BPMT Laboratory - MUHS

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Transcript of BPMT Laboratory - MUHS



Number of subjects -4

Sr No

Subject Department responsible for syllabus completion / IA

Number of months of rotational posting to the department

1 Basic Sciences Parent Department (Pathology) Not applicable *

2 Biochemistry Biochemistry 2.5

3 Microbiology Microbiology 2.5

4 Pathology Pathology Not applicable *

* Students will join the parent department (Department of pathology) immediately

after their admission. They will be posted in Biochemistry and Microbiology

(preferably in CCL), for 2.5 months each, by the parent department for the completion

of respective syllabus in these subjects. For rest of the period in 1st Year BPMT,

students will work in the department of pathology.

Syllabus for Paper I – Basic Sciences

Sr. No

Topic Theory Hours

1. Introduction to Anatomy 2

2. Introduction to various body parts and systems 2

3. Bones (Only nomenclature) 4

4. Joints (Only nomenclature) 2

5. Anatomy & Functions of respiratory System (Only Organ nomenclature and brief functions)


6. Anatomy & Functions of cardiovascular system (Only Organ nomenclature, important arteries and veins / sites for venepuncture and brief functions)


7. Anatomy & Functions of Abdominal Organs , GI system (Only nomenclature and brief functions)


8. Anatomy & Functions of Pelvic Organs (Only nomenclature and brief functions)


9. Anatomy & Functions of Nervous System (Only nomenclature and brief functions)


10. Anatomy & Functions of Endocrine glands (only nomenclature, site and brief functions )


11. Genetics (Only introduction and brief functions) 2

12. Organization of Human body, cell 2

13. Composition and functions of blood 4

14. Introduction to medical lab technology 2

15. Role and responsibilities of Medical lab technologist 2

16. General precautions in laboratory 2

17. Laboratory safety measures 2

18. Biological specimens and their types 2

19. Methods of collection of biological specimens 4

20. Preservation and disposal of biological specimens 2

21. Standard solutions 2

22. Some standard definitions in units of measurements 4

23. Modes of transmission of diseases 2

24. Control and prevention of infections 2

Total 56

Practicals – Basic Sciences


As all the contents are of basic nature and at undergraduate level, all these lecture are to

be conducted by the parent department.

For practical, if required, help from other departments such as physiology, may be taken.

Sr. No


1. General measures in laboratory (Cleaning, safety, maintenance etc)

2. Preparation of solutions

3. Balance –operations and maintenance

4. Demonstration of semi-automated , automated blood analyzers, blood gas analyzers etc

5. Demonstration of other lab equipments

6. Demonstration of disposal of laboratory waste products

7. Blood grouping

8. BT & CT

9. Cross matching

10. Semen analysis

11. Pregnancy tests

12. Spirometry and PFT

13. Assessment of general condition of the subject eg. Temperature, Respiration, Pulse, Blood pressure etc

Paper – II


1. Introduction and scope of biochemistry


2. Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acid. (only

introduction, definition and classification)

DNA and RNA: Structure and properties.


3. Elementary knowledge of enzymes. (only introduction and their



4. Introduction to concept of energy 1

5. Introduction to Carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism: (Only

start and end products)

Regulation of blood Glucose Concentration, Glycosuria.


6. Importance of some minerals- sodium, potassium, calcium,

phosphorous, iron, copper, chloride, fluoride.


7. Nutritional aspects of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, balanced diet. 3

8. Introduction to medical lab technology: General introduction Role

of medical lab technologists, and responsibility, safety measures

and first aid.


9. Cleaning and care of general laboratory glassware and equipment.

Elementary knowledge of analytical biochemistry. Principles,

functions and uses of balances, centrifuge machines, colorimeters.


