Book review kaizen_Masaaki Imai

Post on 05-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Book review kaizen_Masaaki Imai


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Author BibliographyName : Masaaki ImaiBorn : 1930Education : BA from Tokyo University in 1955

Graduate work in international relationsExperience: 1-Late-1950s Imai worked for five years in Washington DC at the Japanese Productivity Center.

2-In 1962 in Tokyo he founded his own Employment agency for the recruitment of management, executive and research personnel.

3-1986 he founded the Kaizen Institute Consulting Group (KICG) to help western companies to introduce the concepts, systems and tools of Kaizen.


In Japanese management, kaizen means that "Continuous improvement" involving the complete force from the highest management to middle managers and employees.

The origin of Japan's kaizen movement was the standard management technique foreign from the United States in the post-World War Two period.


Japanese corporations, as an example, have with success designed, manufactured, and marketed competitive merchandise exploitation KAIZEN strategy.

Whereas varied cultural, social, and political factors are pointed out, only a few observe of Japanese management practices have examined the strategy really used by Japanese management over the last thirty years.

Summary In Kaizen, Masaaki Imai describes the key to the

Japanese success to competitive production.Kaizen is outlined because the philosophy

behind this success, wherever the term kaizen is employed within the same approach because the term Lean in alternative literature regarding Japanese producing success.

In a very Kaizen organization, workers are actively sustaining standards and management is frequently raising the standards.

Cont.. Within the Kaizen philosophy, management is inspired to

concentrate on the factors that influence the results, the P-criteria. It also describes the distinction between KAIZEN AND INNOVATION.

A Kaizen Corner could be a place wherever individual workers will hand in suggestions for improvement, the thus known as Suggestion system.

Last chapter describes however KAIZEN MANAGEMENT facilitates Total Quality Control.

Personal Experiance

• I am studying with the idea of Kaizen for personal development. One of the principle ideas of Kaizen is to change the easiest things first. So what I have done now is work first, get all the unrelated work thing out the way amongst employee. That would include try to reduce the use of smartphone during office hours. What I have noticed that my employee has become more focused on work and task were given.

Personal Opinion• To implement the practice of Kaizen in your life, decide a

section that you think that might enjoy change. Check up on the method closely and rise what changes you may create to form it higher or faster or have less wastage. It is a slow method thus I wouldn't go head long into this. The frequency at that you implement changes is clearly up to you but i might area it each few weeks or monthly. Actually KAIZEN philosophy same with Islamic principle base on the prophet Muhammad PBUH said: "Those who are most successful are the ones who today is better than yesterday and those who fail are those who today are worse than today, while deception is that people today the same as yesterday".

(Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)


• KAIZEN book is helpful primer for anyone who fell important to improve their leadership and management, thus to know what methodology and motivation have that bring them to nice success to their followers even after their live. This book rated 4/5 stars in for business and leadership management reading for short term and long term goals.