BOOST YOUR ENERGY LEVELS - Amazon Web Services · coffee, milk, yogurt, almonds, almonds butter,...

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Not only are energy drinks usually loaded with sugar, but they’re also generally full of caffeine and other stimulants that can be hard on your cardiovascular system.

Additionally, they can throw your natural circadian rhythm out of balance - which means that over-using energy drinks can cause you to lay awake at night when you want to be sleeping, and feel too tired to get up in the morning when you want to be awake. This can take a toll on your overall health and immune response.

So what can you do instead? How can you increase your energy and shake off fatigue, and brain fog?

The easiest way is to adjust your diet - include naturally energy-boosting foods and nutrients.

Also, look into getting more B Vitamins. For example, Vitamin B12 helps to improve red blood cell production, which is important for cycling oxygen, natural detox functions and energy levels. .

In this ebook, we’ve selected our top 10 favorite energy-boosting recipes, to help get you started...

But first - check out this incredible offer - ONLY available for those that download this ebook:

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Vitamin B12 Energy Drink

All you need is: All you need to do is:

1⁄2-1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder

Dash of sea salt

Sprinkle of cinnamon

8 pumps of Micelle Liposomal B12

1 cup of coconut water

1. Add the dry ingredients and the B12 to

the coconut water, stir it up, and enjoy it!

Energy-Boosting Kale Smoothie

All you need is: All you need to do is:

1⁄2 cup pineapple, frozen 1 cup kale

1 tbsp coconut oil

1⁄2 avocado

1 cup water/coconut water/nut milk

1 tsp matcha green tea

8 pumps of PuraTHRIVE’s Micelle Liposomal B12 OR 1 tbsp Micelle Liposomal Active B Complex

1. Add all ingredients to a blender and

blend until smooth. It may be best to

add the pineapple and kale first, so that

the blades hit these harder-to-blend

ingredients right away. Feel free to add

more liquid to reach the consistency that

you enjoy best.

Coconut & Matcha Oatmeal

All you need is: All you need to do is:

1 1/2 cups water

1 1/2 cups coconut water

1 tbsp coconut oil

1 cup rolled oats

2 tablespoons coconut flour

2 tablespoons maple syrup

2 teaspoons matcha powder

1/4 cup shredded coconut

1⁄2 banana cut into pieces

Optional: berries/nuts for topping.

1. In a small saucepan, add the water, coconut water, and rolled oats. Bring these to a boil, then reduce to a simmer. Stir the mixture until it thickens. 2. Add the coconut flour, coconut oil, maple syrup, and matcha powder. Keep it on a simmer and continue to stir until the desired consistency is reached. Fold in the shredded coconut.

3. Serve into a bowl(s), with the cut banana (and any other toppings you may like to add!) on top.

Pudding Parfaits

All you need is: All you need to do is:

1 cup almond milk

1⁄4 cup chocolate or vanilla protein


1⁄4 cup iced coffee

5 tbsp chia seeds

1 tbsp maple syrup

1⁄8 tsp cinnamon

8 pumps of PuraTHRIVE’s Micelle Liposomal B12

For the coconut whip:

1 15 oz can of coconut cream 1 tbsp

maple syrup

For the parfaits:

1⁄2 cup granola cinnamon (optional)

Make the chia pudding first. For optimal thickness, this is best done the night before, but you can still achieve a good thickness by letting the chia seeds and milk sit for twenty minutes.

1. Mix the almond milk, coffee, and protein powder in a blender. Pour this blend into a bowl.

2. Add the chia seeds, maple syrup, cinnamon, and PuraTHRIVE’s Micelle Liposomal B12 to the bowl. Stir well. Place these in the fridge overnight, or for at least twenty minutes.

Next, make the coconut whip.

1. Open up your can of coconut cream and drain out any water. Then, scoop out the hard “cream” into your mixer. Once light and fluffy, add the maple syrup and mix again.

Finally, put it all together to make the parfait.

1. Take your chia pudding out of the fridge and give it a taste test. If too thick, stir in a bit of almond milk. If not sweet enough, add some maple syrup.

2. In the bottom of a cup put in the granola, then the chia pudding, and finally the coconut whip. Sprinkle the top with cinnamon for a pretty look and warming taste.