10. Collection and recording of biological specimens, separation of

serum plasma preservation and disposal of biological



11. Standard solution: Various std. solutions used, their preparation;

storage of chemicals


12. Units of measurements: S.I units: Definitions, conversions,

Measurement of volume: Strength, Normality, Molarity, Molarity

Definitions: Mole, molar and normal solutions(preparation,

Standardization), pH(Definition, Pka value, Example, importance

of Henderson-Hasselbalch equation) ; Buffer solutions(Definition,

preparation of important solutions) pH indicators(pH papers,

universal & other indicators); pH measurement : different

methods(pH paper, pH meter, structure, working and maintenance)


Total Hrs. 26

Practical – II


Practical and demonstration:

1. Introduction to biochemistry lab, various types of specimens


2. The reception and recording of specimen, cataloguing and

indexing maintenance of laboratory records.

3. Maintenance of laboratory, quality control, and first aid

4. Cleaning glassware

5. Introduction and identification of laboratory instruments

6. Demonstration of laboratory instruments

7. Gerneral measures in handling of laboratory instruments

8. (For example Single pan balance, pH- meter, Colorimeters,

Distillation of water, Semi automated/ fully automated blood

analyzers. Blood gas analyzer, Elisa reader, spectrometers etc)

9. Preparation of various solutions

10. Demonstration of disposal of laboratory waste product and

infected material.

All these lectures and practical are to be conducted by the department of Biochemistry in

CCL, during the rotational posting of the students (2.5 months in Biochemistry)

Paper III Microbiology

Sr Syllabus Theor






1. Laboratory Management and Planning. The reception and

recording of specimen, cataloguing and indexing

maintenance of laboratory records .

1 1 2

2. Introduction to microbiology lab, various types of

specimens received

1 2 2

3. A knowledge of working and maintenance of the following

Incubators, Refrigerators, Water baths, Ovens, Steamers,

Autoclaves, Inspi ssator, Centrifuges, Vaccum Pumps,

Water Steel. Cleaning and sterilization of syringes and

needles. Sample glass wares.

1 3 4

4. Sterilization: Methods of sterilization and their uses.

Chemical, dry heat, steam sterilization, Tyndallization,

filtration, sterilization by ultraviolet light.

2 1 3

5. Care and use of microscope. Dark ground illumination,

fluorescence and microscopy.

1 1 2

6. Introduction to bacteriology 1 1

7. Introduction to virology 1 1

8. Introduction to parasitology 1 1

9. Cultural Methods: Preparation and sterilization of media.

Inoculation and examination of inoculated plates. Antibiotic

sensitivity testing, basic techniques of plating and

preparation of antibiotic discs.

2 2 4

10. Systemic Bacteriology : Introduction to bacteriology .

The general principles of the methods employed in

identifying an unknown organism, Introduction to common


Technique oriented examination of specimens such as pus,

urine, stool, sputum, throat swab.

4 4 8

11. Parasitological techniques and elementary knowledge of life

cycle and lab

2 3 5

12. Introduction to virology techniques. 1 1 1

13. Miscellaneous: Methods of preservation of cultures,

maintenance of stock cultures, disposal of infected material

and culture media.

1 2 1

14. Serological Methods: Methods of performing agglutination,

precipitation tests. General knowledge of antigen antibody


2 2 4

15. Mycology as related to Candida and Dermatophytes. 1 1 2

16. Bacteriological examination of food and water. 1 1 2

Total 23+ 24 47 Paper – IV




Topic lectures Practical Total

1. Introduction and scope of Pathology 1 -- 01

2. Introduction to Pathology lab, various types of

specimens received

1 1 2

3. Laboratory Management and Planning. The

reception and recording of specimen,

cataloguing and indexing maintenance of

laboratory records .

