Boudayer Layer Group 1 Mtech 15 17

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Transcript of Boudayer Layer Group 1 Mtech 15 17

  • 8/17/2019 Boudayer Layer Group 1 Mtech 15 17


    Motilal Nehru National

    Institute of Technology, Allahabad

    Lab Report OnFlow Over Flat late in !ind

    Tunnel"ub#itted to $ %r& A& R& au

    %r& '& (& atel

    "ub#itted by$ )roup *

  • 8/17/2019 Boudayer Layer Group 1 Mtech 15 17



    • Ob+ectives• Introduction•

    Apparatus• Test procedure• Approach• alculations and results• o#putational analysis• Observations

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    • To e-peri#entally deter#ine velocity profile on a s#oothflat plate at various distances&

    • o#putational analysis of flow over flat plate inside asubsonic wind tunnel&

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    • !hen real fluid flows past a solid body or a solid wall, thefluid particles adhere to the boundary and condition of no slioccurs&• This is the region where viscous forces are do#inant&• I#portant ter#s in boundary layer *& No slip condition.& La#inar boundary layer

    /& Transition boundary layer 0& Turbulent boundary layer •. La#inar sub layer •. 1uffer layer •. Turbulent layer

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    Turbulent Boundary Layer

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    Growth of boundary layer over flatplate

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    Test Apparatus Schematic diagram

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    Test Apparatus wind tunnel! "omponents

    • It is a device in for# of a long duct for producing a #ovingairstrea# for e-peri#ental purposes&

    • It is used to study the effects of air #oving past solidob+ects 2 in our case it is a flat plate3&

    • There are three essential co#ponents$*&4ffuser .& !or5ing section

    /& %iffuser0&%riving unit

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    #$ %ffuser :•. This is placed upstrea# of the wor5ing section&•. In it the fluid is accelerated fro# rest to appro-i#ately atupstrea# end to the re6uired conditions at the wor5ingsection&

    &$ 'or(ing section)•. It is here that the #odel is placed is in the air strea# leavingthe downstrea# end of the effuser and the re6uiredobservations are #ade&

    •. The wor5ing section consists of accessories to hold theinstru#ents and #odels and devices for facilitating the #otionof the #odel in all directions relative to airstrea# &

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    *$+iffuser )

    • The function of the diffuser is to recover the 5inetic energy of the airstrea# leaving thewor5ing section efficiently as possible

    • Test section$ length 789&8:9&/8

    ,$ +riving unit)

    • ower is supplied continuously to #aintain the flow through suction 2atvariable condition3&

    • This is done using a fan and a #otor&• ower is given by . #otors of &;75w and .:88 rp# each&•

    'elocity of inco#ing air can be controlled by ad+usting the controlvalve which further controls the suction by #aintaining the upstrea#opening&

  • 8/17/2019 Boudayer Layer Group 1 Mtech 15 17


    Accessories #! -itot Static Tube

    • itot tube is a pressure #easure#ent instru#ent used to #easure fluid flowvelocity&

    • "tagnation pressure 8c# - :&• For#ula used to convert reading in ter#s of velocity

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  • 8/17/2019 Boudayer Layer Group 1 Mtech 15 17



    Flat late

  • 8/17/2019 Boudayer Layer Group 1 Mtech 15 17


    Test -rocedure

    The flat s#ooth surface was 5ept on a stand fir#ly, at the testsection of the wind tunnel&• The wind tunnel was set up with a itot tube, and the flat plat#ade #ovable so that analysis could be #ade at different sectionfro# the leading edge, attached to a #ulti tube #ano#eter to getthe pressure differentials&• Then the wind tunnel was turned on, and the #ano#eter wascalibrated&• The pressure differentials readings were ta5en at 0 points withthe boundary layer gradually increasing By 2distance #easuredfro# the surface3&• The pressure difference was noted carefully&• The test was repeated ad+usting the pitot tubeat 7, *8, *7, .8 c#

    fro# the leading edge of the glass plate&

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    Approach • !e have calculate the readings on the points2#entioned in previous slide3 and on four different velocities&

    • To reduce the no& of readings we have ta5en the help of

    Minitab "oftware in which Taguchi #ethod was used&• Nu#ber of para#eters$• 'elocity2u3&• %istance fro# leading edge2-3&• %istance fro# plate surface 2y3&• No& of levels used in each para#eters < 0

  • 8/17/2019 Boudayer Layer Group 1 Mtech 15 17


    "o fro# Taguchi chart

    1y using above values the table provides the orthogonal arrayLC*> table &

  • 8/17/2019 Boudayer Layer Group 1 Mtech 15 17


    Taguchi orthogonal array L0#1

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    .initab result• The result of Taguchi method had been validated

    from Minitab Software.

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    • !"# array has reduced the #$ readings %that hasto be calculated& to "# readings.

