Boundless Network Brand Standards · What is a brand? “Products are made in a factory, but brands...

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Transcript of Boundless Network Brand Standards · What is a brand? “Products are made in a factory, but brands...

Boundless Network Brand Standards

What is a brand?

“Products are made in a factory, but brands are created in the mind.” -Walter Landor “An image is not simply a trademark, a design, a slogan or an easily remembered picture. It is a studiously crafted personality profile of an individual, institution, corporation, product or service.” -Daniel J. Boorstin A company’s brand is its most valuable asset. Distinctive branding sets a business apart from its competitors and directly impacts the success of the company. At Boundless Network, our unique brand identity has helped us become one of the most successful and fast-growing organizations in the promotional products industry. The Boundless brand is more than just a logo or a tagline; it’s an idea. When our clients, partners and competitors think “Boundless Network,” they think INNOVATION, COLLABORATION and PROFESSIONALISM. Our goal is to keep it that way. As a Boundless Network employee or sales professional, you are an extension of our brand. It is your responsibility to protect and uphold this valuable company asset. The following BRAND STANDARDS will serve as a branding roadmap and will help you maintain the Boundless Network brand. If you have any questions about this document or about general brand-related issues, please send an e-mail to


Logo Basics ..................................................................................................................... 4

General Guidelines.......................................................................................................... 4

The Boundless Network Logo ......................................................................................... 5

Co-Branding .................................................................................................................... 6

What is “Look and Feel”? ................................................................................................ 7

Official Colors .................................................................................................................. 7

Primary Fonts .................................................................................................................. 8

Editorial Guidelines ......................................................................................................... 8

Photography Guidelines .................................................................................................. 8

Standard E-Mail Signature Format .................................................................................. 9

Printed Collateral ............................................................................................................. 9

Digital Templates .......................................................................................................... 10

Frequently Asked Questions ......................................................................................... 12

Logo Basics The LOGO is the most instantly recognizable part of any company’s brand. It is the organization’s official mark, the “stamp of approval” on any piece of design. The Boundless Network logo carries with it all of our values as a company and should therefore be used carefully and thoughtfully. Only collateral that meets Boundless’ standards of branding should bear the Boundless Network logo. Boundless has several sub-brands, each with its own mark. These additional logos should be used with the same care as the official company logo, and the same standards of branding should apply.

General Guidelines Each Boundless Network logo and sub-brand logo is subject to the following guidelines:

1. Do not change the proportions of the logo (by “squeezing” or “stretching” it).

2. Do not change the color(s) of the logo or place it on a distractingly busy background.

3. Do not shrink the logo so small as to render it illegible. In general, the BN logo should be at

least one inch wide.

The Boundless Network Logo

The Boundless Network logo is our standard mark, which should be displayed on all official Boundless collateral and communications. The logo has two distinct parts: the logotype (a specialized typesetting of the company name) and the graphical element (also known as “the hug”). On rare occasions, the hug may be used by itself as a watermark or design element, as long as the full logo is present elsewhere on the piece. Under no circumstances should the logotype be used without the hug. When placed on a dark background, the BN logo should always appear in white. When placed on a white background, the logo should be black, 80% gray or PMS 8403 C. Do not attempt to re-create any Boundless logo.

Do not place any tagline underneath the Boundless Network logo, and do not alter the spatial relationship between the logo elements.

Co-Branding When co-branding any piece of Boundless Network collateral or other material using the Boundless Network logo and a partner logo, the following guidelines apply: The Boundless logo, the line and “Powered by” must be the same color (either black or white). The partner logo may be in color or black/white with the Boundless Network logo always being the same black or white design.

There are two versions of cobranded logos to choose from, one horizontal version and one stacked version.

What is “Look and Feel”? The Boundless Network brand is not just a logo, but an entire suite of coordinated design and content styles that, when executed correctly; make up our unique Look and Feel. By maintaining an across the board look and feel, Boundless establishes a consistent and confident brand identity.

Official Colors The following colors make up the official Boundless Network color palette. Boundless collateral pieces should use these colors as often as possible, and although you are not restricted to only these colors, they should serve as the thematic basis for any design.

Primary Fonts As with the official color palette, Boundless’ primary fonts should be used as consistently as possible throughout all collateral. Boundless Marketing can provide font files for any of the below upon request.


Editorial Guidelines All official Boundless Network materials and copy should conform to standard Associated Press (AP) Style guidelines. For questions about AP Style, visit or send an e-mail to In addition to observing correct overall style, please pay special attention to the following easily confused, industry-specific rules.

Promotional products industry (not promotional product industry)

Logoed products (not logo’d)

Salesperson (not sales person) and salespeople (not sales people)

When referring to a group of people, “sales force” is correct. When referring to the

online CRM system Salesforce, use “Salesforce” or “”

The term “supplier” is preferred (rather than “vendor”).

The term “client” is preferred (rather than “customer”).

Photography Guidelines Boundless uses high-quality stock photography for all pieces. When choosing photos, ensure your picture has the appropriate resolution for your chosen medium. Web-quality photos have a resolution of 72 ppi, while print-quality photos should be 300 dpi. Never attempt to enlarge a photo beyond its original size, because the resolution (quality of the photo) will suffer.

Standard E-Mail Signature Format Your Name Arial Bold, 8pt, Red 0/Green 52/Blue 120 Boundless Network Arial, 8pt, Red 77/Green77/Blue77 555.555.5555 | Your Office Street Address | City, State ZIP

For instructions on how to update your e-mail signature, go to the Salesforce Resource Tab / Marketing / Build your brand / Signature Instructions or visit

Printed Collateral

The following components make up the standard Boundless Network printed collateral package. Using these printed resources will ensure that all your business communications will look coordinated and professional, while reinforcing the Boundless brand. Business Cards


Digital Templates In addition to Boundless’ official print package, digital templates are available for download. These templates will help your electronic documents conform to our brand standards. All of these templates can be found in the Salesforce Resource Tab under Collateral. Word Template

PowerPoint Template

Quote Template

Frequently Asked Questions Where can I find EPS, PNG, PDF, and digitized versions of the Boundless Network logo? All logos can be downloaded from the Salesforce Resource Tab under Collateral. For further requests, email What’s the difference between the Boundless Network logo and the beboundless logo? The Boundless Network logo is our default logo for use on most collateral and self-promo materials. The beboundless logo is a recruiting logo, and should be used on recruiting materials only. How do I find Boundless templates and marketing materials? All templates can be downloaded from the Salesforce Resource Tab under Collateral. For further requests, email I want to make a custom brochure/flier, but I don’t know where to start. Unless you have been trained in design and have a working knowledge of current design software, Boundless Marketing recommends that you rely on the expertise of a professional freelance designer. For a list of trusted design resources, e-mail Can I co-brand my customer facing material? You may use your co-branded logo along with “powered by Boundless Network” where appropriate. For more details visit page 6 of the Brand Standards document or email