Tho old friends and neighbors of Mr. Win

H. Brown, ou the South Ridge, wero pleus- ud to see his genial face appear among them last week. Mr. Brown is now u resident of Michigan.

Messrs. Samuel Bve, Charles and Audrew I Townsend, returned from Dakota last week, | where they ha’vo been tbo last summer ira | proving tbeir claims. They give glowing accounts of that section of country.

My. T. S. Elton spent last Sabbath iu Al­bion visiting friends.

Maiuukd.—At the Universulist Church, on Tuesday of last week, by Rev. Uorsb Rada- macher, Mr. Herman lick, to Aliss Helena Schrader, all of Cumbria. Anotliur wed­ding in the neur future.

Tbe many frioqds of Alps. I)r. F. Brockway will bo glad to hoar of her return from the East, where she went for her health, which i* much improved.

A pleasant event occurred at tbe resi­dence of Mrs. H. Hoag, on Wednesday Jof Inst week, ft being the birthday of her son George. About thirty-live of his young friends were invitod to an evening party. Among those present, were Mrs. N. S. IVyinan, of Millville, Orleans Co., Mr. J. King and lady, of Lockport. All report an enjoyable occasion, and wish George many happy returns of the day.

gagged, aud robbed of #91 und his railroad , | ia, slipped through his vest, ticket. The man wns sent west through the effort* of officer Jenny, nud officials are in­vestigating the robbery.

-Engineer Scott, ouoof the oldest employ­ees of the N. Y. Central a t Niagara Falls mot with a very serious accident in tho yiuds at Suspension Bridge Tuesday afternoon. Mr.Scott has for some time had ehargo of ono u t tho yard engines. The locomotivo was Attached to a heavy freight train and was moving the Jong and weighty drag at adurst the traditional snail’s pace. Mr. Scott left the cab and was engaged in “ wiping” tho running gear, when he slipped and his right arm w as caught in the gearing, crushing the ai m and ’elbow joint P is . Campbe'l and MoGnrry were summoned, nnd after consul tatiou have confidence in saving the arm. ln this th*y have good hopes of success.

—Tho board of directors of tbo Niagara County Agricultural Society held n business meeting al the Auierean Hotel last Saturday afternoon. The following gentlemen were present. President, Geo. A. Hoyer, Vice i'n s idon t, R. Kill; Secretary, L. H. HiU;Treasurer, John O. Freem an; Directors, I..Sharp, P. 11. Corwin and T. E. Vau W agon­er. A i inmunicatiou from Higgs a Staples > -is received offering to sell th.4r building


W. W. Holms nnd fam ily intend to spend the wiutcr iu Now Orleans. We wish tbetn a'pleasant journey and a safe re tu rn .

Mr. J . M. Foster's team run away w ith a loud of wood. Thev were stopped. No damage.

Our stores aro putting on their holiday dress. All scorn to be doingfuirly w ell Ran­som & Bon have a very large stock of fine goods, X m as cards, books, albums, & c . Mr. Gatchell umkes a display o t crockery; Kamau of pictures, fancy soaps &e. McCracken of glassware, lam ps &c. • j

Clarence Towor Is teaclilug at tho Red i School houso in Lowiiston. i

Jay Sanger Is teaching a t George Tow or w district. Ruiuot says that be intends work- J ing Mrs. Band's farm Ou shares next year

Addio Hari is is attending school at Wil- ( son; Grace Corwin is at Lockport; Parker; Corwin nt Wilson; WU1 Gilchrist a t Wilson-

Wm. Gallup has been obliged to give up th s traveling grocery business ou account of ill health.

We saw in our streets on Tuesday loads of grain from Wilson, Atolyneaux Corners, Youngstown, C am bria Centre, Pekin a n il '

PEKIN.Mr. Jay Hotchkins has gone east to visit

friends.Mr. Harry Woodworth has returned from

West Virginia, where he has been j u Lusiness.

Air. Chap Orton and sister Mida have re turned from Dakota, to speud the winter.

Tho w inter term of school has commenced with Newton lturns, and Mis* llittle as teacher.

Pro. Oeorge ltewey is to enlighten the dark minds of this village, on the Kith, inst.

Prof. George Chamber snug here l ist,week to a small house.

Sunday was observed as quurterly meet iug at the M. E Church.

The heavy wind storm which passed here Saturday uight and Bunduy blow down many fru it trees.

