Boundary-aware texture region segmentation from manga

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Computational Visual MediaDOI 10.1007/s41095-016-0069-x Vol. 3, No. 1, March 2017, 61–71

Research Article

Boundary-aware texture region segmentation from manga

Xueting Liu1,2, Chengze Li1,2, and Tien-Tsin Wong1,2 (�)

c© The Author(s) 2016. This article is published with open access at

Abstract Due to the lack of color in manga(Japanese comics), black-and-white textures are oftenused to enrich visual experience. With the risingneed to digitize manga, segmenting texture regionsfrom manga has become an indispensable basis foralmost all manga processing, from vectorization tocolorization. Unfortunately, such texture segmentationis not easy since textures in manga are composed oflines and exhibit similar features to structural lines(contour lines). So currently, texture segmentation isstill manually performed, which is labor-intensive andtime-consuming. To extract a texture region, varioustexture features have been proposed for measuringtexture similarity, but precise boundaries cannot beachieved since boundary pixels exhibit different featuresfrom inner pixels. In this paper, we propose a novelmethod which also adopts texture features to estimatetexture regions. Unlike existing methods, the estimatedtexture region is only regarded an initial, imprecisetexture region. We expand the initial texture regionto the precise boundary based on local smoothness viaa graph-cut formulation. This allows our method toextract texture regions with precise boundaries. Wehave applied our method to various manga images andsatisfactory results were achieved in all cases.

Keywords manga; texture segmentation

1 Introduction

Manga is a world-wide popular form of

1 The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong,China. E-mail: X. Liu,; C. Li,; T.-T. Wong, (�).

2 Shenzhen Research Institute, the Chinese University ofHong Kong, Shenzhen, China.

Manuscript received: 2016-09-09; accepted: 2016-12-20

entertainment enjoyed by people of all ages(see Fig. 1). Nowadays, with the development ofelectronic devices, more and more people readmanga on electronic devices such as computers,tablets, and even cellphones. With the power ofelectronic devices, manga can be presented in avisually enriched form by adding color, motion, orstereoscopic effects. There is thus a rising trend inthe manga industry to convert legacy manga booksinto digital versions. During the digitization process,one major challenge is to segment texture regionsfrom manga as a basis for various applications suchas vectorization and colorization. However, textureregion segmentation is not easy for manga sincetextures in manga are composed of lines. This leadsto the difficulty of discriminating structural linesfrom textures, and further leads to the difficultyof identifying the precise boundary of each textureregion. Therefore, texture region segmentation isstill manually performed in the manga industrycurrently. As one may imagine, this process is quitetedious and time-consuming.

To help identify and classify textures, varioustexture features have been proposed in the computervision field [1]. The similarity of the texture featuresfor two pixels shows whether these two pixels areinside the same texture region. Texture segmentation

Fig. 1 Manga images.


62 X. Liu, C. Li, T.-T. Wong

or texture classification techniques can be furtherapplied to extract texture regions based on similarityof texture features. However, since texture featuresare analyzed within a local neighborhood, pixelsin the interior of a texture region (e.g., the bluebox in Fig. 2) and pixels near the boundary ofa texture region (e.g., the red and orange boxesin Fig. 2) exhibit different texture features (seeFig. 2(c)), even though they belong to the sametexture region. Thus, pixels near texture boundariesmay be mistakenly regarded as not belonging to thattexture region. This will lead to imprecise boundariesof the segmented texture region if only similarity oftexture features is considered (see Fig. 3).

To resolve the boundary issue, we noticed thattexture smoothing techniques are quite powerfulin suppressing local textures while still preservingsharp boundaries. Using texture smoothing methods,one could suggest first smoothing the inputmanga image, and then performing intensity-basedimage segmentation to extract texture regions.However, a texture region may have spatial varyingtextures (e.g., the background region in Fig. 4(a)

(a) Input

(b) Texture windows

(c) Visualization of Gabor features

Fig. 2 For each texture region (e.g., the background region), interiorpixels (blue box) and boundary pixels (red and orange boxes) exhibitdifferent texture features.

