Brian Henry: Selected Works

Post on 09-Mar-2016

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Portfolio of architectural works completed by Brian Henry (B.S.Arch 2011, M.Arch 2011, University of Idaho)

Transcript of Brian Henry: Selected Works

355 NE Olsen St #203Pullman, WA 99163


Brian HenryS e l e c t e d W o r k s

Brian Henry: Selected Works

355 NE Olsen St #203Pullman, WA 99163


© Copyright 2012, Brian Henry.Third Edition. All Rights Reserved.

No part of this portfolio may be reproduced, distributed, displayed or utilized in any form or by any means-physical, electronic or otherwise-without express consent of the copyright owner. Individual works attributed to others may be subject to further copyright restrictions by their respective copyright holders that may not be expressly stated herein.


Bellevue Meta-Burb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Music-Architecture Translation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8Eighteen Inches Exchange Tower. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

Graduate Work

Undergraduate WorkLandscape Dissection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14McCall Carbon-Neutral Living . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16MFD Station #4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18Seeing Through a Viewfi nder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20Perspectiva Artifi cialis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22


Independent Work

Studies with Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25The Park is Closed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26Ira Keller Fountain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27Waiting on Wall Street . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27Our Closest Neighbors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28Untitled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29

Champagne Studio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30



. of R









1910 1920

Founded 1869 by William Meydenbauer

Bellevue Meta-Burb



Project Scope

Architectural Design IX (Graduate Thesis) - Spring 2011

Bruce Haglund

Bellevue Meta-Burb attempts to understand the dominant form of development in the United States; suburban development. This project takes an approach that tries to balance theory, research and practice to the point of developing a building strategy and potential typology. Contrasting other attempts of dealing with suburbia from within the suburban context, this project does not attempt to alter suburbia as we know it, nor transform it into something different. Rather, it understands it, and transcends beyond typical models of suburban and urban development to create the Meta-Burb.

This project focuses on Bellevue, Washington. Located on the shores of Lake Washington, ferries once connected Bellevue to Seattle but it wasn’t until the completion of the I-90 fl oating bridge and then a second fl oating bridge on SR 520 that the city began to be viewed as a bedroom community to Seattle. This sparked a term of accelerated, unsustainable growth in the form of suburban development. Bellevue has been classifi ed a bedroom community, suburb, edge city, techno-burb and many other things all dependent on Seattle.

Over the years, Bellevue grew to hold the second-largest city center in the state, shedding its status as a Seattle-dependent community and today boasts a downtown of its own. My preliminary research centered around the growth patterns of Bellevue and its future sustainability as a city center.

In downtown Bellevue, 35,000 employees work in a given day. Out of Bellevue’s population of roughly 125,000 residents, only 5,000 live in the downtown. The best case scenario is that 30,000 people travel to and from the downtown area everyday. This model of development isn’t sustainable. Bellevue needs to encourage its residents to stop developing the edge of the city and instead focus on living densely and living sustainably.




City o




City Limits 1953

New Annexations

Existing City 1953

1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020

Downtown R


Units U

nder Constr


Downtown R


Downtown W



Establishes headquarters innearby Renton, WA


SR 520 bridge constructed overLake Washington

Bellevue Incorporated

I-90 bridge constructed over Lake WashingtonDownto

wn Work



Moffat, Riley Moore. Population History of Western US Cities and Towns, 1850-1990. (1996); United States Census Bureau, “Census 2000,” “Census 2010.”; City of Bellevue, “Bellevue by the Numbers.” (July 2010)


+ 0’

+ 15’


+ 40’

+ 50’

+ 60’

+ 70’

+ 80’

Level 6 - 24,867 SF

Level 5 - 24, 867 SF

Level 4 - 24,867 SF

Level 3 - 32,041 SF

Level 2 - 33,117 SF

Level 1 - 32,552 SF

Level 1 - 32,552 SFTotal - 172,311 SF

Total - 162,490 SF

Level 2 - 33,117 SF

Level 3 - 32,041 SF

Level 4 - 12,956 SF

Level 5 - 12,956 SF

Level 6 - 12, 956 SF

Level 7 - 12,956 SF

Level 8 - 12, 956 SF

NE 8th St

NE 10th St

NE 12th St

NE 4th StB

ellevue Way N


106th Ave N


100th Ave N


108th Ave N


102nd Ave N


0 300’ 600’

Existing Pedestrian Corridor

Project Site

Potential Pedestrian Corridors

In most urban areas, walkability, and consequently the viability for alternative transportation options, is closely tied to block size and buildings’ relationship to the sidewalk. As walkable examples, New York City’s blocks are roughly 260’ x 900’ and Portland’s are 260’ x 260’.

