Breathless Analysis. TV DRAMA

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Transcript of Breathless Analysis. TV DRAMA


Series 1 – Episode 5

Aired 7th November 2013.

3 MINUTES: 7:17-10:17

First Minute of Clip

Organised. Office. Leather. Expensive. Portraits. Admiring people higher of power (portraits). Upper Class. Small Lighting. Dark Colours. Sofas. Polished Tables. Ash Trays (relaxed?). Man working in background. Not a private/classified conversation.

Second Minute of Clip

Dining Room. Large Lamp Shade. Single Lighting. Candles. Flowers (real and picture frame). Motherly/Womanly. Polish Table. Upper Class. Threaded Picture? Warm Colours. Fine China. Small Eating Utensils (plates, cups). Shows delicacy.

Third Minute of Clip

Hospital. Medicines. Ward Office (blinds). Metal (sanitised) table and utensils. Large medicine jars. Hallway. Blue and Whites.

First Minute of Clip

Dark on most of his face. Dark intensions/hiding something/in an emotional situation. Light mostly on right of face. Good side to him. Grey. Deep shadows on nose, eyes and chin.

Second Minute of Clip

Warm colours. Reds/Oranges/Yellow’s. Low Lighting. One lamp. Light on back of boy’s head. Window possibly. Light from hallway and onto woman. Reflection onto table.

Third Minute of Clip

Bright. Natural Light from window. Light on mans’ head. Good intentions. Whites. Clean. Hospital. Well kept. Open people. Light on his head also shows thought.

First Minute of Clip

Suits. Work. Office. Smart. Important jobs/roles. Well brushed and tamed hair. No obvious make-up (due to them being men). Modest. Responsible. Smart.

Woman: Smart casual dress. Floral. Womanly. Necklace/Earrings. Regal. Hair up. Modest Dresses. Going out possibly. Pearl. Expensive. Boy: Non-fitted shirt. Grey. Uniform? Glasses, School?

Second Minute of Clip

Third Minute of Clip

Woman: Uniform. Nurse. Clean. Make-up. Hair short. Smart. Bonnet. Organised. Looks after herself.Man: Suit and Tie. Occasion maybe? Smart. Working. Authority.

First Minute of Clip

Sitting comfortably on sofa. Leg crossed over. Working. Suggesting work/tips. Has been disturbed. Sitting upright. Focussed on work.

Standing straight. Shock. Eyes wide. Has seen something/someone unexpected. Regret? Shoulders straight forwards. Facing someone?

Second Minute of Clip

Third Minute of Clip

College. Not high in authority. Working. Does not want to be disturbed. Tired. Not bothered to do work. Mono-tone. Been working there for a long time?