(a) Input (b) Texture similarity (c) Segmented region

Fig. 3 Texture region segmentation based on Gabor features. Notethat a precise boundary cannot be achieved.



Input Smoothed result by Ref. [2]

Fig. 4 (a) A background region with a spatial-varying texture. (b)Different textures may have similar intensities after smoothing.

changes from dark to light vertically). Furthermore,the texture smoothing method is also incapableof differentiating textures with similar overallintensities (as in Fig. 4(b)). Therefore, we still needto analyze texture features in order to robustlyhandle spatial-varying textures and textures withsimilar intensities.

In this paper, we propose a novel, user-interaction-based texture region segmentation system, whichintegrates texture feature analysis and texturesmoothing techniques in order to segment textureregions with precise boundaries from manga images.The user may draw one or several strokes insidethe region or object to be segmented. Our systemautomatically estimates a region mask from the userinput. To do so, we first summarize the texturefeatures of the user-drawn strokes, and estimate aninitial texture region having similar texture featuresto the user-drawn strokes. In this step, we adopt aconservative similarity measurement for estimatingthe initial texture regions in order to guaranteethat all pixels inside the initial texture region liewithin the user-specified region. We then expandthe initial texture region to the precise boundariesusing a graph-cut formulation. We formulate theaccumulated smoothness difference from the initialtexture region as the data cost, and the localsmoothness difference as the smoothness cost. Usingthis formulation, we can extract the user-specifiedregion with a precise boundary.

We demonstrate the effectiveness of our textureregion segmentation system on a set of mangaimages containing various types of textures,including regular textures, irregular textures, andspatial-varying textures. Our contributions can besummarized as follows:

Boundary-aware texture region segmentation from manga 63

• We propose a novel user-interaction-based systemfor extracting texture regions with preciseboundaries.• Our system can handle user strokes drawn across

multiple different textures simultaneously.

2 Related work

While only a few existing research work aretailored for extracting texture regions from manga,extensive research has been done on identifyingand segmenting textures from natural photos. Wecan roughly classify this related research into threecategories: feature-based texture segmentation,regular texture analysis, and texture smoothing.

Feature-based texture segmentation.Texture features are based on statisticalmodels describing local characteristics of pointneighborhoods. The statistical model of a texturefeature usually contains a range of textureproperties, such as size, aspect ratio, orientation,brightness, and density [3]. Various texture featureshave been proposed to describe and model texturesincluding various Gabor filters [4], filter bankresponses [5], random field models, waveletrepresentations, and so on. In particular, theGabor filter was adopted by Ref. [6] to analyzetextures in manga, and is still considered to bethe state-of-the-art method. Texture features areutilized in various applications such as textureclassification, segmentation, and synthesis. Texturesegmentation methods fall into two categories,supervised [7] and unsupervised [6, 8]. In particular,Ref. [6] proposed to segment textures in mangaimages via a level-set method based on Gaborfeatures. However, as we have stated, althoughfeature-based texture segmentation methods canidentify textures well and differentiate betweentextures, precise region boundaries cannot beachieved since boundary pixels exhibit differenttexture features from interior pixels. In contrast,our method can extract texture regions with preciseboundaries.

Regular texture analysis. For regular or near-regular texture patterns, attempts have been madeto detect and analyze the regularity of the texturesbased on spatial relationships [9–11]. In particular,Liuy et al. [12] considered how to detect and remove

fences in natural images. A stream of researchhas also considered de-screening, i.e., detecting andsmoothing halftone textures. An in depth survey ofde-screening can be found in Ref. [13]. Kopf andLischinski [14] discussed how to extract halftonepatterns in printed color comics by modeling dotpatterns. Very recently, Yao et al. [15] consideredhow to extract textures from manga by modelingthree specific texture primitives, dots, stripes, andgrids. However, these methods can only handlea small set of pre-defined regular textures. Incomparison, our method can handle regular orirregular, and even spatial-varying, textures of thekind that exist in real manga images.

