Book Report English

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Transcript of Book Report English

  • 7/31/2019 Book Report English



    Title: HARRY POTTER and the Prisoner of Azkaban

    AUTHOR: Joanne K. Rowling

    TYPE of book: Fantasy story

    MAIN CHARACTERS: Harry Potter. He is very slender.

    Nothing except thescar on his forehead shows that he

    is the most famous boy in the Wizard-World. He is

    famous because he survived a Death Curse when he

    was a baby and reflected it back onto the darkest

    wizard, Lord Voldemort. The Dark Lord nearly died and

    fled. Now Harry is thirteen.

    Ron Weasley is Harrys best friend. He is tall , has red

    hair like everybody in his family and lots and lots of

    freckles. He comes from a real old wizarding family and

    he has got five brothers and a younger sister. They are

    all very poor.

    Hermione Granger is Harrys other best friend. She

    comes from a Muggle family (muggles are people who are not able to do magic). Her parents are

    dentists. Hermiones teeth are rabbit-like and her brown hair is very bushy. She is an intelligent

    girl and she learns much because she wants to get good marks.

    The Dursleys are Harrys only relatives. They are a perfectly normal Muggle family from Aunt

    Marge to Cousin Dudley, only Harry doesnt fit in

    Dementors guard the prison Azkaban, where the most dangerous wizards are kept. They are

    ugly creatures which hide under large coats with hoods. They suck the good feelings out of the

    people. They havent got faces, only one big mouth and they are all slimy.

    SETTING:Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Hogwarts is a school for teenage-wizards. It is in

    northern England. There are four houses: Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin and Gryffindor. Harry is a

    Gryffindor just as Ron and Hermione are.

    Harrys greatest opponent, Draco Malfoy, lives in Slytherin; Headmaster of Hogwarts is Albus

    Dumbledore. He is a tall man with long silver hair and bright eyes behind half-moon spectacles. He has

    also got a huge, crooked nose.52211dob62ffg4m

    PLOT: At the beginning Marge Dursley visited the Dursleys. She was so mean that Harry lost control of

    himself and blew her up like a balloon by accident. He had enough of his family and ran away. There

    he first noticed the big black dog which would follow him from that time on. In the bus to London he

    heard that Sirius Black, a well-known murderer, had got himself free from Azkaban. Nobody knew how

    he could have managed this Some years ago Sirius Black had killed 13 people.

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    Accidentally Harry heard that Black was after him to finish Voldemorts dark plan of his revenge.

    At school Harry and his friends noticed that Hagrid, their faithful friend, had become the new Care of

    Magical Creatures teacher. In the first lesson he showed them Hippogriffs, but Malfoy didnt follow

    Hagrids instructions and a Hippogriff nearly bit his hand off. of211d2562fffg

    At the end of the year Harry, Ron and Hermione found out that Sirius Black hadnt been after Harry, but

    after Scabbers, Rons old rat which wasnt a real animal. In fact Scabbers was a wizard who had turned

    himself into a rat. There arent many wizards in the world, who are able to do this. They are called

    Animagi. Peter Pettigrew alias Scabbers alias Wormtail had tricked all the famous wizards. All of them

    thought that Sirius Black, Harrys godfather, had murdered Lily and James Potter and 13 other people

    (including Peter Pettigrew), but it was all Wormtails fault.

    Wormtail escaped and nobody believed their story except Dumbledore.

    Bad luck for Sirius, who had been caught

    Harry and Hermione saved Buckbeak, the Hippogriff which would have been killed by an executioner of

    Malfoys fellows. Sirius was caught by the Dementors but Harry and Hermione went back in the real

    time and brought Buckbeak to Sirius prison at Hogwarts.

    He flew away and promised to write very often. Harry was very sad because now he had to go back to

    the Dursleys during the summer holidays.

    When they were on the train towards home the first letter from Sirius arrived and Ron got a little owl

    with the post. Sirius had thought it would be nice to get him one because now his rat was gone and it

    was sort of his fault

    FAVORITE SCENE: Our favourite Scene is shortly before Harry and his friends found out that Sirius wasntafter Harry. A dog had carried Ron and Scabbers off. Harry and Hermione were looking for them

    The wand light showed Harry the trunk of a thick tree; they had chased Scabbers into the shadow of

    the Whomping Willow and its branches were creaking as though in a high wind, whipping backwards

    and forwards to stop them going nearer.

    And there, at the base of the trunk, was the dog, dragging Ron backwards into a large gap in the roots -

    Ron was fighting furiously, but his head and torso were slipping out of sight -

    Ron! Harry shouted, trying to follow, but a heavy branch whipped lethally trough the air and he was

    forced backwards again.