As seen in the fi gure-ground to the left, Bellevue’s large block size is very apparent. While the city has made some attempts to create pedestrian-friendly corridors, the 600’ x 600’ blocks are a major obstacle.

Breaking the blocks up into more walkable 300’ segments would be a major improvement to the urban feel of the downtown, and the dashed green lines represent areas where new corridors could be implemented.

Schematically, the project was strongly infl uenced by zoning and code, as well as the theory that concentrating population in downtown areas provides opportunities to conserve energy allowing people to live more sustainably.

The zoning for the site is ‘Downtown-Multiple Use’ (DNTN-MU) Additionally, the site is located in a ‘Perimeter Design District’ which limits some aspects of the DNTN-MU zoning, namely it only allows for 75% lot coverage instead of 100%, and the max. building height is limited to 90’ instead of 200’. While zoning allows for 90’ it also stipulates that anything over 75’ must include building setbacks above 45’. Staying below 75’ allows for more leasable fl oor area as seen in the diagram to the left.


It is apparent from looking at the housing market that in Bellevue, and the United States in general, housing has largely been in the category of suburban development. Because of this, one of my research questions stands out; Are people getting what they are paying for when they purchase a home in suburbia?

When it comes to consumer perceptions of the suburban lifestyle we can see various expectations. Mainly these trend toward issues of privacy, entertainment, and social amenities. Also important to note is that for most of us in the United States, home ownership is the largest investment we are bound to make. Consequently, issues of property value and home equity, which are closely tied to what our neighbors do with their homes and property, become important to the suburban home buyer as well.

An analysis of the factors that matter most to suburban home owners show their expectations of the suburban housing market. However, further research into the realities of the market show that what home owners expect doesn’t always compare to what they get.

Furthermore, looking at what people expect in home ownership shows that suburbia isn’t specifi cally tailored to provide these amenities. In fact, Bellevue Meta-Burb creates spaces that allow for neighbors to gather and children to play in semi-private spaces. These spaces are only accessible to the adjacent units making them secure while still giving you opportunities to interact with and get to know your neighbors, this specifi cally combines issues of privacy and social interaction.

*Product will not meet expectations



Taking advantage of the mixed use zoning district that the project is located within, Bellevue Meta-Burb incorporates shopping, business, and community amenities into the lower two fl oors. These functions engage users at street level encouraging pedestrian traffi c rather than vehicular to not only participate in the project’s amenities but nearby attractions as well.

Overall, residents will be able to live comfortably in an environment that goes beyond the current suburban or urban housing typologies. Users will be able to interact in a community like suburbia aims at, yet they will still live within walking distance of most of Bellevue’s attractions.





Project Description

Architectural Design VII (Graduate Studio) - Fall 2010

Frank Jacobus

4 Weeks

Students were given a musical piece to analyze and diagram. The method of diagramming was left open, but we were told to “measure the measurable,” and to remain objective. Then, we were to take our understanding of a facade from a previous case study, and translate the diagram into architecture as a new building facade. My case study facade was the perforated scrim wall on the Caltrans District 7 Headquarters by Morphosis, and my musical piece to diagram was, In a Landscape, by John Cage.

Course Architectural Des








In a Landscape- John Cage

Music-Architecture Translation

Reinforced Concrete Floor Slab

Steel Decking

Concrete Column

Concrete Column

Fire Stop

Light-Gauge Steel Furring

W-Section Beam

W-Section Girder

W-Section Column

Spray-on Fire Proofi ng

Dropped Ceiling Panels

3/4” Gypsum Board

Primary Scrim Wall Structure (Rectangular Tube)

Secondary Scrim Wall Structure (Rectangular Tube)

Scrim Wall Panels (Perforated Aluminum)

Steel Bracket

Steel Bracket

Primary Scrim Wall Structure (Circular Tube)

Mullions for Glazing

1” Insulating Glass Unit







Panel Arrangement Diagram

1/4” Holes

1/2” Holes

1” Holes

1-1/2” Holes

2” Holes

Pre-Formed Panel (1-1/2” Holes)


Eighteen Inches Exchange Tower




Project Description

Design Solution

Architectural Design VIII (Transformative Studio) - Summer 2010

Frank Jacobus

5 Weeks

Manhattan is home to unique housing conditions where personal, private space is minimized. It is also home to large primarily public urban areas. This project challenged students to analyze the effects of exchanging private space for public or communal amenities and design a residential exchange tower for a site located in The Bowery in lower Manhattan.