Sweet Potato & Berry Breakfast Bowl

All you need is: All you need to do is:

400-500 grams sweet potato

1 cup water

2⁄3 cup unsweetened Greek yogurt (or non-dairy option)

8 pumps of PuraTHRIVE’s Micelle Liposomal B12 OR 1 tbsp Active B Complex

1⁄4 -1⁄2 cup granola or mixed seeds

1 cup mixed berries of choice

1⁄2 tsp ground cinnamon

1. Wash the sweet potatoes. Cut out any knots. Feel free to skin it completely, but leaving the skin on is totally fine!

2. Cut the potatoes lengthwise into coin-shaped pieces. An inch is a good thickness, but make them as thick or thin as you’d like.

3. Boil the water and place the sweet potatoes into a steamer until they’re soft.

4. Mix the yogurt and the PuraTHRIVE Micelle Liposomal B12 or Active B Complex

5. In a bowl, add the sweet potatoes, then top them with the yogurt/B12 mix, granola/seeds, berries, and cinnamon.

Espresso Overnight Oats With Almond Butter

All you need is: All you need to do is:

1⁄2 cup oats

1 tbsp chia seed

1⁄2 cup coffee

1⁄2 cup milk of choice

1⁄2 cup yogurt

1 tbsp slivered almonds

1 tbsp almond butter

8 pumps PuraTHRIVE’s Micelle Liposomal B12

1 1⁄2 tsp honey

1⁄2 banana and/or raspberries

1. In a sealable jar mix together the oats, chia, coffee, milk, yogurt, almonds, almonds butter, and PuraTHRIVE’s Micelle Liposomal B12. Once completely combined, seal the jar and put it in the fridge overnight.

2. In the morning, open the jar, top with the honey and fruit, and enjoy. (You don’t need to do this overnight, but for the best consistency, it is best left refrigerating for 4+ hours)

All you need is: All you need to do is:

3⁄4 cup mango cubes (fresh or frozen)

1⁄4 cup oats (old fashioned rolled or quick)

1⁄4 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt

1⁄2 inch piece of ginger

1⁄2 tsp ground turmeric OR 4-8 pumps Micelle Liposomal Turmeric

1⁄4 cup milk of choice (coconut, cashew, almond, etc.)

4–5 ice cubes (if using fresh mango)

PuraTHRIVE’s Micelle Liposomal B12 OR Active B-complex Honey to taste

1. Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth. It may be best to add the frozen mango and oats first so that the blades hit these harder-to-blend ingredients right away. Feel free to add more liquid to reach the consistency that you enjoy best.

Mango Ginger Turmeric Smoothie

Peanut Butter Banana Energy Smoothie

All you need is: All you need to do is:

2 tbsp cocoa powder

2 tbsp peanut butter 8oz Greek yogurt

1⁄2 cup ice

1 banana

8 pumps of PuraTHRIVE’s Micelle Liposomal B12 OR Micelle Liposomal Active B Complex

Pinch cinnamon

1. Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth. Feel free to add more liquid to reach the consistency that you enjoy best.

Coffee Ground Energy Balls

All you need is: All you need to do is:

1 cup of dry whole-grain oatmeal

1 1⁄2 tablespoon of coffee granules

1⁄2 cup almond butter

1⁄4 cup honey

1 teaspoon vanilla

1⁄4 cup chocolate chips

1. Stir all ingredients into a bowl. Once well mixed, refrigerate for twenty minutes.

2. Roll into balls.

3. Store in an air-tight container in the fridge.

All you need is: All you need to do is:

1 cup walnuts

1⁄3 cup chia seeds

1⁄3 cup ground flax seeds

1⁄3 cup hemp seeds

1⁄4 cup cacao nibs

1⁄4 cup coconut flakes

3⁄4 cup pumpkin seeds

1⁄2 cup raisins

1 cup dates

8 pumps of PuraTHRIVE’s Micelle Liposomal B12 OR Micelle Liposomal Active B Complex

1-2 tablespoons melted coconut oil, if needed

1. Mix almost all of the dry ingredients in a food processor. 2. Add the raisins, dates, and B vitamins into the food processor.

3. If too dry, add the coconut oil.

4. Mix in the remaining dry ingredients by hand.

5. Pour it all into a lined pan and set in the fridge for at least an hour.

6. Cut into bars and serve for up to one week.

Cacao Energy Bars