    '(periment Velocity%m)s& * distance%m& + distance%m&" ", .,- .,,

    ", .", .,,$/ ", ."- .,,#$ ", . , .,,0- "- .,- .,,$# "- .", .,,1 "- ."- .,,00 "- . , .,,#2 , .,- .,,#", , .", .,,0"" , ."- .,," , . , .,,$"/ - .,- .,,0"$ - .", .,,#"- - ."- .,,$"# - . , .,,

  • 8/17/2019 Boudayer Layer Group 1 Mtech 15 17


    Shortcomings of taguchi

    • Taguchi #ethod is #ainly used to reduced the no& ofe-peri#ents where few variables contribute significantly&

    • 1ut in our e-peri#ents each of the variables have e6ualcontribution&

    • "o taguchi #ethod was not co#patible with the ob+ectiveof our e-peri#ent as it was not providing the sufficient no&of readings to plot a graph different variables&

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    Approach • 1ecause of non applicability of taguchi we proceeded withthe calculation of >0 readings&

    • For that we have ta5en four velocities and for each velocity

    there were four different - values and at each - velocitieswere calculated at different y values.

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    Observations and "alculations

    3,." ,." ,./ ,.- ,.1 ,.2 "." "./ ".-,





    At u= 10m/s

    4t (5.,-m4t (5,."m4t (5,."-m4t (5,. ,m



  • 8/17/2019 Boudayer Layer Group 1 Mtech 15 17


    , ,.- " ".-,









    At u= 15m/s

    at (5.,-m

    at (5.", mat (5."- mat (5. , m



  • 8/17/2019 Boudayer Layer Group 1 Mtech 15 17


    , ,.- " ".-,





    At u= 20m/s

    at (5 .,- mat (5 .", mat (5."- mat (5. , m



  • 8/17/2019 Boudayer Layer Group 1 Mtech 15 17


    3,." ,." ,./ ,.- ,.1 ,.2 "." "./ ".-,





    At u= 25m/s

    at (5 .,- mat (5 .", mat (5 ."- mat (5 . , m



  • 8/17/2019 Boudayer Layer Group 1 Mtech 15 17


    Boundary layer at different velocity

    , ,.,- ,." ,."- ,. ,. -,





    Boundary Layer Thickness

    4t 65",m)s4t 65"-m)s4t 65 ,m)s4t 65 - m)s

    x in m

    δ in mm

  • 8/17/2019 Boudayer Layer Group 1 Mtech 15 17


    "omputational Analysis

    • Flat plate was analyDed for the above #entioned velocitiesin Ansys Fluent& 'elocity were calculated at the above#entioned points.


    %i#ension for geo#etry were in accordance to thelaboratory apparatus

  • 8/17/2019 Boudayer Layer Group 1 Mtech 15 17


    Geometry with domain used in CFD analysis

    Meshing $Mesh was generated by siDing techni6ue with bias near the plate resulting finer #esh& !hile cowas #aintained away fro# the plate&

    Eoo#ed view of #esh near plate

  • 8/17/2019 Boudayer Layer Group 1 Mtech 15 17


    Mesh %etails $tatistics !aximum "a#ue !inimum "a#ue

    ke$ness ". /'3 "./,'3",

    Aspect ratio /#.2$- ".,"2

    %rtho&ona#ity ,.// "

    "olver "ettings$• 1ecause of the turbulent flow standard 5 epsilon #odel was used wi

    standard wall function for near wall treat#ent& !ith defaults constantssettings&

    • 7oundary conditions: 4t inlet: velocity inlet Velocities given 8 ",9 "-9 ,9 - m)s 4t outlet: pressure outlet

    auge pressure 8 ;ero Pascal.

  • 8/17/2019 Boudayer Layer Group 1 Mtech 15 17


    'elocity and ressure contoursPressure contours :

    Total pressure is the summation of the static and dynamic pressure.

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    'elocity and ressure contoursVelocity contours :

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    'elocity and ressure contoursVelocity vector

    contours :

  • 8/17/2019 Boudayer Layer Group 1 Mtech 15 17


    o#parison b@w e-peri#ental and co#putationalresults

    , $ # 0 ", ",


    ,At #2 m3s




    , $ # 0 ", " "$ "#,



    At #4 m3s




  • 8/17/2019 Boudayer Layer Group 1 Mtech 15 17


    , - ", "- , -,





    At &2 m3s




    , - ", "- , - /,,,,,,

    At &4 m3s




  • 8/17/2019 Boudayer Layer Group 1 Mtech 15 17


    Observations• !ith increase in a-ial distance fro# the leading edge , boundarylayer thic5ness increases &

    • !ith increase in velocity ,at sa#e a-ial distance , 1oudary layerthic5ness decreases &

    • Total ressure increase with increase in lateral height fro# plate &

    • "tatic pressure re#ain constant throughout the do#ain e-ceptat the leading edge &

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    • Than 6