Book of Forms CPWA

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Transcript of Book of Forms CPWA


    The Book of Forms is supplementary to the Central Public Works Account Code. The Code contains the accounting instructions and guidelines for the Divisional offices of the Central Public Works Department or other Department of Union of India functioning under Public Works System. This Book prescribes the format of forms in which the accounts of the Division are maintained.

    2. While the Code was revised in the year 1993 consequent to departmentalization of the Account, the Book of Form was not revised. We have tried to revise the forms in keeping with the latest changes in the accounting procedures.

    3. Susequent amendment to this Book will be issued by the Chief Controller of Accounts with the approval of Competent Authority.

    4 The forms in the present Book are revised with the concurance of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.

    5 Suggestions from the users of the Book are always welcome for bringing out improvement in the format of Forms prescribed in the Book keeping pace with the changing accounting instructions.

    6 I must place on record the contribution and commitment of Sh. R.S.Srivastava, Consultant and Dr. Dilip Kumar,Dy.Controller of Accounts without whom this revision was not possible. Finally, I would like to place on record the excellent services provided by the staff and officers of this office in bringing out the present revised version of this book.

    (U.S.Pant) Chief Controller of Accounts

    New Delhi Dated

  • C.P.W.A. 1.


    w.e.f. __________________ to __________________

    Certified that this Cash Book contains _________ pages numbered from 1 to _______________

    Executive Engineer

    _________ Division C.P.W.D.

  • C.P.W.A. I. (I)

    CASH BOOK (Central Public Works Accounts Code, Paragraph 6.5.1, 6.6.1 to 6.6.7)

    1. The Cash Book contains two money columns headed (1) Cash and (2) Bank on the payment side to distinguish between payments made by cheques from those made out of the cash in chest. When, however, a cheque is drawn to replenish, the chest, its number and amount should be entered on the payment side in the Bank Columns Nos. 10 and 11, and the amount only on the receipt side as Cash from Bank in the single Cash column No. 4. The amount of a cancelled cheque should be shown by a special write-back entry as a minus figure on the payment side in the Bank column. A counter-reference should be given in the cash book, against the original to the second entry of the cheque. The issue of a new cheque in lieu of a time-expired or lost cheque should be entered on the date of issue in red ink in the cash book but not in the column for payment, a counter reference being given in either case against the original entry in the cash book.

    2. Every entry must be concise. The date, the number of voucher and the name of the work, and such a brief narration as will indicate unmistakably the nature of transaction must be entered against each item. The amount debitable or creditable to each separate work, head of account or contractor or other person should be entered separately and the amounts to be posted by the divisional office into the Abstract Book or Schedules of account under each prescribed head of account should be distinctly brought out opposite the entries in columns 5 and 12 headed Classification of Receipts and Classification of Charges. No receipt or payment other than of cash as defined in paragraph 6.1.1 of the Code, should be entered in the cash book. A deduction made at the time of payment, creditable to a work or head of account other than that to which the payment itself is debitable, should, however, be entered on the receipt side of the cash book.

    3. The transaction relating to the realization of miscellaneous cash receipts by a subordinate and their remittances directly into bank is incorporated in the cash book by the next

  • superior officer having a cash book on receipt of the receipted challan of the bank from the subordinate, as prescribed in paragraph 6.3.4 of the C.P.W.A.

    4. It is a serious irregularity to draw cheques and deposit them in the cash chest at the close of the year for purpose of showing the full amount of grant as utilized or to keep the cash book open after the 31st of March and make disbursements in April entering them in the cash book as having been made in March.

    5. Acknowledgements of payments should as far as possible, be taken at the time of payment and on one of the printed forms prescribed for the purpose. They should be numbered consecutively in a separate series for each month and the serial number of each voucher should be entered in the cash book as soon as the payment transaction is entered in it.

    6. When an imprest is first given the fact should be noted in red ink in the cash book of the Disbursing officer giving it, in the column To whom paid, but the amount should not be entered as an actual payment as it will still form a portion of the cash book balance of the Disbursing Officer making the advance. If, however, a cheque is drawn, its amount must be shown on both sides of the cash book, vide Note 1. Any subsequent increases or decreases in the amount should be noted, similarly the increases on the payment side and the decreases on the receipt side.

    7. In posting transactions from imprest accounts the recouping Disbursing Officer should enter in his cash book only the total for each work or head of account as brought out in the abstract, which should be prepared in his own office, on the reverse of the imprest account.

    8. All payments must be debited at once to the work or service on account of which they are made. Money advanced to a subordinate for disbursement to labourers, etc., at a distance should be noted in the cash book in red ink as a temporary advance, in the manner followed when regular imprests are first made; and when the subordinate returns the duly certified muster rolls, etc. with the unpaid wages, if any, the amounts actually paid should be debited to the works or services concerned, the amount unpaid being returned into the cash balance.

    9. When an advance on transfer is made to a Government servant from the cash in the hands of the Disbursing Officer pending recoupment when the bill is encashed subsequently, the amount thus advanced should not be entered as a final transaction in the cash book but recorded as a temporary advance so that the amount may continue to form part of cash balance for which the Disbursing Officer is responsible.

  • 10. The procedure for dealing with time-expired, cancelled and lost cheques is prescribed in paragraphs 6.2.10 to 6.2.13 of the code.

    11. The cash balance at the end of the month should be detailed thus in a note at foot of the cash book : - Rs.

    Cash in chest 700

    Imprest with Mr.R.Johnson 1,000 Temporary Advance with Mr. Abdul Raheem 500

    Total cash balance as above 2,200

    (Rupees Two thousand two hundred only) 12. Cash books should have their pages machine-numbered. As far as possible, no

    lines should be left blank, but if any space on a page of the cash book has to be left blank owing to the whole of the other page of the same folio being written up completely a diagonal line should be drawn to cancel the blank space, so that it may not be possible to make any subsequent entries therein. Interpolation of entries should be avoided as far as possible, but when it becomes necessary to make any entries between two ruled lines or to make any additions to, or interpolations between, entries already made, such additions should invariably be attested by the dated initials of the Disbursing Officer.

  • FORM 1


    (Referred to in paragraphs 6.6.1 to 6.6.7 of CPWA Code)


    Division Receipt side Payment Side

    Payment Bank

    Date of Receipt

    No.of Voucher

    or Receipt

    From whom

    received etc.

    Amount (Cash)

    Classifi-cation of Receipt

    Date of Payment

    No.of Voucher

    To whom paid etc. Cash

    Cheque No. (with

    No. of Cheque Book)

    Amount Classification

    of Charges

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

  • FORM 1 A

    REGISTER OF CHEQUES ETC. RECEIVED AND ADJUSTED (Referred to paragraph 6.3.2)

    Notes to be printed on the fly-leaf 1. Cheques of private individuals received in payment of Government dues should initially be entered in this register in accordance with

    the instructions in para 6.3.2 2. This Register is to be treated as a subsidiary Cash Book and for this reason the pages of the Register should be machine-numbered. 3. Only the daily totals of receipts and remittances should be entered in the Cash Book.

    Serial No.

    Date of receipt

    From whom received

    Name of the Bank, Cheque No. and date

    Amount On what

    account to be credited

    Date of despatch to

    the bank

    Date of Bank Scroll

    in which credit traced

    Divisional Officers initials


    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

  • FORM 2

    (P.W.A. 3)


    (Referred to in paragraphs 6.6.8 TO 6.6.12)

    Imprest Cash Account Book No. ___________________________ w.e.f.__________________________to ____________________________________ Certified that this Imprest Cash Book contains _______pages.

    Executive Engineer Division


  • FORM 2 (P.W.A 3)

    IMPREST CASH ACCOUNT (Referred to in paragraphs 6.6.8 to 6.6.12)

    [ This form should be printed in two foils and bound in book form]

    Notes to be printed on the Fly-leaf

    1. Government servants entrusted with fixed imprests or temporary advances should maintain and render accounts of their disbursements therefrom in this form.

    2. The round sum with which an Imprest cash account is opened should be entered at once in red ink in column 5, "Total". The date and manner of the remittance, and if recouped by cheque, the cheque and cheque book number should also be entered, column 3 being utilised for the latter purpose. The disbursements from this imprest should be entered daily as they are made clearly and in full detail; and from time to time as the imprest-holder finds it necessary , as also a few days refore the due date for the monthly closing of the cash book of the disbursing officer, from whom the imprest is held, the account should be closed and balanced, the right-hand half page being cut of and sent to the disbursing officer, and the counterfoil retained by the imprest-holder. The account should be supported by a voucher in proper form, for each payment, numbered and attached to the account so as to correspond with the order of the entries in column 2, "Voucher No." The sums received, from to time, in recoupment of the imprest should be entered in column 5 in red ink in the same way as the fixed amount with which the account was first opened.