Initially, the idea of minimizing private spaces and exchanging that for public or shared community amenities was diffi cult for me to balance. However, upon reviewing the following passage from Here is New York by E. B. White, I had a breakthrough in conceptualizing the design of the tower:

When I went down to lunch a few minutes ago I noticed that the man sitting next to me (about eighteen inches away along the wall) was Fred Stone. The eighteen inches were both the connection and the separation that New York provides for its inhabitants. ... New York blends the gift of privacy with the excitement of participation.

In the design for the Eighteen Inches Exchange Tower the housing units are arranged so that you can interact with others like yourself but community areas are mixed in so that there are opportunities for residents to rub shoulders, or at least fi nd themselves within eighteen inches of one another. Unit design allows for small cozy spaces, so within the tower you are open to the excitement of participation but have the gift of privacy as well.


Pod Unit

Pod Unit w/ Bath

Studio w/ Bath

2 Bedroom 1 Bath


The southern facade of the tower, along Great Jones Street, shows the potential for community connections within the outermost layer of the facade system--a perforated aluminum scrim wall. By adjusting the size of the perforations, the panels create softened lines that draw connections between units serving to remind residents of the larger community in which they reside, thereby encouraging connections among residents.

The scrim wall also serves to psychologically give residents a sense of privacy from within their rooms as the fl oor to ceiling windows have been effectively screened from the outside. This screening also limits exposure from harsh southern elements.

3D Facade Detail

Facade/Concept Diagram


Photo: L. Lloyd

Landscape Dissection




Project Team


Project Focus and Analysis

Architectural Programming - Spring 2009

Frank Jacobus

3 Weeks

S. Dobbins, M. Geserick, B. Henry, M. Maiolie

Student teams were asked to select a stretch of road along the Moscow-Pullman highway within the city limits of Moscow, and reveal the programmed, experiential, and cultural elements embedded within the landscape.

The entire section of road in this area is programmed for vehicles, it is dominated by paved streets, parking lots, and large-scale signs meant to be read by cars passing by at 35 mph. What would a pedestrian experience in this space which was designed with only a small sidewalk as the provision for foot traffi c?

The team set out to individually record its experiences in the landscape. We noted dominant colors, noise levels, hard and soft scapes, interactions with other pedestrians, bicycles, and cars, and our relative anxiety levels. Analyzing the team’s fi ndings we noticed that anxiety spiked where different modes of transportation cross paths, especially at the intersection of Peterson as it is the site of a major crosswalk leading to campus. High noise levels were also a cause for anxiety and were the result of passing cars which are uncomfortably close to people on the sidewalk because of the lack of buffer zone between them.

The results of our experiences led us to conclude that the pedestrian experience is unduly stressful, harsh, and unpleasant due to the lack of programmed landscape specifi c to foot traffi c.






streetparking lot


Time (minutes) 8:00 7:00 6:00 5:00 4:00 3:00 2:00 1:00

Traf c Interactions: Pedestrains, Vehicles, Bicyclists

Baker Street Peterson Drive Line Street



color experience

Subsidiary Users within aSingle-Focus Landscape

Photo: B. HenryModel: M. Keithley & K. Wells

McCall Carbon-Neutral Living




Project Teams

Project Description

Design Solution

Architectural Design V (Design-Build Studio) - Fall 2008

Frank Jacobus

Preliminary Research; 3 WeeksConceptual Design (materials focus); 6 WeeksDesign Development & Documentation; 6 Weeks

Design-Build Research: D. Gullickson, B. Henry, H. Hernandez, E. SimplotCordwood Research: B. Boehler, M. Geserick, B. HenryConceptual Cordwood Design: M. Geserick-Modeler, B. Henry-Virtual

Modeling & Documentation, H. Martindale-ModelerConstruction Documentation: D. Gullickson-Details, D. Sundquist & B. Henry-

Details & Documentation, E. Simplot-Codes

Provide bunking accommodations for overnight visitors to the McCall Outdoor Science School (MOSS). Using architecture as pedagogy, aid in the instruction of the school’s students on environmental friendliness and help meet the specifi c goal of the MOSS campus to become carbon neutral.

