Breast Augmentation Repair and Revision Surgery

Post on 07-May-2015

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Transcript of Breast Augmentation Repair and Revision Surgery

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Breast Augmentation Repair and Revision Surgery

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In a perfect world no woman would ever need to consider repair or revision surgery done after having gone for a breast


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Unfortunately, we don’t live in a perfect world, and no matter how much technology advances, breast augmentation can go

wrong at times.

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Implant Problems

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For example, breast implants can and do leak from time to time. If you chose to have saline implants, and a leak occurs, the implant

will deflate rapidly as the fluid leaks into the body.

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Silicone on the other hand will not be absorbed into the body, and therefore a ruptured silicon implant is more difficult to


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If you have any reason to believe that one of your silicon implants has ruptured, it’s highly recommended that you go for a checkup as soon as possible. Depending on the results, the surgeon will need to perform revision surgery in order to either repair the

implant or to replace it.

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Sagging Correction

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No matter how skilled a surgeon is breast implants always end up sagging to a certain extent due to their weight, and because

of gravity.

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This is perfectly normal, and to a great extent, it helps to create a more natural appearance. With that said; if one implant sags more than the other it can make for

an undesirable appearance, in that your breasts will look as if they are lopsided.

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If this happens, your surgeon will probably recommend revision surgery in order to change the implant pocket from skin to muscle. Alternatively, the surgeon

may decide its best to perform a mastopexy in order to support the implants.

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This procedure is also commonly referred to as being a “breast lift.”

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Capsular Contracture

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A complication known as capsular contracture can also result in you having to have revision surgery done.

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This is when the scar tissue thickens to such an extent that it begins exerting excessive pressure on the implant, thus changing

the implant’s shape, and in some cases, even its position.

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Depending on the seriousness of the condition, a surgeon may decide to remove the scar tissue which supports the implant, or

else he or she may decide to place the implant deeper.

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In some cases, breast implants can feel stiff and uncomfortable, and this could result in you having to change the type of implant

you have.

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For example, if you had saline implants put in, you may at some point in the future need to have them replaced with silicon ones. Having said that, the problem can sometimes be rectified simply by deflating the existing implants or by filling them

some more.

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Although it’s not very common, breast augmentation can sometimes cause the areolas to become too large. This can be rectified by changing the

position of the implants, or by making adjustments to the implant pockets.

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Many women who go for breast implant surgery are so thrilled with the results that they end up wanting to change the size of

their implants at some point.

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This can be done by any experienced cosmetic surgeon, but in some cases, your doctor may point out that your breasts can be made bigger simply by filling your existing implants a bit more.

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Think Long Before Surgery And Choose Your Surgeon Carefully

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There are many reasons why people require revision surgery after having breast augmentation work done, so this is of course something all women should bear

in mind prior to having breast implant surgery done in the first place.

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