    All they cold see now was one of Ron s legs, which he had hooked around a root in an effort to stop the

    dog pulling him further underground. Then a horrible crack cut the air like a gunshot; Ron s leg had

    broken, and next second, his foot had vanished from sight

    PERSONAL OPINION: We like the book Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban, because it is a fantasy -

    story but you can imagine that this is all true and it is very funny written.

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    Title: Bridge to Terabithia

    Author: Katherine Patterson


    Jess Aarons: Jess is an introverted 5th grader who is

    incredibly artistic. Jess feels a bit out of place both

    at school and at home. He doesn't hang out with

    many of his classmates.

    Leslie Burke. Leslie is the only person Jess truly

    confides in. She gives him the courage to stand up

    for himself at school. Leslie helps Jess come out of

    his shell. Loosing Leslie is devastating for Jess. At

    first he even deludes himself into thinking that itwas all a bad dream. When reality sets in Jess deals

    with his loss and ends up becoming closer with his

    younger sister May Belle.


    The story takes place during the end of the 1970's. The location is a place called Lark Creek,

    Virginia, a rural area in the southern part of the United States. Most of the story takes place

    either at Lark Creek Elementary School or in Terabithia, the make believe land across the creek

    in the woods where Leslie and Jess live.

    Favorite Character: Jessie

    Character I dont like: none

    Favorite Event: When they have demystified the wonderful world of Terabithia.

    Lesson: Value your friends


    Jess Aarons wanted to be the fastest runner at Lark Creek Elementary School. He practiced allsummer for his goal. But when school began in September and all the boys lined up to race,

    Leslie Burke became the new champion. She not only broke the race records, but the

    rules. Girls have never been allowed to race with boys! Because now the race could be won by a

    girl, all the rest of the boys lost interest in racing, and Jess no longer had a chance at the goal he

    had worked so hard to attain. But he did find a friend that race day Leslie.

    Leslie and Jess had a very special friendship. With Leslies expert guidance, they created a secret

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    fantasy world called Terabithia, a world where they were King and Queen, and nothing could

    daunt them. The magic they created in Terabithia gave them imagination and compassion that

    touched their lives and reached far beyond the castle walls.

    Jess grew because of Leslie. She was more than his friend. She was his other, more exciting self

    his way to Terabithia and all the worlds beyond. But Leslie drowned while going alone to

    Terabithia and Jess found it difficult to accept her death.

    Jess realized that Leslies friendship had made him strong. To ease his pain and keep her

    memory alive, he did something that Leslie probably would have wanted him to do. He built a

    bridge over the creek that claimed her life and led his sister, May Belle, across the bridge to be

    the new Queen of Terabithia.

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    Title:Charlottes Web

    Author: E. B. White


    Wilbur (a pig)

    Charlotte (a spider)

    Templeton (a rat)

    Goose and Gander (stuttering geese)

    Fern Arable (daughter of the Arables)

    Avery Arable (son of the Arables, Fern's older brother)

    Dr. Dorian (a local doctor)

    Lurvy (a clumsy farmhand)

    Mr. & Mrs. Arable (Fern's parents who own a farm)

    Mr. & Mrs. Zuckerman (aunt and uncle of Fern)

    The Minister (told about the web) Henry Fussy (a local boy)

    Old Sheep (sheep)

    Lamb (a lamb)

    Setting: In the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Arable during the 70s.

    Favorite Character: Wilbur

    Character I dont like: The Minister

    Favorite event: My favorite Scene is when Charlotte created a wonderful web so that her friend Wilbur

    wont be placed in danger.

    Lesson: Friends are like treasure from God. They will help us once we are experiencing hardships.


    Charlottes Web opens the door to a magical world, which a young girl named Fern finds herself a part

    of. Fern spends her free time with Wilbur the pig whom she loves and the other barn animals who play a

    large part in the life of Wilbur. Charlotte A. Cavatica, the large grey spider, befriends Wilbur and helps

    him deal with the shocking news that his life will end as bacon on someones plate. Charlotte goes as far

    as coming up with an interesting plan that only this spider could carry out with the help of Templeton

    the rat (who never does anything unless there is something in it for himself) to help Wilbur escape


    Strong points:

    Charlotte responds to Wilburs need for a friend and dedicates herself to saving his life through

    the ingenious ploy of spinning words in her web.