    3. The account should contain no entries of receipts other than the opening entry of the fixed imprest and the subsequent recoupments of expenditure nor any entries of expenditure other than those paid directly by the imprest-holder himself from the amount of his imprest.

    4. Money received by imprest-holders on behalf of Government is not to be mixed up with their imprest cash, or brought into the imprest cash book, but should be disposed of in the manner prescribed in paragraph 6.3.4 of the Code.

    5. To facilitate the abstracting of charges by the recouping disbursing officer the imprest-holder must invariably enter in column 3, along with other particulars of payment the name of the work, etc., to which each payment is debitable and also the name of the contractor or other person, if any, from whom the amount paid is recoverable. Column 6 is intended for the head of account to which each payment relates and should be left blank by the imprest-holder. The date and manner of recoupment and, if recouped by cheque, the cheque and cheque book number should be entered by the recouping disbursing officer on every imprest account disposed of by him, also a note of increase, reduction, or withdrawal should be kept as and when this occurs. When the account is incorporated in his own cash book, it should be numbered to correspond with the voucher number quoted in the cash book, so as to be readily traceable from it

    6. Temporary advances should also be accounted for in this form, but the account of these advances should be quite distinct from those for permanent advances.

  • FORM 2

    (P.W.A 3)


    (Referred to in paragraphs 6.6.8 to 6.6.12)

    Imprest Cash Book of .

    Month and Date Voucher No. Transaction

    Amount of cash

    payment Total Head of Account

    1 2 3 4 5 6

    Rs. Rs.


    Names of works

    Period .. to .

    Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.


    N.B. This abstract will be printed at the back of each form and should be filled in by (by the Sub-divisional Officer when the imprest-holder receives funds from him) the Divisional Officer.

  • FORM 2

    (P.W.A. 3)


    (Referred to in paragraphs 6.6.8 TO 6.6.12)

    Imprest Cash Account Book No. ___________________________

    w.e.f.__________________________to ____________________________________

    Certified that this Imprest Cash Book contains _______pages.

    Executive Engineer Division



    (Referred to in paragraphs 6.3.1 to 6.3.3 of CPWA Code) GAR - 6

    Receipt Receipt Counterfoil (Office Copy)

    No. 20..

    Received from . with

    Letter No. dated ....

    the sum of Rupees ...

    In Cash by Cheque No by Bank Draft

    on account of ...

    in payment

    of .....


    Rs. Designation

    No. 20..

    Received from . with

    Letter No. dated ....

    the sum of Rupees ...

    In Cash by Cheque No by Bank Draft

    on account of ...

    in payment of



    Rs. Designation


    (Referred to in paragraph 6.3.1)

    Form C.P.W.A. 3-A Form C.P.W.A. 3-A

    Government of India



    Division Date.. ....Sub.Division

    Book No. Receipt No.. Name and Address of Customer Particulars Quantity Unit Rate Amount Rs. Sales Tax/V.A.T


    Total Amount Total amount in words ..

    Entered in Cash Book Cashier/Divisional officer Divl. Officer or other authorized Government Officer or other authorized Govt. officer

    Government of India



    Division Date.. ....Sub.Division

    Book No. Receipt No.. Name and Address of Customer Particulars Quantity Unit Rate Amount Rs. Sales Tax/V.A.T


    Total Amount Total amount in words ..

    Received the above amount Cashier & Divl. Officer

    or higher authorized Officer

    Notes : - (1) Goods once sold will neither be replaced nor be taken back. (2) Governments responsibility ceases as soon as the goods

    etc. leave the premises.

    Notes : - (1) Goods once sold will neither be replaced nor be taken back. (2) Governments responsibility ceases as soon as the goods

    etc. leave the premises.


    (Referred to in paragraph 6.3.1)

    Form C.P.W.A. 3-A Form C.P.W.A. 3-A

    Government of India



    Division ....Sub.Division

    Book No.

    Receipt No.. Name and Address of Customer






    Rs. Sales Tax/V.A.T


    Total Amount Total amount in words


    Entered in Cash Book Cashier/Divisional officer or other authorized Government Officer or other authorized Govt.


    Government of India



    Division ....Sub.Division

    Book No.

    Receipt No.. Name and Address of Customer






    Rs. Sales Tax/V.A.T


    Total Amount Total amount in words


    Received the above amount

    or higher authorized Officer

    Notes : - (1) Goods once sold will neither be replaced nor be taken back. (2) Governments responsibility

    ceases as soon as the goods etc. leave the premises.

    Notes : - (1) Goods once sold will neither be replaced nor be taken back. (2) Governments responsibility

    ceases as soon as the goods etc. leave the premises.

  • FORM 4


    (Referred to in paragraph 6.5.1 )


    Date of Remittance

    Amount in words


    Amount in figures


    Date of Realisation

    Signature of Divisional

    Officer 1 2 3 4 5

  • FORM 5 (P.W.A. 2)


    (Referred to in paragraph 6.6.6 )

    Part I - Statement of the actual balance of Cash in the hands of . on the day of 20, and of standing imprests and temporary advances with subordinates

    Description No. Amount Remarks and explanation of large

    balances, etc. 1 2 3 4

    Cheques received in favour of self, but not cashed

    Drafts not cashed .

    As detailed below notes .

    Deposit at call receipts



    Revenue Stamps .

    Total cash in chest (in Words) Add amount of Imprest balance and Temporary advance shown in Part-II below


    Grand Total balance as per Cash Book (in Words)

    (**) Details of coins shall be shown here.

  • Part II - Statement of outstanding imprests and temporary advances with subordinates on the day of ,20

    Name and Designation of subordinate

    Amount of

    Imprest or



    Explanation when an imprest

    exceeds the prescribed maximum limit of Rs.5000 and authority for

    raising or reducing the imprest

    1 2 3



    Details of Outstanding imprest and temperory advances should be Shown separately

    Signature ..

    Dated the 20.. (Rank) ..

  • FORM C.P.W.A-6 PUBLIC WORKS CHEQUES (Referred to in Para 22.3.5(c))

    (To be submitted along-with with Form CPWA-51) Part-I-Cheque issued during the month but not encashed

    S.No. Cheque No. Date of Issue Amount (in Rs.)

    Part-II-Cheque issued during previous month and encashed during this month

    S.No. Cheque No. Date of Issue Amount (in Rs.)

    Date of encashement

    Part-III-Details of time expired cheque cancelled and issued during the month

    S.No. Cheque No. Date of Issue Amount (in Rs.)

    New Cheque No. and date of issue

  • Part-IV- Details of cheque remaining outstanding/unencashed for more than six month

    S.No. Cheque No. Date of Issue Amount (in Rs.) Remarks, if any,

  • FORM 7

    STORES INDENT (Referred to in paragraph 7.2.9)

    No. Date . Government of India Division Stores indent on Division .. Sub-division..

    Sl. No.

    Description of Stores

    Code No.

    Quantity Indented

    Quantity Issued

    Unit Rate Value Head of Account

    Name of work/job (with name of contractor from whom value is recoverable

    Name of the person to whom the stores are to be delivered and his signature

    Name Signature

    Dated signature of indentor and his designation (Divisional/Sub-Divisional Officer)

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

  • Issued on .

    Signature Designation

    Received Signature


    Bin Card No. ....

    Store Keeper Signature of

    Sectional Officer

    Ledger Folio No. and Sl. No. of item

    Ledger Divisional Keeper Accountant

    Remarks, if any

    13 14 15 16 17

    * Should be machine numbered in booklet form.

  • FORM 7A


    (Referred to in paragraph 7.2.10)

    Indent Reference to Stock


    Sl. No.

    No. Date

    Description of Stores

    Code No.

    Quantity Indented

    Name of work/job (with name of

    contractor from whom value is recoverable)

    Signature of Indenting Officer

    Quantity received



    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

  • FORM 8

    BIN CARD (Referred to in paragraph 7.2.12)

    (To be Printed on Obverse) Bin Card No From

    From Article Code No. Maximum Stock. Unit. Minimum Stock Issue Rate Ordering Level..