Texture smoothing. In order to differentiatetextures and structures, various edge-preservingtexture smoothing methods have been proposed,such as the total variation regularizer [16–19],bilateral filtering [20–22], local histogram-basedfiltering [23], weighted least squares [24], extremaextraction and extrapolation [25], L0 gradientoptimization [26], and relative total variation(RTV) [2]. While these texture smoothing methodsmay suppress local oscillations based on localinformation, they are incapable of identifyinga texture region or differentiating between twotextures. This is because that these methods do notmodel textures or structures, so they do not havea higher-level understanding of the semantics ofthe textures. In this paper, we thus utilize texturefeatures to identify textures, but we incorporatetexture smoothing techniques to identify sharptexture boundaries.

3 Overview

The input to our system includes a manga image(see Fig. 5(a)) and one or more user-specified strokes(see Fig. 5(b)). To extract regions with similartextures to the ones identified by the user-specifiedstrokes, we first summarize the texture features ofthe pixels belonging to the strokes. The texturefeatures we use are Gabor features, which are alsoused by Ref. [6] in a manga colorization application.Since textures may spatially vary, and one user-specified stroke may go across several texture regions(see Fig. 5(b)), we summarize several main texturefeatures inside each stroke by clustering. Then we

64 X. Liu, C. Li, T.-T. Wong

(a) Input image (e) Smoothed image

(b) Input stroke (c) Texture similarity map (d) Initial region mask (f) Diffusion map (g) Texture region mask

(h) Segmented region































Texture removal

Fig. 5 System overview (image size: 778 × 764, loading time: 3.51 s, processing time: 0.58 s).

calculate the similarity between the texture featureof each pixel in the manga image and the clusteredmain texture features, to form a texture similaritymap (see Fig. 5(c)). In this map, intensity of pixelvalues indicates similarity of texture feature valueswith those of the user-specified strokes. Based onthe computed texture similarities, we then obtainone or several initial texture regions using a graph-cut formulation (see Fig. 5(d)). Our initial textureregion extraction method is detailed in Section 4.

We then expand the initial texture regions to theirprecise boundaries. To do so, we first obtain asmoothed image from the input image using texturesmoothing techniques (see Fig. 5(e)). Amongst allexisting texture smoothing techniques, we foundthat the RTV metric proposed by Ref. [2] is themost effective at smoothing textures while preservingsharp structures in manga images. In the smoothedimage, if two neighboring pixels have close intensityvalues, it means that these two pixels are very likelyto be inside the same texture region. Conversely,if two neighboring pixels have a jump in intensityvalues, it means that these two pixels are very likelyto be inside two different regions. Therefore, wecan diffuse the initial texture regions using localintensity continuity of the smoothed image to obtaina diffusion map (see Fig. 5(f)). This diffusion mapshows how smoothly each pixel is connected to theinitial regions. If a pixel has a low diffusion value,it means that this pixel is smoothly connected tothe initial region, so it is very likely that this pixelis inside the same texture region. Conversely, apixel with a high diffusion value is very likely to lie

outside the texture region. Finally, we extract theprecise texture region based on the diffusion mapusing another graph-cut formulation (see Figs. 5(g)and 5(h)). Our region expansion method is detailedin Section 5.

We have evaluated our system with variousmanga, and the results are shown in Section 6. Wealso show how users can easily adjust the retrievedtexture region using a single parameter.

4 Initial region extraction

Given an input manga image, and one or more user-specified strokes, we first extract the initial regionswith similar textures to the user-specified strokes.To do so, we first summarize the texture featuresof the pixels inside the strokes. Then we obtaina texture similarity map which gives the texturesimilarity between each pixel in the image and thesummarized texture features. The initial regions arethen extracted using a graph-cut formulation.

4.1 Texture feature summarization

To judge whether two pixels have similar textures,we use statistical features in the Gabor waveletdomain [27], which have already proved usefulin differentiating textures in manga [6]. A Gaborfeature vector is an M×N -dimensional vector whereM is the number of scales and N is the numberof orientations used in the Gabor feature analysis.In this paper, we fix the numbers of scales andorientations to M = 4 and N = 6 respectively inall our experiments. Therefore, for a pixel p in the

Boundary-aware texture region segmentation from manga 65

manga image, its Gabor feature vector Gp describinglocal texture feature around p is 24-dimensional.

