Brainstorm!!!! What do we already know! - Do the best you can as a group to come up with answers to...

Post on 28-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Brainstorm!!!! What do we already know! - Do the best you can as a group to come up with answers to...


What do we already know!- Do the best you can as a group to

come up with answers to the following questions.

Topic: Presidents

• 43 men have served as president of this country. Do the best you can to name ten of them. Do not list our current president Barack Obama.

• YOU MUST list their first and last name

• DO NOT use visual aides around the room!!!!!!

Topic: Wars

• The United States has fought in numerous wars in our history. Some even before we were a country. Do the best you can to list as many wars as you can that we have fought in (BEFORE 1980)

Topic: Famous Americans

I will give you a name of a famous American, you tell me why they are famous1.Frederick Douglass

2.Jackie Robinson

3.John D. Rockefeller

4.Clara Barton

5.Alexander Graham Bell

6.Amelia Earhart

Topic: States

• We know that there are 50 states today, but did you know we started with only 13?

• Name the first 13 states

Topic: Election Year

1. What is the term of a president?(years)

2. What is the system of electing a president called?3. How many terms can a president serve?

4 & 5. Who is our current President and our current Vice President?