    Signature of Issuing Officer

    Quantity Date GRS/ Indent No. In Out

    Balance Initials of Stores Keeper/

    Sectional Officer


    1 2 3A 3B 4 5 6

    (To be Printed on Reverse)

    Quantity Date GRS/ Indent No. In Out

    Balance Initials of Stores Keeper/

    Sectional Officer


    1 2 3A 3B 4 5 6

  • FORM 8 A

    GOODS RECEIVED SHEET (Referred to in paragraphs 7.2.5, 7.2.6 and 7.2.25 of CPWA Code)

    Division.. Name of Supplier. Sub-Division.. . Section ..

    Sl. No. Date

    Invoice/ R.R. No.

    Purchase/Supply order

    No. Date

    Description of materials

    Stores Code No. Quantity Unit





    Incidental Charges

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    Amount including incidental charges Bin Card No.

    Stores Ledger Folio No.

    Reference to payment voucher or adjustment of debit

    No. Date

    Remarks including result of test check by Officers

    12 13 14 15A 15B 16

    Notes : 1. A separate G.R.S. should be prepared in respect of goods purchased from each supplier. 2. The articles falling under each sub-head of stock should be grouped together or entered on separate sheets

    Dated signature & designation of the officer entering measurements

  • FORM 9


    (Referred to in paragraphs 7.2.29, 22.4.2, 22.4.5 and 22.4.14 of CPWA Code)

    Division.. Name of the sub-head.. Month.

    Sl. No.

    Date Goods Received Sheet No.

    Value debitable to Stock

    Remarks, including reference to voucher in the case of items paid for during the

    month 1 2 3 4 5


    Note : A separate summary should be prepared for each sub-head of stock and the value of all the sub-heads abstracted on another sheet in the following form.

    Small Stores...

    Building materials and so on... Total value of receipts..

    Less items paid for during the month.. Net debits to Stock by credits to Material Purchase Settlement Suspense Account

    Divisional Accountant


    (Referred to in paragraph 7.2.29 of CPWA Code)

    Division. Name of sub-head..Month

    Sl. No.

    Date Indent No. Value creditable to Stock

    Name of Division/work to which the amount is debitable

    1 2 3 4 5


    Note : A separate summary should be prepared for each sub-head of stock and the value of all the sub-heads abstracted on another sheet in the following form :

    Abstract of Debits Rs.

    (i) Division A .. (ii) Division B.. (iii) Work A.. (iv) Work B.. etc.

    Certified that the total amount debitable to an other Divisions has been agreed within the amount shown in the Division-wise Ledger of stores issued.

    Divisional Accountant


    (Referred to in paragraph 7.2.31)

    Sub-Division Article Section Maximum.. Minimum ... Ordering level. Code No.. Unit. Issue Ratefrom...

    Receipts Issues Sl.No. Date

    From whom received/To whom

    issued GRS/Indent

    No. Quantity A Rate

    B Value

    C Incidentals

    D Total

    E Quantity

    A Value

    B 1 2 3 4 5 6

    Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.

    Balance Reference to payment or adjustment of debit Quantity Value Voucher TEO No. Date

    Initials of Poster

    Initials of Divisional


    Remarks including reference to Serial No. of item to which excess/short

    amount paid, if any, relates A B A B

    7 8 9 10 11 Rs.


    (Referred to in paragraph 7.2.8)

    Division Sub-Division

    Date of issue Serial No. of Booklet Name of Sub-

    Divisional Officer/Subordinate

    to whom issued

    Signature of officer to whom issued

    Date of receipt of used booklet

    containing office copies in the Division


    1 2 3 4 5 6


    (Referred to in paragraphs 7.2.13)

    Division Sub-Division

    Date of issue Bin Card No. Name of articles Code No.

    Name of Sub-Divisional

    Officer/Subordinate to whom issued

    Signature of the officer to whom issued

    Date of return Remarks

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


    (Referred to in paragraph 7.3.4)

    Division Sub-Division

    Sl.No Date Invoice R.R. No. Purchase/Supply order or

    Indent Source

    of Receipt

    * Name of

    Article Quantity Unit Rate Amount Incidental Charges

    No. Date 1 2 3 4A 4B 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    Rs. Rs. Rs.

    Reference to payment voucher or adjustment of debit Amount including Incidental Charges

    Tools and Plant Ledger Foilio No. Date

    Remarks including Results of test check by Superior

    Officers 12 13 14A 14B 15 Rs.

    * The articles to be entered in column 6 should be grouped by the prescribed Sub-Head of classification, vide paragraph 7.3.7

    - The entries in respect of receipt back of articles lent or sent out (vide paragraph7.3.3) should be distinguished from others by quoting reference to the original entries in the Tools and Plant Indent in Col.15.

    Divisional/Sub-Divisional Officer

  • FORM 14 TOOLS AND PLANT INDENT (Referred to in paragraph 7.3.5)

    Tools and Plant Indent on . Division Sub-Division

    No. .. Date Division . Sub - Division


    S. No. * Name of Article Indented Issued

    Unit Rate Amount Head of Account

    Name of work/Job with name of

    contractor from whom value is


    Name of person to whom the

    articles are to be delivered and his

    signature 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Rs. Rs

    T & P Ledger Folio No Signature of

    Indenting Officer

    Issued on .. ..

    Signature of Supplying Officer & Designation

    Received .Dated

    Signature & Designation of Receiving Officer

    Signature of Signature of Ledger Keeper Sub.Div./Div. Officer

    X Remarks

    11 12 13 14 15

    Name .... Signature .. Divisional Officer . Division * The article to be entered in column 2 should be grouped by the prescribed Sub-Head of classification, vide paragraph 7.3.7 X The entries in respect of receipt back of articles lent or sent out (vide paragraph7.3.3) should be distinguished from others by a suitable

    remark in this column.


    (Referred to in paragraphs 7.3.7 and 7.3.8) Part I ARTICLE IN HAND

    Name of Article

    Temporary Transactions *

    Permanent Transactions

    Sl. No.


    From whom received

    To whom issued

    T & P Received

    sheet No. & date

    T & P Indent etc. No. &

    Date Receipt




    Total Receipts

    (5A + 6A)

    Total issue (5B + 6B)


    Reference to Vr. or

    Adjustment of value

    Initials of Sub-Divisio

    nal clerk


    1 2 3A 3B 4 5 A 5 B 6 A 6 B 7 8 9 10 11 12

    * Represents articles temporarily lent out for repairs


    (Referred to in paragraphs 7.3.7 and 7.3.8) Part II ARTICLE TEMPORARY LENT OR SENT OUT FOR REPAIRS

    Issues Receipts

    Sl. No Name of person or Division

    Name of Article Date of issue A

    No. issued B

    Date of Receipt


    No. received back


    Balance Initials of Sub-Divl.

    Clerk Remarks

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

  • FORM 15 TOOLS AND PLANT LEDGER (Referred to in paragraph 7.3.7)


    Sl. No Name of Person or Division Name of Article Number found short Reference to Recovery

    or Write Off

    Remarks including action taken for the clearance of shortages outstanding for

    more than 3 months 1 2 3 4 5 6


    (Referred to in paragraphs 7.4.1 and 7.4.2)

    Division . Sub- Division .

    Road from . To .. Length Kilometres

    Month .. 20 Actual Checked by

    Measurement No. of Kilometre Nature of

    metal Opening balance

    Received during month

    Total Expended

    during month

    Closing Balance Date Result

    * Remarks

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


    * The action taken in respect of deficiencies should be indicated in this column.

  • FORM 17 ROAD METAL RATE BOOK (Referred to in paragraph 7.4.4)


    Rate table showing the lowest rates at which metal can be supplied to the road-side through out the division Distance carried Name of

    Road No. of


    Quarry from

    which dug Kilometer

    Description of the

    various kinds of


    Rate for carrying

    per kilometer

    Digging and

    Stocking at Road



    Other miscellaneous charges such

    as sorting, clearing, etc.

    Total Remarks

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.


    (Referred to in paragraphs 7.2.40. 7.3.17 and 7.4.1) Report of Survey of Stores which have become unserviceable

    Division . ..Sub-Division

    Value on the books Number or Quantity

    Description of articles Rate Amount

    Date of receipt

    Remarks by the officer in

    charge explaining the

    cause of articles becoming


    Remarks or orders of the Divisional


    Order of the Superintending


    Rs. Rs.

    No.. dated the .20 No.. dated the .20

    Submitted to the Superintending Engineer, Returned to the Divisional officer for necessary . For orders with reference action as per orders noted above. to paragraph 152 of the central P.W.D Code.