Given a set of user-specified strokes U = {u1, u2,

. . . }, we could calculate a main texture feature forthese strokes by averaging the texture features ofall pixels inside the strokes as

∑p∈U Gp/|U | where

|U | is the cardinality of U . However, a texturedarea may have a spatial-varying texture, or a singleuser-specified stroke may also go across multipletextured areas at the same time. For example, themoon in Fig. 5 cannot be specified by a singletexture feature vector. Therefore, we represent thetextures determined by the user-specified strokesusing multiple texture feature vectors. To extract themost representative textures for the user-specifiedstrokes, we use the k-means clustering method tocluster the texture features of all pixels inside thestrokes into k groups as TU = {T1, . . . ,Tk}. Thesesatisfy:





‖Gp − Ti‖2 (1)

where ‖ · ‖2 is the L2-norm operator. In ourexperiments, a single textured area can usually berepresented by 1–5 texture feature vectors. Bysetting k to a higher value we can ensure thatthe representative texture features are descriptiveenough for a spatial-varying texture region ormultiple texture regions in a single stroke. Weempirically set k = 20 in all our experiments tobalance descriptiveness and effectiveness.

4.2 Initial region extraction via graph-cut

From the summarized representative texture featurevectors of the user-specified strokes, we thencalculate the texture similarity value between eachpixel p and the representative textures TU as

C(p) = mini‖Gp − Ti‖2 (2)

Pixels with higher texture similarity are more likelyto be inside the texture region specified by the user.

Using the calculated texture similarity, we extractan initial texture region via a graph-cut formulation.There are two terminal nodes, the source and thesink, in our graph. Each pixel p in the imagecorresponds to a non-terminal node np, which isconnected to both source and sink. If the graph-cut result connects a non-terminal node (pixel) tothe source, it means this pixel lies inside the initialregions. Otherwise, this pixel lies outside the initial

regions. Each edge connecting a non-terminal nodeand a terminal node is associated with a data cost:

D(np, source) = C(p) (3)D(np, sink) = 1− C(p) (4)

where C(p) is the normalized value of C(p).Intuitively speaking, if the texture of a pixel p is verysimilar to that of one of the representative texturefeatures, D(np, source) = Cp should be relativelyhigh, and therefore it is very likely that p will beconnected to the source, i.e., inside the initial region,after the graph-cut.

For every pair of (4-connected) neighboring pixelsp and q in the image, we connect np and nq by anedge. Each edge connecting two non-terminal nodesis associated with a smoothness cost which measuresour confidence that these two neighboring pixelsshould be assigned the same label, and thereforebelong to the same texture region. We model thesmoothness cost as the magnitude of the differenceof the texture feature vectors of these two nodes np

and nq:S(np, nq) = ‖Gp −Gq‖2 (5)

Intuitively speaking, if two neighboring pixels p and qhave similar textures, the smoothness cost S(np, nq)should be low, and there is high probability for themto be assigned the same label, and so belong to thesame texture region.

After constructing the graph, we can obtain theoptimal cut through an optimization process whichminimizes the energy function:∑


D(np, u) + wc∑p,q

S(np, nq) (6)

where u ∈ {source, sink} is the label, and wcweights the data cost and smoothness cost. Weexperimentally set wc to 1 in all our experiments.The pixels labeled as source after graph-cut formthe initial regions. Since other regions might alsohave similar patterns to the user-specified region,we remove regions that do not intersect the user-specified strokes. For regions that contain spatial-varying textures, different strokes may lead todifferent initial regions (see Fig. 6) and affectthe followed expansion. The user-specified strokesshould go across all different textures in order toachieve good segmentation results.

5 Initial region expansion

Starting from the extracted initial regions, we now

66 X. Liu, C. Li, T.-T. Wong

Fig. 6 Initial region extraction from strokes. Top: several user-specified strokes. Bottom: corresponding extracted initial regions.

show how we expand the regions to their preciseboundaries. In short, we first smooth the inputimage and diffuse the initial regions based on thesmoothed image. Then we extract the final textureregion with precise boundary via another graph-cutformulation.

