Bowie Baptist Association Organization

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Bowie Baptist Association Organization

Bowie Baptist AssociationProposed Organizational Structure

The Great Commission was given to the local church! Therefore churches do ministry; associations help churches.

There are some ministries best fulfilled in partnership (BSM, camps, seminary ext).

Teams do things; committees decide things. The Assoc. Missionary should be hands-on, in

the field (focus on relationships). Activity that helps churches engage the

mission field should receive priority (as opposed to events in and of themselves).


The Bowie Baptist Association is a family of Southern Baptist churches cooperating to obey the Great Commission both within and beyond Bowie County, Texas.

We assist and resource partnering churches as they follow the Lord’s direction for their given ministries.

Strategy Statement

Mission Field: Acts 1: 8

Focus: Member Churches

BBA Serves Churches and Leaders

Three Points of Ministry

Efforts Aimed at Churches & Ldrs

Outcome: Mission Field Engaged

Outcome: Mission Field Engaged

Outcome: Mission Field Engaged

Outcome: Mission Field Engaged

1st Point of Ministry: Missionary

Missionary’s Primary Tasks

2nd Point of Ministry: Ministry Teams

Teams: Primary Means of Ministry

Teams: Determined by Strategy

3rd Point of Ministry: Affinity Groups

Affinity Groups: Investment in Leaders

Affinity Groups Based on Interest

Administrative Direction: Admin. Team

Direction, Finance, Accountability

This is a flexible structure that supports any strategy and core value set.

It directs most associational resources to ministry rather than maintenance of the organization.

It provides simple standards for assessment: Are the churches helped / served? Is there greater penetration of the mission field?

It serves churches and leaders, that they may faithfully serve Jesus Christ.


The “Big Picture”