    Divisional Officer Superintending Engineer


    (Referred to in paragraphs 7.2.24 and 7.3.13)

    Division . Authority for sale . ..Sub-Division

    Stock Name of Articles Quantity Rate Book Value

    Amount realized Loss (if any)

    To whom and when sold

    Classification of receipts

    Remarks and explanations of loss, if any, with report of steps taken towards

    necessary adjustment Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.


    Deduct Auctioneers commission at . percent, if admissible under paragraph 151 of C.P.W.D. Code

    Net Proceeds

    Received Rupees . on account of my commission in full vide cash receipt no dated .

    Dated .20 Auctioneer

    Dated Divisional Accountant Divisional Officer


  • FORM 20

    REGISTER OF MUSTER ROLLS (Referred to in paragraph10.2.4 of CPWA Code)

    Division Month..

    Date of issue

    Muster Roll No.

    No. of inner sheets

    Name of work Strength of Labour to be engaged

    Signature of issuing officer

    Signature of receiving officer

    Amount for which passed

    Signature of Divisional Accountant

    Cash voucher No. & date

    Sl.No. Category Rate per day

    Period Amount

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


    (Referred to in paragraphs 10.1.2, 10.2.3 and 10.2.4) Name of work Cash Book Voucher No. . dated ..


    Dates ....20..

    Dated initials

    of paying officer



    Names grouped

    according to classes

    Fathers Name


    Rate Amount

    Signature or thumb impressi-

    on of payee at the

    time of payment

    Daily Total Total Rupees . ..

    Initials of person marking the daily attendance

    Initials of Inspecting Officer

    Details of unpaid wages paid off

    Grand Total of this muster roll . Deduct Payment not made, as per details transferred to register of unpaid wages


    Item No



    Balance paid Dated 20.. Signature.. Rank ..

    Passed for Rupees .

    Dated Signature. Rank

    Certified that payment has been made on my identification and in my presence.

    Junior Engineer


    Item of works grouped under sub-

    head and sub-works of estimate)

    Quantity executed up-to-date as per

    measurement book Deduct as shown on the last muster roll

    ** Balance Quantity Amount

    Remarks (Excess/Saving as compared to the

    amount paid with work done to be explained)

    1 2 3 4 5 6


    Measurements taken on 20. Signature .. Measurement Book No Page Dated 20. Rank .. * If the work is not susceptible of measurement a remark to this effect should be recorded ** If desired rate may be struck whose possible and shown in red ink just below the quantities in this columns.


    (Referred to in paragraphs 10.2.4(d) and 10.2.28(a)

    Name of Work .

    Sl.No. Muster Roll No. Name of Labour

    Fathers Name

    Period to which amount relates Amount due

    Amount paid

    Initials of S.D.O.

    Cash Voucher

    No. & Date Remarks

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Note The name of work should be mentioned at the top before recording the entries relating to that work.


    (Referred to in paragraph 10.2.4(h)) Cash Book Voucher No. dated 20

    Casual Labour employed on . From .. to .

    Number employed

    Class of Labour Period Rate Amount

    Dated initials and remarks of

    paying officer

    Quantity of work done, with reference to

    recorded measurement, if any

    Work to which chargeable

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    Transcribed from my Note Book No., page


    Deduct unpaid

    Net paid

    X Wages of For.

    Date The amount paid (in words) Amount remaining unpaid should be specified with necessary details

    Signature (Office or designation)


    (Referred to in paragraphs 10.2.7 and 10.2.8 of CPWA Code paragraph 39 of the Central Public Works Department Code)

    Details of actual measurement Particulars No. Length Breadth Depth Contents or Area

    Note : Particulars should indicate details as per para 10.2.8 (c)

    Note : For general instructions for maintenance of Measurement Book, please see instructions attached to Form 23 A


    (Referred to in paragraph 10.2.10 of C.P.W.A Code)

    Instructions of Standard Measurement Book

    I. To be recorded when the Standard Measurement Book is received in the Division from the Forms Store.

    Certified that the pages in this measurement book have been counted and found to be .No page has been torn out.

    Head Clerk

    II. To be recorded when the Standard Measurement Book is issued.

    Certified that the pages in this measurement book have been counted and found to be ... No page has been torn out.

    Executive Engineer/ Sub-Divisional Officer/ Executive Subordinate

    III. Certificate on Completion of the Standard Measurement Book.

    Certified that this Standard Measurement Book No. .. has been checked and it is found that :

    (a) No page torn out and missing and blank pages have not been left out uncancelled.

    (b) Corrections are properly made and initialled by a responsible officer. (c) Entries of Measurements (and abstracts thereof) have been recorded

    legibly in ink. (d) The number and date of each voucher in which the quantities are entered

    for payment are noted. (e) The entries are crossed off after Carrying Over the contents to abstracts. (f) In the case of cancelled measurements the reason for cancellation has been

    given and cancellation signed by the person who made the measurement and by the Sub-divisional Officer.

    (g) The Index is complete. (h) Each set of measurements is signed by the officer by whom they were

    actually made. (i) Each set of measurements bears in addition to the signature of the officer

    or the subordinate who made measurement, the signature of clerk who

  • checked the cancellations and signature of Sub-divisional Officer who passed the Measurements.

    (j) Measurements have been test checked by the superior officers of the department and entries made in the review notes.

    (k) The book contains ..machine numbered Leaves.

    Signature Signature Accountant Ex-Engineer

    Division Division

    IV. Certificates of yearly inspections (Year. )

    Certified that this Standard Measurement Book has been inspected by me and that entries therein have not been tampered with and that all corrections due to additions and alterations in the building have been made and the latter are up to date and reliable record.

    Signature Signature Accountant Ex-Engineer

    Division Division

    Certificates of yearly inspections (Year. )

    Certified that this Standard Measurement Book has been inspected by me and that entries therein have not been tampered with and that all corrections due to additions and alterations in the building have been made and the latter are upto date and reliable record.

    Signature Signature Accountant Ex-Engineer

    Division Division

  • Certificates of yearly inspections (Year. )

    Certified that this Standard Measurement Book has been inspected by me and that entries therein have not been tampered with and that all corrections due to additions and alterations in the building have been made and the latter are upto date reliable record.

    Signature Signature Accountant Ex-Engineer

    Division Division


    1. The Standard Measurement Book should be numbered in an alphabetical series so that they may be readily distinguished from those assigned to ordinary Measurement Book.

    2. The Standard Measurement Book of buildings are maintained in order to facilitate the preparation of estimate for periodical repairs and preparing bills for such repairs done by contract or departmentally.

    3. When a payment is based on Standard Measurement Book reference to which should be recorded in the Measurement Book where payment is made, the Gazetted officer or subordinate preparing the bill for payment should certify that the whole of the real works (or works since previous running bill, as the case may be) as per standard the real measurements has been done and that has not previously been billed for in any shape.

    4. The Standard Measurement Books should be considered as very important accounts records and maintained very carefully and accurately as they may have to be produced as evidence in court of law.

    5. The entries of measurements (and abstract thereof) in the Standard Measurements Book should be recorded legibly in ink and certified as correct by a responsible officer.

    6. The Divisional Officer should certify once a year that all the Standard Measurement Books of the division have been inspected by him and that entries therein have not been tampered with and that all corrections due to additions and alterations in the building have been made in the books and the latter are reliable and upto date.

    7. All the measurements should be recorded neatly and directly in Standard Measurement Book at site of work. The recording of measurement elsewhere and copying them in Standard Measurement Book is forbidden. The person recording the measurement will also record a dated certificate "Measured by me" and sign his full name. Measurements should be recorded by Executive Engineer/Assistant Executive Engineer/Assistant Engineer/or by an executive subordinate which should be checked cent per cent by Assistant Engineer and 10% by the Divisional Officer.

  • 8. Each set of measurements should commence with entries stating : (a) Full name of building as given in the building register; (b) Situation of building; and (c) Date of measurement.

    9. On transfer, an officer or a subordinate should make over Standard Measurement Book issued to his successor and necessary movement should be shown in the movement register (i.e) the S.M.Bs. should be shown as received from the relieved officer and issued to the relieving officer. The transfer should also be recorded after the last entry in each book and signed and dated by the relieved and relieving officer or subordinate.