1 2 3

4. Working and maintenance of instruments 2 2 4

5. General principles of Haematology techniques

collection, fixation, processing & routine

staining, Haemoglobin, TLC, DLC, Peripheral

smear, automatic cell counter

3 3 6

6. General principles of Clinical Pathology

techniques sample collection, processing for

routine test, normal urine & urine examination

3 3 6

7. General principles of Cytopathology

techniques collection, fixation, processing &

routine staining

3 3 3

8. .General principles of Histopathology

techniques collection, fixation, processing &

routine staining

3 3 6

9. General principles of Blood Bank techniques

antigen, antibody, ABO & Rh system

03 03 06

10. General principles of Autopsy & Museum 02 01 03

11. General Pathology including introduction to

inflammation, circulatory disturbances &


02 -- 02

12. Systemic Pathology basis and morphology of

common disorders like anemia, leukemia,

AIDS, TB, Hepatitis & malaria.

02 -- 02

13. Maintenance and medico legal importance of

records and specimens.

01 00 01

Total 24 +16 40

Examination Pattern

Theory Practicals Subject Total

Sr No

Paper Subject Internal Assessment

Final Theory Total

IA Final Practical Total

-- -- Max: 90 Min: 45

-- -- Max: 110 Min: 55

Max: 200 Min: 100

1 Paper I Basic Sciences

30 60 90 30 80 110 200

2 Paper II


30 60 90 30 80 110 200

3 Paper III


30 60 90 30 80 110 200

4 Paper IV


30 60 90 30 80 110 200


Year II

Sr No

Subject Department responsible for syllabus completion / IA

Number of months of rotational posting to the department

1 Biochemistry Biochemistry 3.5

2 Microbiology Microbiology 3.5

3 Pathology Pathology Not applicable (parent department)

Examination Pattern

Theory Practicals Subject Total

Sr No

Paper Subject Internal Assessment

Final Theory Total

IA Final Practical Total

-- -- Max: 90 Min: 45

-- -- Max: 110 Min: 55

Max: 200 Min: 100

1. 2 Paper I


30 60 90 30 80 110 200

2. 3 Paper II


30 60 90 30 80 110 200

3. 4 Paper III

Pathology 30 60 90 30 80 110 200

Paper I


Sr. No.

Topic Sessions L L/D P

1 Dry chemistry analyzer, blood gas analyzer 1 1

2 Acid base balance : Definition and importance of blood pH and its maintenance, Acidosis and alkalosis


3 Quality Control: Its importance. Accuracy, Reliability, Precision Internal and external quality control measure, standardization of methods, safety measures and precautions.

2 1

4 Serum electrophoresis, Chromatography and RIA 1

5 Examination of milk 1

6 Blood analysis for: - 1

(a) Sugar 1 1

(b) Cholesterol 1 1

(c) Urea & Creatinine 1 1

(d) Bilirubin 1 1

(e) Total proteins and AG ratio 1 1

(f) Sodium & (g) Potassium 1 1

(h) Calcium & (i) Chlorides 1 1

(j) Acid base balance & CO2 combining power 1 1

7 Preparation of standard solution, reagents, buffers andindicators: -

(a) Normal solution

(b) Cholesterol

(c) Molar concentration 1 1

(d) Preparation of common reagents and buffers 1 1 1

(e) Indicators 1

(f) PH and adjustment of pH 1 1

8 Standardization of reagents and preparation of standard solutions for various biochemical estimations

1 1

9 Preparation of patients for different tests and special precautions to be taken for various test


10 Examination of cerebro-spinal fluid for: -

(a) Proteins

(b) Sugar

(c) Chlorides

(d) Globulins

(e) Cells 1 1 1

11 Normal composition of CSF

12 Findings in CSF in common diseases 1

Total 8 16 15

Paper II Microbiology ( A)

Sr. No.

Topic Session L L/D P

1 Introduction to bacteriology and safety precautions in microbiology laboratory


2 A knowledge of working' and maintenance of the following: Incubators, Refrigerators, Water baths, Ovens, Steamers, Autoclaves, Inspissator, Centrifuges, Pumps and Stills. Cleaning and sterilization of syringes and needles. Simple glass manipulations.