    "You have been my friendThat in itself is a tremendous thing. I wove my webs for you because I

    liked you. After all, whats a life,anyway? Were born, we live a little while, we die. A spiders life

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    cant help being something of a mess, with all the trapping and catching flies. By helping you,

    perhaps I was trying to lift up my life a trifle. Heaven knows anyones life can stand a little of


    Charlotte is wiser than Wilbur so she cares for him with something that resembles maternal

    love. She tells Wilbur bedtime stores and sings him lullabies, teaches him manners, tells him to

    chew his "food thoroughly and eat every bit of it", encourages him when he is down, and builds

    up his confidence for the day when he must stand on his own four feet without the benefit of

    her care.

    Charlotte gives constant thought to how she will fulfill her promise to save Wilburs life."Day

    after day the spider waited, head-down, for an idea to come to her. Charlotte was naturally

    patient". And like a wise teacher Charlotte gives her pupil as much as he can absorb and not

    more. She guides him to the point when he must take possession of himself and make

    independent decisions.

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    Title: Alice in Wonderland

    Author: Lewis Caroll


    The following is a list of main characters in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.


    The White Rabbit

    The Mouse

    The Dodo

    The Lory

    The Eaglet

    The Duck

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    Bill the Lizard

    The Caterpillar

    The Duchess

    The Cheshire Cat

    The March Hare

    The Hatter

    The Dormouse

    The Queen of Hearts

    The Knave of Hearts

    The King of Hearts

    The Gryphon

    The Mock Turtle

    Setting: he setting is Wonderland, a strange and seemingly crazy world that is entered by droppinginto a rabbit hole. Animals act as normal people. Physical size as well as time are relative.

    However, the story also partly takes place in our 'real' world, where Alice starts in by sitting next to her

    sister, and wakes up in. In the story, Wonderland is a dream world. But thematically, Wonderland is not

    really another world. It is in fact our own world, only seen through the eyes of a child.

    Favorite Character: Alice

    Character I dont like: the Queen of Hearts

    Favorite Event: When Alice solved all the problems in Wonderland

    Lesson: Don not give up


    In the beginning Alice encounters a White Rabbit with pink eyes saying to itself: Oh dear! Oh dear! I

    shall be too late!. She follows the Rabbit through a large rabbit-hole under the hedge and this is where

    her extraordinary journey starts. After falling down a well Alice finds herself in a long, low hall which has

    doors all round that are all locked. To be able to get through a rat-hole sized door she drinks a potionthat makes her shrink but because she forgot the golden key for the small door and she cant reach it

    anymore due to her size she decides to eat a cake. Sadly this cake doesnt make her grow again at first

    but after she finished off the cake her neck starts to grow enormously thats why she begins to cry. Then

    she notices the White Rabbit again running nervously through the hall dropping white kid gloves and a

    fan on the floor. Thats when she realizes that she is shrinking again due to the fan so she drops it and

    that way avoids drowning in her own tears she cried before. While swimming in her own tears she

    meets a French mouse which she has a conversation with and follows to a caucus of animals where she
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    attends a race. As she is left by the animals and the White Rabbit walks by she follows him into his house

    where she drinks from a little bottle which results in her growing rapidly again. She even fills the whole

    room, a fact the Rabbit certainly notices and due to which he rounds up a lot of his friend of who

    nobody is able to solve the problem. But Alice manages herself: she eats a piece of cake and as soon as

    she is able to get through the doors she does so and runs out in a thick wood. There she meets, after a

    short encounter with a giant puppy, a caterpillar. He is very impolite but he finally helps her to get back

    her usual size by eating from the mushroom the caterpillar is sitting on. This helps her to get for example

    into the house of the Duchess in which bizarre things happen with the Duchess baby: it turns into a pig.

    But Alice takes it away from the Duchess and her cook because she considers them to be too rude to rise

    a baby. Outside she puts the little creature down and meets the famous Grinning Cat which she ask for

    the way. With the advices of the Grinning Cat as a basis she decides to visit the March Hare who is

    currently holding a tea-party with the Hatter (the other option the Grinning Cat had given her before it

    vanished). And as the chapter is titled it is a mad tea-party. After several bizarre things happen she

    leaves them and soon finds herself back in the hall she was at in the beginning. But this time she is able

    to get into the garden she wanted to at the first time. There she finds playing cards as gardeners for the

    Queen of Hearts who she later meets and whom she is playing a croquet match with. The Queen is a

    very choleric woman that wants to behead everybody even for small faults. Anyway after that

    experience she is taken to the Mock Turtle by a gryphon. The turtle tells her its sad story (one of thewittiest parts in the book) and the mystery about the Lobster Quadrille. When she returns to the land of

    the Queen of Hearts she attends a trial against the Knave of Hearts. Of course this trial is as strange as

    every adventure she had on her trip to Wonderland and when she gets very angry in the end of it she

    suddenly wakes up.