    Details Particulars

    No. Length Breadth Depth Contents or



    (Referred to in paragraphs 10.2.12 and 10.2.13) Division . ..Sub-Division (For contractors and supplier-to be used when a single payment is made for a job or contract i.e. only on its completion) Name of work (in the case of bills for work done)..Cash Book Voucher No. ..dated . Name of contractor or supplier . Agreement/work order/supply order No. . dated .

    **Date of written order to commence work . Date of actual completion of work .. I Account of work executed

    No. # Name of work or supplies Quantity Unit Rate Amount Payees dated signature in token of (i) Acceptance of bill and (ii) acknowledgement of payment

    Dated signature of witness


    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    Total value of work done upto-date (A)



    Dated Signature of Contractor

    2) Signature of Contractor


    Reference to recorded measurements and date Date Page No Page No


    Dated Signature of officer preparing .. the bill (Rank)...

    Dated Signature of officer authorising ... the payment (Rank)...

  • II Memorandum of Payments

    * Pay Rs. (by cheque)

    Dated initials of disbursing officer

    Paid by me vide cheque No.. dt..

    Dated initials of person actually making the payment

    For use in Divisional Office Checked Accounts Clerk Divisional Accountant

    1. Total Value as per Account I Col 6 Entry (A) 2. Payments now to be made as detailed below :-

    By recovery of amounts credited to this work- (a) ... (a) ...


    Total 2 (a) .. Total 1- 2(a) .(c)

    By recovery of amounts credited to other work or head of accounts-

    (b) 0021-Taxs Rs 8443-Civil Deposit (Part-I) Rs. (b)... Security Deposit.. Rs... Other recoveries Rs Total 2 (b) ..

    (c) By Cheque .

    Total 2(b) +(c) .(G)

    Rs. ..




    For use in Pay & Accounts Office Audited Reviewed

    Acctt./Jr.A.O./A.A.O Pay & Accounts Officer

    # In the case of payments to suppliers a red ink entry should be made across the page, above the entries relating thereto, in one of the following forms, applicable to the case : (1) Stock, (2) Purchases for Stock, (3) Purchases for direct issue to work . (4) Purchase for the work .. for issue to contractor ..

    **Not required in the case of works done or supplies made under a piece-work agreement. Payment should be attested by some known person when the payees acknowledgement is given by a mark, seal or thumb impression. The person actually making the payment should initial (and date) in this column against each payment. (This signature is necessary only when the officer authorizing payment is not the officer who prepares the bill.)

    * This figures should be tested to see that it agrees with the total of items (a+b+c)-1.


    (Referred to in paragraphs 10.2.12 and 10.2.14) (Final payments must invariably be made on Forms printed on yellow paper which

    should not be used for intermediate payments) [For Contractors : This form provides for (1) Advance Payments and (2) Payments for Measured Works. The form of Account of Secured Advances, which has been printed

    separately should be attached, where necessary]

    Division .. .Sub-Division Cash Book Voucher No.. dated .. Name of Contractor Name of Work Serial No. of this bill . No. and date of the previous bill for this work . Reference to Agreement No. Date of written order to commence work . Date of actual completion of work

    I ACCOUNTS OF WORK EXECUTED Payments on the basis of

    actual measurements Items of Work Unit Rate

    Quantity executed up-to-

    date as per Measurement

    Book Up-to-date

    Since previous



    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    Rs. Rs. Rs.

    Total Value of work done to-date (A)

    Deduct Value of work shown on previous bill

    Net value of work since previous bill (F)

    Figure (F) in words Rs


    1. The measurements on which are based the entries in column 1 to 6 of Account I, were made by . on and are recorded at page of Measurement Book No. ..

    * 2. Certified that in addition to and quite apart from the quantities of work actually executed as shown in column 4 of Account I, some work has actually been done in connection with several items and the value of such work (after deducting therefrom the proportionate amount of secured advances, if any, ultimately recoverable on account of the quantities of the materials used therein) is in no case, less than the advance payments as per item 2 of the memorandum of payments, made or proposed to be made, for the convenience of the contractor, in anticipation of and subject to the results of, detailed measurements, which will be made as soon as possible.

    Dated signature of officer . preparing the bill (Rank)

    Dated signature of officer . authorizing payment (Rank)


    Dated signature of contractor

    * This certificate must be signed by the Sub-Divisional or Divisional Officer. This signature is necessary only when the officer who prepares the bill is not the officer who authorizes the payment. In such a case the two signatures are essential.


    Rs. 1. Total value of work actually measured, as per Acct.1,

    Col.5, Entry (A)

    2. Total up-to-date Advance Payments for work not yet measured, as per details given below: Rs.

    (a) Total as per previous bill .. (B) (b) Since previous bill . as per page

    of M.B. No. (D)

    3. Total up-to-date Secured Advances on security of materials as per Annexure (Form26A), Col.8 Entry (C)

    4. Total (items 1+2+3) 5. Deduct Amount withheld - Rs.

    Figures for work


    (a) From previous bill as per last Running Account Bill..

    (b) From this bill


    6. Balance i.e., up-to-date payment (item4-5) (K)*

    7. Total amount of payments already made as per Entry (K), of last Running Account Bill No. of forwarded with accounts for 20.

    8. Payments now to be made, as detailed below : Rs.

    (a) By recovery of amounts creditable to this work - (a) ...

    Total 5(b) +8 (a) (G) (b) By recovery of amounts creditable to

    other works or Heads of Account. (b) (i)0021- Income Tax @ 2% (ii) other Recoveries

    (c) By cheque . Total 8(b) + (c) ...(H)

    Pay Rs. (..) .. (by cheque)

    Dated initials of Disbursing Officer Received Rs. (..) . as per above memorandum, on account of this work.

    Dated . 20..

    **Witness . Signature of contractor Paid by me, vide cheque No. dated .20.

    Dated initials of person actually making the payment


  • * This figure should be tested to see that it agrees with the total of items 7 and 8. If the net amount to be paid is less than Rs.10 and it cannot be included in a cheque

    the payment should be made in cash, this entry being altered suitably and the alteration attested by dated initials.

    Here specify the net amount payable, vide item 8(c). The payees acknowledgement should be for the gross amount paid as per item

    8 (i.e. a+b+c).

    ** Payment should be attested by some known person when the payees acknowledgement is taken by mark, seal or thump impassion.

    ()May be considered for deletions in terms of Note 3 below Rule 42 of CGA (R&P) Riles, 1983


    (This space is reserved for any remarks which the Disbursing Officer or the Divisional Officer may wish to record in respect of the execution of the work, check of measurements or the state of contractors account.)

    For use in Divisional Office


    Accounts Clerk Divisional Accountant.

    For use in Pay and Accounts Office

    Audited Reviewed

    Accountant JAO/AAO Pay & Accounts Officer


    (Referred to in paragraphs 10.2.14) (To be annexed to Form 26 where necessary)

    Division . Sub-division ....

    Name of Contractor Name of work

    Cash Book Voucher No. . dated S.No. of the Bill to which the Account pertains to Reference to Agreement

    Account of Secured Advance allowed on the Security of Materials Brought to Site

    Quantity outstanding

    from previous



    utilized in work

    measured since

    previous bill

    * Quantity outstanding including quantity

    brought to site since

    previous bill

    Full Rate as

    assessed by the

    Divisional Officer

    Description of

    Materials Unit

    Reduced rate at which

    advance is made

    ** Up-to-date amount of advance

    Reference to Divisional Officers written orders

    authorizing the advance

    Reasons for non-clearance of Advance

    when outstanding for

    more than 3 months

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Total amount outstanding as per this account . (C) . Deduct Amount outstanding as per entry (C) of Annexure to the previous bill Net amount since previous bill (in words) Rupees..(E) * Entries relating to each description of materials should be posted thus in column 3. First enter the difference between quantities in Cols.1 & 2. Then show

    below this entry, the quantities, if any brought to site against which a further advance has been authorised, this entry being prefixed by the plus sign. Finally, strike the total of the two entries, which will represent the total quantities outstanding.

    ** Entries in column 8 show the money values of the total quantities outstanding as per column 3.

  • Certificates and Signatures

    Certified (1) that the plus quantities of materials shown in column 3 of the Account above have actually been brought by the Contractor to the site of the work and the contractor had not previously received any advance on their security (2) that these materials are of an imperishable nature and all are required by the Contractor for use on the work in connection with the items for which rates for finished work have been agreed upon, and (3) that a formal agreement in Form 31 signed and executed by the Contractor in accordance with Paragraphs 10.2.24 (a) of the Central Public Works Account Code in the Divisional Office.