3 Sterilization: Methods of sterilization and their uses. 1

4 Elementary knowledge of common pathogens 1

5 Classification , morphology and physiology of bacteria 1

6 Collection of specimens for bacteriological examination 1

7 Handling and preparation of the specimens for microscopic examination (stained and unstained)


8 Common bacteriological staining techniques (Gram, ZN, Neisser & Albert, Kenyon & Capsule stain)

1 1

9 Pyogenic gram positive cocci 1 1

10 Mycobacteria 1 1

11 Enterobacteriaceae 1 1

12 Pseudomonas and Acinetobacter 1 1

13 Salmonella group of organisms 1 1

14 Dysenteriae group of organisms 1 1

15 Vibrio cholera and related organisms 1 1

16 Anaerobic bacteria 1

17 Spirochetes 1

18 Composition and preparation of common types of culture media.& Miscellaneous: Methods of preservation of cultures, maintenance of stock cultures, disposal of infected material and culture media.

2 1 3

19 Selective media and transport media 1

20 Cultural Methods: Preparation and sterilization of

media. Inoculation and examination of inoculated Plates.

1 1

21 Preparation and inoculation of sugar sets and other biochemical tests including TSI

1 1

22 Antibiotic sensitivity testing- Stoke’s and Kirby Bauer methods and preparation of antibiotic discs

1 2

23 The general principles of the methods employed in identifying an unknown organism.


24 Examination of specimens such as pus, body fluids, urine, stool, sputum, throat swab etc


25 Blood Culture including Bactec 1

26 Life history of common helminths 1

27 Preparation of stool for exam for parasites 1

28 Identification of common stool ova and cysts 1 1

29 Aldehyde test for Leishmaniasis 1

Total 22 09 18

( B) Mycology

Sr No

Topic Session L L/D P

1 Introduction to the study of fungi 1

2 Various fungal infections 1

3 Direct examination and staining methods for fungal


1 1

4 Fungal cultures and preparation of culture media 1 1

5 Slide culture, Lactophenol cotton blue stain, germ tube

Test 1

Total 4 2 1



No Topic Session


1 Introduction to immunology, use of serological

investigations in various diseases


2 Antigen-Antibody reactions 1

3 Agglutination tests :-

(a) Slide methods 1

(b) Tube methods including Felix techniques 1

(c) Weil Felix test 1

(d) Widal test 1

(e) Brucella Agglutination Test & 2 ME Test 1

(f) Rapid Immunological Tests for Infectious Diseases 1

4 Haemagglutination- Paul Bunnel test, cold Agglutinati 1

5 VDRL, ASO, RA, CRP, Latex agglutination tests 1 1

6 Collection and preservation of blood, serum and other

specimens for various serological studies


7 Markers of Hepatitis B Infections 1 1

8 HIV and AIDS 1 1

9 ELISA Test- qualitative and quantitative 1 1

Total 08 01 09


Sr No

Topic Session L L/D P

1 Introduction to clinical hematology 1

2 Composition of peripheral blood 1 1

3 Erythropoiesis 1

4 Leucopoiesis and thrombopoiesis 1

5 Composition of Bone marrow 1 1

6 Normal hematological values and physiological



7 Collection of blood for hematological investigations 1

8 Preparation of stains and buffers in hematology 1 1

9 Preparation of common anticoagulant bottles 1

10 Preparation of peripheral blood and bone marrow Smears 1

11 Examination of peripheral blood smear 1 1

12 Romanowsky stains 1

13 Special stains in hematology 1

14 Identification of common haemoparasites 1 1

15 Total RBC counts 1 1

16 Total and differential WBC Count 1 1

17 Estimation of Hemoglobin 1 1

18 Platelet count 1 1

19 Normal Haemostasis 1

Total 15 04 09


Sr No

Topic Session L L/D P

1 Normal composition of body fluids (semen, sputum, exudates, transudates)


2 Examination of semen 1 1

3 Examination of serous effusions 1

4 Examination of CSF 1 1

5 Pregnancy tests 1

6 Normal composition of urine 1

Total 2 4 2

3rd Year

Sr No

Subject Department responsible for syllabus completion / IA

Number of months of rotational posting to the department

1 Biochemistry Biochemistry 3.5

2 Microbiology Microbiology 3.5

3 Pathology Pathology Not applicable (parent department)

Examination Pattern

Theory Practicals Subject Total

Sr No

Paper Subject Internal Assessment

Final Theory Total

IA Final Practical Total

-- -- Max: 90 Min: 45

-- -- Max: 110 Min: 55

Max: 200 Min: 100

1. 2 Paper I


30 60 90 30 80 110 200

2. 3 Paper II


30 60 90 30 80 110 200

3. 4 Paper III

Pathology 30 60 90 30 80 110 200

Paper I


Sr No

Topic Session L L/D P

1 Glucose tolerance test 1

2 Liver function tests 1

3 Kidney function tests 1

4 Estimation of enzymes - acid phosphatase, CPK, LDH 1

5 Automation in clinical biochemistry: Principle, types and use of Autoanalysers, Blood gas analyzers, Role of computers in the laboratory