5.1 Smoothness map construction

To smooth a manga image, we have experimentallydetermined that the relative total variation methodproposed by Xu et al. [2] performs best amongthe large pool of existing methods. This is mainlybecause that this measurement is more tolerant ofhigh-contrast textures than other methods. Thismethod has two input parameters λ and σ. Here, λis a weighting factor which we set to 0.015 in all ourexperiments. σ is the local window size for measuringlocal oscillations (textures). In our experiments, wefound that σ = 5 works best for most textures. Butwhen the texture is sparser, we may need to assignσ a higher value. Some texture smoothing results ofmanga images are shown in Figs. 4 and 5(e).

In the smoothed image, if two neighboring pixelshave similar intensity values, it is very likely thatthey are in the same texture region, and vice versa.We also observe that texture regions in mangaimages are usually enclosed by black boundary lines.Therefore, we can judge whether a pixel is likelyto be inside the user-specified region by measuringwhether this pixel is smoothly connected to the initialregions. Here, by saying smoothly connected, wemean that there exists a path from this pixel to theinitial regions where the intensity values of the pixelschange smoothly along the path. Formally, giventhe initial regions R and a pixel p outside the initial

region, we define a path from R to p as a set of pixelsh(R, p) = {q1, . . . , ql} where ‖qi−qi+1‖1 6 1, q1 ∈ Rand qL = p. Here, ‖·‖1 is the L1-norm operator. Wecan measure whether p is smoothly connected to Ralong a path h(R, p) by accumulating the intensitydifferences along this path:

vh(R, p) =l−1∑i=1

∣∣Jqi+1 − Jqi

∣∣ (7)

where J is the smoothed manga image. Since thereis more than one path from p to R, we can measurewhether p is smoothly connected to R by taking theminimal smoothness value of all possible paths:

vH(R, p) = minh(R,p)∈H(R,p)

vh(R, p) (8)

In a practical implementation, we compute the abovesmoothness values via a diffusion process. Moreconcretely, we first construct a diffusion map F bysetting pixels inside the initial regions to 0 and pixelsoutside initial regions to +∞. Then we iterativelyupdate the smoothness value of each pixel based onits surrounding pixels using:

Fp = min{Fp, min‖q−p‖161

Fq + |Jp − Jq|}


We visualize the diffusion process in Fig. 7.

5.2 Final region extraction via graph-cut

While we could extract a final texture region bythresholding the diffusion map, we have foundthat naive thresholding generally leads to bumpyand leaky boundaries. To avoid these issues, weformulate another graph to extract the final region.As in the previous graph-cut formulation, each pixelp is formulated as a non-terminal node np, and isconnected to two terminal nodes, the source and thesink. If the graph-cut result labels a non-terminalnode (pixel) as connected to the source, it means thispixel is inside the final texture region; otherwise, itis outside. The data cost associated with each edgeconnecting a terminal node and a non-terminal nodemeasures how likely this pixel is smoothly connectedto the initial region based on the smoothness map,and is expressed as

Initialization Iteration 50 Iteration 100 Iteration 200

Fig. 7 The diffusion process.

Boundary-aware texture region segmentation from manga 67

D(np, source) = exp(−F 2p /2σ2

s) (10)

D(np, sink) = 1− Du(np, source) (11)where σs is empirically set to 0.05 in all ourexperiments. Intuitively speaking, if a pixel p haslow smoothness value Fp, D(np, source) should berelatively high, and there is a high probability thatnp will be connected to the source. Similarly, forevery pair of (4-connected) neighboring pixels p andq in the image, we connect np and nq with anedge. The smoothness cost associated with eachedge connecting two non-terminal nodes measureshow likely the two neighboring pixels are to havethe same label. We connect the nodes for everypair of nieghboring pixels p and q by an edge, whoseassociated cost is

S(np, nq) = 1− |Jp − Jq| (12)Intuitively, if the intensity values of two neighboringpixels are similar in the smoothed image, there is ahigh probability that they are in the same textureregion. Finally, we solve this graph-cut problem byminimizing the following energy function:∑


D(np, u) + wv∑p,q

S(np, nq) (13)

where u ∈ {source, sink} is the label, and wv weightsdata and smoothness costs. We empirically set wv to0.25 in all our experiments. After graph-cut, pixelsassigned to source form the final texture region.