    Dated signature of Officer preparing the bill (Rank) .. Dated signature of Officer authorizing payment (Rank) ..

    These Certificates must be signed by the Sub-Divisional or Divisional Officer. This signature is necessary only when officer who prepares the bill is not the officer who authorizes the payment. In such a case the two

    signatures are essential.


    (Referred to in paragraph 11.3.2) (To be used for intermediate payments to contractors on lump-sum contracts)

    Cash Book Voucher No. date

    Name of Contractor

    Name of Work

    Serial No. of the Bill

    No. and date of his previous Bill for this work

    Reference to agreement

    Date of written order to commence work


    1. Approximate value of work done up to date excluding the measured up additions and alterations.

    2. Value of measured up additions and alterations. 3. Deduct amount to be withheld. 4. Balance i.e. up to date intermediate payments (Items 1+2-

    3)K 5. Deduct intermediate payment already made as per entry K

    of the last Running Account Bill 6. Intermediate payment now to be made (Item 4 5) D 7. Amount of Secured advances as per entry E of Account II 8. Total payments now to be made as detailed below* -

    (a) By recovery of amounts creditable to this

    work .. .. .. .. .. .. .. G ___________________________________


    (b) By recovery of amounts creditable to other works or heads of account .. .. H (i) Taxes __________________________ (ii) Security Deposit ________________ (iii) Other recoveries ________________

    (c) By Cheque .. .. .. .. ..


    * The total figures against item 8 should be tested to see that it agrees with the total of items 6 & 7

  • FORM 27-A Contd .

    II. Account of Secured Advances Allowed on the Security of Materials Brought to Site

    Quantity outstanding

    from previous


    *Deduct quantity

    utilized in work

    measured since

    previous bill

    Quantity outstanding (including quantity

    brought to site since previous


    Full rate as assessed by

    the Divisional


    Description of materials Unit

    Reduced rate on which

    advance is made

    Up to date amount of advance

    Reference to

    Divisional Officers written order

    authorizing the advance

    Reasons for non-

    clearance of advance

    when outstanding more than

    three months

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


    Total amount outstanding as per this account

    Deduct : - amount outstanding as per entry (c) of previous bill

    Net amount since previous bill (in words) Rupees.


    (E) * Entries relating to each description of materials should be posted in column 3. First enter the difference between the quantities in columns 1 and 2, then show this entry below the quantities if any brought to site against which a further advance has been authorised, this entry being prefixed by the plus sign. Finally, strike the total of the two entries which will represent the total quantities outstanding. Entries in column 8 show the money values of the total quantities outstanding as in column 3.

  • FORM 27-A Contd


    I have satisfied myself by * that the value of work done up to date excluding the measured up additions and alterations is not less that Rs. . Conformably with the contractors agreement and that with the exception of authorised additions and alterations the work has been done according to the prescribed drawings and specification.

    2. The detailed measurements of authorised additions and alterations upto date were made by . on .. and are recorded at page of Measurement Book No.

    3. Certified that the plus quantities of materials shown in column 3 of Account II above have actually been brought by the contractor to the site of the work and the contractor has not previously received any advance on their security (2) that those materials are of imperishable nature and are all required for use on the work for which a lump sum for finished work has been agreed upon and (3) that a formal agreement signed and executed by the contractor in accordance with paragraph 10.2.24 (a) of the central P.W.A. code is recorded in the Divisional office.

    Signature of Contractor

    Dated signature of officer Preparing the bill Rank.

    Pay (Rs.only )

    Dated signature of officer Authorizing the payment Rank.


    Received (Rs. ..) as an intermediate payment in connection with the contract referred to above.


    $ Witness Full Signature of Contractor

    Cash Paid by me by dated

    Cheque No.

    Dated signature of the person actually making the payment Rank.

    * Here specify the method employed for estimating the value of work.

    Here specify the net amount payable vide Item 8(c) of Account I.

    The Payees acknowledgement should be for the gross amount paid as per item 8 (a +b+c) of Account I.

    $ Payment should be attested by some known person when the payees acknowledgement is given by mark, seal or thumb impression.

  • FORM 27-A Contd


    (This space is reserved for any remark which the Disbursing Officer or the Divisional Officer may wish to record in respect of the execution of the work/check of measurements or the state of contractors account.)

    For use in Divisional Office


    A/c. Clerk Divi. Actt.

    For use in Pay and Accounts Office

    Audited Reviewed

    Accountant JAO/AAO Pay & Accounts Officer

  • To be printed on yellow papers only FORM 27-B

    FINAL BILL (Referred to in paragraph 11.3.1,11.3.3,11.4.5 and 11.5.3 of C.P.W.A Code. )

    (To be used for final payments to contractors on lump-sum contracts)

    Cash Book Voucher No. dated

    Name of Contractor

    Name of Work

    Serial No. of this Bill

    No. and date of his previous Bill for this work

    Reference to agreement

    Date of written order to commence work

    Date of actual completion of work


    Up to date Sub-work, Sub-Head or item of work

    Rate Unit Quantity Amount



    Additional Work

    Deduct Omissions

    Total Value of Works done to date F

    Rs. Lump sum for each

  • FORM 27-B Contd.

    II. Certificates and signatures I certify that the work has been completed in accordance with the prescribed drawings and specification and after taking into account all the authorized additions and alterations the value of work done, up-to-date, conformably with the terms of the contractoss agreement, is Rs 2. The detailed measurements of the authorized additions and alterations mentioned above were made by ..on.. and are recorded at page..of Measurement Book No.. and I am satisfied that they are correct.

    Signature of Contractor Dated signature of the certifying Engineer. Rank.

    * This certificate must be signed by the Executive Engineer or any officer empowered by the local Administration to sign it.

    III. Memorandum of payments


    1. Total Value of Work done up-to-date as per F of Account I Of this Bill

    2. Deduct:- (i) Up-to-date intermediate payments already

    As per entry K of Account I of last Bill Nodated.. (D)

    (ii) Total Secured Advances outstanding as per Entry C of Account II last Bill No Dated.. (E)

    3. Payments now to be made:- (a) By recovery of amounts creditable to this

    Work (G)

    (b) By recovery of amounts creditable to Other works or heads of account..

    (C) By Cheque (H)

    Pay (Rs.only )

    Dated signature of officer Authorizing the payment Rank.


    * Received (Rs. ) Rupees only as above in full settlement of all demands on account of the contract.


    Amount in Vernacular

    Witness Full Signature of Contractor

    Cash Paid by me by dated _____________

    Cheque No.

    Dated signature of the person actually making the payment Rank.

    * The payees acknowledgement should be for the gross amount as per item 3 (a+b+c) of Account III.

    Payment should be attested by some known person when the payees acknowledgement is given by a mark, seal or thumb impression.


    (This space is reserved for any remarks which the Disbursing Officer or the Divisional Officer may wish to record in respect of the execution of the work,check of measurements or the state of contractors account.)

    For use in Divisional Office


    A/c. Clerk Divi. Actt.

    For use in Pay and Accounts Office

    Audited Reviewed

    Accountant JAO/AAO Pay & Accounts Officer


    (Referred to in paragraphs 10.2.12, 10.2.15 and 10.2.28)

    (To be used as a simple form of voucher for all miscellaneous payments and advances for which none of the special forms 24, 26 and 27 are suitable)

    Cash Book Voucher No. ________________________ dated ___________________

    Cheque * (1) Pay by Rupees .. to Cash *

    Seal (2) Paid by me

    Received from the Divisional Officer incharge . the sum of Rs.

    Name of work or purpose for which payment is made

    (Amount in vernacular)

    $ Witness Signature of payee

    * The officer authorizing payment should initial and date the pay order after scoring out the word, cheque or cash as the case may be.

    The person actually making the payment should initial and date payment certificate(2).

    $ Payment should be attested by some known person when the payees acknowledgement is given by a mark, seal or thumb impression.


  • For use in Divisional Office


    A/c. Clerk Divi. Actt.

    For use in Pay and Accounts Office

    Audited Reviewed

    Accountant JAO/AAO Pay & Accounts Officer


    (Referred to in paragraphs 10.2.26 to 10.2.30) State Voucher No. . Month of . Branch Division Sub-Division ..

    Bill No. .. date .

    Permanent/Semi- Permanent/or Temporary

    Pay Bill for the month of .


    INSTRUCTIONS 1. A red line should be drawn right across the sheet after the last entry in respect of

    the staff relating to each work and totals of all columns struck thereunder in red ink.