6 Universal precautions 1

7 Handling of semi auto and automatic batch and random access analyzers


8 Blood Glucose, Glycosylated Hemoglobin 1 1

9 Hormonal Assays T3, T4, Prolactin Chemi-lu-mi-nes-cence 1

10 Analysis of water (faculty from community medicine) 1

11 Hormones and their physiological role 1

12 Estimation of common hormones (T3, T4, TSH, LH, FSH) 1

13 Tests in coronary artery disease 1

14 Nephelometry / Turbidometry 1

15 Chemiluminescene / Enzyme Immuno Assay 1

16 Dry Chemistry 1

Total 12 05 01

Paper II


Sr No

Topic Session L L/D P

1 Corynebacteria, Pasteurella, Brucella 1

2 Culture techniques in parasitology 1

3 Introduction to virology techniques. 1

4 Preparation of virus culture media and viral isolation



5 Serological tests for viral and Rickettsial infections 1

6 Collection and transport of specimens for viral studies 1

7 HIV, HBV, HCV, Herpes group, Hep A, Hep E 2 2

8 Lab diagnosis of Rabies 1 1

9 Toxins and antitoxins including bacterial filters 1

10 Serological Methods : precipitation tests 1

11 MRSA and methods of its identification 1

12 ESBLs and double disc synergy tests 1

13 Bacteriological examination of water, milk, ice cream 1

14 QBC method for malaria detection 1

15 Use of WHO NET software 2

16 Air surveillance in health care settings 1

17 Quality control measures in microbiology 1

18 Hospital acquired infections and waste disposal

Management 1 1

Total 11 11 02

Paper III Pathology (A) HAEMATOLOGY

Sr No

Topic Session L L/D P

1 Estimation of Packed cell volume 1 1

2 Determination of ESR 1 1

3 Estimation of Absolute values 1

4 Serum Iron, Serum Ferritin, TIBC 1

5 LE cell phenomenon, sickling test 1 1

6 Peroxidase staining and cytochemistry, NAP scoring 1

7 Investigations of hemolytic anaemias 1

8 Investigations of thalassemias and Haemoglobinopathies 1

9 Hb and serum electrophoresis and HPLC 1

10 Blood groups 1

11 ABO Blood grouping 1

12 Determination of bleeding time, coagulation time 1 1

13 Estimation of prothrombin time 1

14 Abnormal development of WBCs, RBCs and platelets 1

15 Reticulocyte count 1

16 Identification of malarial parasites 1 1

17 Special hematology (Sickling test, Osmotic fragility, G-6-p dehydrogenase deficiency, Cytochemistry)


18 Haemostasis and coagulation 1

19 Investigations of hemorrhagic disorders 1

20 Automation in Haematology 1

21 Stem cells- preparation , processing and storage 1

22 Introduction to flow cytometry 1 1*

Total 15 08 06


Sr No

Topic Session L L/D P

1 Urine Microscope examination 1 1

2 Urine Special (Amino Aciduria, Myoglobinuria and haemoglobinuria)


3 Sputum (Cytology, Micro, AFB) 1

4 Gastric analysis 1

5 Demonstration of Barr bodies 1

6 Exam of faeces for occult blood, fats and Stercobilinogen 1

Total 4 2 1


Sr No

Topic Session L L/D P

1 FDA regulation and keeping records as per FDA 1

2 Principles of ABO/Rh grouping and factors affecting


