Bpug conference november 2012

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Transcript of Bpug conference november 2012


Give your organisation the ability to achieve results and realise benefits

Old world/New world

© Maven Training Ltd 2012





Change is a core competency

IBM 2010 Global CEO Study:

IBM 2012 Global CEO Study

Change is a core competency

CIPD Learning and Talent Development Survey 2012





31%Sustaining the positive impact from changes for

at least five years

Changing at the right pace

Identifying the changes that are necessary to besuccessful

Improving organizational financial performancethrough change initiatives

Achieving the desired operational goals fromchange initiatives

1. Achieving the desired operational goals from change initiatives

2. Improving organizational financial performance through change initiatives

3. Identifying the changes that are necessary to be successful

4. Changing at the right pace

5. Sustaining the positive impact from changes for at least five years

Change is a core competency

Note: Percentages indicate the number of respondents indicating “effective” or “highly effective” in these areas.

How effective is your organization at each of the following areas?

How Top Companies Create Clarity, Confidence and Community to Build Sustainable Performance – Towers Watson May 2011

Mckinsey survey 2000+ firms – March 2010 Actions taken by the companies where

respondents state they were “very/extremely successful” in reaching the transformation’s targets:◦ Leaders ensured that frontline staff felt ownership

for the change.◦ Roles and responsibilities were clear, so people felt

accountable for delivering results.◦ The organization was engaged and energized

through ongoing communications and involvement.◦ Our best talent was deployed to carry out the most

critical parts of the transformation.◦ Leaders role-modelled the desired changes.

Change is a core competency

Broadening best practice

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19721969 20112004

Broadening best practice

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Project lifecycle

Productivity /Efficiency /

Customer service



Change lifecycle

© Maven Training Ltd 2012

Integrating two worlds

Critical success factors

Structured approach◦Coverage of the change activities includes

all processes and functions impacted by the change

◦Change readiness tracked by team/function Self determination

◦Breadth of participation activities offered to those impacted by change

◦Level of involvement and participation by team/function/management level

◦Time made available to participate in change activities

User is too busy with ‘business as usual’ to engage with the Project Team

Project team continue to build deliverables despite the vacuum

Users become involved as the project nears its end date, requesting amendments and changes to the deliverables

Project exceeds its scheduled ‘go live’ date Users do not embed the deliverables into

approach, so continue to use a mixture of new deliverables and old processes

Project costs not exceeded by realised benefits

Failure to engage


What is the biggest change that you will need to make to improve your business value in this new world?◦Do things differently◦Learn something new◦Work with different people

Portfolio/Programme Office (P3O definition)Support the definition and delivery of a

portfolio of programmes and projects within a department, division, geographical region or business unit.

Change Management Office (Maven definition)Provide the organisation with a focal point for

governing, structuring and implementing change initiatives, ensuring each is delivered effectively through the application of a consistent methodology and performance metrics.

Vision for the CMO

Are the changes planned and underway capable of achieving the strategic objectives?

What other initiatives should be added to fill any gaps between strategic ambition and current changes?

What initiatives are failing to deliver expected improvements?

Should they be prematurely terminated or a task force be assigned to their repair?

How can we filter initiatives at the ideas stage to prevent authorisation of the 'wrong‘ initiatives

What steps in the decision making process can we remove or amend to increase the speed of decision making?

Answers from the CMO

Who are the sponsors of a CMO and what do they need to know from the CMO?

Who are the customers of a CMO and what support do they need?

What are the key elements of the methods and processes that the CMO adheres to?

What key metrics should the CMO be tracking regarding change initiatives

What behaviour changes should the CMO be encouraging in the project community and the business as a whole?


Change must be incorporated in our best practice: Change awareness – understanding the components

of change and the cultural factors that lead to an environment where change is normal

Change readiness – understanding the extent to which these components are currently deployed

Change capability – building an organisation that is accomplished in deploying these components to achieve its strategic objectives

Change effectiveness – speed at which an organisation realises the benefits from change, the level of engagement and participation with change and minimum levels of resistance to change


For more information

E: info@maventraining.co.uk

T: 020 7403 7100


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