    2. The memo showing the dates from which increments have been drawn should accompany the bill whenever there is any increase in the rate of pay drawn

    3. Separate bills should be prepared for each category of workcharged staff viz., permanent, semi-permanent or temporary

    Passed for Rs.(Rupees)

    Checked and entered at Page Form CPWA-58 Page Form CPWA-95

    Pay Rs. .. Divisional Officer

    Classification of expenditure Major Head . Minor Head Detailed Heads of Account ..

    G.Total Deduct Recoveries 0021 Taxes on income... 8009 State Provident Fund : - G.P.F. G.P.F.A. C.P.F.. C.P.F.A. 8011 C.G.E.G.I.S.. 7610 Loans to Govt. Servants:- H.B.A. Advances for purchase of

    other conveyances Scooter Cycle .. Fan Advance .

    Other deductions .


    Total deductions Accounts clerk Divisional Accountant Executive Engineer Net Amount Paid

  • FORM 29 Contd.


    Sl. No.

    Name of Incumbent

    Descri- ption Period Pay Leave

    salary D.P. Interim Relief

    Dearness Allowance

    Additional D.A. H.R.A C.C.A

    Conve-yance /Cycle allow-ance

    Tools allow-ance

    Washing allow-ance


    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

    Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.


  • FORM 29 Contd.


    Income Tax

    C.P.F. G.P.F.


    C.P.F. G.P.F.

    Advance Recoveries

    Cycle/ Sccoter


    House Rent

    recoveries C.G.H.S

    Comp. Ins.


    Group Ins.


    House Building Advance

    Fan Advance

    *Other deductions

    Total deductions

    Net amount payable

    Dated ackl of


    Dated initials of

    officer making


    For use in Divi. Office

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Rs.

    Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.

  • FORM 29 Contd.

    1. Certified that all persons for whom pay and other allowances have been drawn in this bill, were on duty during the period shown against their names in col. 4, each man being employed on the work and on duties for which his appointment was sanctioned.

    2. Certified that the dues of every person actually employed during the month have been claimed in this bill.

    3. Certified that no leave has been granted without reference to the applicants Service Rolls and Leave Accounts. I had satisfied myself that it was admissible and that all grants of leave and departures on and return from leave and all periods of suspension and other duty have been recorded in the Service Rolls and Leave Accounts under my initials.

    4. Certified that with the exception of persons for whom leave salary has been drawn in the bill, no other person has been absent either on other duty or suspension or with or without leave (except on casual leave) during the month of

    5. Certified that no person for whom house rent allowance has been drawn in this bill has been in occupation of rent free Government quarters during the period for which allowance has been drawn.

    6. Certified that all those persons for whom conveyance/cycle allowance has been drawn are eligible for the grant of such allowance under the rules applicable to them.

    7. Certified that all persons for whom Tools/Washing allowance has been drawn are eligible for the grant of such allowance under the rules applicable to them.

    Divisional Officer

    For use in PAOs


    Accountant JAO/AAO


    Pay & Accounts Officer

  • FORM 31 INDENTURE FOR SECURED ADVANCES (Referred to in paragraphs 10.2.20 and 10.2.22)

    (For use in cases in which the contract is for finished work and the contractor has entered into an agreement for the execution of a certain specified quantity of work in a given time)

    THIS INDENTURE made the day of ..20. BETWEEN .(hereinafter called the Contractor which expression shall where the context so admits or implies be deemed to include his executors administrators and assigns) of the one part and the PRESIDENT OF INDIA (hereinafter called the President which expression shall where the context so admits or implies be deemed to include his successors in office and assigns) of the other part.

    WHEREAS by an agreement dated.. (hereinafter called the said agreement) the Contractor has agreed AND WHEREAS the Contractor has applied to the President that he may be allowed advances on the security of materials absolutely belonging to him and brought by him to the site of the works the subject of the said agreement for use in the construction of such of the works as he has undertaken to execute at rates fixed for the finished work (inclusive of the cost of materials and labour and other charges) AND WHEREAS the President has agreed to advance to the Contractor the sum of Rupees . on the security of materials the quantities and other particulars of which are detailed in Accounts of Secured Advances attached to the Running Account Bill for the said works signed by the Contractor on and the President has reserved to himself the option of making any further advance or advances on the security of other materials brought by the Contractor to the site of the said works. Now THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH that in pursuance of the said agreement and in consideration of the sum of Rupees on or before the execution of these presents paid to the Contractor by the President (the receipt whereof the Contractor doth hereby acknowledge) and of such further advances (if any) as may be made to him as aforesaid the Contractor doth hereby covenant and agree with the President and declare as follows: -

    (1) That the said sum of Rupees advanced by the President to the Contractor as aforesaid and all or any further sum or sums advanced as aforesaid shall be employed by the Contractor in or towards expediting the execution of the said works and for no other purpose whatsoever.

    (2) That the materials detailed in the said Account of Secured Advances which have been offered to and accepted by the President as security are absolutely the Contractor's own property and free from encumbrances of any kind and the contractor will not make any application for or receive a further advance on the security of materials which are not absolutely his own property and free from encumbrances of any kind and the Contractor indemnifies the President against all claims to any materials in respect of which an advance has been made to him as aforesaid.

    (3) That the materials detailed in the said Account of Secured Advances and all other materials on the security of which any further advance or advances may hereafter be made as aforesaid (hereinafter called the said materials) shall be used by the Contractor solely in the execution of the said works in accordance with the

  • directions of the Divisional Officer . Division (hereinafter called the Divisional Officer) and in the term of the said agreement.

    (4) That the Contractor shall make at his own cost all necessary and adequate arrangements for the proper watch, safe custody and protection against all risks of the said materials and that until used in construction as aforesaid the said materials shall remain at the site of the said works in the Contractor's custody and on his own responsibility and shall at all times be open to inspection by the Divisional Officer or any officer authorised by him. In the event of the said materials or any part thereof being stolen, destroyed or damaged or becoming deteriorated in a greater degree than is due to reasonable use and wear thereof the Contractor will forthwith replace the same with other materials of like quality or repair and make good the same as required by the Divisional Officer.

    (5) That the said materials shall not on any account be removed from the site of the said works except with the written permission of the Divisional Officer or an officer authorised by him on that behalf.

    (6) That the advances shall be repayable in full when or before the Contractor receives payment from the President of the price payable to him for the said works under the terms and provisions of the said agreement. Provided that if any intermediate payments are made to the Contractor on account of work done than on the occasion of each such payment the President will be at liberty to make a recovery from the Contractor's bill for such payment by deducting therefrom the value of the said materials then actually used in the construction and in respect of which recovery has not been made previously, the value for this purpose being determined in respect of each description of materials at the rates at which the amounts of the advances made under these presents were calculated.

    (7) That if the Contractor shall at any time make any default in the performance or observance in any respect of any of the terms and provisions of the said agreement or of these presents the total amount of the advance or advances that may still be owing to the President shall immediately on the happening of such default be repayable by the Contractor to the President together with interest thereon at twelve per cent per annum from the date or respective dates of such advance or advances to the date of repayment and with all costs charges, damages and expenses incurred by the President in or for the recovery thereof or the enforcement of this security or otherwise by reason of the default of the Contractor and the Contractor hereby covenants and agrees with the President to repay and pay the same respectively to him accordingly.

    (8) That the Contractor hereby charges all the said materials with the repayment to the President of the said sum of Rupees and any further sum or sums advanced as aforesaid and all costs charges, damages and expenses payable under these presents PROVIDED ALWAYS and it is hereby agreed and declared that notwithstanding anything in the said agreement and without prejudice to the powers contained therein if and whenever the covenant for payment and repayment herein before contained shall become enforceable and the money owing shall not be paid in accordance therewith the President may at any time thereafter adopt all or any of the following courses as he may deem best :-

    (a) Sieze and utilise the said materials or any part thereof in the completion of the said works on behalf of the Contractor in accordance with the provisions in

  • that behalf contained in the said agreement debiting the Contractor with the actual cost of effecting such completion and the amount due in respect of advances under these presents and crediting the Contractor with the value of work done as if he had carried it out in accordance with the said agreement and at the rates thereby provided. If the balance is against the Contractor he is to pay same to the President on demand.

    (b) Remove and sell by public auction the seized materials or any part thereof and out of the moneys arising from the sale retain all the sums aforesaid repayable or payable to the President under these presents and pay over the surplus (if any) to the Contractor.