1 1 1

3 Donor selection for transfusion 1

4 Adverse donor reactions 1

5 Cross matching 1 1 1

6 Blood bank administration 1

7 Selection and bleeding of donor 1 1

8 Anticoagulation in blood bank 1

9 Antiglobulin test-direct and indirect 1 1

10 Antibody titration including cold agglutinants 1

11 Autologous transfusion 1

12 Transfusion transmitted infection 1

13 Investigation of transfusion reaction 1

14 Introduction to Blood components 1 1

15 Preparation of RDP & SDP 1

16 Storage and issue of blood components 1 1

17 Equipment maintenance 1

18 Quality control in blood transfusion practice 1

Total 16 6 3


Sr No

Topic Session L L/D P

1 Autoimmune diseases and their lab diagnosis 1

2 Tumour markers, immunoglobin estimation 1

3 Immuno-fluorescence 1

Total 2 1


Topic Session L L/D P

1 Introduction to histology and histopathology, techniques in histopathology


2 Types of Biopsy 1

3 Registration, labeling and recording of biopsy reports 1

4 Identification and labeling of specimens 1

5 Basic principles of grossing in histopathology 1

6 Fixatives Various types and their importance 1

7 Fixation including microwave 1 1

8 Freeze drying technique, decalcification 1

9 Tissue histology processing include Micro wave 1 1

10 Microtomy 1 1

11 Frozen section 1 1

12 Microscopy (light, polarizing, phase contrast 1 1

13 Micrometry 1

14 Staining, H & E, PAS, Van Geison, Verhoeff’s,

Reticulin, Masson’s Trichrome stain, Grocott, Congo

red, AFB (for Tuberculosis & Leprae) Gram’s stain calcium

5 3 4

15 Stains for fungi, glycogen, melanin, inclusion bodies,

neurons and neuroglia


16 Dehydration, clearing and decalcification 1

17 Impregnation and embedding of paraffin and sliding 1 1

18 Introduction to autopsy techniques 1

19 Dispatch of autopsy specimen for Histopathological



20 FNAC 1

21 Papanicoulaou staining 1 1

22 Immunohistochemistry (Ag retrieval & pitfaals also) 1 3 1

23 In situ hybridization and FISH techniques 1

24 Elementary cytogenetics 1

25 Museum specimen preservation 1

26 Method cytology Processing (Millipore, Cytospin) 1

27 Embalming 1 1

28 Universal Biosafety precautions 1

29 Preparation of alcohols 1

30 Preparation of buffers 1

31 Quality control in Laboratory 2

32 Cell Block Preparation 1 1

33 Touch/ Imprint/Scrape cytology 1

34 Biomedical Waste Disposal 1 1

Total 30 23 8


Sr No

Topic Session L L/D P

1 Introduction to molecular biology 1

2 Structure of DNA 1

3 Introduction to PCR consumables and reagents of



4* Extraction of DNA and RNA for PCR 1

5* Thermal cycler 1

6* Agarose gel electrophoresis and PAGE 1

7 PCR and its applications 1

8* Gel documentation systems 1

9* Preparation of molecular grade reagents 1

10 Estimation of viral load by RT PCR 1

11 HLA types and HLA typing 1 1

* wherever facilities are available, practicals should be held, otherwise lectures

Total 4 8