Brian Yusem- Learning How to Dance: Tips for Beginners

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Brian Yusem- Learning How to Dance: Tips for Beginners


For those who are interested in learning to dance, the thought taking your first steps on the dance floor can be intimidating. When you are first starting out, you’ll want to bear in mind a few bits of advice so you can start on the right foot. Here are some helpful tips to help you get started dancing.

When learning to dance, make sure you learn different styles rather than focusing on one. It takes less time to become proficient in several types of dances and will be more beneficial in the long run.

You need to be able to feel the music and find your rhythm. As a beginner, it is important for you to become familiar with the rhythm by listening to music that is related to the style of dance you’ve chosen.

Don’t stare at your feet. A common mistake made by most beginners is looking down while you dance. Dancing is not about seeing, but feeling. Try and remember how the steps feel and remember the patterns that the dance consists of.

Dance with different people in order to see how they interpret the music. This will allow you the opportunity to approach the dance in a new way.

About Brian Yusen

Brian Yusem is a man with many talents. Along with being a naturopathic doctor and surfing instructor, he is also a semi-professional ballroom dancer. Brian Yusem also has owned many businesses throughout his career, including an asset protection company. His clients were physicians and other individuals who have a high net worth.