A ghost has been prowling arouud just north of here, und bus succeeded in fright­ening several German families. i t is suid to resemble a human bell!.: Without a he d, having long ears upon its shoulders. It lins been shot at, stoned and trapped, but ull attem pts to secure the thing have failed. One German described it a* follows: “ lie scbust gome mit de pack liart off my parn, from iter woods over, uud schnst vas tanciu’ m it de cround oop, like as ei-f he vas nefer shtop, veil 1 cots me m it a biece of brick uml vus scbust coing to trow, ven he coes off schust like dot. I vas nefer so schared tint myself jiefoi e.’’- E lkve .


away with a long resonant groan of his own, Then he sits bolt upright, hooks his shoul­der-blades over the back of the pew and hangs on. He i* going to sit still this Sun­day if It kills him. But the pow is too high, so ho settles down a little. Then he puts a hymn-book between bis back and the pew. Then he leans forwaid anil lets it fall with a crash. Then he folds his arm s; he half turns and lays one arm along the back of the pew. Suddenly Lo slides down and braces both knees against the bgck of the pow in front, Al}, that's; comfort, i t lasts ninety second*, when ho abruptly straightens up, elevates bolb aims, and hooks bis elbow* oyer the

j back of his pew. That isn't what be wants; j his legs are tired; he reaches for tho hassock

with both feet, upsets it,and, in a frantic ef­fort to stay it, kicks it agaiust tho po .’. Covered with burning euibnrrasnient he pulls out his watch twice or thrice without once looking ut it. He folds his arm s across liis breast, then be crosses them behind his

| back; ho thrusts his hiiuds Into Ijjs |>ocketn | lie drops a Bible on the iloor and puts his | feet into his hat, and a t times you look to

see him go all to pieces, but ho doesn't, j He stai s together and eome* back neat Sup ; day, every limb snd j. ln t of him.

THE WATCHER.His neck is fitted on a glolie socket and

turns clear round. He sees everything that j goes on. The man who conies in late does I nut escape him, and it is vaiu for the tenor

to think he got that little rmfo to the alto conveyed between the l- uves of the hymn book unobserved. The watcher saw it. He sees the bole in the quarter tha t Elder Hkin- nor dropped iu the pl.itu. Hu sees that Dea­con Slowboy has but one cuff. If the door swings he look's around; if the window moves noiselessly he looks up, He sees the stranger In his neighbor's pew, and be sees Brother Badmau sitting uway back under the gallery, furtively taking a chew of the inhibited fiue-cut. All things that nobody wnnt* him to see, the watcher see*. Ho sees so I16 has no time to listen.

THE TIME KEEPER.As you pronounce your text, you see the

time-keener take out his watch, look a t it carefully, nnd close it with a snap that says:“ Oo ” clear to tho pulpit. You know that he hus you down to a second, and th a t he keeps a faithful record of tbe length of every sermon you praach, usually adding ' five or ten minute* to the record, “ to allow I for a difference in watches,” During thu *ermon hu refers to tha t watch every few minute* or oftener. And when you havo been preaching, say, twenty five minutes, the time-keeper looks a t his watch and starts. Can lie be)iovu his eyes! He looks at the watch; then be gazes at von. Then he looks around a t the clock on the gallery to be assured that his watch hasn’t been stop­ped ever sippe last Sunday. Then he make* a movement to close the watch snd return


F o r H o l i d a y G o o d s .

S U I T A R L E F O R -----------

C H R I S T M A SA J T D H E W Y K i l t ' N

P R E S E N T S !A large Hue of' Holiday Goods of every

description just received, and will sell them at very low figures.

Christmas and New Year’s Cards, Picture Albums, Autograph Albums, ( ’locks and

iJewelry, China and Glassware, China and Wax Dolls, Toys (a very attractive assort­ment), Skates, Sleighs, Harmonicas, Ae.

Holiday goods for young and old, rich and poor.C o m e a n d s e e f o r Y o u r s e l f .

B. D. DAVIS CO.Brick Store,

Y O U N G S T O W N , N .Y .

~ " ™ |W ilso n U nion S ch o o l.I X S r H A T f C ® _______

In First-class Companies.

Mrs. Hedenkftpp died 011 Wednesday even- , f movement to close the wNtch end return i»g, Dec. iki, aud wa® buried Friday. Hhe 1 *,° pocket, but change** bis mind, looks... . _ . . . . ! t |4 , A..AI tv nv V I A. AV , I ...... (m! - 1 |was about 65 years old, mid had lived in Lewiston a good many yeara.

I in my last to tel) you *ome- I thing about tbe donation party which wus given to the Rov. L. G. Marwh last Thursday ; evening. Tho weathor being warm the |•< were badly broken up, m> that very ' few from the country were preseut. All j w ho were there had a good time and a good j supper. There wa* plenty of good music; probably Hie beat lal least that which reoeiv- 1 a i the greatest applause) being “ Auld Lang I Byne,” sung by Mra. John Fleming and Rev Mr. Glover f Lockport. Tlie receipts . were between ninety and one hundred do t lars.

a t it • again, smiles a despairing smile, and holds his hand up a little so that bis neigh bor can see w hat time it in Then with a long, fixed look at you, he clicks hf* watch, shuts and *lowly return* it to hi* pocket with the *xpression of a man whoso amuse ment has struck him dumb, and who cannot actualtv believe the evidence of his own sen­ses. Jr the time-keeper cannot ruin thecfos- ing fiv* minutes of your svrmon yon are proof against annoyance.