Existing accommodations on the campus were very utilitarian in both form and function. Our studio’s design solution focused on creating a meaningful space that fi t within the client’s budget, responded to the natural context of Ponderosa State Park, and incorporated opportunities for students visiting the campus to learn about building performance and carbon neutrality. Specifi cally, we used straw bales as building material, incorporated effi cient heating and heat recovery ventilation systems, passive and active solar systems, as well as utilizing waste material from the ponderosa forest as fuel for a wood-fi red boiler to strive toward carbon neutrality.

The build phase of this project was to occur during the following summer after an independent study team fi nalized the construction documents in the spring semester. However, due to a lack of funding, the project was not realized.


Initially, we developed three different strategies for the bunkhouse based on three building materials selected from earlier research; cordwood, straw bale, and Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs).

With the project site being located in Ponderosa State Park, cordwood was the material most abundant and local. However, cordwood construction needs dry wood that has cured properly for about a year. So while very appropriate for our application, the necessity of a shorter construction schedule ultimately ruled this out as a building material.

The class decided to proceed with a structure that utilizes a mixture of both straw bale construction and Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) due to the ease of construction and our goal of carbon neutrality. Additionally, the bunkhouse’s southern facade utilizes large, energy effi cient windows to capture as much solar radiation during the short winter days and store it in an exposed, polished-concrete fl oor. Along the north, the bunkhouse uses thick straw bales to protect against heavy snowfall and insulate the building’s guests.

The plan is divided into three distinct areas. The central area is comprised of the entrance vestibule, mud and coat rooms, bathrooms, showers, and mechanical facilities. Flanking this on either side are the bunk rooms and common areas. This design facilitated a phased approach to the construction as each area could be constructed separately and as funding allowed. This also allows for separation of the guests into male and female with distinct bathroom facilities for each, an important part of the client’s wishes as most of the guests will be school-aged children.

Image: S. DobbinsConstruction Documents: B. Henry & D. Sundquist






Design Solution

Architectural Design IV (Third Year Studio) - Spring 2008

Frank Jacobus

8 Weeks

Sponsored by the Idaho Concrete Masonry Association (ICMA), this design competition asked students to design a fi re station showing knowledge and competence using concrete masonry units (CMUs).The program called for a fi re station complete with administrative offi ces, living quarters, training areas and apparatus bays to serve the expanding Moscow-Pullman corridor.

Looking at a wall built of CMUs, one notices the individual units that together create the wall - a singular element. Examining the organization of a fi re department, one notices that similarly the department is composed of individuals all working together as a singular element to accomplish their goal. The Moscow Fire Department’s Station #4 was designed to exhibit these qualities in form, material, and purpose.

The front elevation wraps around the corner of Harden Road and A Street as a single unit composed of individual CMUs. Behind this datum wall exists the rest of the station clearly defi ned as individual programmatic elements - apparatus bays, living quarters, administration, and training areas - arranged so that they support the main wall and represent the individuality of the men and women that together make up the Moscow Fire Department. The station itself fl ows naturally from one space to the next, allowing the station to work together as a whole to accomplish its ultimate goal - to serve the community.

My design received the honor of being selected as one of the ten fi nalists in the competition.

MFD Station #4



n Roa


A Street

Apparatus Bays Living Quarters Administration Training Area

Sectional study model of the street facade

Study model

Understanding the way the building facade addressed the street was a critical aspect of this design. Overall, the wall must act as one element despite the change in elevation and the program beyond.

Because of this, it was necessary to understand the wall compositionally as a whole, as well as design the individual parts for their specifi c needs. For example, the offi ces called for transparency to the street while the dormitories called for privacy screens.

Diagrams showing effectiveness of privacy screens in dormitory areas Procedural sketches of street facade





Project Description

Design Solution

Design Process I - Summer 2007

Jessica Semzock

6 weeks

Phase I - Shape; create a monochrome composition using a single shape that is representative of a social group.

Phase II - Color; adding another shape to the original, create a composition using color as a design element

Phase III - Form; Create a three-dimensional composition using one shape and 90% of 16 square feet of 1/2” MDF board.

Photographers, both professional and amateur, are constantly looking at their subject matter through their viewfi nder. Representative of this social group are the points within the viewfi nder used to focus the camera. This object, the focus points in the viewfi nder, was abstracted and used to communicate certain techniques, theories, and experiences of what it is like to be a photographer.