5.3 User control

Given a set of user-specified strokes, while our systemquite stably extracts texture regions based on a setof pre-defined parameters, we also allow user control.We let the user control the final region by adjustinga single parameter z ∈ [−1, 1]. The smaller z, thesmaller the final texture region will be, and viceversa. We achieve this by incorporating z in thegraph-cut formulation; in particular, the data costis re-defined as

Du(np, source) = P (exp(−F 2p /σv) + z, 0, 1) (14)

D(np, sink) = 1− Du(np, source) (15)where P (v, c1, c2) is a piecewise function defined as

P (v, c1, c2) =

c1, v 6 c1

v, c1 < v < c2

c2, v > c2


If z is set to −1, all pixels are labeled as sink andthe extracted region is empty. If z is set to 1, allpixels are labeled as source and the extracted region

is the whole image. The default value of z is 0. Weshow an example of parameter tuning in Fig. 8. Eventhough user can control the extracted region withthis parameter, our method is quite stable. In fact,the extracted region is constant for z ∈ [−0.6, 0.6] inthis case.

6 Results and discussion

6.1 Validation

To validate the effectiveness of our method, we haveapplied our methods to manga images with a varietyof texture patterns, including regular patterns (e.g.,as in Fig. 9), near-regular patterns (e.g., as inFig. 10), and irregular patterns (e.g., as in Figs. 5and 11). We also compare our results with two state-of-the-art methods tailored for manga colorization [6]and manga vectorization [15] respectively.

Figure 9(a) shows a manga image of a catwith a dot pattern. While the feature-basedmethod [6] failed to detect precise boundaries ofthe texture regions (see Fig. 9(b)), the primitive-based method [15] correctly detects the regionsby formulating a specific dot pattern model (seeFig. 9(c)). However, Yao et al.’s method makesvery strong assumptions about the primitives in thetextures, so they can only handle well textures suchas dots, stripes, and grids. In comparison, we makeno assumption about the primitives in the textures,but our method can still achieve similar results tothose in Ref. [15] by use of texture feature analysisand smoothness diffusion (see Fig. 9(d)). Figure 10shows another comparison between the results ofRef. [6] and our method. While both their methodand ours analyze the texture of the user-specified

Initial region &diffusion map

z =-0.8 z=0 z=0.8

Fig. 8 User control of the extracted region via a single parameterz.

68 X. Liu, C. Li, T.-T. Wong

(a) Input (b) Qu et al. [6] (c) Yao et al. [15] (d) Our result

Fig. 9 ‘Cat’ (956 × 943, loading time: 3.60 s, processing time: 3.86 s).

(a) Input (b) Qu et al. [6] (c) Our result

Fig. 10 ‘Boy’ (1712 × 907, loading time: 9.72 s, processing time: 2.07 s).

(a) Input (c) Segmented regions(b) Texture region masks

Fig. 11 ‘Cars’ (762 × 843, loading time: 4.03 s, processing time: 1.38 s).

stroke, their method only uses a single texturefeature to represent the whole stroke. Therefore,their method is incapable of finding texture regionsthat are spatial-varying (see Fig. 10(b)). In contrast,our method can handle spatial-varying textures well(see Fig. 10(c)).

In Figs. 5 and 11 the user specifies texture regionswith large spatial variation, especially in Fig. 11.By using a set of texture feature vectors to representthe user-specified strokes, our method successfullyextracts the texture regions with precise boundaries.Since a manga image may contain multiple textures,we also allow user to specify several sets of strokesindicating different texture regions. The user-specified strokes are sequentially processed so that

the user can control the extracted regions moreeasily. We show three examples in Figs. 12–14 whereeach input image contains multiple different texturesincluding solid-color regions, regular texture regions,and irregular texture regions. Our method achievesgood results in all cases.