    (c) Deduct all or any part of the moneys owing out of the security deposit or any sum due to the Contractor under the said agreement.

    (9) That except in the event of such default on the part of the Contractor as aforesaid interest on the said advance shall not be payable.

    (10) That in the event of any conflict between the provisions of these presents and the said agreement the provisions of these presents shall prevail and in the event of any dispute or difference arising over the construction or effect of these presents the settlement of which has not been herein before expressly provided for the same shall be referred to the Superintending Engineer .Circle whose decision shall be final and the provision of the Indian Arbitration Act for the time being in force shall apply to any such reference.

    In witness whereof the said and by the order and under the direction of the President have hereunto set their respective hands the day and year first above written.

    Signed, sealed and delivered by.. the said contractor in the presence of

    Signature Witness Name ..

    Address . Signed by.. by the order and direction of the President in the presence of


    Witness Name ..

    Address .


    (Referred to in paragraphs 10.2.4(h) , 10.5.1 and 10.6.1(b) of the CPWA Code and paragraph 108 of the CPWD Code)

    (To be used for works and repairs, not likely to cost more than Rs.5000)

    Requisition on the divisional officer, Division for . .


    The undersigned wishes to have the following petty works carried out with as little delay as possible :-

    Work to be indicated

    Dated the .. (Signature and designation of the Officer By whom requisition is made)


    Rough estimate of probable cost

    Description of work Quantity Rate Unit Amount

    Amount recoverable

    if any Remarks

    Rs. Rs.


    (Signature of P.W. Subordinate ) (Rank) Date .. Sanctioned

    Divisional Officer No. Date ..

    Accepted (Signature and designation of responsible Civil or Military Officer) Date ..



    Cash Book Voucher or transfer entry book item No.

    Final Charges (To be operated when necessary

    Total Cost

    Total of the month Uptodate total

    Initials of S.D.O

    Initials of Divisional Accountant

    Grand Total

    The work was completed on . Checked and found correct Remarks of Divisional Officer Passing excesses

    Signature of Sub-Divisional Officer Divisional Accountant Divisional Officer


    (Referred to in paragraphs 10.5.1 to 10.5.25)

    Name of work :

    Authority :


    Cash Book Voucher or Transfer Entry Book item No.

    Final charges

    Advance payment


    Secured Advances


    Other Transactions




    s $



    ls $





    s $



    r Pa


    t $

    Total Cost

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    Estimate No.

    Expenditure to the end of

    . .


    . .


    . .

    Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.

    Months transactions




  • NOTE : -- Postings made in the sub-divisional office should be in black ink and correction made in the divisional office in red ink.

    * Entries in this column should be made from column 2 (a) Total of the Running Account Bill.

    # In this column should be posted the amount shown against the total (E) of column (8) of the Account of Secured Advances (Form 26-A)

    @ This column is intended for all miscellaneous debits and credits to contractors, awaiting settlement. The debits will usually consist of:

    Advances other than Secured Advances, (2) Payments made (under proper authority) to labourers and others on behalf of and by charge to the Account of contractors and (3) Issues of stock and other materials to contractors. These should be posted as plus entries from the vouchers of accounts as transactions take place. The credits will ordinarily be on account of amounts withheld, for future payment from running Accounts Bill for work done. Such credits as well as repayments of amounts withheld, and recoveries of debits (1), (2) and (3) above, appear in Running Accounts Bill as Entry (G) of Memorandum of Payments which should be posted in this column as a plus entry if minus or vice versa.

    $ Unpaid amounts of muster rolls should be posted in this column as minus entries. Subsequent payment of these arrears should be shown as plus.

    In the case of Running Account Bill for work done the figure in this column should agree with Entry (H) in the Memorandum of Payments.

    ** In this column should be posted the debits on account of advance payments made to the Land Acquisition Officer as plus entries. Subsequent credits on receipt of land award statements, vouchers as minus entries. The refund of advance of Land Acquisition is to be credited to the Suspense Head Land Acquisition.

  • FORM 34 Contd. Reference to measurements

    (A reference to any recorded measurements should be entered here) DETAILS OF CONTRACTORS CLOSING BALANCES

    Reference to Last Running Account Bill Closing Balances Name of

    Contractor Voucher No. Date

    Advance Payment

    Secured Advances

    Other transactions

    Explanation of


    Rs. Rs. Rs.


    * The closing balance under the suspense head Labourers as arrived at overleaf has been compared with the connected record of unpaid wages for work and found correct.

    The work is still in progress.

    * As a rule, reasons for delay should be recorded if an item is not cleared within three months.

    If the work was completed during the month the fact should be stated with an explanation of the steps taken to close the accounts of the work.

    Dated initials of Divisional Accountant

    Remarks by Divisional Officer

    The Divisional Officer will note here whether he has examined the work, counted materials or checked measurements and make any other remarks in respect of the execution of the work or the state of accounts as he may consider necessary.

    Dated initials of Divisional Officer

  • FORM 35

    REGISTER OF MATERIAL-AT-SITE ACCOUNTS (Referred to in paragraphs 10.3.11, 10.3.12, 10.3.18, 10.5.7 and

    10.5.8 of CPWA Code)

    1. Section. Estimated/Requirement .

    2. Name of work. Issue Rate

    3. Name of article

    Sl. No. Date of Receipts/issues

    Received from/ Issued to

    Receipts Issues Balance Signature of JE


    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

  • FORM 35A

    ACCOUNT OF MATERIAL ISSUED TO CONTRACTORS (Referred to in paragraphs 10.3.4 and 10.3.8 of CPWA Code)



    Name of work

    Description of materials

    Total issues to the work Dated initials of Sub-Divisional


    Dated initials of Divisional Accountant in token of




    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    Balance B/F to end of March

    April, 20..


    Sub-Divisional Officer


  • FORM 35A

    ACCOUNT OF MATERIAL ISSUED TO CONTRACTORS (Referred to in paragraphs 10.3.4 and 10.3.8 of CPWA Code)



    Name of work

    Description of materials

    Total issues to the work Dated initials of Sub-Divisional


    Dated initials of Divisional Accountant in token of




    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    Balance B/F to end of March

    April, 20..


    Sub-Divisional Officer



    (Referred to in paragraph 10.3.18 of CPWA Code)

    Division. Name of work.


    Part-I Statement showing the Quantities and Value of materials used in Construction *

    Sl. No.

    Name of


    Quantity Executed

    Description of material

    Cement Steel Total Value

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14




    Quantity/ Value

    * Total used in construction. The quantity used in construction should be calculated on the basis of quantities of work executed. Such authorized formulae being adopted

    for the purpose as may be in use locally.


    Sl. No.

    Name of


    Quantity Executed

    Quantity Executed

    Description of material

    Cement Steel Total Value

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

    1. Quantities issued as per Material Register


    2. Quantities used as per Part I of this Register

    3. Difference

    (+) Excess Issue

    (--) Less Issue

    4. Explanation of differences

    Certified that the quantities of the various items shown in the above statement have been worked out as accurately as possible on the basis of the quantities of work actually done.

    Sub-Divisional Officer

    Executive Engineer

    Division.. Orders of the Divisional Officer



    Total value to be adjusted


    If debited to other accounts

    How disposed of (With

    reference to authority)


    TOTAL If debited to sub-heads of

    this work Amount Month of Adjustment

    Head of Account to be


    Divisional Accountants dated initial


    Signature of S.D.O.


    (Referred to in paragraph 10.6.3of CPWA Code and paragraphs 36 of the CPWD Code)

    As per estimate

    As executed Probable cost of work remaining to be done and value of work already

    done but not brought to account Sub-Heads Unit






    Actual cost to date

    Approximate Quantity


    Probable cost

    Explanations of deviations excesses etc.

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.


    Total charges against final heads

    Probable further expenditure - A


  • As per estimate

    As executed Probable cost of work remaining

    to be done and value of work already done but not brought to

    account Sub-Heads Unit






    Actual cost to date

    Approximate Quantity


    Probable cost

    Explanations of deviations excesses etc.

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.

    Add Suspense Accounts :

    Materials Contractors Advance payments Contractors Secured Advances: Contractors Other Transactions Labourers Total Booked outlay to date Probable further expenditure per entry A above

    TOTAL Deduct Suspense accounts recoverable Ultimate anticipated expenditure on the work


    Work commenced inPresent state of progress in general terms.

    Divisional Accountant Divisional Officer Date.. Date