THE Bl^l'EAKKH.He comes in late. His verv p*w |s the

! farthest from the door. His boots are vocal monster* that are never worn save nn the

' Habbnth Day to keep it noisy.

H a r tfo rd ..............., .................H a rtfo rd , <Jt.N ew H a m p sh ire .. . . . . . . . . M anchester.B ritish A m e r i c a . ..............T o ro n to .L io n ............. .L ondon , E n g lan d .S ta r ................................................ N ew Y ork.Prov idence W a sh in g to n ...................... H. 1.S co ttish U nion and N a tio n a l. .G lasgowC itizen s ......................................... I’ it tsh n rg h .A lso W ash ing ton L ife In su ran ce C om ­

p any o f N ew Y ork.


H O D D I C K & C O ' S .

F I N E A R T S T O R E ,\o. 2s!i f l ,U \ st., K a fftlo , M.V.

Wbon you viBit the City, an<J nee (be IpigeAssort rnf*ut of

p ic t u r e : , f r a m e s &MIRRORS,


WM S Mi'COLLL'M.Surgical and Mechanical Dentis t,

A HAU BUHDICK, Principal

EVA M REED, Preceptress.

W. H. HAMBLIhj, Assistant

This school, with it*

F U L L C 0 U R 8 E O F S T U D YApil thorough*)®#* q t instruction, furuinhet

superior o p p o r tu n ity for a prar tical education.

Experienced Teachers,Using tho Latest Methods and

the Best Apparatus,

Help ttie pupil* to Mionomise time aud ern ploy it to the greatest advantage.

Winter Term Begins Dec. 1, 1884.H. 8 EKLEY,

President.J. O. O. BROWN,


i the Fair Ground* for »1S(> The bonrd i South Wilson. Barley, w heat and .ats are — ■ 1 to purchase It, and permission wa* 1 bought at full Ismkport pr<*es;in fact thi*

G \ » n tluim t o m o v e the building o f f the week wheat has been from 2c. to 5c.

l>own theMrs. Parker, w ho bu* been viwiting her t*'11!? aial* he walks, squeessquaw, aquee-

brother L. V . Gillett, on the Kiver Head re " h«n he reaches hia pew there aretuniixl U> bor buuie iu Buffalo lost Friday, i In it. He Is the soul of hospitality

The Craigie family returned to Buffalo , ^ d f t n r t one of them for afor tbe winter, to day. r,hoo**nd Back he goe* to a seat tin-\i f t ■ 1 .1 . SU u . ,. • , der the gallery, *quee aquae. Then he re-Mrs. Paige a sister of Mr*. IA *y died in ̂ members that he has a notice, f r r you toBuffalo last Friday, an I wa* brought h e r e read, and back he squeak* to the pulpit, for burial on Monday. She wa* aeveral hand* you tbe wrong notice, and solemly

In my haste I sent ray letter last week distant seat, he slone solemn, while other*without date or signature. I w ill try and are inclined to uruHe Tiie squeaker is suchbe more careful in future — S am ax thx Silt- ' rj1i*n a 1 l* tir to * 5 ^ I?11?' I?e, i* aw fully good. And tbe gooder be i* theUI' A,K | worse he squeak*. — R . J . R u r d e t t e , i n C i n c i n -

Lewiatrqi, Dec. loth, ^884. ’ naff jEnqufrer.

Dr. M c C o l l u m , o f N i a g a r a Kal in , ban o p e n e d a n o f li ce in Y » u n j f * t o w n , o y e r t b e a t o r e o f W . A . J iiitU&hitton, a n d e i t h e r IjijiiKelf o r K. W . T h o m p ­s o n , of t b e I ' h i l f t i l e lp h in D e n t a l O o l l e g e , w h o h a s ha<l a l a r g e n t ) e x p e r i e n c e in I > e n t i » t r y . w i l l viflff Vouj iKHtowij o v e r y M o n d a y a n d T u e s d a y o f e a c h w e e k

F O R H A L E !A t greatly reduced price,

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Watches, Clock#, and all kind* of Jewelry, repaired on abortwit notice.

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•tore, beat heating atove in uae,.wru, PVIH iimuiiK wvem UW. t—\ TT) T̂ > A T / ~ \ TV AAtoo, for much leni than oost, 1 J # j ) J__J^L

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at Y'oungstown. each month, tha some *• for the past ten years

t-*V* Date of viaii* will b« read in the Per­sonal* of thi* paper, one week in advauce

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