6.2 Timing statistics

All of our experiments were conducted on a PCwith a 2.7 GHz CPU and 64 GB memory; all testswere single threaded, unoptimized code, and no GPUwas used. We break down the computational timefor each example into two parts, the loading timeand the processing time (given in the caption ofeach figure). The loading time is the time spent

Boundary-aware texture region segmentation from manga 69

(a) Input (b) Our result

Fig. 12 ‘Poker’ (838 × 1210, loading time: 7.05 s, processing time:4.72 s).

(a) Input (b) Our result

Fig. 13 ‘Basketball’ (1251 × 1013, loading time: 7.97 s, processingtime: 6.27 s).

(a) Input (b) Our result

Fig. 14 ‘Astonished’ (1251 × 1013, loading time: 7.10 s, processingtime: 5.36 s).

immediately when the user loads an image intothe system, and can be regarded as the offlinecomputation time. The reaction time is the timespent when the system returns the extracted regionafter the strokes have been drawn, and can beregarded as the online computation time. Wheneverthe user draws a new stroke or adjusts the controlparameter, only the online parts need to be re-executed. We observe that total computation timedepends strongly on the resolution of the input


6.3 Limitations

One of our limitations concerns the latentassumption that the boundaries between tworegions are sharp and smooth. Currently, we cannothandle blurred boundaries well. Furthermore, ifthe boundary of a region is quite spiky (e.g., theshock balloons in Fig. 14(a)), our current graph-cutformulation will result in a smoothed boundary(e.g., blue regions in Fig. 14(b)). Our method alsocannot separate neighboring regions if they arevisually inseparable. For example, in Fig. 14(a),the black boundary of the top left shock balloon isconnected to the black background of the secondpanel. Furthermore, the boundary in the smoothedimage may deviate by one or two pixels from theoriginal boundary due to limitations of the texturesmoothing technique. In this case, we may alsofail to extract the precise boundaries of the textureregions.

7 Conclusions

In this paper, we have proposed a novel systemto extract texture regions with precise boundaries.Our method starts from an input image and aset of user-specified strokes, and extracts initialregions containing pixels with similar textures,using Gabor wavelets. However, texture features,such as Gabor wavelets, cannot provide preciseboundaries. We further smooth the original image viaa texture smoothing technique, and refine the initialregions based on the smoothed image. Our methodoutperforms existing methods in extracting preciseboundaries especially for spatial-varying textures.

While our method currently assumes hardboundaries, we could adopt matting techniquesinstead of the current graph-cut formulation torestore regions with alpha values. We also notethat identification of regions depends highly on thesemantics of the image content, and introducingperception-based edge extraction techniques couldhelp extract more precise boundaries.


This project was supported by the National NaturalScience Foundation of China (Project No. 61272293),

70 X. Liu, C. Li, T.-T. Wong

and Research Grants Council of the Hong KongSpecial Administrative Region under RGC GeneralResearch Fund (Project Nos. CUHK14200915 andCUHK14217516).


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Xueting Liu received her from Tsinghua Universityand Ph.D. degree from the ChineseUniversity of Hong Kong in 2009 and2014, respectively. She is currentlya postdoctoral research fellow in theDepartment of Computer Science andEngineering, the Chinese University

of Hong Kong. Her research interests include computergraphics, computer vision, computational manga andanime, and non-photorealistic rendering.

Chengze Li received his B.S. degreefrom University of Science andTechnology of China in 2013. Heis currently a Ph.D. student in theDepartment of Computer Science andEngineering, the Chinese Universityof Hong Kong. His research interestsinclude computer vision, pattern

recognition, and high-performance computing.

Tien-Tsin Wong received his B.Sc.,M.Phil., and Ph.D. degrees in computerscience from the Chinese Universityof Hong Kong in 1992, 1994, and1998, respectively. He is currentlya professor in the Department ofComputer Science and Engineering,the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

His main research interests include computer graphics,computational manga, precomputed lighting, image-based rendering, GPU techniques, medical visualization,multimedia compression, and computer vision. He receivedthe IEEE Transactions on Multimedia Prize Paper Award2005 and the Young Researcher Award 2004.

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