'BRANDARE' Main Rounds

Post on 08-Jul-2015

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Transcript of 'BRANDARE' Main Rounds

6 Q (20,10) 6 Q (15,10) 12 Q (20,5)

6 Q (15,5)

6 Q (20,5)

6 Q (15,5)



6 Q (20,5)

Which Brand had the First Talking Print advertisement ever and in which Publication ?

The Vento Talking Advert on 21 Sept. 2010 in Times of India and Hindu was India’s first.

Vanity Fair Dec 1989 Issue

Wishing readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy Hannukah

Which brand earned the nickname ‘Cowboy Killers’ in the 1990s ?

Three of it’s brand ambassadors, Wayne Mc Laren, David Mc Clean and Dick Hammer died of lung cancer.

Marlboro Reds

This international brand was brought in India by Siyaram’s in 1995.Mahesh and Leander were its Brand Ambassadors before their relations soured.The entire South African Cricket team also endorsed it as they were considered ‘very professional and clean’ but the Hansie Cronje fixing episode brought the campaign to an end.Geoff Boycott and Priyanka Chopra have also endorsed it with Hrithik Roshan being it’s latest brand ambassador.

Which brand are we talking about?

Which brand came out with this ad campaign in Dec 2010 – “Builders of Tomorrow”

Who is the author of this book ?

Google in the year 2000 on Fool’s day, announced a search technology that would be able to read the user’s mind to determine what was intended to be searched, thus eliminating the need to type the query.

What did they term it?


Which car is nicknamed ‘Lady Beetle’ ?

Bonus Q

Subaru 360



6 Q (15,5)

Identify this logo?

Marico Industries

Which auto brand’searlier logo ?

Identify this logo?

Identify this logo of a luxury brand?

Identify this logo?Recently in news

PWC New Logo

Identify this logoof an auto brand?

Identify this earlier logo?

Bonus Q

Playboy’s First Logo



6 Q (15,5)

We Try Harder

Which companies taglineand also a famous ad campaign?

The Happiest Place on Earth

Identify the tagline ?

Identify the tagline ?

Hint:Kaizen is defined asQuality in everything you do ?

The edge is efficiency

Identify the tagline ?

Welcome to the Big World

Identify the taglineOf an Indian Auto brand ?

Maruti Suzuki Esteem

full of surprises

Identify the tagline ?

Chhattisgarh Tourism board

Identify the tagline ?

Bonus Q



6 Q (15,10)

Zone Islet

Zen Estilo

Team Indium

Minute Maid

Cops Overgarment

Crompton Greaves

Nakedly Shoal

Ashok Leyland

Ivory Headlands

Harley Davidson

Noisy Censors

Sony Ericsson

Dew Rubies

Bonus Q



6 Q (20,10)

Maruti Suzuki

Book based on life of K. Ranjan Pillaiwho lost control of Britannia to Wadias.Later arrested for defraud, died in jail

Brand Ambassadors of Indian State Tourism Boards


Himachal Pradesh

Andhra Pradesh Goa

Tata Motors

Shakti – HUL’s Rural Initiative

Bonus Q


Think Different

Get a Mac




6 Q (20,5)

Started as a small toy balloon manufacturing company in 1946. Its primary product was chosen to be fitted onto Maruti 800, India’s first small modern car when the car was launched

Founded by K.M. Mammen Mappilai who received Padma Sri in 1993

It owns the subsidiary Funskool India as a JV with Hasbro

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(10 pts…if u get it now)

(5 pts…if u get it now)

Started as a company that built Weaving Looms in early 1900s. When they diversified, 'Power Free' and 'Diamond Free' were one of the earlier products that saw huge success.

It couldn’t start what is it’s primary business now, until late 1951 as the Govt. declared passenger cars as a ‘non essential commodity’.

Now it has around 35 main production facilities in 23 countries and is the second largest manufacturer of small cars and trucks in Japan

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(10 pts…if u get it now)

(5 pts…if u get it now)

According to an article in Business-week in 2006 it could be consideredworld’s largest tire manufacturing company as it produces around 306 mn rubber tires/year . The company’s name was coined from a Danish phrase that means ‘play well’

Bionicle, Duplo and Fabuland are its product lines

Began in 1932 in the workshop of Ole Kirk Cristiansen, a carpenter from Billund Denmark. Its first products were wooden toys and its motto is ‘only the best is good enough’

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(10 pts…if u get it now)

(5 pts…if u get it now)

(20 pts…if u get it now)

Founded in 1944 as Kyungsung Precision Industry as a manufacturer of bicycle parts by hand. It changed its name to the present one in 1952. The present name translates to ‘Rising from Asia’

Hired Peter Shryer as its Chief design Officer in 2006 who created its Famous trademark corporate grille – ‘ Tiger Nose’. 2nd largest car manufacturer in South Korea, it registered 2009 as its 15th consecutive year of increasing U.S. market share

Declared bankruptcy in 1997 and was acquired by its South Korean rival – Hyundai Motors (10 pts…if u get it now)

(5 pts…if u get it now)

The Japanese translation of the name of the company means ‘leave luck to heaven’. Between 1963 -1968 they tried various other businesses as well which include a ‘cab company’, a ‘love hotel chain’,a ‘T.V. network’ and a ‘food company’

Founded in 1889 by Fusajiro Yamauchi in Kyoto, Japan to make handmade hanafuda cards ( Japanese playing cards). Majority owner of the Major League baseball team – The Seatle Mariners

Gunpei Yokoi, designer at the company, came out with the ‘Game Boy console’ in 1989 whichwas packaged with the game ‘Tetris’ and went on to become an instant hit.

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(10 pts…if u get it now)

(5 pts…if u get it now)

(20 pts…if u get it now)

Started in 1910 in Denver, Colorado by Jesse Shwayder, who earlier worked as a salesman in Seward Trunk and Bag Co. For a long time of it’s initial years, they manufactured folding chairs and card tables.

It acquired American Tourister in 1993

‘Strong enough to stand on’ was one of it’s hugely successful initialmarketing campaigns. It was sold to Beatrice Foods in 1973. 40% of its current production is from its Nashik Plant in India. (10 pts…if u get it now)

(5 pts…if u get it now)


Print Ads

12 Q (20,5)



6 Q (20,5)



6 Q (20,5)

3M Post It

Bonus Q


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