I strove to embed a signifi cant amount of information into the project, specifi cally: the rule of thirds, a technique used in framing a composition; lens distortion, an effect of how a spherical lens translates to a fl at plane; perspective and aspect ratios, dealing with foreshortening and more; and fi nally color handling, the mixture of red, green, and blue to create different hues. The fi nal sculpture invites the viewer to look through the abstracted viewfi nder at the subject matter in a way that alerts them to this embedded information.

Seeing Through a Viewfinder

Phase II fi nal compositionPhase I fi nal composition


Phase III fi nal sculpture

Perspectiva Artificialis




Project Description

Architectural Design II (Second Year Studio) - Spring 2007

Ron Jelaco

9 Weeks

This project was an exercise in viewing buildings “as they really are.” Students were challenged to sketch a building from multiple vantage points but to use a tool that would help to establish perspective views as accurately as possible. The result was various two-dimensional images of a three-dimensional building; in other words, images that fell short of a true representation of the building. Jacques Riviere once said, “The true purpose of painting is to represent objects as they really are, that is to say, differently from the way we see them. It tends always to give us their sensible essence, their presence.”

In order to represent the building in the two-dimensional plane we combined the various views into one composite image that more closely resembles the whole building. Finally, we were asked to construct a maquette of our image using materials that spoke to the essence or presence of the building.

I used the Student Recreation Center (SRC) as my object. During this process I began to notice that ironically the SRC was a place where students would come to enhance the image of their personal form, but in order to do that they subjected themselves to a very public place and reduced their form to a very undesirable image; that of a sweaty, smelly, exhausted human being. Most remarkably, the majority of students entering the SRC would smell of perfumes and colognes only to start working up a sweat. Relating this with the fi nal maquette, I chose to represent the SRC as a combination of baltic birch plywood representing strength and Plexiglas representing transparency in the process of reducing your image only in order to improve it.

Image: R. Jelaco & T. Ashworth




Light in photograph has especially been an interest of mine, as it is vital to both architecture and photography. Without light photography is impossible in the most basic sense. Light can give a photograph a different mood or feeling simply based on the temperature of the light. Contrast plays an important role in photographs as highlights and shadows can create depth, focus, and rhythm as opposed to the mundane fl atness created by excessive mid tones. Learning from the scientifi c basis for how a camera functions to the qualitative aspects of the fi nal composition, photography has allowed me to see the world in a different way. It has taught me as much about art and architecture, as it has about focal lengths, depth of fi eld, exposure, and composition.

Self portrait

Studies with LightEastern Washington - 2007


The Park is ClosedChicago, Illinois - 2010


Ira Keller FountainPortland, Oregon - 2007

2009 College of Art & Architecture Undergraduate Juried Art Exhibit

Waiting on Wall StreetLower Manhattan, New York City - 2010


Our Closest NeighborsMoscow, Idaho - 2009

2009 College of Art & ArchitectureUndergraduate Juried Art Exhibit,

2009-2012, U. of Idaho Provost offi ce suite

UntitledPullman, Washington - 2009


PowerMaquinista F. Savio, Argentina - 2003


Champagne Studio

Champagne Studio is an adaptive reuse, design-build project in Moscow, Idaho. The client had the hundred-year-old carriage house on their property but aside from a little bit of storage it remained unused. A musician, the client required a space to use as a practice and recording studio for producing his own music. Something that served him creatively, but also something that controlled sound from entering and escaping for cleaner recordings as well as noise consideration for the neighborhood.

Our design called for a concrete fl oor, to upgrade the foundation to replace the existing wooden grade beams, and to add a secondary set of walls within the existing structure with insulation to aid in sound isolation. The existing structure uses rafters and collar ties to hold up the roof and these are left to penetrate the interior leaving a voluminous space with better proportions and scale. The alternatives to the ceiling design we investigated were various methods of doing a dropped ceiling or a redesign of the roof structure. These alternatives would result in better sound isolation but would ultimately leave the space too cramped or prove to be prohibitively expensive given the project scope and budget.

The studio’s fi nishes are intentionally left bare and somewhat raw while still showing refi nement. The concept behind this decision was to leave the client with a blank slate that the he could change, adapt, and experiment with to fi t his own creative style as well as allowing him to tune the room acoustically to fi t his needs.

Existing structure


Image: D. Champagne